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The Official Halo 3 Thread

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ALeperMessiah said:
Bungie's next title.

Halo: Marathon


Actually, I thought I read somewhere in this thread that Marathon's main characters name was John-117. So maybe you'd be playing as MC from the beginning

Not without major retconning to the original game.


GhaleonEB said:
I'll shut up about this now, but my whole thing was that we shouldn't have to make assumptions or speculation about such a major plot point.
Agreed. The game didn't explicitly tie up all the loose ends and I'm somewhat disappointed by that. I miss seeing the Covenant side of the story like in Halo 2. I think in H2 you get more plot and it was more fleshed out with details because we got 2 sides of the story. I would have preferred Halo 3 be the same.

I stopped pretending I was Master Chief back in Halo 2 when I was watching all those cutscenes with my character in 3rd person. They could have written more for the plot and given us more single player content like they did before. Its not like all that marketing talk that "You're the Chief; you're the hero" really means anything. It sounds like crap to me.
GhaleonEB said:
I'll shut up about this now, but my whole thing was that we shouldn't have to make assumptions or speculation about such a major plot point.
I thought it was pretty clear what Cortana's plan was. She knew that if the humans went through the portal Gravemind and the Flood would follow. Gravemind and Cortana were linked for the time they were on High Charity, she could see his thoughts and vice versa. Cortana sent a message to the Chief urging him to go through the portal, because she knew that on the otherside of the portal that the Ark made Halo rings, and that a replacement for 04 would be waiting for them. She originally intended for it to be a suicide mission though, because she did not realize that they would be able to escape out the portal. She wanted to get Gravemind to the farthest edge of the galaxy to detonate 04.


Junior Member
voltron said:
I thought you could do that in multiplayer... in fact Im positive you can. Maybe not in campaign vids though...
I've found that you have the ability to watch through the first person view of your own recorded videos, but not your team members or your opponents. You can also watch through the first person view through clips you've downloaded, but only the person who you're downloading it from. I want the ability to see through the first person view for everyone playing the game. Maybe it's a difficult process or too taxing on the hardware, I don't know.


i think about 50% of my friends list has concluded that this game sucks and that its Halo 2 in semi-HD. people are going back to Halo 2 apparently.

i agree with them a bit because this game does not strike me as anything new. sort of strange that bungie spent 3 years making this game.


MaX_PL said:
i think about 50% of my friends list has concluded that this game sucks and that its Halo 2 in semi-HD. people are going back to Halo 2 apparently.

i agree with them a bit because this game does not strike me as anything new. sort of strange that bungie spent 3 years making this game.

Strange that they spent three years on an awesome sequel to Halo 2? I'm not going to argue how you feel about the game, but this strikes me as highly troll-ish.


its not trollish. its that 2 or 3 weeks after release and the games already feeling very much like Halo 2.

also theyve virtually eliminated eliminated one of the reasons people played ranked games by making the system level people up almost instantaneously. they did this to get rid of cheaters but now theyll likely lose more than that.

i dunno, all i'm saying is that it shocks me that my friends and i are saying negative things about this game so early on. it seems that bungie didnt do enough.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
MaX_PL said:
i think about 50% of my friends list has concluded that this game sucks and that its Halo 2 in semi-HD. people are going back to Halo 2 apparently.

i agree with them a bit because this game does not strike me as anything new. sort of strange that bungie spent 3 years making this game.

Fascinating. I hope that you don't have a million friends.

MaX_PL said:
its not trollish. its that 2 or 3 weeks after release and the games already feeling very much like Halo 2.

What's the point of going back to another Halo 2 then?


Nick said:
I've found that you have the ability to watch through the first person view of your own recorded videos, but not your team members or your opponents. You can also watch through the first person view through clips you've downloaded, but only the person who you're downloading it from. I want the ability to see through the first person view for everyone playing the game. Maybe it's a difficult process or too taxing on the hardware, I don't know.
Pushing up or down on the D-Pad isn't working for you? I assume since you mentioned opponents you're referring to multiplayer.


MaX_PL said:
i think about 50% of my friends list has concluded that this game sucks and that its Halo 2 in semi-HD. people are going back to Halo 2 apparently.

i agree with them a bit because this game does not strike me as anything new. sort of strange that bungie spent 3 years making this game.

Why did you post this? Who cares. Do you want a discussion on whether it's H2 in semi-HD? Or that Halo 2 is worse? Or that your friends are cool?

I'm pretty sure no one here cares about any of this and that no one really likes your posts about MLG or what new hate you have for the game.


MaX_PL said:
i think about 50% of my friends list has concluded that this game sucks and that its Halo 2 in semi-HD. people are going back to Halo 2 apparently.

i agree with them a bit because this game does not strike me as anything new. sort of strange that bungie spent 3 years making this game.

Needz moar BXR, AMIRITE?

Deleted member 21120

Unconfirmed Member
MaX_PL said:
i think about 50% of my friends list has concluded that this game sucks and that its Halo 2 in semi-HD. people are going back to Halo 2 apparently.

i agree with them a bit because this game does not strike me as anything new. sort of strange that bungie spent 3 years making this game.

MaX_PL said:
this game does not strike me as anything new.
Well, it sucks that you feel that way.

Meanwhile, I'll go back to working on ranking up (not in Halo 2), watching saved films (not in Halo 2), trying to find the Recon armour (not in Halo 2), using Forge to try and make an awesome Infection map (not in Halo 2), still trying learn what each equipment symbol stands for, so I'll know which one I'm holding (not in Halo 2), taking screenshots of awesome campaign moments (not in Halo 2), and replaying the
double Scarab
section (definately not in Halo 2).


Cocopjojo said:
Well, it sucks that you feel that way.

Meanwhile, I'll go back to working on ranking up (not in Halo 2), watching saved films (not in Halo 2), trying to find the Recon armour (not in Halo 2), using Forge to try and make an awesome Infection map (not in Halo 2), still trying learn what each equipment symbol stands for, so I'll know which one I'm holding (not in Halo 2), taking screenshots of awesome campaign moments (not in Halo 2), and replaying the
double Scarab
section (definately not in Halo 2).

well lets see if you do that for 3 years, the amount of time i spent playing Halo 2.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
MaX_PL said:
well lets see if you do that for 3 years, the amount of time i spent playing Halo 2.

Max, I hate to break this to you, but the vast majority of folks playing Halo 3 are enjoying it. I wish you enjoyed it too, but if you don't then that's too bad. There's some cool games for you out there, like Orange Box and more coming.

But I am curious. Will you at least admit that most folks like it?


Skilotonn said:
I still do not understand the so-called hate for level 8 - when I finally got there and beat it the first time, solo on Heroic no less, I thought, "man, this is what people were whining about?"

It's not a cake walk, but come on - man up and stop complaining... you knew a level like that would show up...

You know I agree. I played it on all 3 difficulties and yes it was hard but at the same time it wasn't so hard. I would stay back and let them come to me. They were always bringing me plenty of weapons. Combine that with me staying where I always had cover, I found it was pretty easy. The only times it was hard is if I tried to run or if I didn't make it a point to destroy all of the previous ones I fought because an infection form would always slip by me and revive them. I would then end up surrounded.

When it came to the long range forms I would always keep a long range weapon. Then I would move to different spots behind cover and let them have it.

Now onto the ending. I felt that it was for sure a Forerunner planet. It had distinct markings. It had what looked like the giant hatch areas you see on the Halos when you see them in videos. The only thing I can figure is that something had to send Master Chief there. Now as to what did I won't begin to speculate because I am not good at that type stuff.


i dont know most folks. i know the people on my friends list and i'm completely honest about the majority of them not playing the game anymore. and then the kid whos probably played the most Halo of anyone i know starts telling me today of how he wants to go play XBC CE because this game is unbalanced and nothing new from H2.

this isnt some attempt to annoy anyone here because most of you know that ive spent a ton of time in this thread and have had mostly positive things to say. it just that lately, only 2 weeks since release, i'm already noticing fewer people playing the game and the hardcore i know claiming they dislike it.
Thermite said:
Needz moar BXR, AMIRITE?

oh, look at me, i can stereotype people. i saw some kids in matchmaking with the words "bxr" and "mlg" in their name; they've never been to a tourney, don't scrim, and don't watch tourneys, but all mlg players think exactly like them.


sixthsubset said:
oh, look at me, i can stereotype people. i saw some kids in matchmaking with the words "bxr" and "mlg" in their name; they've never been to a tourney, don't scrim, and don't watch tourneys, but all mlg players think exactly like them.

oh let him think what he wants.


MaX_PL said:
well lets see if you do that for 3 years, the amount of time i spent playing Halo 2.

I have played less Halo 3 MP than I did Halo 2 MP after the same amount of time. But I've had way more fun with Halo 3 doing all the things I wished games had done years ago. When I'm done not playing Halo 3, I go and play a far more refined and balanced MP game.

Frankly, I hope you and the MLG crew go back to playing Halo 2. It'd make H3 perfect.


DD-11 said:
I have played less Halo 3 MP than I did Halo 2 MP after the same amount of time. But I've had way more fun with Halo 3 doing all the things I wished games had done years ago. When I'm done not playing Halo 3, I go and play a far more refined and balanced MP game.

Frankly, I hope you and the MLG crew go back to playing Halo 2. It'd make H3 perfect.

:lol you guys seriously think i have some mlg crew huh? i havent played a mlg custom in about a year and have about 4 or 5 people on my friends list who have played customs before. i stopped playing competitively in 05'

you have no idea what youre talking about so go back to crouch walking with your sword.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
DD-11 said:
I have played less Halo 3 MP than I did Halo 2 MP after the same amount of time. But I've had way more fun with Halo 3 doing all the things I wished games had done years ago. When I'm done not playing Halo 3, I go and play a far more refined and balanced MP game.

Frankly, I hope you and the MLG crew go back to playing Halo 2. It'd make H3 perfect.

Actually, Max is not the MLG, he's an indiviual player stating his opinion about the game - and I personally welcome the MLG guys to what's a more customizable game than ever before. They'll be able to refine their game types to suit their tourneys and to be honest, the more folks enjoying our game, the better. It's designed to be played in lots of different styles for lots of different types of player.

I never get matched with them anyway, because I am a level 1 in everything.


After playing Halo 3 for some time, Campaign is a huge leap foward compared to Halo 2.

Halo 3 Multiplayer, not so much. But, I guess it falls under the "If it ain't broke" category. Theater mode is probably THE defining feature that sets Halo 3 Multiplayer from Halo 2 if I had to pick 1.

Still fun, though.


MaX_PL said:
:lol you guys seriously think i have some mlg crew huh? i havent played a mlg custom in about a year and have about 4 or 5 people on my friends list who have played customs before. i stopped playing competitively in 05'

you have no idea what youre talking about so go back to crouch walking with your sword.

I didn't say anything about you being an MLG player. Don't flatter yourself.

I'm just sick of your posts about H3, and I'm sick of the MLG and their brx, double melee crusade.


DD-11 said:
I didn't say anything about you being an MLG player. Don't flatter yourself.

I'm just sick of your posts about H3, and I'm sick of the MLG and their brx, double melee crusade.

really? so why did you associate the two in the same statement? you used stinkles' logic and came up with that all by yourself didnt you buddy.


Yeah, that's what I did. Or maybe he and I replied at the same time, and we came up with that perfectly plausibly explanation all by ourselves. Rational thought isn't all that uncommon outside the internet and sometimes it finds its way here too.

EDIT: I associated the two because...it's a compound sentence. English: you should look it up sometime, it's a fascinating language.
DD-11 said:
I didn't say anything about you being an MLG player. Don't flatter yourself.

I'm just sick of your posts about H3, and I'm sick of the MLG and their brx, double melee crusade.

maybe you should play with actual mlg players before you talk about them


DD-11 said:
Yeah, that's what I did. Or maybe he and I replied at the same time, and we came up with that perfectly plausibly explanation all by ourselves. Rational thought isn't all that uncommon outside the internet and sometimes it finds its way here too.

:lol not only did you make a mistake you wont admit to it because you dont understand the mistake you made.


Okay, I don't even know what you're talking about anymore, but I know it's not about Halo 3. So, since you think it sucks, you can stop posting in this thread. We'll leave it at this: whatever you're accusing me of, you're right. Man, that's egg on my face. I'm so ashamed. Happy?

I did play competitive FPS years ago on the PC (Quake, Quake: TF, and Unreal Tournament). Making assumptions is dangerous.
The only complaint I have is the lack of good maps at the moment. That will change in the near future though. This is one game that will not suffer from lack of support.


GAF is whiny and stupid as always. "WAH WAH WAH I SUCK AND PEOPLE ARE BETTER I HOPE THEY GO AWAY". Shut up and play. You don't have any right to say how a game is meant to be played. If a game taken to a different level, then it's taken to a different level. If it doesn't hold up at that new level then it's broken and will either be fixed or broken and left to die. Since we live in an age where online patches are the norm, it will be fixed.

If it's taken to a new level and it doesn't feel broken, then it's left there. Video games are an interactive medium. Get used to it. The game at release is not the game 3 years later. It evolves.

I am so sick of casual gamers trying to mess stuff up for the hardcore. I'm a casual Halo player, however, I don't whine and bitch because the hardcore play better than me and use tricks I didn't even know existed.

Now again, stop bitching about MLG. Even Bungie level designers in the ViDoc said the cool thing about Forge is that players can go "Hey Bungie, that map is broken we're going to fix it" and play it.

Edit: I should clarify this is more aimed at the MLG hate from before rather than this whole "Halo 3 sucks lets play Halo 2" debate or whatever's going on.


sixthsubset said:
oh, look at me, i can stereotype people. i saw some kids in matchmaking with the words "bxr" and "mlg" in their name; they've never been to a tourney, don't scrim, and don't watch tourneys, but all mlg players think exactly like them.

I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to say here. Are you saying that I'm grouping MaX_PL into some "stereotypical graph", of the likes that wish BXR was in Halo 3, just because he doesn't like the game? Oh no, no, no, sixthsubset. You've got it all wrong. I said what I said for two reasons though. A, being that the comment he made, in my eyes, was completely asinine, if not borderline trollish, and I wasn't going to respond to it in a long, well thought out post about why Halo 3 is superior to both Halo: CE and Halo 2. And B being that the guy has said if combos became the new "thing" in Halo 3 he would use them. So, just basing things off of those two comments he made, I'm guessing he was an avid BXR user in Halo 2 since it was the "thing" to do back then. (People are probably still using it, I know they were back during the Halo 3 Beta) Now, I've never played a game with Max in either Halo 2 or Halo 3..so it's just speculation at this point. I could very well be wrong about this. For the record, my whole "BXR post" was intended to be a joke post, which you're supposed to get a chuckle or two out of. Guess it meant serious business though..

BTW - These are the two posts I'm talking about here.


striKeVillain! said:
The only complaint I have is the lack of good maps at the moment. That will change in the near future though. This is one game that will not suffer from lack of support.

i want midship. nothing more, nothing less

until then i will continue to play halo 3's dota, rocket race, while waiting for a map pack


Thermite said:
I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to say here. Are you saying that I'm grouping MaX_PL into some "stereotypical graph", of the likes that wish BXR was in Halo 3, just because he doesn't like the game? Oh no, no, no, sixthsubset. You've got it all wrong. I said what I said for two reasons though. A, being that the comment he made, in my eyes, was completely asinine, if not borderline trollish, and I wasn't going to respond to it in a long, well thought out post about why Halo 3 is superior to both Halo: CE and Halo 2. And B being that the guy has said if combos became the new "thing" in Halo 3 he would use them. So, just basing things off of those two comments he made, I'm guessing he was an avid BXR user in Halo 2 since it was the "thing" to do back then. (People are probably still using it, I know they were back during the Halo 3 Beta) Now, I've never played a game with Max in either Halo 2 or Halo 3..so it's just speculation at this point. I could very well be wrong about this. For the record, my whole "BXR post" was intended to be a joke post, which you're supposed to get a chuckle or two out of. Guess it meant serious business though..

BTW - These are the two posts I'm talking about here.



avid BXR user? lmfao... wow.

you glitch haters seriously need to stop. theres been glitches in just about every game ive ever played and theyre not going away. if youre a casual player then play with your casual friends, play social matches, and if you go into ranked, a playlist with competitive play, dont complain people are using glitches.

even making jokes about BXR just doesnt make sense to me anymore. i dont get the point of saying that crap.

NH Apache

Agreed. I do enjoy most of the maps, but a nice BTB on Blood Gulch was hard to beat.

One thing that H3 does seem to miss is a few more small, multi-tiered maps like midship. My buds and I used to love playing shottyz on that map.

I do love this game though...

edit: beaten


sixthsubset said:
i want midship. nothing more, nothing less

until then i will continue to play halo 3's dota, rocket race, while waiting for a map pack

Midship, and a remake of Prisoner, that would blow my mind.


NH Apache said:
Agreed. I do enjoy most of the maps, but a nice BTB on Blood Gulch was hard to beat.

One thing that H3 does seem to miss is a few more small, multi-tiered maps like midship. My buds and I used to love playing shottyz on that map.

I do love this game though...

edit: beaten

I loved Morbias for UT back in the day. Just a small, multi leveled, circular map. It was great. I also loved Rocket Areana for the small, intimate maps. I too would love to get maps of that size. If only there were a true map editor tool. Man, Bungie, how about putting an extra feature or two into your games?!

Thermite said:
I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to say here. Are you saying that I'm grouping MaX_PL into some "stereotypical graph", of the likes that wish BXR was in Halo 3, just because he doesn't like the game? Oh no, no, no, sixthsubset. You've got it all wrong. I said what I said for two reasons though. A, being that the comment he made, in my eyes, was completely asinine, if not borderline trollish, and I wasn't going to respond to it in a long, well thought out post about why Halo 3 is superior to both Halo: CE and Halo 2. And B being that the guy has said if combos became the new "thing" in Halo 3 he would use them. So, just basing things off of those two comments he made, I'm guessing he was an avid BXR user in Halo 2 since it was the "thing" to do back then. (People are probably still using it, I know they were back during the Halo 3 Beta) Now, I've never played a game with Max in either Halo 2 or Halo 3..so it's just speculation at this point. I could very well be wrong about this. For the record, my whole "BXR post" was intended to be a joke post, which you're supposed to get a chuckle or two out of. Guess it meant serious business though..

the post wasn't trolling. people all over feel the same way outside of the little bubble that is gaf. granted, millions love it, but there are super hardcore players who think about the game with a completely different perspective.

sorry about that post. i've seen so many people on this forum hate mlg because of button glitches and kids with mlg in their names on live who talk trash and bxr in matchmaking. it makes it hard to read halo threads when it comes up as mlg in itself is really the awesomest thing in the world.



I'm content to describe anyone saying Halo 3's campaign is Halo 2 over again as a raving lunatic. I mean, there's a time and place mince words, but insanity is nothing to trifle with. Ask mah dad. I'm semi-kidding. There's not liking it - nothing wrong with that - and there's being factually incorrect.

I really enjoyed this trek through the game on Legendary, solo. One comment for tonight though - the pacing of the game seems a bit off at the beginning and again at the end.
The second mission seems like the ideal training level - lots of marines around, close-quarters combat and mid-sized groups. There's an introductory battle with a couple of Brute packs (namely, the excellent barracks battle) and a hammer and a FRG Chieftain. Mission one features more open combat with snipers (lots and lots of snipers) and ends with a huge outdoor battle involving about 40 enemies at once, with long-range snipers, a Brute pack, Chieftain and lots of advanced tactics involving cover and weapon choices. Those two levels just feel backwards in terms of the scale and tactics they require.

Then the game builds steadily from Tsavo towards a climax - The Storm features the biggest ground and vehicle battles yet. A quick detour into Floodgate, and BAM the double crescendo of The Ark and The Covenant. Cortana is dark and challenging close-quarters battle with the Flood and then.....the last level is a snowy trek up a building fighting nothing but Flood. The slightly too-long Warthog run aside, the final mission is pretty anti-climactic. It's not bad, per se - it just doesn't feel like a final level, from the very small ground combat space of the tower ascent to the lack of three-way battles, a signature of the series in 1 and 2. I'd rather the ending have been more like the finale to The Covenant, which is hands-down the most spectacular battle I've seen in a game.

That's the only nit I'll pick tonight. Great game. The Campaign is worthy of Edge's 10; not perfect, but nothing is. Side note: I'm going into Internet hermit mode for several months (deleted all Live friends, IM, quit Halo clan, disabled GAF/Live messaging, etc. - sorry guys, it's not personal) and will post a bit more thinly going forward; the OP will remain as it is. I've taken a strong disliking to the reputation I aquired myself, and am trying to shed it.


GhaleonEB said:

I'm content to describe anyone saying Halo 3's campaign is Halo 2 over again as a raving lunatic. I mean, there's a time and place mince words, but insanity is nothing to trifle with. Ask mah dad. I'm semi-kidding. There's not liking it - nothing wrong with that - and there's being factually incorrect.

I really enjoyed this trek through the game on Legendary, solo. One comment for tonight though - the pacing of the game seems a bit off at the beginning and again at the end.
The second mission seems like the ideal training level - lots of marines around, close-quarters combat and mid-sized groups. There's an introductory battle with a couple of Brute packs (namely, the excellent barracks battle) and a hammer and a FRG Chieftain. Mission one features more open combat with snipers (lots and lots of snipers) and ends with a huge outdoor battle involving about 40 enemies at once, with long-range snipers, a Brute pack, Chieftain and lots of advanced tactics involving cover and weapon choices. Those two levels just feel backwards in terms of the scale and tactics they require.

Then the game builds steadily from Tsavo towards a climax - The Storm features the biggest ground and vehicle battles yet. A quick detour into Floodgate, and BAM the double crescendo of The Ark and The Covenant. Cortana is dark and challenging close-quarters battle with the Flood and then.....the last level is a snowy trek up a building fighting nothing but Flood. The slightly too-long Warthog run aside, the final mission is pretty anti-climactic. It's not bad, per se - it just doesn't feel like a final level, from the very small ground combat space of the tower ascent to the lack of three-way battles, a signature of the series in 1 and 2. I'd rather the ending have been more like the finale to The Covenant, which is hands-down the most spectacular battle I've seen in a game.

That's the only nit I'll pick tonight. Great game. The Campaign is worthy of Edge's 10; not perfect, but nothing is. Side note: I'm going into Internet hermit mode for several months (deleted all Live friends, IM, quit Halo clan, disabled GAF/Live messaging, etc. - sorry guys, it's not personal) and will post a bit more thinly going forward; the OP will remain as it is. I've taken a strong disliking to the reputation I aquired myself, and am trying to shed it.

Nicely done. So are you going to get into some MP now?

Deleted member 21120

Unconfirmed Member
GhaleonEB said:
That's the only nit I'll pick tonight. Great game. The Campaign is worthy of Edge's 10; not perfect, but nothing is. Side note: I'm going into Internet hermit mode for several months (deleted all Live friends, IM, quit Halo clan, disabled GAF/Live messaging, etc. - sorry guys, it's not personal) and will post a bit more thinly going forward; the OP will remain as it is. I've taken a strong disliking to the reputation I aquired myself, and am trying to shed it.
That sucks, man. I know it goes without saying, but don't let anyone's opinion of you ruin having a good time talking about games. Anyone that reads your posts can see that you're level-headed and rational.

And yeah, congrats on finishing Legendary, solo. I need to get on that. So many things to do in this game.


GhaleonEB said:
That's the only nit I'll pick tonight. Great game. The Campaign is worthy of Edge's 10; not perfect, but nothing is. Side note: I'm going into Internet hermit mode for several months (deleted all Live friends, IM, quit Halo clan, disabled GAF/Live messaging, etc. - sorry guys, it's not personal) and will post a bit more thinly going forward; the OP will remain as it is. I've taken a strong disliking to the reputation I aquired myself, and am trying to shed it.

Oh snap, that definitely sucks man. I'll miss seeing your long, extremely well thought out posts. :(

Take it easy, Ghaleon!
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