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Well It Looks Like Barack Obama Is Running For President

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I just got the new Time Magazine with him on the cover and read the piece. He has gone from saying he won't run 2 short years ago to responding with "Well, I'll see what is best for me and my family after the elections this November!" this week in Time, and as anyone who follows politics knows that answer means "Hell yes I am running, but wait for my official press annoucement!"

This could change things up after the void Mark Warner left when he dropped out. This man could crush Hillary in the primaries without lifting a finger, likely the only man outside of a suprise Al Gore run who can beat her. Could he win the general election? No clue, but he'll do a hell of a lot better than Hillary and if he indeed runs we won't need to worry about her at all.


The guy's got great ideas (listen to his energy strategy), inclusive, hard working and well spoken.

No way he's got a chance.
I got the opposite impression from that article. Plus, the interview called him out a couple of times on some issues and Barack said he needed to look into it. He's not running as he is not ready yet. Interesting article tho.
He's not going to run. As a junior senator he doesn't really have the credibility yet. There are many people in Ill. who aren't to happy that he hasn't done anything big yet.
PhoenixDark said:
He's not going to run. As a junior senator he doesn't really have the credibility yet. There are many people in Ill. who aren't to happy that he hasn't done anything big yet.

I'm from IL and the big thing he's done so far is to inspire people in the Dem base that haven't cared a stitch about politics since the last election. Myself included.

Whether he runs or not this go round is beside the point IMO.


You guys totally need a well spoken, charismatic, intelligent leader to reingratiate yourselves with the world community.

Your chosen leader is a significant statesman for your country... and America would be well served in the long term to not withdraw or shun the world community as it has done for the term of President Bush.


krypt0nian said:
I'm from IL and the big thing he's done so far is to inspire people in the Dem base that haven't cared a stitch about politics since the last election.
I get a JFK vibe from him in that regard. The man inspires people so easily, its insane.

Also you guys doubt the power of Oprah. If he runs she will be pushing for him 24/7.


Obama is deeply charasmatic, involving, interesting and...inexpirenced. What has he done other than be charasmatic, involved and interesting? This is my fear. He needs some more time, but it'll be nice to keep an eye on him

White Man

Go ahead, hand the Republicans the White House again. His inexperience alone is a big enough reason to shoot him down. He'd have to convince me to vote for him, and I hate Republicans slightly more than I hate Democrats.


PhoenixDark said:
That's my argument as well. 2012 is still kinda early, but it's more reasonable than 08
Abraham Lincoln
Jimmy Carter
George W. Bush

all had equal or less experience in elected office politics when elected than Obama will have as of 2008.

There is probably a lot more that I am to lazy to check.


Looking at that cover totally makes me think, David Palmer!

It would rock to have a black president.

Just for interest, what is it the fictional David Palmer did in 24 before been president?


Forgotten in his cell
argon said:
The guy hasn't even completed one term in office yet. He's green.

You know who else didn't have any experience? Some guy named GEORGE FREAKIN' WASHINGTON.

Obama for Vice President 08


GoutPatrol said:
Obama for Vice President 08
As long as its something like Edwards/Obama and not Hillary/Obama.

Also leaving him in the senate for another 6 years or so is a no no imo, it will ruin him. Congress corrupts any man if he is there too long.


Rosa Parks hater
Cheebs said:
Jimmy Carter
George W. Bush

all had equal or less experience in elected office politics when elected than Obama will have as of 2008.

There is probably a lot more that I am to lazy to check.


I don't see this happening. Even if he runs, I doubt he'd win. What's he done? He's a great speaker, but that's really the biggest thing he's got going for him.


I agree that Obama would be a fantastic Vice Presidential candidate; it's hard to think of a better potential President than an Obama with 4 (or more) years of experience near the top of the Executive branch. The question, of course, is who among Democrats is a strong Presidential candidate in 2008? Anyone? Anyone?
Ichirou_Oogami said:
I don't see this happening. Even if he runs, I doubt he'd win. What's he done? He's a great speaker, but that's really the biggest thing he's got going for him.

Bush got 8 years and the guy can't even speak.


Cheebs said:
Abraham Lincoln
Jimmy Carter
George W. Bush

all had equal or less experience in elected office politics when elected than Obama will have as of 2008.

There is probably a lot more that I am to lazy to check.

Did you just reference Jimmy Carter and George W. Bush to bolster your argument? =) Both were horribly overwhelmed by their job and could have used some more experience.

Obama vs. McCain '08 would be a massacre. I hope it doesn't come to that, because he has a bright future ahead of him.

I could definitely see him as a VP candidate in '08 but he might decline. Going VP seems to be a double edged sword. Politicians may not want to appear too groomed for Presidential office, or they could end up like Gore.


impirius said:
Edwards has the hair but he's in the same boat as Obama: a (fairly) green Senator.
Out of all the potential front runners for the nomination if we went for experience GAF would be all over Hillary Clinton. ;)

GAF seemed to be all over the Mark Warner and he had the same experience as as Obama.


Running for president is sadly, mostly about raising money. Obama would have such an uphill climb in 2008. Especially when Edwards, Clinton and possibly Gore would have such a dramatic money lead on him.

Personally, I hope both parties elect fringe candidates and will allow for some discussion of a candidate from the middle to step forward.

I just hope some time in my life we see some sort of unholy alliance between moderate Republicans and moderate Democrats in the national election. Really shake this country up and have people assess where they really are on the politcial spectum.


As much as I want this man as our President I don't think its the right time. He is still a very new to the senate and really doesn't have the credentials to fall back on at this point. If he ran at this point, he would likely lose. And as we all know people's political platform makes some times drastic changes over the years, and I would hate to see a failed 2008 campaign come back to bite him in 2012 or 2016 when he'll likely be more ready. Besides there is a certain loss of credibility with people who run over and over. When he runs I want him to be totally ready and likely to win.

Seriously, this guy is brilliant and just want the country needs, but he and his supporters need to be patient.
Cheebs said:
Abraham Lincoln
Jimmy Carter
George W. Bush

all had equal or less experience in elected office politics when elected than Obama will have as of 2008.

There is probably a lot more that I am to lazy to check.

The issue isn't that simple. You have to take context into account here. Carter was an honest beacon of hope after the corruption of Nixon. Bush became president during a time when it seemed like the US had no enemies.

2008 is going to be about experience and safety once again. Running a green Obama against someone like Guiliani or even McCain would be suicide for the democrats.

Give it time. Obama will have his chance before all is said and done.
argon said:
The guy hasn't even completed one term in office yet. He's green.

I hate this shit that people need to "pay their dues" in high elected office before moving on to the next level. This is the mindset that leads to corruption, careerism and John Kerry nominations. Like Dick Durbin said on NPR yesterday, "Another 4000 votes in the senate is not going to prepare him in anyway to become president." Another 8 years as a senator could conceivably hurt him more because the repubs will take his votes out of context and frame him as a reptilian, baby killing, high tax liberal no matter what.

He went to Harvard Law, worked as a community organizer (on the South side of Chicago, no easy task), wrote a book about his terribly interesting background and ideals, went up against the Daley Democratic machine in his first fun for state legislature (and LOST!), was elected by a 3/4 majority in a state Kerry only won by 10 points and has handled himself gracefully since his meteoric rise. That would be a full life for any person.

While he has angered me with some of his actions since his election (Hello Condi nomination), sitting in the senate for another 6 years will not help him in the long run (especially if the Dems don't get control this year).

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Are you guys insane? He's black. It's ****ing sad but people in the south and middle america will never vote for him. Sure they will say so in public, but in that booth where you have complete privacy all your biases will come through.

Has there even been a president that was single, not religious? Shit it's a big deal that Kennedy was Irish catholic. I hope the guy becomes President, never really liked Hillary as much as Bill.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Cheebs said:
GAF seemed to be all over the Mark Warner and he had the same experience as as Obama.
Er, no. Warner was governor, which is a hell of a lot closer to being president in terms of experience than being a senator. Even if you think neither would be a good candidate, I don't see how their experiences are anywhere near the same.


Zaptruder said:
Looking at that cover totally makes me think, David Palmer!

It would rock to have a black president.

Just for interest, what is it the fictional David Palmer did in 24 before been president?

He was a senator, IIRC. He was on some senate committee that greenlighted Jack's mission to kill Drazen, I think.


reggieandTFE said:
I hate this shit that people need to "pay their dues" in high elected office before moving on to the next level. This is the mindset that leads to corruption, careerism and John Kerry nominations. Like Dick Durbin said on NPR yesterday, "Another 4000 votes in the senate is not going to prepare him in anyway to become president." Another 8 years as a senator could conceivably hurt him more because the repubs will take his votes out of context and frame him as a reptilian, baby killing, high tax liberal no matter what.

He went to Harvard Law, worked as a community organizer (on the South side of Chicago, no easy task), wrote a book about his terribly interesting background and ideals, went up against the Daley Democratic machine in his first fun for state legislature (and LOST!), was elected by a 3/4 majority in a state Kerry only won by 10 points and has handled himself gracefully since his meteoric rise. That would be a full life for any person.

While he has angered me with some of his actions since his election (Hello Condi nomination), sitting in the senate for another 6 years will not help him in the long run (especially if the Dems don't get control this year).
Exactly, congress corrupts. He still has that feeling of innocence about him that many seem to love. Another 6 years in the senate could morph him into a John Kerry. Why do we elect so many more governers than senators? I doubt that people go in and pick the governer as their main reason for voting. The senate MAKES people become boring drones like Kerry and Dole were.


Belfast said:
Who gives a crap if he's green? That doesn't mean he's any less well-suited to the position.
I fail to understand why people think him voting a bunch times more on meaningless bills will somehow make him a better president. All it does is give te GOP more fodder to throw against him.


The fear of someone being green, is that they will be exploited as being inexperienced in dealing with internation/military affairs. As the past few elections have taught us, people care about security. The other being that he would not have the name recognition to raise the kinds of cash you need to run an effective campaign. Money matters.

So, it's kind of a loaded term. One that carries some weight in a presidential election.
Belfast said:
Who gives a crap if he's green? That doesn't mean he's any less well-suited to the position.

True. The problem is that it falls into the Republican's hands. It's not hard to see how Rove and others would be able to frame this, especially if McCain/Guliani run.

In 08 the Democrats need a safe pick.
ToxicAdam said:
The fear of someone being green, is that they will be exploited as being inexperienced in dealing with internation/military affairs. As the past few elections have taught us, people care about security. The other being that he would not have the name recognition to raise the kinds of cash you need to run an effective campaign. Money matters.

So, it's kind of a loaded term. One that carries some weight in a presidential election.

reggieandTFE said:
I hate this shit that people need to "pay their dues" in high elected office before moving on to the next level. This is the mindset that leads to corruption, careerism and John Kerry nominations.
I agree with you. After eight years of Congressional scandals, botched war planning, and freak show politics, I think Americans would be absolutely willing to listen to a candidate that hasn't been steeped in years of cronyism. That's something Hillary can't offer us.

Doc Holliday said:
Are you guys insane? He's black. It's ****ing sad but people in the south and middle america will never vote for him. Sure they will say so in public, but in that booth where you have complete privacy all your biases will come through.
Bias isn't limited to only two regions. And besides, middle America loved Colin Powell.


PhoenixDark said:
True. The problem is that it falls into the Republican's hands. It's not hard to see how Rove and others would be able to frame this, especially if McCain/Guliani run.
The power of Rove might help the Democrats oddly in 2008. The GOP the last 6 years have relied on his amazing campaign skills alone nearly. 2006 elections are his last, he is retiering from politics at the end of the Bush administration, he has gone on record many times of saying he wont work for anyone in the '08 elections.


Cheebs said:
I fail to understand why people think him voting a bunch times more on meaningless bills will somehow make him a better president. All it does is give oponnets more fodder to throw against him.

Like I said I think he would make an amazing president right now, but when I look at his lack of experience I don't see it hindering his ability at all, but his chances of winning. True, his opponents will have a lot less ammo to use on him in 08 than they would in 12 or 16, but by the same token in an age where elections are won via cheap slogans and campaign adds that twist, stretch, and take the truth out of context I could see where his overall lack of productivity could be attributed to him being incapable when in reality its due to him not having the time in office.
PhoenixDark said:
True. The problem is that it falls into the Republican's hands. It's not hard to see how Rove and others would be able to frame this, especially if McCain/Guliani run.

In 08 the Democrats need a safe pick.


I love how people make Guliani out to be this shining star, he would be such a disaster it's not even funny...
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