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LTTP: 999: Don't do what I nearly did -- you absolutely MUST play this game!




I... am a changed gamer.

Before I begin, let me paint a picture about my attitude going in, and provide a bit of background on the game:

999 is a mix of visual novel and escape-the-room puzzles for the Nintendo DS. YOU CAN PLAY THE DEMO HERE. The whole genre is new to me, but 999 is VERY accessible. You can save on any line of dialogue, and rewind dialogue you may have missed. The hit boxes for the interactive bits in the environment are generous and effortless to find, so no worries about poking around fruitlessly. The characters provide increasingly helpful hints for puzzles, all of which are ultimately quite logical. And on subsequent playthroughs, you can fast-forward text you've already seen, the game stopping you at new dialogue or decisions, and greying out the decisions you've already made. The way this game handles multiple endings is simply BRILLIANT, but more on that in a moment.

999 will soon be called Zero Escape: Nine Hours - Nine Persons - Nine Doors. This is because 999 will soon have a sequel: Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward, out next month on 3DS and Vita (November for Europe). VLR is already out in Japan where it has been very positively received. A third title may be in the works, completing a trilogy.

I read about VLR in the new Nintendo Power and was intrigued. I thought I'd jump right in with the sequel, but GAF insisted I play 999 first. Apparently, shocking revelations in 999 would be spoiled playing VLR first.

I was conflicted. I had just finished the superb Sleeping Dogs on high-end PC. It's tied for GOTY with Kid Icarus Uprising, the crown jewel of my shiny 3DS. I was so busy enjoying the "cutting edge" of new games that I felt it would be a step backwards to revisit a game made for a system I had retired. Now I know that's not rational -- but in my mind I was "done" with the DS library. On to the new!

What a mistake that would've been.

At the incessant urging of GAF, I ordered 999 for a cool $20 on Amazon. In retrospect, I would've been happy to pay TRIPLE that.

This game cast a spell over my mind like none other... It made my eyes tear up at points and my heart jump at others. I'm still digesting the implications of its epic conclusion as I write this... I'll probably be thinking about it for weeks and months to come. I plowed through all of its endings in an effort to loosen its grip on my mind, but to no avail.

Each playthrough was filled with twists that quite frankly shame Sixth Sense/Signs-era M. Knight, and rival the clockwork constructs of LOST. I found myself inhaling the story near the end there.

Each playthrough revealed more of the mystery... or should I say mysteries, or mysteries within mysteries. Each playthrough had new rooms to explore and new puzzles to solve. Each playthrough had new character moments, new concepts. And the revelations... The shocking, SHOCKING revelations...

Best of all, the different playthroughs add up in the most spectacular fashion. By the time you reach the TRUE ending, everything that came before will have been connected in the most intricate and grandiose of ways. This narrative is a multi-layered monster of intrigue, from characters with complex pasts to absolutely fascinating sci-fi and historical concepts. Yet it's all elegantly established in the most economical and logical of ways. No detail is irrelevant.

And it's WARM. Warm like a classic novel. Warm like an old friend. Every night that I cuddled up with this game in bed was like reading a book I didn't want to end. And there is a LOT to see here. The true ending, in particular, went on for what must've been hours, but I was wholly absorbed the whole time, tapping A repeatedly to advance the plot, looking for closure, for answers, anxious to see what happened next.

And the amazing moments. Just. Kept. Coming.

I'm simply in awe.

How foolish I was to nearly pass up 999. This game is TIMELESS. Already I'm itching to do another run through the true ending of the game, drinking in all the details with the big picture fresh in mind. Like I said, there are so many layers to digest here... So many delicious layers. It's much like a good browsing session of Wikipedia, where you're tumbling down a bottomless rabbit hole of obscure concepts, yet you're exploring them with these wonderfully realized characters, trying to figure out how everything fits together.

And everything does fit together. All I can think about now is Virtue's Last Reward. This game, it is clear to me now, was but a prologue -- an incredible start to a truly epic storyline.

The sequel can't come soon enough!!


You might want to add the PlayAsia listing to the opening. It has free shipping worldwide, but you can also use Fedex if you prefer faster, trackable shipping.

Best way to play the game: Late at night, alone in bed, door closed, and nothing but your DS illuminating the room.


I didn't really like it. I got to
the part where they enter that hallway
and I gave up. I love the traditional browser-based escape games, but I couldn't play this one :( I no like it.


Damnit, I suppose I'll have to pick it up after all. To be frank, I've mostly avoided it on the basis of what I heard regarding moments of extreme violence. That's not something I care for, in any genre, even if it's just described in detail and not shown.
You should quote like everything you said as a reaction while you were playing and put it on this page. That was some entertaining stuff.

People. Listen. To. This. Man.
i love this game. i do think some of the plot stuff, especially during the ending, is most likely nonsense, but that doesnt stop me from loving the game and 95% of the plot.

in my euphoria after playing it when it came out i made the outrageous claim that it does for multiple endings what planescape: torment did for the disconnect between what the character should know and what the player should know (that is, resolved the dissonance inherent in those things). in retrospect, thats a bold claim and probably wrong since there is a fair bit of nonsense in the ending, but i do think you could make that argument.

EVOL 100%

It was one of the most fantastic experiences I had. It completely changed my perceptions on what a Visual Novel can do.

I'm going to have to import a US 3DS to play the sequel :(


Damnit, I suppose I'll have to pick it up after all. To be frank, I've mostly avoided it on the basis of what I heard regarding moments of extreme violence. That's not something I care for, in any genre, even if it's just described in detail and not shown.
Nothing is meaningless, and what grisliness is there has a calculated reason. What you refer to is the occasional scene where they encounter the aftermath of violence -- no active suffering, and the death itself always quick. These scenes are infrequent, but serve to ratchet up the tension of what's at stake. Trust me, don't let this deter you.
The sequel is really, really good.

Really, really, really good.

But you should/need to play 999 first to get the most out of it. It's not a spinoff or a sidestory; it's a full blown sequel.


Played it earlier this month and just couldn't put it down.
Absolutely amazing game, can't wait to play ZEVLR later this year!


Holy crap! Today's real megaton is that more than two people can have the same first name.
It was one of the most fantastic experiences I had. It completely changed my perceptions on what a Visual Novel can do.

I'm going to have to import a US 3DS to play the sequel :(

Good news. The sequel to 9-9-9 is coming out in Europe in November on 3DS and Vita.
This was good stuff reading you in that thread .

And yeah , we keep telling you ..play this game up to the end ( the real end ) and enjoy the ride !!


This was good stuff reading you in that thread .

And yeah , we keep telling you ..play this game up to the end ( the real end ) and enjoy the ride !!

How many times do you have to play through it to get the real end? That's the sort of thing that would turn me off of playing something like this, especially if the game's long.
How many times do you have to play through it to get the real end? That's the sort of thing that would turn me off of playing something like this, especially if the game's long.

Technically, twice, but you'd miss out on so much from the other playthroughs it'll feel half-assed.


I wanted to like it, but after an hour I could not stand the slow appearing text anymore (same with hotel dusk) and quit. Every text heavy game should have an instant setting.
How many times do you have to play through it to get the real end? That's the sort of thing that would turn me off of playing something like this, especially if the game's long.

Technically only 2 times if you know what you're doing, but 5 is recommended to get all the endings and put every piece of the puzzle together.

Each playthrough isn't that long though. The way the game is structured, I'm even reluctant to call them entire "playthroughs". It's more like chapters IMO.


I should add: There are six endings, but to see everything you only need to play five times (since the true ending combines two of those endings). Subsequent playthroughs can be knocked out in a matter of mere hours; just hold right on the Dpad to skip all text you've already seen, and the game will stop you at new junctions you didn't read/take before, and grey out the options you already took. Also note you'll come across NEW ROOMS and NEW PUZZLES in each playthrough.

There are non-spoiler flowcharts online that tell you how to reach each ending. Essentially, at three points in the game you are prompted to choose a numbered door. The different combinations lead to different endings. The true ending requires you play one particular ending first, and then follow a certain path, responding to certain characters in certain ways. It makes sense when you do it and is quite intuitive.

Here is the flowchart -- no spoilers (just vague location names and a few interactions that are meaningless out of context).
I loved this game. I kind of disliked having to go through it a bunch of times to get the different endings, but overall I loved it <3


I need to replay this game before Good People Die (THAT'S THE REAL NAME) comes out here. I almost missed 999 because it was kind of hard to find in Canada because I guess Aksys couldn't be assed to print some bilingual labels.
I wanted to like it, but after an hour I could not stand the slow appearing text anymore (same with hotel dusk) and quit. Every text heavy game should have an instant setting.

I pity you. You're missing out on so much over a rather petty issue.

Give it another shot, and persevere. You won't regret it.
Looks like the Gamestop near my house has the last copy for 100 miles used for $17. I might go snag this tomorrow after class.

I was originally pretty interested in the game, but got irritated at a spoiler I read on here and forgot the game even existed till this thread popped up...and all the recent talk of the Vita sequel. So, without spoiling too much for me now...is this spoiler a big deal or should I forget about it and just enjoy myself?
Just wondering if it's something you find out early and I am making a mountain out of a mole-hill? Thanks.

But yeah, thanks for the good sales pitch OP! Hope I enjoy it.


How many times do you have to play through it to get the real end? That's the sort of thing that would turn me off of playing something like this, especially if the game's long.

You have to play through the game twice to see the true ending, but you're doing yourself a disservice not getting all 5.
You can skip through text you've already read if that helps the decision.


I got a copy of this along with my new 3DS XL in preparation for the sequel and am looking forward to playing it.

It's good to hear you'd be happy to pay triple $20, as I paid double that. :(
Neiteio, have you played Ghost Trick? I thought that was the perfect way to follow this up even if the games aren't super similar outside genre. Could also tide you over until VLR.


Game is best enjoyed in bed, with all the lights out and at 2 am (as you might have read a book as kid). Great atmosphere, but not exactly a flawless adventure game.

The sequel is really, really good.

Really, really, really good.

But you should/need to play 999 first to get the most out of it. It's not a spinoff or a sidestory; it's a full blown sequel.

Is it really? From the character design (which was already pretty bad in 999) it seems like they are going fucking crazy with the story. Maybe they make it work though.

I also played this in close approximation of Ghost Trick. Both of these games made my NeoGAF top 10 list from last year (linked as "my website"), though 999 only as a runner-up 2010 game.
Looks like the Gamestop near my house has the last copy for 100 miles used for $17. I might go snag this tomorrow after class.

I was originally pretty interested in the game, but got irritated at a spoiler I read on here and forgot the game even existed till this thread popped up...and all the recent talk of the Vita sequel. So, without spoiling too much for me now...is this spoiler a big deal or should I forget about it and just enjoy myself?
Just wondering if it's something you find out early and I am making a mountain out of a mole-hill? Thanks.

But yeah, thanks for the good sales pitch OP! Hope I enjoy it.

Kind of a big spoiler, but it also is meaningless if you don't know the context. You should still play it.


Neiteio, have you played Ghost Trick? I thought that was the perfect way to follow this up even if the games aren't super similar outside genre. Could also tide you over until VLR.

Yup, this. I played GT after 999 and it totally complimented each other in terms of twists.
First Deadly Premonition and now 999... You're on a roll for excellent LTTPs in my book, Neiteio. : )

This is probably my favorite handheld game of all time. The writing was great, the atmosphere was good, and I just really loved the music, characters, and setting. Just blew me away.
Kind of a big spoiler, but it also is meaningless if you don't know the context. You should still play it.

Yeah, that's what I assumed. All I know is the basic premise. The who, where, or why is a pretty big ???. Having a direct sequel in the midst makes me really want to check this out. Nothing I love more than games with direct sequels that try to tell a continuous story.
Really? Ghost Trick is that good, huh? I thought the concept and characters looked great, so color me interested!

Really. The characters are among the most memorable and lovable I've ever seen, and every twist is perfect in both forshadowing and execution. Oh, and um, the gameplay's really fun too.
Really? It's that good, huh? I thought the concept and characters looked great, so color me interested!

Honestly, I like Ghost Trick more than 999, but that's more a preference thing than a means to pit the two against each other. It's a nice light-hearted, feel good story with some excellent characters and a good contrast to the oppressive atmosphere of 999. It also has one of the best soundtracks in gaming (not hyperbole).


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
When I bought this game last year, I was hooked. I couldn't put it down. I bought a copy for my older sister because I knew she would love it. When she finished, we hatched a plan to get my little sister to play the game. And she loved it immensely! We haven't gotten Mom to try it just yet, but we're working on it. ^_~

Absolutely masterful! This game is amazing in every way!


To be frank, I've mostly avoided it on the basis of what I heard regarding moments of extreme violence. That's not something I care for, in any genre, even if it's just described in detail and not shown.

This is pretty much my situation as well. I love Adventure games and such, but, I hate games trying to startle/scare me, don't like blood/gore/etc., and don't particularly care for violence or such like that, whether shown or implied. And, from what I've gathered, this game would have it, as is the case with many Adventure games (and so it's been a matter for me of finding the ones that don't).


This is pretty much my situation as well. I love Adventure games and such, but, I hate games trying to startle/scare me, don't like blood/gore/etc., and don't particularly care for violence or such like that, whether shown or implied. And, from what I've gathered, this game would have it, as is the case with many Adventure games (and so it's been a matter for me of finding the ones that don't).

I'm squeemish too, but 999 is more about an oppressive atmosphere than it is about wall-to-wall gore.

Don't even play Saya no Uta.


You have to play through the game twice to see the true ending, but you're doing yourself a disservice not getting all 5.
You can skip through text you've already read if that helps the decision.

Are there 5 endings or 6? I've gotten 3 so far, including the submarine one tonight! I thought I'd found one of the good ones, but alas.
How many times do you have to play through it to get the real end? That's the sort of thing that would turn me off of playing something like this, especially if the game's long.

there is no "how many"
Each route is pretty much required for maximum exposure and awesome revelations ..you can reach the true end in 2 plays but you'll miss a lot ...and i mean a lot ..

Are there 5 endings or 6? I've gotten 3 so far, including the submarine one tonight! I thought I'd found one of the good ones, but alas.

5 endings , one ending exist to hide the true end if you haven't done the requirements
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