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LTTP Resident Evil 5


I bought RE5 Gold several months back and finally got a chance to play it. I've cleared the game and played the DLC.

My initial impressions are that Capcom basically said "people like RE4, let's make that!" For the most part it doesn't stray away from the establish formula. You start out with a crowd control level complete with an executioner in place of a chainsaw guy (except they do throw chainsaw guys at you later) and pretty much stays in sync for the rest of the game. The enemies are almost exactly the same the difference seems to be they changed Spaniards into Africans.

But where it stays close to RE4 it adds almost nothing. I'll admit I didn't play co-op but for the single player the co-op mechanic adds nothing. That's not to say it's bad, the AI generally stays close and out of trouble. What I really hate is how the item system was dumbed down. You get the classic RE grid that holds 1 item each but now you have to share with a partner. No attache case tetris, basically the other member becomes a pack mule because they will only use common ammunition weapons. But what's annoying it that they force the real time mechanic on you. It's annoying because switching from long range to shotgun or grenades or healing is just infinitely more cumbersome (and it wasn't great before). It's also cumbersome to have to trade herbs with the other character just to combine them. The other thing I didn't like was the elastic ammo system, if you have too much ammo you get less ammo from pickups. I later found that upgrading magazine size means you get more ammo because it increases carry capacity. Forcing artificial sharing especially in single player was really dumb and surprisingly I ran out of ammo fairly regularly (I beat the final boss with a knife and rifle).

Upgrades too seemed dumbed down into some sort of formula where you pay double as much for some stat upgrades that are too insignificant to be apparent. While the merchant in RE4 was interesting RE5 just strips that out with between chapter or on death shop screens. I also found that there only seemed to be enough money to fully upgrade a couple weapons but since the AI needs a good one too you don't really have room to experiment.

Overall levels were more dull than RE4 and new enemies were mostly the bullet sponge "chainsaw guy" variants and not especially fun to fight. Bosses were pretty decent though.

That's not to say it was a bad game overall. I enjoyed it as to be expected of something that doesn't stay very far from RE4 but they kinda fell backwards in some respects.

I tried playing the DLC missions and found both to be awful. Lost in Nightmare has you doing nothing for solid 15 minutes and then fighting/running from yet another brand of chainsaw dude. I died a few times and then stopped. Since it seems to not save on the extra content, I'm probably not going to do it again. Desperate Escape was also bad for different reasons. Nearly the whole time you're contending against infinite respawn enemies and some turret guns. Very annoying. I think I got to the last part and then Josh kept dying (not my fault), which was the first time I really had a problem with the AI helper but that too got annoying enough that I just gave up.

So yeah it started good and then with the DLC ended on a sour note. I paid about $15 for this game, it lasted a while and I think I got my money's worth. I did find it annoying that the extra mission weren't on the disc and it just came packaged with a card. No real point in getting the Gold edition and forced me to drag my long ethernet cable out to my Xbox. I guess it makes me dread RE6 which I hear nothing but bad things but may pick up super cheap someday because I'm already this invested. On the other hand it makes me more appreciative of RE:R and excited for the up-port as it's a better game than this.

Adam Blue

I was late as well, as the demo felt nothing like RE4 and I was pissed. After sometime I played it as an action game and figured out how fun it really is. Solo on 360 and co-opped on PC.


I thought Resident Evil 5 was disappointing until I played RE6.

It changed my idea of what a disappointing video game should be and I now realize that RE5 isn't nearly as bad as I thought it was.

Thanks for the perspective, RE6!

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Play it co-...oh. Then why'd you play it. =/

Play 6 in co-op. The movement system is much better than 4/5.


One of my favorite games of this gen, RE5 Co-Op is one of the best experiences.

Lost In Nightmares, Desperate Escape and the Mercenaries are some really well done DLC.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
One of my favorite games of this gen, RE5 Co-Op is one of the best experiences.

Lost In Nightmares, Desperate Escape and the Mercenaries are some really well done DLC.

Desperate Escape was weak as hell..but Nightmares..so good..


I thought Resident Evil 5 was disappointing until I played RE6.

It changed my idea of what a disappointing video game should be and I now realize that RE5 isn't nearly as bad as I thought it was.

Thanks for the perspective, RE6!

I had the exact same feelings.


I thought Resident Evil 5 was disappointing until I played RE6.

It changed my idea of what a disappointing video game should be and I now realize that RE5 isn't nearly as bad as I thought it was.

Thanks for the perspective, RE6!

Same here. I had a newfound appreciation for 5 after playing 6.

It's still pretty average, though.
One of my absolute favorite games this gen. Co-op is a blast. Bought and played it pretty much day one on 360, and I still play it to this day from time to time, though on PC now.


I like every RE from RE4 onwards, each in its own way. RE6 is the one I can criticize the most, yet it is also has the best controls (once learned) and gives me the most exhilarating thrills. Each one is unique, though, and brings something worthwhile to the table.

In RE5's case, fond memories include:

- My co-op buddy and I performing "delicate surgery" on Jill -- one of us restraining her, while the other shoots her mind-control device with a magnum at POINT-BLANK RANGE, lol.

- Exploring the marshlands with the hovercraft. Seriously love this shit. You had some semblance of freedom to choose where you wanted to go, and you never quite knew what to expect at each island you visited. Felt like an adventure!

- Fighting 10-story-tall monsters with satellite lasers, OH YES. Roasting a tentacle monster with a flamethrower or luring it into a blast furnace? ALSO OH YES.

- Tribal Majini are so much fun, Goomba-stomping you if not skewering you like a shish kabob. The masked ones are some of the coolest-looking enemies in the series.

- The on-rails sequence against the Motorcycle Majini out on the savannah was actually -- *gasp* -- FUN. Seriously, shooting the engines and seeing their bikes implode with DAT DRAMATIC LIGHTING was so delicious.

- Lickers were so lovingly represented here. Stabbing one in the heart with your machete was some straight-up Bram Stoker shit. Those creature designs pegged my meter!

- Chris reveals himself to be a bleeding heart liberal if you loiter in the very first area, going on an anti-capitalism rant. LOVE YOU CHRIS.

- The three-battle grand finale against Wesker is an instant classic, culminating in some unbridled boulder-punching brodocity and SUCK ON THIS WESKER.

There's a lot of other stuff I like, but those are some of the moments that come immediately to mind. Also, the general presentation was excellent. The characters looked incredible, the heat effects and such in Africa were such you could practically taste your own sweat and smell the manure.

Last but certainly not least, the gameplay was really beefed up from RE4, in the form of a 10-fold increase in context-sensitive melee attacks, the most vital of which is the ability to perform ground finishers. As someone who dispatches enemies mainly via melee, this was a most welcome addition. So was two-player Mercs, both local and online. Simply incredible.

Oh, and one more thing -- a shout-out to the model viewer, which was truly comprehensive and allowed you to pan and scan each figure in extreme detail and crystal-clear lighting (none of that murky dim garage shit from RE6)!


I loved both DLCs, Lost in Nightmares had that classic RE feel and Desperate Escape had that modern action that is commonplace in RE now.

The game was meant to be a Co-Op game, You need a partner? Im willing to partner up (360 version) I finished the game from top to bottom and I love playing it.
It gets criticized far more often than it deserves. The only really bad things were the forced co-op and the railshooter sections that should never be in any RE game.


I thought Resident Evil 5 was disappointing until I played RE6.

It changed my idea of what a disappointing video game should be and I now realize that RE5 isn't nearly as bad as I thought it was.

Thanks for the perspective, RE6!


RE6 also made me appreciate RE5 way more. I bought RE5 on PC for about $5 awhile back off Greenman, the controls feel very archaic now but the gameplay is still satisfying. RE6 has better gun-play but the enemies are more irritating to fight IMO. Sheva is ass though.
Really fun as a neat coop romp, but still falls far short of RE4. Though to be honest most games do. At least better than RE6.
I thought Resident Evil 5 was disappointing until I played RE6.

It changed my idea of what a disappointing video game should be and I now realize that RE5 isn't nearly as bad as I thought it was.

Thanks for the perspective, RE6!

The one thing I'll never understand is how people perceive RE5 to be a copy of RE4. The tension in RE5 is more or less nonexistent and it feels more like an arcade game than survival horror or even action adventure. I know RE4 let you be more of a superhero than it's predecessors, but that sense of horror and fear was still there. RE5 makes me feel like superman in comparison. :p


Junior Member
i was playing this the other week and realised how capcom basically take you through a warped and ignorant version of african history. since RE4 onwards i think the series has become a lot more politically conscious - the opening village in 4 channels european xenophobia, 5 as mentioned, 6 is very post 9/11 nightmare terrorist scenarios

there's a lot to chew, even if its sort of dumb
I liked it but nowhere near as much as 4. I still hate they forced AI/Co-op on you. I don't want or need that in RE thanks!
RE5 is a great game that I was way too harsh on at first. It doesn't hit that "one of the best games of all time peak" like RE4 did for me, but it is a fine game.
They pretty much took the worst part of RE4 (the end of the Island section) and made an entire game off it with terrible bosses and bland levels completely devoid of the atmosphere of RE4


Oh sorry! I was asking about the ass, is Jil''s ass really 3D in Revelations?

Hahaha I had to laugh.

But yeah, I enjoyed RE5 alot when it came out. Really fun game when you coop it too. Never played the dlc though. I'll probably play that later down the road and try it out.


I really loved the game. I finished it 7/8 times iirc. Everything about the gameplay just feels very... Tight.

I don't get people saying the inventory is clumsy though. It's pretty awesome as it allows you to swap in real time between 4 weapons (on consoles) and up to 9 (on pc) with a single button press. It also allows you to make quick reloads by going into the inventory, saving you lots of time in mercs.


I played split screen coop with a buddy and had a blast, but this was before I played RE4. I'm afraid if I tried playing it again solo it would be awful.
I didn't really like it 1st time round, but I played through again last summer and had a much better time with it.
Sheva is awful though, they really fucked up a major point of the game with her AI. With a buddy in coop it's much better, but the levels are so big that coop had to be planned in advance coz hop in-hop out is so out of the question.

A solid entry in the series though and easily the most engaging story.
I played it through entirely in co-op, and while that provides its own unique experience, I can't really replay it whenever I want because of that. Even still, the things done to facilitate co-op by making players individually weaker was kind of irritating. Lots of things would get you in danger states, getting grabbed was changed that you practically needed your partner to get you out of it. Meh. The way they jammed in strafing made it feel a lot clumsier as well.

But a lot of games seem bad after playing RE4, so I can't say it wasn't worthwhile to play through. Still had some co-op fun with it.
- Chris reveals himself to be a bleeding heart liberal if you loiter in the very first area, going on an anti-capitalism rant. LOVE YOU CHRIS.

This is one of the more bewildering aspects of RE5 for me. Maybe they made it difficult to access on purpose because Chris' philosophizing on the political-economic situation doesn't mesh with any of his other responses in the game, and sometimes directly contradicts them ("it doesn't matter what she thinks, she's a terrorist"). I don't feel he's so much a "bleeding heart liberal" as a man who is bitterly aware of the system he supports through his actions and yet unable to find a better place for himself in the world. He's a realist who accepts his reality begrudgingly and mainly to fulfill his own sense of moral justice in whatever small way he can (putting aside his still-apparent ethnocentrism with lines like, "That's what makes Americans great. We're all different" but this attitude could have been used subversively against Chris).

It's such a poignant moment of introspection that is never again dealt with thematically and part of me understands why (this is primarily a summer blockbuster turned action game) and another part of me is gravely disappointed in the failure to capitalize on such potential. It's like one of the writers just couldn't let his/her ambition succumb to the director's desire for rampant nonsense, and decided to sneak that little easter egg in to the beginning of the game.

Anyway, yeah. RE5 was kind of fun on co-op, and Lost in Nightmares was a shining beacon of hope for the franchise's direction that wasn't ever pursued. Sad.
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