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Kotaku: Mass Effect Andromeda wont get single-player DLC


Info comes via Jason's sources, of course

Jason Schreier said:
Yesterday, a widely shared Facebook post claimed that BioWare had canceled Mass Effect: Andromeda's downloadable content. The good news: that Facebook post was a hoax. The bad news: they guessed correctly. Mass Effect: Andromeda will indeed not be receiving any single-player DLC, three people familiar with BioWare's plans have told me.
The chilly reception to Andromeda led the company to transfer BioWare Montreal's employees to other projects, including Star Wars Battlefront II, Anthem, and the next Dragon Age. Although a small team remains in place to work on Mass Effect: Andromeda's multiplayer and patch support (which isn't done yet), most of BioWare Montreal has moved on.
More at http://kotaku.com/sources-mass-effe...m_source=Kotaku_Twitter&utm_medium=Socialflow
I think they are gonna brush it sideways and forget this franchise ever existed. It's all eyes on the new one now.

Cant be too long before this is on Origin Access. Which might not be a bad thing for this franchise. I dont think this is a bad game and more people playing and realizing that might renew some interest.


I've put about 4 or 5 hours in the campaing.

Multiplayer is where it's at. Even with the limited amount of maps, its still great fun.
Guess I shouldn't be surprised after hearing that most of the studios staff is working on other games. The few that are still working on the game are just fixing the bugs.


Unconfirmed Member
Not surprised but disappointed. ME:A has its issues but I genuinely enjoyed that game a lot (even more so than ME2 and 3 in some ways) and would love some more adventures with that crew. Ah well.


Haven't played the game, but geez. What happened EA? This was one of the best franchises last gen. This is why you don't rush games and don't take members off the team while the game is in production.


Shitty to hear.

Yeah Andromeda isn't considered the best, but single player DLC helped Mass Effect 3 a lot, it could have helped it as well.


Yesterday, a widely shared Facebook post claimed that BioWare had canceled Mass Effect: Andromeda’s downloadable content. The good news: that Facebook post was a hoax. The bad news: they guessed correctly. Mass Effect: Andromeda will indeed not be receiving any single-player DLC, three people familiar with BioWare’s plans have told me.

Shocking. Is there even any more patches or mp dlc in the pipeline?

I was waiting to buy the game until all the updates were out but it looks like that already happened a while ago.


I'm still so, so fucking mad at EA for killing two of my favorite franchises within a year of each other.

ME is a doomed acronym.


I was sort of holding out hope that DLC would be a way to get more polished content worked into the original framework. This is a bummer, even if the state the game is in combined with the player response makes it more understandable.


That's fine. This team shouldn't have touched single player. The game doesn't even look as clean aesthetically as the trilogy did and this was so buggy. It feels very oddly derivative of Dragon Age which shouldn't have happened with a franchise like Mass Effect that had its own identity. The game felt like it was made by a team that would never have been capable of making any of the first three games, so the step down was obvious.

Put the franchise on hiatus and come back to it when the A or B team can jump in. The C team seems to have rightfully dispersed around EA.


Just like I said in the ea response thread back when the game came out: they're just going to cut and run on it. This was obvious when you stopped seeing anyone defending it out of ea anymore.

In 5 years or so they'll get back on stage and say how totally awesome their new game is and people's knees will melt over it forgetting this entire process even happened. AAA gaming in a nutshell.
:( that's a shame. Game is much better now that it's had polish work (not talking b -> a but maybe c- -> b). They really should've delayed it.



I have the game and While I stopped playing I was expecting some DLC because Bioware almost always deliver great content on them.

Most of the team are probably working on Star Wars now, except for a skeleton crew on the multiplayer, so that's not surprising. Kinda expecting Dragon Age 3 to be the last "traditional" RPG we get from Bioware, but well see. Wouldn't be surprised to only see Anthem based attempts in their existing franchises in the future.


GaaS Effect.
Publishers still make single player because their franchise can't get away without single player content yet.
But we are getting close.


They had made 3 fantastic videogames, and some crazy transmedia release of comic books, ipad games, normal books, and extended lore out the ass, then you have a weak ending, and ONE mediocre game, and after that, you try to redact the entire fucking IP from existence?

God damn. Shit's cold man...


On one hand I'm disappointed as a customer, since I'd love to keep on playing the multiplayer and getting a Quarian DLC. On the hand I'm glad it bombed as a fan of the original trilogy.

I will say it again: Shepard and the crew was and forever will be the identity of Mass Effect. Stop abandoning tricky storylines by distancing yourself from the original games as far as possible. There was no reason to do so. Mass Effect "4" should've happened! BioWare Montreal was a big mistake. I'd rather play the original trilogy for the rest of my life than having to play a potential Andromeda 2. Obviously the game had its own non story related issues but the boring cast and setting killed the game for me.
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