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My Holiday Dilemma: PS4 or Wii U?

This isn't a question I ever thought I'd be asking myself, but here I am.

There's no denying that, at around the PS4's launch (and for the foreseeable future), the Wii U has more games that appeal to me: Pikmin 3, W101, 3D World, NSMBU, and WW (to say nothing of X or Bayonetta 2 later on) are all games that I would almost immediately buy. And since I hardly have time for console gaming as it is, this list of games would last me a long time. It also helps that the system is only $300 (and fuck me, 3D World looks incredible).

The PS4, on the other hand, is shiny and new. I want to fuck around with the OS, and I find the focus on indie games to be incredibly appealing. The console itself is gorgeous. There's hardly anything at launch that I want to play, however; I'd probably buy Killzone because it's going to look pretty, but I'm not even a huge fan of first-person shooters (which is mostly what I have to choose from). Resogun looks cool.

It might sound like the Wii U is the right choice, but I know I'll get caught up in the PS4 launch insanity. I have one pre-ordered through Amazon, so it'll be almost impossible for me not to keep it. Buying both consoles is not an option.

Is anyone else similarly confused? That I might buy a Wii U before the PS4 is fucking nuts to me.


The first time it takes a full 30 seconds to back out of a Wii U system menu, you'll know you've made a mistake.


Unconfirmed Member
Mario looks like it's going to be way more fun than anything at or near the PS4 launch. I totally understand the launch hype as I'm struggling with the idea of if I should keep or cancel my quad preorder, too. But If you're just looking for games to play, the Wii U is probably the better choice based on what you've posted.


I was in your exact position but I decided to cancel my ps4 preorder since nothing in the launch line up interests me as much as 3d world, I'll end up getting both eventually when second son drops. The only question you have to ask yourself is which one will have the most games that interest you come this holiday.


Do you have any friends getting a PS4? If all you want to do is poke at a new toy you could probably get your fix there and then get one yourself later. Best of both worlds!


Unconfirmed Member
I'd definitely go Wii U, personally. It's finally starting to have a killer line-up. New Super Mario Bros. U, Pikmin 3, Wonderful 101, Wind Waker HD, Super Mario 3D World, DK Tropical Freeze, and Mario Kart 8 in the spring. That stomps all over the few games I have any interest in during the PS4 launch, personally.

I was going to skip the PS4 and get a Wii U this fall, but I was able to buy a cheap used Wii U a few months ago, leaving me time to save up again for a PS4. Best of both worlds.
The first time it takes a full 30 seconds to back out of a Wii U system menu, you'll know you've made a mistake.

Not an issue anymore.

Super Mario 3D World should make this decision very easy. It looks incredible. That being said, Killzone: Shadow Fall and Resogun are mighty tempting.

Still...Mario is Mario. Go with Wii U now and grab a PS4 after the holidays when Second Son is out, which looks fantastic.


The first time it takes a full 30 seconds to back out of a Wii U system menu, you'll know you've made a mistake.
uh, its not like that at all right now.
UI in fact seems as fast as the PS3s and its doing a lot more stuff


In terms of games available now, get a Wii U. 2014 will see Smash, Mario kart 8, X, and Bayonetta 2 along with Donkey Kong.

Mr. Fix

This isn't a question I ever thought I'd be asking myself, but here I am.

There's no denying that, at around the PS4's launch (and for the foreseeable future), the Wii U has more games that appeal to me: Pikmin 3, W101, 3D World, NSMBU, and WW (to say nothing of X or Bayonetta 2 later on) are all games that I would almost immediately buy. And since I hardly have time for console gaming as it is, this list of games would last me a long time. It also helps that the system is only $300 (and fuck me, 3D World looks incredible).

The PS4, on the other hand, is shiny and new. I want to fuck around with the OS, and I find the focus on indie games to be incredibly appealing. The console itself is gorgeous. There's hardly anything at launch that I want to play, however; I'd probably buy Killzone because it's going to look pretty, but I'm not even a huge fan of first-person shooters (which is mostly what I have to choose from). Resogun looks cool.

It might sound like the Wii U is the right choice, but I know I'll get caught up in the PS4 launch insanity. I have one pre-ordered through Amazon, so it'll be almost impossible for me not to keep it. Buying both consoles is not an option.

Is anyone else similarly confused? That I might buy a Wii U before the PS4 is fucking nuts to me.

Take into account the list of games coming out for next year. I'd recommend both, but if you're going for one first but both later, then I'd say Wii U then PS4.

I have to ask you though, do you see yourself owning both come Winter 2014? I'd have to recommend Wii U first. Besides, we've still got KH 2.5 and Dark Souls 2 on on the plates for the PS3.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
PS4 trust me



Wii U now. PS4 later.

I solved this by getting a Wii U last year so I can get a PS4 at launch.

What this guy said.

This is not a downplay of PS4 exclusives, especially the console exclusives they will probably share with XB1 again. Wait for the library of PS4 to flourish, give it some time first.
I think both will be cheaper than they are now in a years time. I'd wait it out unless you find a great deal on one or the other.

For people urging him to get a Wii U, how long do you think it's going to be before it gets another price drop or retailers clear it out for cheap? It's already happened in several countries, and it sure would sting paying full price now when you can get one cheaper in a couple of months.

PS4 won't have a price drop for at least 6 months... but probably won't have many great games before then either.


Your argument is that one has games that appeal to you and that you want to play this holiday... whereas the other one is shiny and new.

I don't want to take sides in some Nintendo vs. Sony bullshit... but OP, I think you answered your own question. Get the PS4 when it has the games you're excited for.


needs 2 extra inches
It depends on what games you want to play now vs. what's on the horizon. For instance I know that I'll be playing the Wii U more this holiday, and that it has some potentially good games in the near future. But the bigger picture is troubling, so an investment in the PS4 might seem like a better choice for some.

... And I just realized I may have reinforced your indecisiveness with my answer.


Serious advice would be to weigh up not just what games are around now that interest you, but what games are known to be coming in the next year.

If you don't like games that are on PS4 this year, get a PS4 later down the line when it does have games you want. Similarly, if Wii U has few games down the line that interest you, don't get the Wii U.

Keep the PS4 preorder until you have thought it through, and see if you can get hands on time with both before making a call.

I can't. I bought it used (no warranty) and it stopped reading discs so I sold it.

I was pissed too, I was 2 dungeons into WWHD.

Right. Well bad experience aside, loading times in menus are no longer 30 seconds.


You have seen this right?


Main reason I'm getting a Wii U this year along with the Wonderful 101, Pikmin 3 and Wind Waker HD. Definitely getting a PS4 next year though, That console is looking like one sexy beast but there just isn't much at launch that appeals to me. And before you next gen hype fans get offended, I didn't say the lineup was "weak" I said that there just isn't much that appeals to me.


Unconfirmed Member
I was in a similar dilemna as you OP. When I realised that I was more excited to play Wind Waker HD than Killzone on the PS4 I made my decision to hold off on my PS4 purchase until the first quarter of next year (and grab a Wii U this year).

Between the Wind Waker, Mario 3D Land and MK8 (plus Dx DC and the Wii back catalogue) I now have enough reasons to jump onboard with the platform. It's the first time Ive been excited to own a new console in a while; really looking forward to picking one up and having a massive Nintendo gaming session over Christmas.


From your post the Wii U seems to be the obvious choice.

Get the Wii U now and play the shit out of the games released already and get a PS4 later down the road when more games are available that interest you.

Let the rest beta test the PS4.


Get the Wii U now. Get the PS4 in a few months or whenever you have the money down the line.

You'll avoid:

● Launch Software Issues (Glitches, Freezing OS, slowdown, etc)
● Launch Hardware Issues (Overheating, RROD, etc)
● Launch Window Games Issues (Rushed, feature/content deprived, limited selection)
● "Features not ready at launch" (Kinect voice commands, PS4 bluetooth peripherals issues, etc)

You'll be able to:

● Read impressions from others on the hardware (does it work as advertised? Does it do what you're hoping it does?)
● Read neoGAF on the subject of the various launch exclusives (is Knack as middling as it seems? Is Killzone really a keeper? Is Ryse going to be the next God of War?)
● Stay out of the fanboy nonsense ("I'll be sitting over here and playing Super Fucking Awesome Mario thank you very much guys.")
● Support a system that is actually doing proactive things for gamers as well (no paywalls, great indie support, interesting a novel hardcore gaming features)
● PLAY FUCKING PIKMIN 3 AND SUPER MARIO AND WONDERFUL 101 (cause seriously guys LOL at Xbox One and PS4 launch lineup exclusives compared to those three alone)

You know the answer. :)


Go with whichever one you see yourself getting more games for in the foreseeable future.

It sounds like you already have a good idea on what that might be, so have fun with your new Wii U.
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