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Forza 5: The monetization is even worse than you think.

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This is horrible. I miss the days before Microsoft entered the game space where post release content was always free to encourage online communities to stay interested, and to continue to promote the game.

Yeah the online communities that virtually didn't exist before Xbox Live you surely mean. Going online with my Dreamcast was cool, but somehow I preferred the Xbox for online and have looked back since..

Lady Gaia

Used games effect on games sales is negligible until a couple of weeks after release, by which point they've already sold the majority of the lifetime sales of the game.

Doesn't it seem likely these two facts are connected? If used games are readily available after a few weeks, and new game sales ramp down dramatically then perhaps it's because... yeah.

I think the big missed opportunity was introducing a DRM scheme preventing resale while also dropping new game prices to $40. GameStop would have thrown a fit, but it would have been a net win for most consumers and developers.


I cannot believe they did this to my Forza. This takes some of the sting away from not getting an XBO early, that's for sure :/


It would have meant that people would have more viable options, since games would not be forced to rely on DLC/microtransactions to compensate for used game sales. With no used games, "normal" (non-microtrans) games would be made more often.

Games are not forced to do that now. Microtransactions, DLC and Season Passes are already there to compensate for used sales, which no one has even proven that it is absolutely damaging to publishers in the first place like they like to claim. It is just the new boogeyman and as far as we can tell, hasn't had a big enough impact on ANY studio. Studio closures last gen had been tied to many other problems before used sales even come into play, mainly, poor management.

This is excessive, and has nothing to do with that.

What I see on digital platforms like Steam, and Origin and Uplay right now (where there is no used market) is the same shit. Pre-order DLC, season passes, random loot boxes,etc. What I see, is EA had a chance with Origin to prove that with digital downloads (where they don't give a big cut to retailers and people can't resell) they would be more willing to cut down on those practices and the opposite has happened.

The idea that publishers dictate what the market is willing to spend money on is the naive view.

Of course there are people who are willing to spend that, that is why publishers are treating their customers like marks, or potential whales, or gambling addicts instead of regular gamers. And that is why it naive to think more games would arise that wouldn't need it. There is absolutely a market for it, and they are exploiting it. That doesn't mean it is fine. That is the real reason this shit succeeds, because there are very real psychological reasons why people can be often pushed to spend that kind of money. In that sense, they dictate it, because they know they can get away with it. That is the reason why things like the FIFA Ultimate Team is there, because developers realized there were some people willing to spend $5k a month on that, so they are going to give them more avenues to keep doing it, regardless if the real value is there for everyone else.

If you could sell used games on Steam/XBLA/PSN, those kinds of games would not survive.

You can't prove that, so it is all conjecture. Let me counter it with as much proof as you provide: I am sure they would survive. There.


I'm not especially surprised. This is MS's modus operandi with the Xbone; deliver less and less, and charge you more and and more to get it. It is the most cynically designed console of all time bar none, and perhaps one of the most cynical consumer products ever designed.

I love the smell of hyperbole in the morning ;)
I'm not especially surprised. This is MS's modus operandi with the Xbone; deliver less and less, and charge you more and and more to get it. It is the most cynically designed console of all time bar none, and perhaps one of the most cynical consumer products ever designed.

But have you seen Titanfall?

Seriously though, good post. It might look like hyperbole, but it really isn't.


I cannot believe they did this to my Forza. This takes some of the sting away from not getting an XBO early, that's for sure :/

Made that decision at the announcement but this oh man this is a whole new level of we don't have complete game but you need to pay for more! Or as Angry Joe would say.


Lady Gaia

You guys are just to much...they give people the OPTION of paying for a way to access the content faster for those where money is less important then time.

I started out optimistically believing this would be the case, but unfortunately it creates far too much of a temptation to make the game frustrating in order to maximize the number of people who will buy the content. It's just like installing red light cameras: suddenly the yellow lights start getting shorter and shorter...

Dead Man

Guys, before everything gets out of hand...

Credits are not hard to get!!!.

Tokens have been in Forza games before so it's nothing new... Tokens are expensive to encourage people to buy things with in game credits rather then real money but if someone wishes to do so then he's more then welcome. Player doesn't get the cars for getting Driver Levels, cause there aren't as many cars as there were in FM4.

I don't see where is the grinding part coming from... It's a racing game about racing cars, we race, we earn we spent. It's not a fucking grinding. If I look at it this way it looks like I'm grinding my life going to work every day lol

There are lots of things that help you earn more credits:

-Turn as many assists as you comfortable with...
- Increase Driveatar difficulty
- Getting Driver Levels give you extra cash
- Increasing Affinity levels give you % boost of your reward

It's not grinding, it's not hard and it's not painful to earn credits.
LOL, racing games can sure as hell have grinding, GT5 in particular says hi.


All that was needed for me to pre-order an Xbone and FM5 months ago was compatibility with my wheel. Thank God for unanswered prayers.
This tablet/phone f2p bullshit is a disease, the big boys of the console industry should be stamping it out and showing how games should be done.. instead, here we have money grabbing, penny pinching Microsoft getting in on the act. I'm disgusted, but is anyone really surprised? I'm not. The Xbone has been a fucking disaster for this company so far. One bad idea after another.
This rabbit hole is only going to get deeper. The integrity of the product is a secondary concern for MS, they're far more interested in monetizing every element of their system. I fully expect to be able to buy achievements, level completion and the like soon. "Well you don't have to buy it, it's optional" will be trumpeted by apologists as the desire to sell more and more of this "optional" content bleeds into actual game design.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Guys, before everything gets out of hand...

Credits are not hard to get!!!.

Tokens have been in Forza games before so it's nothing new... Tokens are expensive to encourage people to buy things with in game credits rather then real money but if someone wishes to do so then he's more then welcome. Player doesn't get the cars for getting Driver Levels, cause there aren't as many cars as there were in FM4.

I don't see where is the grinding part coming from... It's a racing game about racing cars, we race, we earn we spent. It's not a fucking grinding. If I look at it this way it looks like I'm grinding my life going to work every day lol

There are lots of things that help you earn more credits:

-Turn as many assists as you comfortable with...
- Increase Driveatar difficulty
- Getting Driver Levels give you extra cash
- Increasing Affinity levels give you % boost of your reward

It's not grinding, it's not hard and it's not painful to earn credits.

- No Free Cars for levelling up
- No free upgrades for Manufacturer affinity
- No reward cars for events
- Constantly telling you how you could double your XP and Credits buy buying tokens.
- Recommending you cars that are DLC, and you can't just buy the car on it's own most times, you have to get the entire DLC.
- No Auction house to sell and share cars. No more gifting cars either.

Don't like what they've done with the game at all. Forza 4 was damn near perfect. The career was so well done. They just had to go and mess with a pretty damn good formula.
I don't see where is the grinding part coming from... It's a racing game about racing cars, we race, we earn we spent. It's not a fucking grinding. If I look at it this way it looks like I'm grinding my life going to work every day lol

This post is blowing my mind. It's so meta.

I enjoy my job, but I don't think I'd pay for a 'life simulator' game that required me to do my own job in real time to earn 'credits' that allow me to buy things in the game. But if I did buy that game, yes I think I would consider the 'going to work every day' part of the game to be 'grinding'.


What is this fuzz here?
You earn enough credits in fm5 as a skilled driver. After a plenty of time you can afford the big achievements like the lotus.
Do you people want it right away? You dont get right to see the end of dark souls if you re not good enough.

I hate whining and all this stuff is about whining. Let people pay, that want to pay. I dont do it, but i am able to get the stuff on my own. I dont want everyone to have the lotus... I want to say: i did it. If someone else payed for it... Ok... If a bunch of morrons whi ed so hard to get it... Thats a problem for me.

I hate whimers and i see to many of them around.

There is stuff in skyrim you re only able to see after 80 hours of game time. The lotus and other stuff is like that. Dont cry losers...

Btw, i am not defendi g t10s microtransactions. But this stuff is going to save us from 100$ games. This is a reality of future triple a gaming. People are paying for it. I will never do so. But i am not a cry baby.


You could also just not spend any money on the microtransactions. If they were to not earn any money from them they will stop implementing them.

That isn't quite right. If you buy the game but not the micro-transactions, then they win. If you buy the game and the micro-transactions, they win by a larger margin. So micro-transactions are a win-win scenario. For micro-tranactions to be a losing propositions, they have to lose more game sales than they made from the dlc.
The fact that you cant drive the cars in a free drive mode is despicable.

You should be able to play everything through there, I dont have time for this grind but I really appreciate the physics and the thrill of trying to beat my own times with exotic cars.
What is this fuzz here?
You earn enough credits in fm5 as a skilled driver. After a plenty of time you can afford the big achievements like the lotus.
Do you people want it right away? You dont get right to see the end of dark souls if you re not good enough.

I hate whining and all this stuff is about whining. Let people pay, that want to pay. I dont do it, but i am able to get the stuff on my own. I dont want everyone to have the lotus... I want to say: i did it. If someone else payed for it... Ok... If a bunch of morrons whi ed so hard to get it... Thats a problem for me.

I hate whimers and i see to many of them around.

There is stuff in skyrim you re only able to see after 80 hours of game time. The lotus and other stuff is like that. Dont cry losers...

Btw, i am not defendi g t10s microtransactions. But this stuff is going to save us from 100$ games. This is a reality of future triple a gaming. People are paying for it. I will never do so. But i am not a cry baby.

I'm sick of you crybaby whiners whining about other crybaby whiners.
it shouldn't be optional. it shouldn't be an option no matter what, end of. part of competent game design is getting the difficulty balance right and in a state where practice is rewarded. not 'if you're shit at the game, buy this fast car'.
- No Free Cars for levelling up
- No free upgrades for Manufacturer affinity
- No reward cars for events
- Constantly telling you how you could double your XP and Credits buy buying tokens.
- Recommending you cars that are DLC, and you can't just buy the car on it's own most times, you have to get the entire DLC.
- No Auction house to sell and share cars. No more gifting cars either.

Don't like what they've done with the game at all. Forza 4 was damn near perfect. The career was so well done. They just had to go and mess with a pretty damn good formula.



Because PC doesn't exist

Valid point - my answer was focused on consoles only. Still, I heavily doubt that paid DLC etc. solely exists because MS has entered the game business. If anything, blame mobile games for their (apparently very successful) business model, they are (for better or not) paving the way for the future of game economy, at least it seems so..


My opinion? USED.
Not getting free cars for winning events is pretty big for me. Do they ignore focus groups? I cant believe how many questionable decisions they have made (both turn 10 and Microsoft) so far.


Thats bad, has anybody mentioned the other bad stuff like not being able to save replay in multiplayer or only able to invite people that are in your party to a game also not being able to tune on LB, glitchy gears when you upgrade the gearbox,no gistance meters,no names to see who's infront or behind.Thats just what i remember, its ruined my experiance.
What is this fuzz here?
You earn enough credits in fm5 as a skilled driver. After a plenty of time you can afford the big achievements like the lotus.
Do you people want it right away? You dont get right to see the end of dark souls if you re not good enough.

I hate whining and all this stuff is about whining. Let people pay, that want to pay. I dont do it, but i am able to get the stuff on my own. I dont want everyone to have the lotus... I want to say: i did it. If someone else payed for it... Ok... If a bunch of morrons whi ed so hard to get it... Thats a problem for me.

I hate whimers and i see to many of them around.

There is stuff in skyrim you re only able to see after 80 hours of game time. The lotus and other stuff is like that. Dont cry losers...

Btw, i am not defendi g t10s microtransactions. But this stuff is going to save us from 100$ games. This is a reality of future triple a gaming. People are paying for it. I will never do so. But i am not a cry baby.

For all the people defending the increase in time and energy to get an expensive in-game car, what would you say about the effect of that on new comers? Some of you clearly have asked for a stricter reward scenario in the game but for someone looking to get into racing sims, wouldn't this create a really high barrier for entry? Even though the game is for hardcore racing fans, should the game be balanced around the players who put 200+ hours into the game?


Maybe I just don't care about owning all of the cars or don't know the extent of the problem yet but whatever is happening with this whole fiasco has not in any way diminished my love of this game.
This game was on my list, then I was on the fence when the monetizing information starting making waves...

...Now I'm skipping this title. It's a damn shame because I was looking forward to it. I can't support such craziness.


- No Free Cars for levelling up
- No free upgrades for Manufacturer affinity
- No reward cars for events
- Constantly telling you how you could double your XP and Credits buy buying tokens.
- Recommending you cars that are DLC, and you can't just buy the car on it's own most times, you have to get the entire DLC.
- No Auction house to sell and share cars. No more gifting cars either.

Don't like what they've done with the game at all. Forza 4 was damn near perfect. The career was so well done. They just had to go and mess with a pretty damn good formula.

Just saying, no free cars for leveling is probably more due to the reduced car list.


For all the people defending the increase in time and energy to get an expensive in-game car, what would you say about the effect of that on new comers? Some of you clearly have asked for a stricter reward scenario in the game but for someone looking to get into racing sims, wouldn't this create a really high barrier for entry? Even though the game is for hardcore racing fans, should the game be balanced around the players who put 200+ hours into the game?
Those people dont need high end cars to get into sim racing. They cant even handle them.
They re too much concerned about being able to drive without assists one day. And before that, to learn the tracks.

This alone takes... Years?

I'm sick of you crybaby whiners whining about other crybaby whiners.
So we re both cry babys...
- No Free Cars for levelling up
- No free upgrades for Manufacturer affinity
- No reward cars for events
- Constantly telling you how you could double your XP and Credits buy buying tokens.
- Recommending you cars that are DLC, and you can't just buy the car on it's own most times, you have to get the entire DLC.
- No Auction house to sell and share cars. No more gifting cars either.

Don't like what they've done with the game at all. Forza 4 was damn near perfect. The career was so well done. They just had to go and mess with a pretty damn good formula.

From a gameplay perspective not all those things are bad, Forza 4 throwed cars and money really easy. But things like not having cars available for free race, cutting the aution house, the gifting cars and storefront it just disgusting.

Im not happy with all the monetization, I think MS or Turn10 have damaged the game with this.
For the sake of reference I looked at my Forza 4 stats.

In almost 300 hours of gameplay (150 hours time driven), I have total winnigs of 25,315,713 CR, 210 cars in the garage worth 92,447,850 CR and in the bank, I have 25,788,356 CR.

Would you take more or less time achieving these values in Forza 5?

So that's 118,236,206 credits' worth of stuff, which by Moronie's estimate would take you about 985 hours if you're a good driver (6,000,000 in 50 hours).


How did the reviewers not nail them to the wall on the terrible monetization. They really did a disservice to the fans of the series.


My opinion? USED.
Then why do they have day-one DLC? If they realize the car list is small, shouldn't those cars be for everyone paying $60 for the game?

Bingo. There should be no such thing as day one DLC asking for extra $$ (but in this case content that should already be part of the game).
From a gameplay perspective not all those things are bad, Forza 4 throwed cars and many really easy. But things like not having cars available for free race, cutting the aution house, the gifting cars and storefront it just disgusting.

Im not happy with all the monetization, I think MS or Turn10 have damaged the game with this.

This is by far the worse for me since I did this quite a bit in Forza 3/4. Anyone that uses the argument "It's just a choice/option" never played the game before. I hope there is enough backlash from the community that this bs will be taken out in Forza 6
So that's 118,236,206 credits' worth of stuff, which by Moronie's estimate would take you about 985 hours if you're a good driver (6,000,000 in 50 hours).

That's a really rough estimate, and probably not fair. The rewards seem to go up the longer you play and advance through the game. Still, its over 300% so unless there something else going on or inaccuracies then there is a noticeable decrease in reward per time spent. The freaking game is astonishingly beautiful, they should get credit for that.

Has the prices of the purchasable tokens been adjusted or were the numbers posted earlier updated? This is to ask if the "Best Value" is still the most expensive, tokens per currency?
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