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The PS4 PC Combo does not seem the way to go Next Gen

Objectively speaking I think the Xbone has the better exclusive line-up at the moment, but I'm looking at things from a long-term perspective. I expect Sony to deliver on exclusives later. I don't think either of the consoles launch lineups are reflective of how things will play out over the course of the generation.


PS4/WiiU/Vita/3DS/iOS will be my combo. I've already of four of them and have pre-ordered a PS4. All the cool indie stuff that is my only reason to envy Steam seems to have found a home on the PS4.
PC/X1/PS4 is the way to go
Of coruse anyone can go with whatever he wants to, but this is the worst combination of consoles I can think of.
I mean, in terms of genre-coverage, X1/PS4/PC are mostly redundant with the PC winning because of RTS games and maybe losing in terms of exclusive racing games. It's not that Sony or Microsoft doesn't have interesting exclusives, but those exclusive games are from genres vastly covered on PC (shooters and third person shooters).
The WiiU's strengths are the Nintendo exclusive titles that cover less popular genres (turn based strategy, jrpg, platformers, and thanks to the platinum deal also the best beat em ups) which doesn't have comparable games on the other platforms. And also ZombiU (which is a firs person survival horror, the only game of that kind! XD).


Junior Member
Sony's release lineup is leaning heavily into console exclusive debut's for their game announcements along with their F2P lineup bringing games that are already on the available to play on PC.

PC gaming looks stronger than ever for a console launch and this time round to me it looks like the PC PS4 combo has a tonne of overlap in games library and it anything the PC XBone combo maybe the way to go.

What are you're thoughts GAF?

Fially, someone said it. For all the boasting Sony did yesterday, we have little more than a weak PC like I've said from the beginning. Trying to be a PC with static hardware is ridiculous.

The console will amount to not much more than watering down what we get on the PC "again" for easy portability.


I don't see a compelling reason to pay more for games at launch on a next-gen system right now. I just rebuilt my PC into an Ivy Bridge setup, and am loving Big Picture when games support it, which are numerous these days. Yes, PS4 and XB1 will eventually have some solid exclusives worth buying the system for, but if anything, all of those "console exclusive" games Sony showed off solidified my PC/WiiU standing for the next year or so.

The only game I really want to play that hasn't been announced for PC yet is Destiny. Remedy's new game will be tempting over on XB1, although I have high hopes that will also see a PC release.


I thought I'd buy a console for the first time in a long while with the PS4. Sadly, when they announced that online will not longer be free that killed that idea. I just can't see myself paying to play games online, no matter how "cheap" it is. It's a flawed concept all together. Maybe later when the PS4 is cheap as hell with a huge backlog of exclusives I'll look into it.


Fially, someone said it. For all the boasting Sony did yesterday, we have little more than a weak PC like I've said from the beginning. Trying to be a PC with static hardware is ridiculous.

The console will amount to not much more than watering down what we get on the PC "again" for easy portability.

Why people continues to compare ps4 to a pc? Jeez... there is a topic where was explained how ps4 hardware is not exactly like pc, we can stop to say this thing, please?


I feel as though the PS4 seems like a better companion to the PC, but more Xbone games look interesting at the moment.
Well if you are just going to go by launch lineups then the X1 has more exclusives. However Sony has shown in the past to release awesome first party games throughout the life cycle of their console.
If you have a gaming PC, the only reason (other than convenience) to have a console is to play exclusive titles. Whichever "combo" you pick should just be the platforms that have the most titles you're interested in playing.

For some people that will be the Playstation 4, for some people that will be the Xbox One, for some it will be the Wii U, for others it will be a portable gaming device.

I don't think that there is a good enough argument made for whichever one you prefer because the games you want to play are a matter of personal preference.

There is no right or wrong "combo", just different preferences.
PC only with the extra $400-500 put aside for an upgrade to the 8 or 9 series. That's the best combo this gen.

I'm going PS4/PC like I did this gen. OP mmentions launch games. That is true, but what about 6 months later and beyond?

The truth is none of us are psychics, the OP is basing it on the information we have, no point getting bogged down in assumptions.
To make things clear in my head here's a rough best guess list.

Maybe it's just the launch that seems so weak to me, I'm still getting mine at launch but I think I've found out why I wan't feeling the hype as much on PS4 and it's because I have a PC.

Exclusive Games [Aren't on PC]

Xbone Launch

• Crimson Dragon
• Dead Rising 3
• Fighter Within
• Forza Motorsport 5
• Killer Instinct
• Powerstar Golf
• Ryse: Son of Rome
• Zoo Tycoon

PS4 Launch

• DriveClub
• Killzone: Shadown Fall
• Knack
• Basement Crawl
• ResoGun

Xbone Post Launch [Announced]

• D4
• Fantasia: Music Evolved
• Fable Legends
• Halo
• Kinect Sports Rivals
• Quantum Break
• Sunset Overdrive

PS4 Post Launch [Announced]

• Shadow of the Beast
• The Order: 1886
• Infamous: Second Son
• Rime
• Hell Divers
• Tiny Brains
• Contrast

Maybe Halo and Quantum Break are interesting for me. These exclusives are so poor.
For me, the PS4/pc combo makes sense. I did the PS3/pc combo this gen and it was great. Got most of my multi platform games on the pc and got use out of my ps3 with the exclusive titles (Uncharted, God of War, Journey, etc). It'll be the same thing for me this go around.

To be honest, I didn't really miss out on any exclusive 360 titles that interested me. Perhaps Halo, but I got burned out on that series after the second one.

So yeah, PS4/pc for me. Might hold off on the PS4 for a year or so until there are some decent games out though


Sony's release lineup is leaning heavily into console exclusive debut's for their game announcements along with their F2P lineup bringing games that are already on the available to play on PC.

PC gaming looks stronger than ever for a console launch and this time round to me it looks like the PC PS4 combo has a tonne of overlap in games library and it anything the PC XBone combo maybe the way to go.

What are you're thoughts GAF?


I agree! :)


Xbox 360 was the place to go for exclusives early on last generation as well. However, after 3 years or so, it basically boiled down to Halo, Fable, Forza, Gears, and the odd additional game. PS3 had the majority of Japanese third party exclusives, plus all their first party stuff. A lot of those 360 exclusives also ended up on PC or as late ports on PS3.

I wouldn't expect any of the Japanese (paid) support Microsoft got last generation either.
PC/PS4/WiiU/Vita/3DS. Any combination without X1 is a good combination.

More seriously, I see absolutely NOTHING to interest me on X1. Most multiplat and western games I will play on PC, and PS4 and handhelds will be for japanese titles. X1 has nothing left of interest to me.

The Boat

I'm probably going to go with a PC way before I buy a PS4, but Sony has gotten much better when it comes to exclusives, so it'll be probably still be worth it in due time. I'm going to wait a bit to see what happens on the hardware side to make a decision when it comes to buying a PC, I still have loads of games to play so there's no hurry.
You couldn't be more wrong OP. If this generation has taught us anything is that MS will only invest on 1st party studios at the beginning of the generation. Then it will heavily rely on 3rd parties.

Sony without question has a much bigger and much stronger set of internal studios. I'm getting a PS4 for Sony exclusives, which are more likely to be new IP; for example, take a look at The Last of Us, a new IP, first party game at the end of the generation. Microsoft doesn't do that and never will. They will just keep pumping out Halo, Forza, Fable, and Gears.


PMore seriously, I see absolutely NOTHING to interest me on X1. Most multiplat and western games I will play on PC, and PS4 and handhelds will be for japanese titles. X1 has nothing left of interest to me.

Odd you say that because Crimson Dragon looks like the most Japanese game available at launch on either console.
PC/PS4 here, which means I'll always have the best version of any multi-platform title whether it comes to PC or not.

I'm surprised at the number of people making purchasing and pre-order decisions based on the launch lineups, the PS4's power advantage is significant and will be so for the entire generation. Only reason to buy an X1 is if you can't live without its exclusives at all, or don't have even a mid-range PC and like shooters.

Also have a 3DS, with an eye on eventually grabbing a Vita if and when the memory card prices are no longer insane. If that never happens, I'll happily do without. Sony continuing to make "not good enough" decisions there.


Sony closed quite a couple of studios in the PS3 era. Quality aside since that can be a double-edged sword ( like Halo fans reception of 343i ), I'm not convinced all the new start up studios by Microsoft will flourish in this generation given the outlook of their potential sales at this moment. I have the same doubts even if both of them retain the same number of install bases.

I find that both Sony and Microsoft are all going in for kill, just that for it to pay off, one has to take off a sizeable amount of market share from the other.
Agree with OP. Sony is touting a bunch of indy games that are better for PC, cheaper, and that you can keep digitally forever on that platform.

Zero interest in their exclusives at this point. I thought Second Son would be a must buy, but Saints Row IV has scratched the super hero itch for me in ways that I wasn't expecting, and the game looks like a dream on PC with elite image quality.

PC/3DS seems solid to me right now.


Right now the best combo for the PC seems to be the WiiU. Later in the gen though we'll have fantastic PS4 only games.

Starting in 2014 with Second Son and Rime.


PC/PS4 here, which means I'll always have the best version of any multi-platform title whether it comes to PC or not.

I'm surprised at the number of people making purchasing and pre-order decisions based on the launch lineups, the PS4's power advantage is significant and will be so for the entire generation. Only reason to buy an X1 is if you can't live without its exclusives at all, or don't have even a mid-range PC and like shooters.

Also have a 3DS, with an eye on eventually grabbing a Vita if and when the memory card prices are no longer insane. If that never happens, I'll happily do without. Sony continuing to make "not good enough" decisions there.

I can't see buying a PS4 anymore. I can't get excited that it's X times more powerful than the Xbox One, if it's simultaneously 1/Y the power of my PC rig.

Both systems are poor man's PCs, but the Xbox One at least attempts to differentiate itself with Kinect/TV. I hope that Microsoft is successful with that, otherwise I'll just skip this gen.
Odd you say that because Crimson Dragon looks like the most Japanese game available at launch on either console.

You are right, and I had completely forgotten about this one.
Maybe what I'm doing here is betting on the PS4 to have more jp exclusives, like the PS3 did this gen (see Jojo and Xilia for current examples). So of course I could be very wrong.


But Xbox 360 this gen had the better Japanese exclusives.

I couldn't go without any console, really, but if I had to choose between PS3/PC and 360/PC in retrospect I would go with 360/PC in a heartbeat due to the 360's superior Japanese action game library.
X1 and PC makes no sense. I have a PC now and bought my 360 for exclusive. Comes to find out all of them except gears of War and halo were on PC. That makes absolutely no sense.

PS4/WiiU/PC/Handheld is a no brainer
If you have a gaming PC, the only reason (other than convenience) to have a console is to play exclusive titles.
This is said all the time but I don't necessarily agree. Unless you can run at a higher res than 1080p and 60fps on every game, the advantages of getting multi-plats for PC over PS4/X1 will be nominal at best, at least for the first few years of this gen. People can tout mods all day but most games don't have them, and when they do most of them suck. Bethesda games are the best for mods. I don't have (or need) mods for games I recently bought like Divinity Dragon Commander, The Bureau, and soon to be after i'm finished with those two Saints Row IV and maybe Blacklist. Mods mods mods, it's a legit reason but it's so flimsy. Great for Fallout, Elder Scrolls, but that's all I've used mods on the past few years personally.

Achievements, suspend/resume, having all games under the one umbrella instead of being split into Steam/Origin/Uplay/Bnet, and the convenience are all legit reasons why someone would buy the PS4/X1 multi-plat version over PC. I also can play on our big screen instead of 23" 1080p monitor. Hooking up my pc to the tv isn't reasonable or convenient at all for me. I can't do that, it would be a logistical problem for my setup among other issues like having my keyboard & mouse on the couch with some sort of makeshift flat surface next to me. I also use my pc for school work and I need to be close to the screen for this. The only way I could do this is if we got a second gaming PC used strictly for the big screen tv. I also play mobas a lot on PC, LoL and Dawngate, I don't know how well I'm gonna be able to last hit sitting 6 to 10 feet away. It's just silly.

For these first years, there will be little benefit to getting PC multi-plats for a lot of people unless you have a monster of a setup that can run at higher than 1080p and 60 fps. If you're just going 1080p like most of us, like the vast majority, then the console advantages above come into play. The biggest reason for PCs besides what I just said a couple sentences ago is cheaper games for PC but that's only if you don't buy day one and if there's a GMG 20% off coupon code out.


Both PS4 and XBOne will have a huge overlap with PC. Sony has proven themselves with regards to outputting a good number of stellar first-party titles. Microsoft has not. The decision is an easy one for me (if I buy a console at all, that is...I'm strongly considering just passing on next-gen for a few years and sticking with PC/handhelds).


It's only because PS4 is getting every game under the sun in its library. This is not a bad thing. The same unique titles will be there, but they are just lobbed in with a lot more games this time.


X1 and gaming/htpc for me. The htpc will be mainly used for indie games and interesting but not must haves that can wait for Steam sales/Humble Bundle. I cannot wait on multi-player games so they will all be on the X1.


I'm an Xbox fan, but you have to admit there is likely going to be a better selection of jRPGs on PS4. If anything, there is more a case that you'll have to buy all 3 because there isn't a substitute for PS4 in that area yet.
I am confused. Aren't most of Microsoft's First Party Games also available on PC, yet Sony's are not?

You are not going to be able to play any Sony First Party Developed Games on PC, so you will need a PS4 to play them.

You will be able to play most of Microsoft's First Party Developed Games on a PC, so you will NOT need an Xbox One to play them.

But, you have a choice, so go with what you want. Upgrade your computer and get the Xbox One if that is what you want to do.
PC only with the extra $400-500 put aside for an upgrade to the 8 or 9 series. That's the best combo this gen.

this would be where it is at for me as well, if not for the existence of MLB The Show and how it's much better on the PS3 (and presumably PS4) that the Vita.

Other than that, yeah ND and Santa Monica AAA escape from dangerous places and PSN push forward for the feels non-games can wait until the end of the generation to play-if ever.


Junior Member
Maybe Halo and Quantum Break are interesting for me. These exclusives are so poor.

Wow, the Xbox One lineup is looking a lot better. How can all of these places claim sony won Gamescom?

I'm a gamer so I care about ames 90% more than the platform there on. So far, the PS4 isn't looking like a good option at all. PC+3DS with some Wii U on the side when the games pic up is sounding like a better deal.

All in all, the PS4 looks like a lesser PC at the moment. Getting a PS4/PC combo would be like buying a Wii U and then buying a Wii Mini on top of it. What would be the point?


PC+3DS+Vita+PS4+Eventually Wii U this gen for me.

PC was always the place to get the best version of multiplatform titles. I like the convenience of a console though and there are plenty of exclusives over the life of one to justify the purchase for me. Remote play on the Vita and shared save files make for a good argument to sometimes buy the PS4 version of an indie title even if there's a PC counterpart.

Wii U will probably happen, but it ain't even a consideration until that price gets to sub-$200 for a Deluxe + Pack-ins and a more robust library becomes available.
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