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First pre-mission teaser video from Fuse (formerly Overstrike) by Insomniac Games

Put me to sleep 15 seconds in.

This sums up my feeling of the switch to realistic from cel-shade Incredible like art style:


What happened to the fun?

why all the hate???wtf wait till you actual see any gameplay


Call of Duty: Overstrike
Funny how people always have to compare games to COD, Gears or Killzone. Battlefield and Ghost Recon don't get brought nearly as much, even though Fuse is just as likely to have similarities to those games.

But really the question is, why even try to compare it to ANYTHING at this point? Just cynical gamers being cynical.


Funny how people always have to compare games to COD, Gears or Killzone. Battlefield and Ghost Recon don't get brought nearly as much, even though Fuse is just as likely to have similarities to those games.

But really the question is, why even try to compare it to ANYTHING at this point? Just cynical gamers being cynical.

I like you, cakefoo :)

Waiting for some real substance before I start professing how awful a game is because If stylistic choices.
Ya know...

Resistance has dull, generic serious characters too,

so this doesn't surprise me.

But man, what a downgrade from the reveal.


I predict the end of insomniac after to have left sony... bad choice...
They haven't left Sony, they were never a part of Sony, simply a very close third party developer, which they continue to be. They are still making games for them (Ratchet and Clank Full Frontal Assault) they have expanded lot over the years and have 2 studios and at least 4 teams. They are simply expanding and diversifying so that they are better prepared and more flexible for the future, with the Fb game Outernauts and this 360/PS3 game Fuse.

They have a long and excellent relationship with Sony that I'm sure will continue. I should imagine that they are already making something for Sony on the PS4.


This has to be a clever feint before the big reveal where the humor and style are still intact. I hope.

rdrr gnr

It's Insomniac so I am giving them the benefit of the doubt but nothing aside from the CG announcement trailer seems to be interesting. Charm and style can be a saving grace -- this has bomb written all over it. I'll reserve final judgement until at least a game play trailer.


They haven't left Sony, they were never a part of Sony, simply a very close third party developer, which they continue to be. They are still making games for them (Ratchet and Clank Full Frontal Assault) they have expanded lot over the years and have 2 studios and at least 4 teams. They are simply expanding and diversifying so that they are better prepared and more flexible for the future, with the Fb game Outernauts and this 360/PS3 game Fuse.

They have a long and excellent relationship with Sony that I'm sure will continue. I should imagine that they are already making something for Sony on the PS4.

IIRC the way they talked about it when they announced their plans, it sounds like they won't be making a lot of future projects with Sony

I have a feeling Full Frontal Assault is a result of Overstrike/Fuse development taking longer than expected
not happy with the changes, even if the tone of the final game turn out to still be light hearted and fun etc, the old artstyle would fit much better than the new one, so even if the 'fun' is still there, I can't help thinking that it could have been way better...

also, now all character armor is more similar to each other, I like the more casual attire they have in the old one. sinclair is my favorite design from Overstrike and now she looks like generic female model from skyrim/mass effect or something.

: (


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
Not sure what to think of this, to be honest. The redesigned characters don't look all that different, they just look.. more serious, so to say. And in a world where pretty much every FPS protagonist is a srs bsns dude, yet another serious character isn't particularly interesting. The mission briefing was fairly dry and uninteresting too. Still, I'm interested in seeing what this game will look and play like before passing judgment.


IIRC the way they talked about it when they announced their plans, it sounds like they won't be making a lot of future projects with Sony

I have a feeling Full Frontal Assault is a result of Overstrike/Fuse development taking longer than expected
I think I saw it ages ago, do you have a link to the 'talking about plans' you are referring to?

Fuse/Overstrike was originally scheduled to be out this year but they choose to go back and make some rather large changes I believe, hence the delay. I think FFA is just their NC studio becoming the 'R&C studio', making another game on a time limit and budget to help celebrate the 10th Anniversary.

I think it all very much depends on how Outernauts and Fuse/Overstrike do. No way they are cutting off most of their ties with Sony and full out risking everything on these 'experiments'.

As I said I'm sure they will be working with Sony on a PS4 game and keep making games for them to keep them in money while they expand. If things go really well for Insomniac then in 5 years time they might have very little to do with Sony directly. But tbh I think Insomniac are a safe bet for Sony, they are very good at creating universes and constantly deliver well, its a no brainer for Sony to keep paying them to make exclusive games for them and for Insomniac to do it to keep making money.


why all the hate???wtf wait till you actual see any gameplay

First trailer had fun and interesting characters, new trailer shows characters looking drab and generic. What does that have to do with gameplay? For all anyone knows, that could still make the game a good one, but we don't have that information yet.
Dialog still seems to be going for some humour.

This game looked at first like it was aiming to be this generations timesplitters. Which I never got to play.
Considering how Ted Price emphasized the importance of "fun" rather than uber-serious plot-heaviness, it's almost a tad ironic. But that would be a premature judgment, as its very little to go off of. I just fear that Insomniac is once more heading out of their element.


Is it weird that I kind of wanted this to be a T-rated shooter with more cartoonish violence and a relatively low human body count? I dunno, I just like games where the hordes of enemies aren't sentient.


First trailer had fun and interesting characters, new trailer shows characters looking drab and generic. What does that have to do with gameplay? For all anyone knows, that could still make the game a good one, but we don't have that information yet.

You look drab and generic :p

No seriously, the word "generic" is as god awful as "epic". It is literally a fall back for people who are unable to articulate their points, so they get lazy and go to one end of the spectrum and use the dullest word they can find.

The character designs don't look generic to me. It looks like they've simply moved away from a game that was stylized, and instead gone for something a bit more grounded in reality. My biggest concern is the writing and humor, not necessarily the style. If the humor and writing is still representative of what we saw before, and not all "gung-ho rah rah rah" military fare, I'm still interested.

For the record: People look generic. The only way to NOT make people look "generic" is by moving further from realism. Even then, creatively, you can tie most designs back to something else that was an inspiration. When you use the word "generic" you sound silly. Articulate your points, instead of a one word write off sentence because you're on GAF for the lulz and meltdowns.

Patiently waiting for a bigger reveal. Hopefully this count down leads to something meaningful.

IIRC the way they talked about it when they announced their plans, it sounds like they won't be making a lot of future projects with Sony

I have a feeling Full Frontal Assault is a result of Overstrike/Fuse development taking longer than expected

Extremely unlikely. The two are completely unrelated (different publishes, different studios, different teams). It is more likely that FFA is simply Sony looking to celebrate Ratchets 10th anniversary in a bigger way outside of the HD collection and Deadlocked HD.


Geoff just said the game will be revealed next week on Game Trailers TV.

Ugh. I think I'll pass staying up to 1 AM for the re-reveal, especially when the character redesigns have already disappointed me.

At least I'll have a fun topic waiting for me Friday morning.

Is it weird that I kind of wanted this to be a T-rated shooter with more cartoonish violence and a relatively low human body count? I dunno, I just like games where the hordes of enemies aren't sentient.

Nah, I kinda wanted the same.


They don't look that different. If you imagine these as a license photo then it'd make sense that Isabelle and Jacob wouldn't have their glasses on. Sure it's a step up from being cartoony, but the change isn't as drastic as everyone is claiming.

This was my first thought.

The characters haven't changed. They just have serious faces.

Given the trailer context it's understandable.

Jamie OD

that mission briefing looks and sounds exactly like the ones in COD.

I was kind of expecting it to be like that Bulletstorm COD parody.

"Here's your objective. Blah, blah, blah, blah, secret base. Blah, blah, blah, blah, plan. Blah, blah, blah, nuclear missile bomb. Blah, blah, blah, counting on you, utmost importance, win, good luck."


Looks like they learned something from Resistance. If your first game sucks, nobody is going to complain about messing up the second one.
got a NOLF vibe from the older look. This new look is as generic as can be.

I think Insomniac just needs to take a long break or something. They churn out too many games.

Ratchet and Clank was fucking awesome up until the great Crack in Time. Resistance 1 showed promise.
What happened to all the personality of the reveal trailer?

Wh...why would they? That has to be a parody pre-mission briefing. No way they went all typical modern combat style.



relies on auto-aim
I dislike the character portraits shown as a deviation from the old 2011 OverStrike Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ythBZY_y-fU&hd=1

But if anyone can make great characters come to life (if they choose to) Insomniac certainly can.

I also like OverStrike far better as a name as that even has personality to it.
Now the media can say the game "struggles to find an identity" and "lacks soul" while giving it a 7.5. I am from THE FUTURE
Are you a wizard
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