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Your favorite game from this year so far


samorost 3

followed by pocket card jockey and then the last guardian.

tho battle garegga rev. 2016 comes out today and will likely fit in there somewhere bein that it's one of my favorites. wild guns reloaded later this month too.


Gold Member
For me, there just wasn't an embarrassment of riches like last year.

I mean...probably Destiny ROI or Witcher 3 Expansion.

Don't get me wrong...greatly enjoyed Overwatch, Doom, hell even The Division, but I can't say I put any more than 30 hours into any of them.

Destiny...even over two years, still hooks me (though admittedly not as strong).


Tough one. It's gonna be between FFXV, Last Guardian, Doom and Dark Souls 3. Most fun is probably FFXV or Doom, but I think Last Guardian is probably the best game. Then there's Dishonoed 2 and Deus Ex: MD. While not quite top 3 material for me they're also damn good. That's not discounting EDF4.1 which was also some of the best fun I've had this year.

Damn good year overall.


It's a toss up between Dark Souls III and Yakuza 6 (haven't finished it yet but I'm about half way through the game now).

And yes Yakuza 6 is pretty great.


My favorite game is probably Titanfall 2, the gameplay is a lot of fun. It feels like a modern Vanquish.

But it will only be third or fourth on my GOTY list. Because it feels like a modern Vanquish, and I already played that game. And many more similar games.
My GOTY is 90% sure going to be Pokemon Go, because it changed everything.


DOOM (2016)
Rip and tear, until it is done!
I guess Overwatch, I don't play it a ton though.

DOOM would be number two, although I haven't even finished it. I just suck at gaming I think


Still in the last guardian high, so the last guardian.
Runner up: Overwatch, Civ6, Uncharted 4, inside, Thumper.


New game?


Contenders (games I've gotten and played to the end this year, or at least a considerable amount):
Fire Emblem Fates Conquest
StarFox Zero
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE
Dragon Quest VII Fragments of the Forgotten Past
Civilization VI
Pokemon Moon

Of those, it is between:
Fire Emblem Fates Conquest
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE
Dragon Quest VII Fragments of the Forgotten Past

I'm going with Fire Emblem Fates Conquest. I have my issues with modern Fire Emblem, but that was a really good game in spite of it all, for orthogonal reasons. It managed to take the questionable gameplay of Awakening and turn it into a new, challenging, and intriguing Fire Emblem experience. It just had questionable art and character direction, a god awful story, and an undeveloped, uninteresting world. This all sucks because the base premise had promise and could have shaken up the franchise like Ike did.

Games that came out this year that I intend to play this holiday season or some day:
Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse
Dragon Quest Builders
Final Fantasy XV
The Last Guardian

Notable Old Games I played this year for the first time:
Persona 4
Persona 3
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy
Miles Edgeworth: Ace Attorney Investigations
Dark Souls (through past Lordvessel; incomplete)

Of those, my favorite was Persona 4:
Quality shines above genre in the best of stuff really. I had avoided Persona for a long time because of what it is described as, seeing waifu wars on the internet, etc. It seemed like it was just some self-insert high school harem game with a JRPG dungeon crawler attached. And at some level that is exactly what it is, but it is just better than it sounds. Particularly 4 in my experience, but I also liked 3 a lot and am thinking about digging deeper.

-The Wildcard ability plays off the creepiness of self-insert, especially coupled with those ridiculous text scenes on level-up. Yes, your character can have many faces. Yes, it is implied that he has somewhat ulterior motives in getting close to people. Yes, Igor and the finer workings of social links are unknown to your friends. Etc. I try to play the guy as a consistent character, but I like that darker undertone to the dubious venture.

-Characters are actually charming beyond being tropes and trying to be that niche type of girl you can't resist. Yes there is a lot of trope and yes the girls are falling over themselves to get in your pants, but that's just not all it is. For every conversation I just skipped through on a second playthrough, there were many more I actually wanted to see again.

-There is a high attention to detail and the towns, again particularly 4 for me, feel very well-realized. They do setting very well, which is a large part of the central concept: take the epic JRPG and fold it into a small, tight setting.

-The games have a lot of identity and strong visual and aural direction. Sometimes it is very very ‘teenage’ or ‘anime,’ like the Evoker in Persona 3, but the games just have a strong, consistent sense of style and you can feel the heart behind it. Clearly the games have an artistic direction that is more than just ‘paint by numbers for the fans’ even when it is obviously going for them. As is clear from how I keep coming back to this, it means a lot to me, especially when what is pulled off is, in the end, a good product.

-The battles are engaging, with an interesting approach to weaknesses that doesn't always translate well to the bosses (save those mid-bosses in Persona 3, but some of those guys were just obnoxious and too tightly tuned (at least on FES hard, especially for no party control).

Basically, the games are well-crafted and competent and that goes a long way. To be fair, I don't hate anime or dating in games outright. I don't want to present myself as more hostile than I am. It is just that I have a low tolerance for skin-flint anime/dating sim. Maybe it is cute-to-make-you-melt or stylish-as-fuck at the time, but it leaves a bad after-taste. Persona didn't do that to me.
Between Persona 4 and Fire Emblem Conquest, I choose Persona 4 as best game I've played this year.


Dark Souls 3 and Blazblue: Central Fiction.
BBCF is an amazing fighting game. Lots of content, fantastic roster of unique characters and a really neat online system make this a great all around package
Shame there's no dub though.
Dishonored 2 by a wide margin. Too many people wrote it off because of the initial technical issues, but it's too excellent an immersive sim to sleep on. I won't go into all the things it does well, but one thing that strikes me when reflecting on why it's so fun is that no other first-person game has captured how good it feels to *explore* the open-ended spaces of its missions--the blinking/jumping/mantling is such a visceral pleasure, and you feel more rewarded the more you get into the maps' nooks and crannies.
I missed the beta unfortunately but I"m interested in that game. Is it more onimusha or dark souls?

It's dark souls at first with harsher punishment for depleting all your stamina. Then when you learn the systems, it turns into a crazy character action game ala Ninja Gaiden.


Star fox zero for me.

Honorable mentions:

Style savvy: Fashion Forward
King of Fighters XIV
Project X Zone 2


I have yet to play Final Fantasy XV and The Last Guardian (they're in my room, sitting on my desk), but I can definitely say it is not going to be Uncharted 4.

Haven't really played anything released this year. Will see whether or not I'll pick up more from the PSN sales.


From what I've played it's still Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright. The evolution of everything Awakening did right and it left me addicted for over a week.
Between Hitman, Uncharted 4, The Witness, Doom and The Last Guardian, it is really difficult to pick just one. Hitman is the one I've put the most time into, and I haven't even done half of the episodes yet. I also loved just about every second of the other games I listed. TLG is really fresh in my mind.

I'm not sure I can pick one just yet.


Titanfall 2. The campaign was creative in ways that most AAA shooters aren't, and I haven't felt the way I do about the mutiplayer since the first two Modern Warfare games. It's fantastic from top to bottom. DOOM, Hitman, Dark Souls III, Overwatch, and Oxenfree are others that come to mind. Stardew Valley also stole 40 hours of my life in the space of two weeks that I'll never regret.
Ratchet & Clank was my game of the year for so long. But it might now be Final Fantasy XV. It got a lot wrong, but it also got a lot so, so right.


I mostly played Xenoblade Chronicles X this year, because it came out SO late in 2015.
As far as being released from this year, definitely DOOM.
Right now, it's between Steins;Gate 0, Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE, and The Legend of Heroes: Trials of Cold Steel II with some more games that I need to get and play as well. These three I have been rotating between with them flipping about in the top 3. I'd say SteamWorld Heist would be there in the mix if it counts.
Uncharted 4. Haven't played Last Guardian yet tho, which is probably the only game left this year that could challenge it for me.


Surprisingly, it may be Hitman. Never really got or enjoyed any of the previous games, but it's ridiculously fun.
Disturbing lack of Inside itt.

It's Inside.

Last Guardian, Hyper Light Drifter, and Pocket Card Jockey all tied for close seconds
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