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IGN- exclusive preview to a PS3 game thursday..


InterMoniker said:
I know where the fuck is that game? I need a 3rd person tactical shooter like that on my ps3 now!

It's coming, don't worry.

kenta said:
Honestly I feel like they need to just ditch Lara Croft and start fresh with a new franchise. Like you said, Eidos whored her out to the point where the majority of gamers have been trained to not touch her for fear of getting a venereal disease, and I wonder if it's gone past the point of no return. It will probably be a great game since I trust your impressions but, at least for me, Lara's presence serves as nothing more than a red flag these days

I agree that Tomb Raider as a franchise is a shell of what it used to be thanks to Eidos literally milking it dry. That said, it's more like soil that's got all the nutrients get lacks a proper seed. I think Legend was that seed, but the onus is now on Crystal D to basically pull a Lazarus and bring it back from the brink, because like you said and I agree, the franchise is absolutely teetering on the brink. Three years ago I would have said it's dead, but CD really did bring it back, and they deserve come serous credit for it. I mean, did anyone think Core could honestly have done it -- especially after Angel of Darkness? They're a good idea house, but CD saved the franchise, plain and simple.

Madman said:
Sam Bishop is here, and he's pissed.

HAHAHAHAA... Sam SMAAASSH! I wanted so badly to kill most of the expectations of people and bring this thread to a proper level as per my title (it's what I do in situations like this), but I kinda like having a paycheck these days. Money's a little tight in the TPS office.
SamBishop said:
With as good as Uncharted was and the impending... well, yeah, doom that is the Indy game, there's still more than enough room to do an archaeological epic with a female lead and I personally would welcome the return of Lara as a real character in games with open arms.

So has that been canned now? I remember it getting a lot of hype because it was using Euphoria, yet the animation looked rather bad.


SamBishop said:
May this response be a warning to all: read the fucking preview.

The shit that Crystal D wants to do with this game (and they haven't yet failed me on a core concept yet) will mean Tomb Raider is not only present in the whole "next-gen" space, but fucking relevant. They aren't fucking around, people; there's no reason why Tomb Raider can't be what it was when it first came out. Yes, Eidos whored out Lara like a dirty, money hungry pimp will do, but Crystal D saved the franchise and made Lara a bona-fide action hero again. I honestly think this game has the potential to be a surprise hit -- at least on the level of a TR: Legend, and likely better if they do it right.

With as good as Uncharted was and the impending... well, yeah, doom that is the Indy game, there's still more than enough room to do an archaeological epic with a female lead and I personally would welcome the return of Lara as a real character in games with open arms.

I did read the preview, and to be honest, I'm still underwhelmed. Hell, many of these things were already accomplished with Uncharted or any other game: hit reaction, dirty/wet/dry animations, physics, and so forth.


Loudninja said:
Wait, are you guys sure this is it?It mentions no versions, and nothing on the blog yet as well.Also I see no interview .

*Shrugs* Guess we'll have to wait and see. When's the PS Store typically updated?


SolidSnakex said:
So has that been canned now? I remember it getting a lot of hype because it was using Euphoria, yet the animation looked rather bad.

Not canned, but I don't personally (read: NOT official LucasArts decree) feel it's going to make the movie release. Which is okay; if anything I've learned that euphoria, as cool a technology as it is, is going to end up as weak as the first instances of Havok if it's not used right. Let them take time to figure it out. The original idea isn't really going to work without the usual development tweaking -- even where middleware is concerned.

Doel said:
I'm sure you know this, but for everyone else, according to a Slant Six post on the playstation boards, we should be hearing more about it around the end of February.

That's kinda what I meant. There will be a press presence very soon. Sony isn't going to just let their biggest online PS2 game flap in the wind come PSN time. From what I've heard, it will make SOCOM fans all creamy in their jeans.

SRG01 said:
I did read the preview, and to be honest, I'm still underwhelmed. Hell, many of these things were already accomplished with Uncharted or any other game: hit reaction, dirty/wet/dry animations, physics, and so forth.

Personally, I think for pure potential, the preview was a little constrained. Better to play it safe and all, but I'm a huge Crystal D whore, and I have a kind of retarded faith in them being able to pull it off. Yeah, part of it is in talking to people there, but I've got one o' dem weird gut feelings about the game...


Well that was a letdown...

I loved Tomb Raider on the PSX, but please, I will never again play any TR game again. And by the way, those shots could do better.


sex vacation in Guam
killing people's dreams

so how is this exclusive? IGN should really say ONLINE Exclusive so that we can probably work our hype meters otherwise it just creates resentment.


Not sure how I feel about Lara's newer look. I really liked the one they used for Legend, but this seems to gravitate towards the original Lara, with really wide and narrow eyes, and huge DSLs. Seems like a slight step back. Maybe it's just me?


Has no PEINS
Dali said:
Using early impressions from enthusiast media probably isn't the most reliable way to get an idea of how good a game will be. Of course it is going to be generally positive and enthusiastic about the games impending release. Besides, you can't bite the hand that feeds you and it isn't really fair to point out the problems of a potential pile of shit in pre-alpha shit pile form.
Sam is an enthusiast but he's not exactly the media you're referring to. He's one of the most genuine and honest people in the industry you'll come across, so this is a little different
SamBishop said:
I agree that Tomb Raider as a franchise is a shell of what it used to be thanks to Eidos literally milking it dry. That said, it's more like soil that's got all the nutrients get lacks a proper seed. I think Legend was that seed, but the onus is now on Crystal D to basically pull a Lazarus and bring it back from the brink, because like you said and I agree, the franchise is absolutely teetering on the brink. Three years ago I would have said it's dead, but CD really did bring it back, and they deserve come serous credit for it. I mean, did anyone think Core could honestly have done it -- especially after Angel of Darkness? They're a good idea house, but CD saved the franchise, plain and simple.
But was the franchise worth saving? That's sort of the point I'm trying to make, and while I respect the graceful analogy you used with the soil and the seed and Lazarus, I feel like we're dealing with the video game version of Lindsay Lohan. When they first came on the scene they were popular and everyone recognized the talent and potential, but then after a while you see them squandering that potential with some really really bad decisions that make them a laughing stock. Underworld might be the equivalent of a 30-year old Lindsay Lohan showing up at the Oscars with her act together receiving an award for Best Supporting Actress, but for (shallow) people like me, we'd rather just forget about Lindsay and have a Hayden Panettiere instead


giggas said:
Not sure how I feel about Lara's newer look. I really liked the one they used for Legend, but this seems to gravitate towards the original Lara, with really wide and narrow eyes, and huge DSLs. Seems like a slight step back. Maybe it's just me?

:lol :lol :lol Oh my God :lol

But I agree with you. Legend probably has Lara's best look in recent history.


SamBishop said:
I agree that Tomb Raider as a franchise is a shell of what it used to be thanks to Eidos literally milking it dry. That said, it's more like soil that's got all the nutrients get lacks a proper seed. I think Legend was that seed, but the onus is now on Crystal D to basically pull a Lazarus and bring it back from the brink, because like you said and I agree, the franchise is absolutely teetering on the brink. Three years ago I would have said it's dead, but CD really did bring it back, and they deserve come serous credit for it. I mean, did anyone think Core could honestly have done it -- especially after Angel of Darkness? They're a good idea house, but CD saved the franchise, plain and simple.

If Disney released all of their shitty, straight to video sequels in theatres and then put a huge budget and a good team behind Aladdin 10: Jafar dies for realz this time kthxbye, do you think movie-goers would be able to get as excited about that as they would be if Disney used the budget and the team for an original Disney classic instead?

kenta said:
But was the franchise worth saving? That's sort of the point I'm trying to make, and while I respect the graceful analogy you used with the soil and the seed and Lazarus, I feel like we're dealing with the video game version of Lindsay Lohan. When they first came on the scene they were popular and everyone recognized the talent and potential, but then after a while you see them squandering that potential with some really really bad decisions that make them a laughing stock. Underworld might be the equivalent of a 30-year old Lindsay Lohan showing up at the Oscars with her act together receiving an award for Best Supporting Actress, but for (shallow) people like me, we'd rather just forget about Lindsay and have a Hayden Panettiere instead

... or this.

Point being, we're tired of Lara.


when is my burrito
Loudninja said:
Wait, are you guys sure this is it?It mentions no versions, and nothing on the blog yet as well.Also I see no interview .

Again, did you actually listen to the podcast.

The preview and blog posts were mentioned at different points of the podcast, making them unrelated.

The interview will be in the next Podcast Beyond next week.

I didn't expect to be surprised by the game involved, but I am surprised to hear that someone supposedly saved the TR franchise. There pretty much no chance of me buying a TR again. The changes to the series it would take to interest me would just make it another game.


Tomb Raider hate in this thread is sad. Legend was such a good game... it was one of my favorite of all of 2006. Just stop..
kbear said:
Tomb Raider hate in this thread is sad. Legend was such a good game... it was one of my favorite of all of 2006. Just stop..
Actually I'm pretty sure you're not allowed to have your own opinion, and neither am I.


BobTheFork said:
Actually I'm pretty sure you're not allowed to have your own opinion, and neither am I.
A lot of the comments are like "Haven't played a Tomb Raider game since PSX... what a disappointment this exclusive is"

That's nothing but ignorance.


kbear said:
Tomb Raider hate in this thread is sad. Legend was such a good game... it was one of my favorite of all of 2006. Just stop..
It's because people are just tired of the series, and have been for awhile. Really, they could probably name it something else (like "Explorer" with some generic man or woman) and it would have gotten a better reception. Tomb Raider is music to very few people's ears these days.
IGN am failed


never really a TR fan, controls always frustrated me, if the can fix the controls id give it a shot

but after Uncharted they need to come strong and im not seeing it


Junior Butler
I'm a TR fan too, since the beginning, but for IGN to tout an "exclusive" look at a no doubt mediocre, multiplatform title is fuck. Pure fuck.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)


Madman said:
It's because people are just tired of the series, and have been for awhile. Really, they could probably name it something else (like "Explorer" with some generic man or woman) and it would have gotten a better reception. Tomb Raider is music to very few people's ears these days.
Then people would just be calling that game a Tomb Raider clone.


belvedere said:
I expected to be let down, and I was right.

This can't be the fucking "exclusive".

It's not, if you look on the side of the article, it says this is on Xbox 360 and PC. So this is not the exclusive they'll be showing today. Then again, this is IGN so maybe they justify this as being an "exclusive" somehow. :lol


gray_fox224 said:
Joke post? There were previews all across the web last week.

IGN was the only one to say expect a ps3 preview within a couple weeks. and notice how the preview for this preview didnt say exclusive ps3 game, but exclusive preview for a ps3 game.


Junior Member
ZmillA said:
IGN was the only one to say expect a ps3 preview within a couple weeks. and notice how the preview for this preview didnt say exclusive ps3 game, but exclusive preview for a ps3 game.

I do not understand you...

If you are lead to believe so, then why would IGN make a somewhat of a big deal about a preview if their competitors have already posted ones themselves?


Tr4nce said:
Well that was a letdown...

I loved Tomb Raider on the PSX, but please, I will never again play any TR game again. And by the way, those shots could do better.

The Crystal Dynamics ones on the PS2 are seriously worth a look. Give 'em a chance.

PistolGrip said:
killing people's dreams

so how is this exclusive? IGN should really say ONLINE Exclusive so that we can probably work our hype meters otherwise it just creates resentment.

I only pop into IGN a few times a week, I have no real pull on how they phrase things, but I agree. If they really wanted to do it proper justice, it should have been announced as an online exclusive.

kenta said:
Sam is an enthusiast but he's not exactly the media you're referring to. He's one of the most genuine and honest people in the industry you'll come across, so this is a little different

But was the franchise worth saving? That's sort of the point I'm trying to make, and while I respect the graceful analogy you used with the soil and the seed and Lazarus, I feel like we're dealing with the video game version of Lindsay Lohan. When they first came on the scene they were popular and everyone recognized the talent and potential, but then after a while you see them squandering that potential with some really really bad decisions that make them a laughing stock. Underworld might be the equivalent of a 30-year old Lindsay Lohan showing up at the Oscars with her act together receiving an award for Best Supporting Actress, but for (shallow) people like me, we'd rather just forget about Lindsay and have a Hayden Panettiere instead

Awww, thanks for the luv, dude. It means a lot more than you'll know. I don't disagree with you, on the worth of the franchise per se. It's damaged goods, certainly; Core fucked up, whether because Eidos made them milk the franchise or because they genuinely thought they could pump out a new TR game every year. Angel of Darkness, for all the crap that it was, showed some decent promise in what Core could have done given a little more direction, perhaps some more staff/talent and a lot more time.

I think what's missed here is that Tomb Raider originally was a female Indiana Jones. She-Indy is still an angle that could be embraced, I think, espeically in light of games like Uncharted really bringing the genre into something that games can do well. I'm not saying Lara is the next Indy, I'm just saying the franchise still has a lot of juice in it -- particularly because Lara is an established name but lacks the kind of cohesive background Indy has.

Alaluef said:

I don't... what? I mean, I don't exactly disapprove, because, hey, fetish for someone, but... I... wow... Ellipses...

andycapps said:
It's not, if you look on the side of the article, it says this is on Xbox 360 and PC. So this is not the exclusive they'll be showing today. Then again, this is IGN so maybe they justify this as being an "exclusive" somehow. :lol

It's exclusive coverage-wise -- as in it's the only online site that has the deets on the game right now. Not a megaton by any measure, and I would have been a little more geeky on the game, but then I still love Lara.


Junior Member
Uggh. I agree, next to Uncharted, this doesn't look very promising. I've never been a TR fan, so I guess that clouds my give-a-shit engine.
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