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PnP RPGs OT || Come play the REAL RPGs

Goddamn all these interesting RPG kickstarters, now I wanna also pledge for a PDF copy of Nova Praxis.

That does seem cool. I've been wanting a cool Sci-fi ruleset for some time, but nothing jumps out at me. Traveller is too hard Sci-fi, I think. I'm hopeful that the new Star Wars games might be the key, but I don't want to pay so much for the beta test of it. They should really make the PDF of the beta free or close to it.

Any other suggestions for a Sci-fi RPG that has a bit of mystery, magic, or otheer weirdness? There was a little hardcover that just came out (I think) that was based on 50s themed Sci-fi that I saw the other day. Anyone know of what I speak of and have any impressions or links to impressions? I wish I knew the name of it.

Cosmic Patrol is its name! - http://www.amazon.com/dp/1936876108/?tag=neogaf0e-20


Huh, guess it's not all that new. Still sounds cool.



I finally got to run a quick playtest of DNDnext and it was lots of fun. I got my players to roll up two characters. I'd feared that the process would be a little chunky with the four pillars to choose from (race, class, background, specialty) but it worked well. I had them roll 3D6 in order for abilities, no rerolls, what you got is what you play. Both characters ended up with very low Charisma, other than that they were serviceable. The rest of the process finished up fairly quickly.

We played a little of the caves of chaos from the first playtest packet. Had some exploration and a combat.

All this easily fit in the hour we had, including lots of messing about. Very impressed. My group isn't big on RP, but the character creation seemed to help and we got two very flavourful PCs.

We're playing again this weekend. Overall it looks like DND could be getting back to it's roots.


That does seem cool. I've been wanting a cool Sci-fi ruleset for some time, but nothing jumps out at me. Traveller is too hard Sci-fi, I think. I'm hopeful that the new Star Wars games might be the key, but I don't want to pay so much for the beta test of it. They should really make the PDF of the beta free or close to it.

Any other suggestions for a Sci-fi RPG that has a bit of mystery, magic, or otheer weirdness? There was a little hardcover that just came out (I think) that was based on 50s themed Sci-fi that I saw the other day. Anyone know of what I speak of and have any impressions or links to impressions? I wish I knew the name of it.

Cosmic Patrol is its name! - http://www.amazon.com/dp/1936876108/?tag=neogaf0e-20

Huh, guess it's not all that new. Still sounds cool.

I own Cosmic Patrol. It always felt like Perry Rhodon to me which was awesome.
As you can tell by my own Kickstarter I am a bit more into the darker side of sci fi but I have to say the America novel series, Perry Rhodon, and Cosmic Patrol have a particular feel to them that I love.
I own Cosmic Patrol. It always felt like Perry Rhodon to me which was awesome.
As you can tell by my own Kickstarter I am a bit more into the darker side of sci fi but I have to say the America novel series, Perry Rhodon, and Cosmic Patrol have a particular feel to them that I love.

Oh wow, I'll have to check out those books. I'm always up for "new" pulpy sci-fi.

REALLY love the new Pathfinder Player Companions lately. The last two have broken away from the rigid formula, and added bite sized chunks that players interested in the themes can eaily incorporate. My favorite thing is the addition of a Roles section, which offers suggestions to a PC that wants a specific Golarion-esque character type, with tips for class, feats, skills, archetypes, and even prestige classes in some cases.

So far Varisia, Birthplace of Legends and Knights of the Inner Sea have come out, but with a monthly schedule all kinds of oddness is coming. I'm excited to the book all about expanding animal companions and familiars.


Krypt, ya you should try out Cosmic Patrol. I dig it.

Well our Kickstarter isn't seeing much of a bump and with Werewolf coming out(with the weirdest reward levels I have ever seen on a Kickstarter) it looks like it won't make it.

Back to the daily grind I think:( Well the daily grind involves playing videogames and roleplaying so it aint all bad.
So I have to praise the shit out of Paizo's customer service dept, specifically Sara Marie and Cosmo. I bought a copy of a Pathfinder hardcover back in Orlando inn the Spring, and within a week, the signatures (industry speak for the bundles of pages) all pulled away from the stitching, and were just about swinging free. I no longer had my receipt from CoolStuffGames so I was shit out of luck.

Cut to this Wednesday, when I made a thread on the Paizo boards Advice section asking for help in glueing the book back in place. Someone suggested contacting CustServe, and after two emails, and a picture of the failed binding, they are sending me a new copy with my next Pathfinder Tales shipment of Dave Gross's Queen of Thorns end of this month!



Hi guys! When i was in high school i loved playing dnd but now that time has past, i dont play but i would love buying some books just to read, what is a good series to start with i am a huge fan of firefly is there anything like that (yes ive see the book on it but it seemed kinda poopy.

Im a total noob on this but i hear alot about call of cathulu. my girlfriend would love the setting but is the game hard to learn?



Hi guys! When i was in high school i loved playing dnd but now that time has past, i dont play but i would love buying some books just to read, what is a good series to start with i am a huge fan of firefly is there anything like that (yes ive see the book on it but it seemed kinda poopy.

Im a total noob on this but i hear alot about call of cathulu. my girlfriend would love the setting but is the game hard to learn?

I can only speak for Call of Cthulhu, which has some really great published scenarios to read. It also has the advantage of the huge literary canon of Lovecraft and others to draw from. If you're interested in playing: It's easy to start running, but efficiently utilising the setting is tricky. A new edition (the 7th) is on the way which supposedly brings some changes to make it easier to play without losing the depth (obviously not everyone agrees with that though). Here's an overview of some changes: http://theunspeakableoath.com/home/?p=1024

For plain reading, I think the Trail of Cthulhu game has some sweet stuff, especially in the way it offers different views of the mythos. Check the sample that's available on the bottom of this page (p. 9 specifically): http://www.pelgranepress.com/site/?page_id=242


I can only speak for Call of Cthulhu, which has some really great published scenarios to read. It also has the advantage of the huge literary canon of Lovecraft and others to draw from. If you're interested in playing: It's easy to start running, but efficiently utilising the setting is tricky. A new edition (the 7th) is on the way which supposedly brings some changes to make it easier to play without losing the depth (obviously not everyone agrees with that though). Here's an overview of some changes: http://theunspeakableoath.com/home/?p=1024

For plain reading, I think the Trail of Cthulhu game has some sweet stuff, especially in the way it offers different views of the mythos. Check the sample that's available on the bottom of this page (p. 9 specifically): http://www.pelgranepress.com/site/?page_id=242

Sorry for the late response i really appreciate it i will definitely take a look!


Bought a PDF copy of a rulebook for a sci-fi mecha RPG called Remnants after reading about it in a Swedish hobby gaming magazine. Pretty interesting, quick rules, everything so far solved with a simple D6, plays out in a post-apocalypse world. Not yet so far in the book but I like it.

Also bought a copy of the Pathfinder module Crypt of the Everflame, gonna study on it and prepare a couple of characters for friends to play with. Have been itching to play Pathfinder again after have been to a couple of meetings at a RPG club here in town.


Unconfirmed Member
Was Planescape ever converted to 3.5? Been looking to finally run a dnd game, but the players are less than interested in 2e stuff.


Was Planescape ever converted to 3.5? Been looking to finally run a dnd game, but the players are less than interested in 2e stuff.

The setting is as good as dead. Manual of the Planes deals with it a little, but it's not really a campaign setting book or anything like that. Our best hope is that they revive it for 5e like they did with Dark Sun in 4e, and that the conversion is just as good.
If your players aren't big 2e fans (Shame on them! it's still the best edition of D&D), it's not that hard to convert the 2e stuff to 3e. I did once for some of the thing when I was running a Planescape campaign in 3e - The fluff matters much more than the technical bits. Just get familiar with the setting and *know* it, and it'll be pretty easy to know what to do from the technical standpoint.


Unconfirmed Member
The fluff matters much more than the technical bits. Just get familiar with the setting and *know* it

Man, I was so let down when I found out like 80% of the Dak'kon Githerzai stuff was made up for Torment.

And yeah, I suppose I'll convert the stuff. Githzerai, Ratatoskr, Genasi and loads more had 3.5 conversions so it's not like I'll be working from nothing. And it's very, very hard to convince the people I know to play anything other than 3.5 (and its derivatives) and WH40kRPGs, for some reason.


Man, I was so let down when I found out like 80% of the Dak'kon Githerzai stuff was made up for Torment.

And yeah, I suppose I'll convert the stuff. Githzerai, Ratatoskr, Genasi and loads more had 3.5 conversions so it's not like I'll be working from nothing. And it's very, very hard to convince the people I know to play anything other than 3.5 (and its derivatives) and WH40kRPGs, for some reason.

It's a common situation, groups usually don't want unnecessary changes, especially if they feel what they have right now is working. Anyway, you should look into the Manual of the Planes, as it deals with some parts of sigil and the planes, which might help you quite a bit.
If you an convince your group to venture into unknown territories though, I personally like playing D&D campaigns in Primetime Adventures. It's just all fluff and none of the bullshit, like playing a fantasy mini-series. Primetime Adventures is seriously one of my favorite RPGs right now, as long as you play with some decent people, you could pull off some really fun games.


Unconfirmed Member
If you an convince your group to venture into unknown territories though, I personally like playing D&D campaigns in Primetime Adventures. It's just all fluff and none of the bullshit, like playing a fantasy mini-series. Primetime Adventures is seriously one of my favorite RPGs right now, as long as you play with some decent people, you could pull off some really fun games.

Primetime Adventures looks cool, but I'm not sure it fits how I want to run Planescape. Still, got them to go halfway- we're using Myth and Magic now, the 2e-with-feats-and-stuff retroclone.


Just chiming in to voice my support for you guys. I don't have the time or friends to play anymore, but miss all those random basement sessions. 2nd edition forever!

Hard to believe it's been 20 years since I ran the most kickass Spelljammer campaign to ever exist. And most likely the only spelljammer campaign to ever exist.


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider
Well, the new season of encounters is basically a test play of D&D Next.


Ran a Trail of Cthulhu game last week. It went pretty well, a very interesting system, but takes a little getting used to and I didn't have long to prep the adventure. I always find it rough running a new system the first time. The spend system is great.

I ran Devourers in the Mist, it starts as ship wreak survival on deserted island and goes all lovecraftian from there.

Anyone looking for some horror gaming should look up Trail.

@kyrptionian I've head good things about Ashen Stars, another GUMSHOE system. Not sure how weird it is though, it might be more space opera.

Just chiming in to voice my support for you guys. I don't have the time or friends to play anymore, but miss all those random basement sessions. 2nd edition forever!

Hard to believe it's been 20 years since I ran the most kickass Spelljammer campaign to ever exist. And most likely the only spelljammer campaign to ever exist.


Ran a Trail of Cthulhu game last week. It went pretty well, a very interesting system, but takes a little getting used to and I didn't have long to prep the adventure. I always find it rough running a new system the first time. The spend system is great.

I ran Devourers in the Mist, it starts as ship wreak survival on deserted island and goes all lovecraftian from there.

Anyone looking for some horror gaming should look up Trail.

The quantity and quality of the supplements coming out for Trail are astounding. It seems to be getting a lot more support than the original Call is at the moment. Even if you prefer another horror game, they're worth checking out to steal from or convert across. They're very well done.

Ross Payton over at RPPR is running the 'Invasive Procedures' scenario on his website at the moment and part 2 of the actual play just came out (only minutes ago). He's running it under the Fear Itself game, which is still GUMSHOE and will fit without any issue in Trail (they include how to add Lovecraftian horrors like Mi-Go in the book, but I think it's best as written). It's very creepy body horror and is likely to unnerve most players.


Figured I would post here. We let the AfterEarth team go nuts and create a card deck for KickStarter. Including some limited edition steel playing cards. AfterEarth did not make its goal but the card deck was complete and we had already talked to Bicycle about having them print our cards.

Not sure how many of you play poker or games with normal cards like we do. We usually play RPG's 2 times a week and cards 1 time. But I figured I would post it here since many expressed their excitement over the art from AfterEarth when it was on Kickstarter.

Anyway here is the link if any of you play.


Figured I would post here. We let the AfterEarth team go nuts and create a card deck for KickStarter. Including some limited edition steel playing cards. AfterEarth did not make its goal but the card deck was complete and we had already talked to Bicycle about having them print our cards.

Not sure how many of you play poker or games with normal cards like we do. We usually play RPG's 2 times a week and cards 1 time. But I figured I would post it here since many expressed their excitement over the art from AfterEarth when it was on Kickstarter.

Here are the Aces-



Anyway there are some good fantasy cards for those of you who play normal cards from time to time. I also have to say we kicked ass on the deck price(though international shipping is always high)

Anyway here is the link if any of you play.

Those are really nice, love the little details with the suits "hidden" in the pictures. I dont play cards so often, got overexposed in my youth and started to seek out more advanced forms of card games, right now playing Android: Netrunner a lot.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Just popping in to quote a post from two months ago? Resisting the urge to tag quote.

Does anyone know some good resources for orc lore? Running a half-orc and I feel like he's a bit too bland in his presentation so I wanted to try and study up on mannerisms and such that I could incorporate into play.
If you like terrible outdated rules, broken game mechanics, and stuff that just doesn't work. Then yes, it's fantastic.

Hahahahahaha *cough* HAHAHAHAHAHA

You're full of shit as usual.

Sweeps the Gold Ennies again and here you are with your fanboy bullshit in the thread again. Clockwork on both sides, dear.

I'll just leave your psychotic frothing rant from earlier here. Sorry about that failed edition.

You're insane.

It is pretty terrible, because it has a terrible, unbalanced base!

Classes are wildly unbalanced. A magic user, congrats, you just won! A martial class? Sorry, you're consigned to being terrible.

Combat is a unbalanced mess in which HP etc are meaningless because all that matters is that the wizard casts the one spell that instantly wins the fight. And it's pretty bad for non combat things because, again, it's based off the absurd and broken 3e rules. And hey, again magic classes automatically win that too!

To top it off, Pazio is a pretty terrible company. Not only do they make their money stealing someone elses work through abusing a loophole, they actively lie about their competitors and cater to the concept that RPGs should be stagnant and backward.

If you want a "D&D experience" Then play Dungeons and Dragons 4th edition. It's far better at the "kill monsters and take their stuff" thing then Pathfinder (Since the rules have some semblance of sanity and balance) and if you want some non combat social roleplaying, do a FATE based game.


Just popping in to quote a post from two months ago? Resisting the urge to tag quote.

Does anyone know some good resources for orc lore? Running a half-orc and I feel like he's a bit too bland in his presentation so I wanted to try and study up on mannerisms and such that I could incorporate into play.

What setting are you playing in? :p
Anyway, Half-Orcs do not usually have their own culture, they tend to blend into other's. If he was raised by orcs, he'll probably believe in Orcish gods and feature Orcish mannerism and customs (such as admiring scars.) If he was raised by humans, the human culture in that particular place in the world will probably determine most of those things (with the added specific that he was probably shunned by most people.)
What setting are you playing in? :p
Anyway, Half-Orcs do not usually have their own culture, they tend to blend into other's. If he was raised by orcs, he'll probably believe in Orcish gods and feature Orcish mannerism and customs (such as admiring scars.) If he was raised by humans, the human culture in that particular place in the world will probably determine most of those things (with the added specific that he was probably shunned by most people.)

And the later totally depends on how your DM sees Orcs/Half-Orcs in his/her world. Make sure to ask. :)

I had a DM that used Orcs as his seafaring race, and didn't see them as evil but neutral with individuals setting their own course.


It's important to ask the DM as much information as possible about the world you're playing in. If the Orcs are feared and loathed your character may find himself resorting to live outside of the mainstream society or have very low self-esteem for example. But if Orcs are the dominant race in the world, for example, your character would react very differently to his mixed-heritage.


Those are really nice, love the little details with the suits "hidden" in the pictures. I dont play cards so often, got overexposed in my youth and started to seek out more advanced forms of card games, right now playing Android: Netrunner a lot.

Thanks Keaser! We also had some big Neogaf pledges. Appreciate it guys. About 500 from our goal in just 5 days. Really awesome. For some reason custom dice and poker hand protectors are...BIG. Way higher than expected ordering for that. We thought people would just want the steel playing cards and such but man those custom dice...

About the Orc campaign. I agree checking with teh DM. Otherwise it could be a BUMPY road!


Got myself a copy of swedish RPG Svavelvinter (Brimstone Winter) based on the fantasy book series of the same name who in turn are based on a old Drakar och Demoner module.

Have read about it (quite a lot of awards so far) and got interested in how it plays. Right now going through the rules and it has some really cool things going for it. While you play your own character, you also play in something called the "shadowgames", a behind-the-scenes boardgame style round where you play something of a higher power like a god, a statesman, a leader of a powerful organisation or the like. You play for influence over the land and set in motions events that the characters then later might come upon. Interesting part here is all characters is associated with one of the "shadowpowers", and the shadowpower is always controlled by another player, not the same player who controls the character.

Have yet to experience what this does to the actual gameplay, but it sounds like it could create some very interesting situations.


Got myself a copy of swedish RPG Svavelvinter (Brimstone Winter) based on the fantasy book series of the same name who in turn are based on a old Drakar och Demoner module.

Have read about it (quite a lot of awards so far) and got interested in how it plays. Right now going through the rules and it has some really cool things going for it. While you play your own character, you also play in something called the "shadowgames", a behind-the-scenes boardgame style round where you play something of a higher power like a god, a statesman, a leader of a powerful organisation or the like. You play for influence over the land and set in motions events that the characters then later might come upon. Interesting part here is all characters is associated with one of the "shadowpowers", and the shadowpower is always controlled by another player, not the same player who controls the character.

Have yet to experience what this does to the actual gameplay, but it sounds like it could create some very interesting situations.
That does sound interesting. How much?
That Swedish game sounds really spiffy---yet another for the grand list of things that need to get an English release as they look to be quality.

I'd guess some folks here would be up for the Spears of the Dawn RPG Kickstarter? Ends in 23 hours and is a setting I can't recall seeing approached before to any great degree---funded and stretching.


I spent the last day or so scouring KS and IGG, partly with the help of that site in the OP---all sorts of projects it is insane how poorly the browsing on each is for finding them and sorting the lot.


Since /tg/ could only suggest gurps or legends of wulin

anybody know of a good rpgs I coulds use to set it in the three kingdoms era of china? is there a universal d20 system I could theoretically use?


Howdy hoo!
Chromatics smashed its goals and flew past the custom dice goal.
So here is a picture that many of you Gafers are getting!
Normal card deck dice

If we meet the stretch goal extra dice

Thanks to everyone here! Neogaf peeps have been huge supporters of us and this just means we will be able to throw the AfterEarth RPG back up sooner!



Fantastic reason to bump this languishing thread.

Paizo did an unboxing of the most gorgeous RPG product ever released.

The Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition Collector's set and it's jaw droppingly cool.


It is a shame this thread isn't getting the attention it once did. This thread gathered much more attention in Gaming than it has in Off-Topic, it boggles the mind that it remains here.

Whilst I don't much care for the contents of that book, what they have there is truly stunning. I'd probably cut myself on the metal details, those pointy bits on the latch look mean.

To add some more content, it's awesome to see Dungeon World won a Golden Geek for Game of the Year. It hasn't even come back from the printers yet, but is available in PDF from DriveThruRPG where it has sat at #1 since its release.

GUMSHOE fans can relish in the fact that Kenneth Hite will take on a 6-month stint at Pelgrane Press. He'll be working on Night's Black Agents stuff as well as doing some writing and other things for the Trail of Cthulhu. Mythos Expeditions should move forward more with him at hand, which I cannot wait for. Eternal Lies has finally entered layout, another product I'll buy the instant it's available; the more Cthulhu campaigns, the better. All this news was stolen, but reworded poorly by me, from here.

In the meantime, I'm looking forward to the newly released Out of Space. I have the PDFs of the adventures contained within, but you can't beat having the book.

Second, I worship Dungeon World. Well deserved!

Third, you just reminded me that I bought Trail of Cthulhu and have to read it! :)


I've got some stuff for Trail of Cthulhu if you're interested. Here's some of the different character sheets I've found for it, all in a neat little zip file for your convenience (there's a surprise inside that players in your group might appreciate too, though I think I doubled it up by accident, sorry about that).

Most of them are pretty much fillable variations of the standard ones in the book and on the Pelgrane site, but there are a couple of fun ones I found at Cthulhu Reborn. There's some there for Call of Cthulhu on that site too if anyone else is interested, in the downloads section (one of his sheets ended up in the new Cthulhu by Gaslight, to give you an idea of how cool they are).

Also, here's the official Pelgrane character generator for Trail of Cthulhu - The Black Book. I don't know why it has been so hidden away. It has a login, which is odd, but it can save any character you've made so you can store them and any pregens you like there.


Just had a order put down for the Mouse Guard RPG box. Hopefully they will be able to find a copy to deliver to me. Have read the first two volumes of Mouse Guard and absolutely love the series so this RPG seemed pretty fun to read, and I have heard some good things about its system.

Also joined a PnP RPG club in town, have spent the last two weeks playing Eclipse Phase. I think we are about to die in the group. :p


Just had a order put down for the Mouse Guard RPG box. Hopefully they will be able to find a copy to deliver to me. Have read the first two volumes of Mouse Guard and absolutely love the series so this RPG seemed pretty fun to read, and I have heard some good things about its system.

Also joined a PnP RPG club in town, have spent the last two weeks playing Eclipse Phase. I think we are about to die in the group. :p

You won't regret it, Mouse Guard is pretty awesome!


You won't regret it, Mouse Guard is pretty awesome!

So I have heard, I first came across the entire Mouse Guard series reading a Penny Arcade strip long ago. Since then I have been kinda hooked, borrowed the first two volumes from a friend and now probably gonna put an order down for all of them after christmas.


Just popping in to quote a post from two months ago? Resisting the urge to tag quote.

Does anyone know some good resources for orc lore? Running a half-orc and I feel like he's a bit too bland in his presentation so I wanted to try and study up on mannerisms and such that I could incorporate into play.

I'm playing a half-orc in a Pathfinder game. I found some interesting stuff in the Advanced Players Guide and the Advanced Race Guide. They've put together a couple interesting essays regarding way of life and they have set up some decent variable racial abilities to fine-tune your character. Remember to also read the Orc entry because if could affect your backstory plus half-orcs have access to those racial abilities as well.

Pathfinder has done a nice job with half-orcs. They were a little bland with the Core Rules but now they have been expanded into an interesting race.
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