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Splinter Cell: Blacklist goes gold


Three enemies when you haven't alerted anyone is fair, it would take all of them at least that much time to figure out what's happening and get their sights on you when you've got the element of surprise. They could have actually worked it into the basic structure of the gameplay instead of treating it like a throw-away multiplayer perk, but they didn't and that's a damn tragedy in my book.

Manual aiming boils any game down to click on all the targets as fast as you can! which is counter-intuitive to slow-paced, strategic gameplay. Remember how in MGS1, MGS2 and MGS3 you were limited to awkward, standing 1st-person aiming that took minutes to line up, or close-medium range auto-aiming? It was so much better that way because close-medium range combat (if you fucked up enough to be engaged in it) was about regaining a tactical advantage and not clicking on all the guys. Not saying Splinter Cell should try to be like Metal Gear, but both franchises should do everything they can to distance themselves from twitchy TPS mechanics.

I know that in Conviction, Mark and Execute was limited by range. They should have made it more so. The idea of Sam clearing out a group of enemies in a confined space makes more sense than the ridiculous long distance aimbot kills he's capable of in the game.

I could get behind setpiece combat encounters designed like this, rather than being relegated to cutscenes.
When will you learn? When will this stop? Expect AC III levels of disjointedness and bad.

This trend is definitely disconcerting. Hopefully it won't make an impact on my enjoyment of Blacklist. I know sure as hell that I don't want anything to do with AC4, Ubi completely lost me with AC after Brotherhood. Too many games, too little time, not different/good enough to entice me into playing.

Gun Animal


Ein Bear

The lack of Ironside is still all kinds of bullshit, but this is actually looking really good. Haven't played a Splinter Cell game since Chaos Theory, think I'll be getting back into the series with this one.
So they got rid of ironside and replaced him with...what?

From the videos I've seen he has zero personality. It actually looks like someone has tried to draw Commander Shepard from memory as well, it's literally the least creative way they could possibly have re-invented the character.

On the other hand, the gameplay looks pretty good so far. I'm disliking the prompts everywhere and particularly the mini map. From the sounds of things Perfectionist difficulty will deal with that however.


I'll be waiting for this to hit $30. Seeing game play videos it looks much better than conviction but not quite as fun or interesting as chaos theory.

also gotta watch out for that ubisoft jank.


Okay. I just cracked my knuckles. Time to do some fact checking.

If you haven't read this thread, do it and stop being ignorant about the gamehttp://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=600891.

Any reviews yet?

Still worried this may be a slightly more polished Conviction.

That's exactly how I felt after playing Conviction. Great game...bad Splinter Cell game
IGN gets the first review I believe, the Wednesday prior to release (14 August).

Conviction was a rush job, seeing as they spent most of their time trying to develop hobo Sam and realizing AC was already doing social stealth. There was a postmortem I read somewhere where they admit they didn't have time to include some older elements in the game to make the date for Conviction. It had to be pared down for polish's sake. The devs have actually been interviewed by some community members and said outright that they kinda fucked up with Conviction, at least for the older fans.

I only played SC, Pandora and Chaos but the gameplay looks a lot different to me. I mean no more light meter? Sam is sprinting out into a group of enemies and enters bullet time now to take them all out? Scaling walls in seconds like Ezio? Killing dogs?!

Like I said I only played the first few games of the series but those were all about stealth. This game doesn't look like it plays anything like that.

So despite the developers no longer being limited by the tech, their game shouldn't evolve one iota?

Light meter? Its 2013 dude. Surely the game is sophisticated enough to know when you're in a shadow or not without a light meter.

Svaling a wall. Yeah and? What makes Ezio so much lighter and more agile than Sam?

If a dog sniffs him out and attacks him, should he not kill it? Should he pat the dog and say "Sshh, dont attack me, this is a stealth game".

I would like to correct everyone who has said there isn't a light meter: there is, it's the light on the back of his sneaking suit. It's dumb as all get out from a narrative perspective (a bright neon light on your chest means you're invisible!) but anything to eliminate UI clutter is a good thing. It is a binary instead of a gradient now, though.

There isn't a sound or ambient sound meter as far as I know, though, an that's a bit of a let-down. Would have loved a combination of MGS4 and MGSPW's sound system, such as: half-press on the analog stick never makes sound, full-press makes sound unless there is lots of ambient noise nearby. Make ambient noise a binary as well: lights on either side of Sam's feet could light up near a busy intersection, while it's raining and there's lighting, or while enemies are firing. That would have been neat as heck. Oh well.

I promised myself years ago that I would day-one any action/stealth game that allowed for pacifist runs to support less murder-centric game design, so I'm pretty much obligated to get this no matter what. Looks like it might even be a little fun despite it's lame Tom Clancy filler story.

I feel like it would have been great if they'd included mark & execute, with a cooldown timer instead of having to build up points for it, and stripped out manual aiming completely. Only being able to kill a maximum of three enemies with guns in one scenario would only improve stealth gameplay, right?
Light meter is out but the system is far from binary, other than the indicator. I know warning/detection arcs are probably the new shit in stealth games but how it's displayed is very subtle and guards getting suspicious/detecting you is on a gradient and depending on other variables. If you are closer, it fills up faster; if it fills up white, it looks like they get suspicious; if it starts jumping, it means they've definitely noticed something; red is full alert. At pretty much almost any stage of the detection arc, a guard will shift out of his routine and into a different mode of alertness to check out the issue. I believe I've seen videos where the detection arc merely flashes for a second, barely even filling but the player was really close so the guard moved to inspect whereas the arc takes a while to fill up but being far enough away means a guard doesn't really engage just yet but when it gets close to full, the guard does get suspicious if not freak the fuck out because he saw an American ninja.

In regards to dogs, they actually seem to have proven to be a lot of trouble for most people playing the game, press or otherwise maybe not used to stealth. Even the devs had some issues playing on normal while chatting to press because dogs seem to have a pretty substantial small radius or whatever. Note that dogs aren't dangerous alone but as soon as they start barking the AI will also shift into alertness and start searching where the dog is barking. AI probably work together much more in this game than I have seen in previous games. Well, dogs will actually run at you and latch on (mash X to escape, actually) and will probably be able to find you from further away even if you break LOS.

Sound/ambient sound has been reduced a bit but it still matters. There are plenty of recent videos with people trying to "sneak" behind enemies but they clearly have the stick pulled forward so Sam is actually crouched at running speed, which generates sound and, we'll if it's not on easy difficulty they'll probably hear you. Bunch of other things like the tri-rotor make some slight noise and can be detected. No meter but you just have to eyeball (eardrum?) it. Sound also figures into the detection system I detailed above.

Splinter Cell has never been fully pacifist but apparently you can finish 99% of the game without killing anyone as Sam
which means you do take control of other characters at points
- yes there is an achievement/trophy for that. I mean the number of people you pretty much have to interact/knock out/kill in Chaos Theory alone you can count on more than one hand, so it's not like SC is a stealth franchise where you never touch a single thing other than the objective and no one ever knows you were there (until after the fact).

Three enemies when you haven't alerted anyone is fair, it would take all of them at least that much time to figure out what's happening and get their sights on you when you've got the element of surprise. They could have actually worked it into the basic structure of the gameplay instead of treating it like a throw-away multiplayer perk, but they didn't and that's a damn tragedy in my book.

Manual aiming boils any game down to click on all the targets as fast as you can! which is counter-intuitive to slow-paced, strategic gameplay. Remember how in MGS1, MGS2 and MGS3 you were limited to awkward, standing 1st-person aiming that took minutes to line up, or close-medium range auto-aiming? It was so much better that way because close-medium range combat (if you fucked up enough to be engaged in it) was about regaining a tactical advantage and not clicking on all the guys. Not saying Splinter Cell should try to be like Metal Gear, but both franchises should do everything they can to distance themselves from twitchy TPS mechanics.
You can also mark and execute with a stun gun if it makes you feel any better.

Buy it for me and I'll be your coop and MP buddy! :D

On a serious note, I'm still hesitant on this but at least that video above made me feel a little better about the game. I just have so few funds that the risk isn't worth it yet since there's other games I could get that I know I'll love whereas Blacklist has soured me a bit. It's hard to say that being one of the biggest SC fans out there and someone who still considers CT's SvM to be one of the top 5 best MP games of all time.

I'm not sure why some of you act like fans can't be disappointed with what they've seen or heard though. Opinions differ so what's so hard to understand about some people not being happy with some of the radical changes we've seen? It's not like they're hating it to be edgy but for actual constructive reasons. No one is saying a series shouldn't evolve but no one should think that EVERY single change done is a good thing in the name of evolution. There's plenty of design changes that sucked in MP games and pissed off loyal fans and sometimes those changes were addressed by the developers so why not voice concerns over HUGE changes?

I'd like to get this just because I truly am a SC fan but that depends on if I can sell something I guess. That doesn't mean I like everything they've done but I do think there's still very few games out there that provide SC's gameplay. Maybe that's why people get annoyed at fundamental changes?
There are legitimate complaints and then there are "b....b....but it's not Chaos Theory". I mean SCCT was a fucking awesome fantastic game but it really didn't do the series any favours when everyone thinks the franchise suddenly didn't have action elements in them or anything when Clint Hocking wasn't in charge. Granted I loved the changes in CT that made it much more open-ended than the previous games but Splinter Cell has always had a more narrative angle to the stealth so some linearity and 'forced' sequences aren't going to make me uncomfortable when they show up, as long as it makes sense and isn't too often.

SvM changes are different but they seem to be capturing the spirit of the game, just not the codebase, because honestly it seemed (and to me it was) extremely hard to approach. They've taken it in a way that makes it a bit easier to pick up but it is still fairly nuanced. Not to sound like an apologist but we really do have to wait and see for the metagame before shooting it down, but the intent is pretty clear on their design choices. I mean if the original creator of SvM thinks it is so, maybe it is for the better? Or should we start photoshoping devil horns and a tail on him?

I know that in Conviction, Mark and Execute was limited by range. They should have made it more so. The idea of Sam clearing out a group of enemies in a confined space makes more sense than the ridiculous long distance aimbot kills he's capable of in the game.
They actually tweaked M&E a bit more. Other than being able to use it while moving (so you don't stop to do it while in motion) there is a gauge to earn a token; although a melee grab will always fill it 100% but it gives something like assault players a way to take it without requiring a melee grab.

I believe they also reduced the range (esp. on pistols) and actually fixed it so you can't abuse it by clipping geometry more often, so you pretty much need clear LOS to get everyone.

So they got rid of ironside and replaced him with...what?

From the videos I've seen he has zero personality. It actually looks like someone has tried to draw Commander Shepard from memory as well, it's literally the least creative way they could possibly have re-invented the character.

On the other hand, the gameplay looks pretty good so far. I'm disliking the prompts everywhere and particularly the mini map. From the sounds of things Perfectionist difficulty will deal with that however.
Eric Johnson has worked with Michael Ironside before, if you're worried and Ironside did stick around to help train Eric on how to 'be' Sam Fisher, as in tone, etc. He's definitely not going to try to do an Ironside voice impersonation though, sorry.

I would say you should watch this as the devs and Johnson also talk a bit about how they approached Sam Fisher this time around.

And if you are concerned he's just a pretty face tied to the performance capture, this video seems to show otherwise. From what I've heard from other people in the studio he's gotten pretty intense with being authentic to the whole "Sam Fisher is a fucking goddamn Navy SEAL and deadly American ninja" and even taking time off to keep practicing the training the stunt coordinator Kevin Secours would provide(who probably has the same training as Sam Fisher would). If he can show someone else how to hold a gun differently then yeah that's plenty of practice. I've actually also seen him do actual real fucking takedowns and knockouts on Kevin Secours for the press. Kevin will actually get choked out for fun and Eric will know exactly how to revive him, which is scary.


Games like this (including Ghost Recon and other tactical/military sim types) make me hnnnngh.

So despite the developers no longer being limited by the tech, their game shouldn't evolve one iota?

Light meter? Its 2013 dude. Surely the game is sophisticated enough to know when you're in a shadow or not without a light meter.

Svaling a wall. Yeah and? What makes Ezio so much lighter and more agile than Sam?

If a dog sniffs him out and attacks him, should he not kill it? Should he pat the dog and say "Sshh, dont attack me, this is a stealth game".

Jesus christ, why is everyone on this site so defensive? How did you possibly get that from what I said? All I pointed out is that the gameplay seems to have changed a lot from the originals. Back then the only thing I used a gun for was shooting out lights to stay in the dark because being in the open with more than one enemy was basically a death sentence. Now they have Sam running out into an open area in broad daylight surrounded by 5 enemies and taking all of them out in slow motion...God forbid I point out the obvious.

I didn't even say there's anything wrong with these changes, I was just surprised by how different it is from the others I've played.

lol You HAVE to play this game. There is more stealth than you can imagine son.

I plan on it.


Jesus christ, why is everyone on this site so defensive? How did you possibly get that from what I said? All I pointed out is that the gameplay seems to have changed a lot from the originals. Back then the only thing I used a gun for was shooting out lights to stay in the dark because being in the open with more than one enemy was basically a death sentence. Now they have Sam running out into an open area in broad daylight surrounded by 5 enemies and taking all of them out in slow motion...God forbid I point out the obvious.

I didn't even say there's anything wrong with these changes, I was just surprised by how different it is from the others I've played.

I plan on it.
Hyperbole aside, you can die very easily even when they improved the gunplay so you can't play it like a simple cover shooter. I mean if you equip yourself in a bunch of armour you might be able to take an extra hit or two, but if you want to play loud most of your time will probably be spent on the move before taking a shot or flanking them instead of direct confrontation.

But can I play perfectionist mode straight away? Or do I need to finish the game first.
You can start on perfectionist.
Hyperbole aside, you can die very easily even when they improved the gunplay so you can't play it like a simple cover shooter. I mean if you equip yourself in a bunch of armour you might be able to take an extra hit or two, but if you want to play loud most of your time will probably be spent on the move before taking a shot or flanking them instead of direct confrontation..

What part was hyperbole?


That you could ever mark and execute 5 people. 3 seems to be the hard limit regardless of weapon whereas there were weapons in Conviction that allowed up to 4.

Minor detail, I know. :)
That you could ever mark and execute 5 people. 3 seems to be the hard limit regardless of weapon whereas there were weapons in Conviction that allowed up to 4.

Minor detail, I know. :)

Ah, maybe there were 5 in the same proximity and he only targeted a few of them. It's been a while since I saw that first gameplay video they released.


Ah, maybe there were 5 in the same proximity and he only targeted a few of them. It's been a while since I saw that first gameplay video they released.
Oh god, watch something more recent. That old E3 demo, I can't believe people still base their opinions around that.

That being said if you wanted to smoke 5 motherfuckers in a short instant, mark 3, line up two for a headshot or headshot/melee followup then press execute. Sure it requires more effort I guess.


Looks fun. Wish we could have gotten more of a red dead mechanic(placing your shots) instead of mark and execute. Doubt I'll ever use it.


For anyone curious: Here is an extensive (but not exhaustive) list of videos on Splinter Cell: Blacklist that I have compiled.

If you want more info on the game, read my hype/anti-hype info thread and decide from there. I'm not going to try to sell you on the game if you already made up your mind.


my first splinter cell

n00b friendly?

or should i not bother?
It won't be entirely obtuse on picking it up. Looks like it'll be fine for beginners but if you are completely new to the stealth genre it might take a bit more time to get used to playing it with stealth in mind. If not you could try to play it a bit more action-y.

That being said they didn't make it that easy to simply shoot your way through it like any other TPS.
Oh god, watch something more recent. That old E3 demo, I can't believe people still base their opinions around that.

That being said if you wanted to smoke 5 motherfuckers in a short instant, mark 3, line up two for a headshot or headshot/melee followup then press execute. Sure it requires more effort I guess.

Why? Did that whole section get cut from the game?


Why? Did that whole section get cut from the game?
It was for demo purposes. From what I've read and spotted in some videos, that part of the game is still in the game (Mirawa, Iraq) but has been reworked quite a lot to the point where I don't think that "interrogation" sequence is even there any more (they are still in the game though) and the final part with Jadid has changed quite a lot (even just the level layout so it's not "choose this breech point or choose the other one"). As in it's not just a giant empty room with an objective surrounded by guards but has a more elaborate layout.


I completely forgot this game was coming out, Ubisoft seems to only be talking about Assassins and Watch_Dogs, and letting this game sorta float by. I'll probably pick it up after Saints Row.

They have been talking about this game a lot, its been about 3 trailers a week, yes they have talked a lot about AC4 too. I have not seen much new about Watch_Dogs like the other two.


For anyone curious: Here is an extensive (but not exhaustive) list of videos on Splinter Cell: Blacklist that I have compiled.

If you want more info on the game, read my hype/anti-hype info thread and decide from there. I'm not going to try to sell you on the game if you already made up your mind.

It won't be entirely obtuse on picking it up. Looks like it'll be fine for beginners but if you are completely new to the stealth genre it might take a bit more time to get used to playing it with stealth in mind. If not you could try to play it a bit more action-y.

That being said they didn't make it that easy to simply shoot your way through it like any other TPS.

thank you kindly!

I appreciate your quick response!


They have been talking about this game a lot, its been about 3 trailers a week, yes they have talked a lot about AC4 too. I have not seen much new about Watch_Dogs like the other two.
Been following the game since January and it's been pretty quiet until maybe around May/June when it picked up a bit. Looks like they finally decided to do a bunch of shit this month like flying in YouTubers from around the world to Toronto to try the game out and in turn they go and tell their viewers about it. Well it certainly is different from posters/billboards/ads all over the place.

They probably could've spread out some of that stuff over some of the earlier months but I can only assume they were really doubled down trying to get out of beta or what-have-you.
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