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PSV Exclusive SAO: Hollow Fragment Sold 450K WW (280K JPN, 90K Asia, 70K NA)


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
In that case, I might just buy it. I really like the premise of the anime.

Thanks for the vid btw! Really helps.

Dawg also check out the info here.


or just use these links below

vid chan that serves as a semi tutorial

informational post by another GAF member

English Wiki


So the best selling Vita game is poorly translated hentai cheesecake?

Stereotypes exist for a reason.

So you're telling me neogaf members don't even bother to read the topic before posting?

Stereotypes exist for a reason.
So the best selling Vita game is poorly translated hentai cheesecake?
Oh, because the Vita SAO game is surely a porn game instead of an Action RPG, right?

Having such a simple mind to so quickly do generalization and conclusion-jumping sure is nice, eh? Get your facts straight before you start spouting shit.


So the best selling Vita game is poorly translated hentai cheesecake?

Stereotypes exist for a reason.

It's not the best selling though. It sold well despite its obvious failing, and I wouldn't really call it hentai cheesecake. It's an ARPG with a crap story that was crappily translated.


So the best selling Vita game is poorly translated hentai cheesecake?

Stereotypes exist for a reason.

Obvious troll is obvious. This game has more gameplay than any AAA title released last year (except MMOs) and it's good. Please play the game first before you say something.


So the best selling Vita game is poorly translated hentai cheesecake?

Stereotypes exist for a reason.

It's not even close to the best selling, and the game doesn't have any porn (nor do any games on the Vita, for that matter). If you had actually read any part of the thread you would've known that, though.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Posted this in the main OT, but will just repost it here since its directly related to the article link itself in regards to Artdink since am sure not a lot of folks are familiar with them in general.

The context of the following below was a question asked in regards to thoughts on the dev of Lost Song is different.


Am concerned, but then again its quite possible that they were chosen since they do have experience handling flight and larger enviros such as with the macross games.

Though at the same time Id be worried since the fine tuning that went into the combat system of Hollow Fragment will not be present as its not the same team...

Either way still picking it up, but not exactly happy about the news either.

Hmm that has me to think then the game design might be based off the engine / design theory they used with Macross. Looking at the radar too in the upper right makes me think of that even more so. Which might mean at the same time will be a lot more action based with less emphasis on the skill panels as would get in the way of the whole flying around thing... Really wish we had more current gameplay footage out that showed some useful stuff rather than the heavily doctored dev footage. They really did do a good job with some of the best Macross games to have come out on the PSP.

The issue with that is, if the combat does become more action based it will basically turn into Phantasy Star type of combat. Though at the same time thinking from a sales perspective with them wanting to gain more numbers someone thought it might be a good idea to have a more simplified system to try and bring in more players. As the system in Infinity Moment and Hollow Fragment did shut out less hardcore type of gamers with the design and how many things you need to manage at once...

Overall though really am concerned and its usually not a good sign when I get this feeling. Will be nice to be proven wrong when it comes out though, but still. It will be more a personal thing for me as I think the battle system that was improved from Infinity Moment, in Hollow Fragment is one of the best battle systems that has been created so far and the amount of freedom it allows for the player.


Back to the topic of Artdink it makes sense using them for a quick solution as in the Macross games it flawlessly dealt with air to land type of combat as the Veritech Fighters were able to switch from flight / hover / gerwalk mode. Granted there is no sound in the vid below its perfectly what I wanted to use as a visual example for you all. Since it shows air and land combat. Should help you visualize what I mean by them most likely going to be going off of this "engine" / design. The PS3 version might be an example of what they can do with a larger world than the PSP version. That and the PS3 Macross game they did was an action rpg.

PSP - Macross Ultimate Frontier

PS3 - Macross 30

See the thing is that I liked their PSP and PS3 Macross Titles, though really am hoping they understand its the battle system which made the PSP / PSV SAO games so unique and try as much as possible to keep it intact to a reasonable level. Though I can most def see where design issues will come in the way due to the flight mechanics / gameplay involved. Guess will just have to expect the title to be something different from Hollow Fragment. Makes sense too considering that the ALO world is no longer only about sword skills and such.

Well time to hope for the best and pray that my current gut feeling is wrong. At the same time I am unable to think of anyone else who would be able to handle it.

And in case anyone is wondering if I actually know anything about the titles mentioned by Artdink. The 3 PSP ones are just repurchases I did this weekend for collecting as my other ones are boxed up and shipped off at the moment. Which is why you will still see the official seal on em.

Ultimate Frontier was one of the TOP Macross games ever made.

The subject though talk about a weird twist of fate considering these 3 PSP games just arrived in the past 2 days and 30 was sitting here on my desk as something to mess around with again for next weekend then this topic appears just about Artdink.

Forgot to add too they also have experience with having AI that flies around / fights alongside the player. Which is another thing that will be in Lost Song.


Really like the anime, really wanted to try the game, but after seeing some of those screens, no. Story is like 90% of the reason I'd want to play the game. Hopefully if they ever do release the second one they won't do that crap again, but considering how well this sold they might not care(to be fair if it means they release it overseas it's probably for the best, but meh).
So you're telling me neogaf members doesn't even bother to read the topic before posting?

Stereotypes exist for a reason.
Tjeez, it's getting worse and worse. Please learn to read before you post.

Also even that horrible CoD game sold waaaaaay more than this game. Just for reference. Now quick, find something else to bash about the Vita.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Really like the anime, really wanted to try the game, but after seeing some of those screens, no. Story is like 90% of the reason I'd want to play the game. Hopefully if they ever do release the second one they won't do that crap again, but considering how well this sold they might not care(to be fair if it means they release it overseas it's probably for the best, but meh).

Its too bad that its all butchered localization wise with the translations, as truthfully think what they did with the game itself should have been the mainline series rather than what went on in the anime.
What were the last figures for FFX HD in NA?

These figures seem pretty good to me to be honest... I hope this encourages Bamco to localize even more stuff (is that happening already? One Piece and J-Stars?)

Perhaps some other stuff they'd never thought of taking a gamble on?

Pleasing for a digital-only release in USA anyway. Wonder how many of those Asia sales were imports of the physical version.


Really like the anime, really wanted to try the game, but after seeing some of those screens, no. Story is like 90% of the reason I'd want to play the game. Hopefully if they ever do release the second one they won't do that crap again, but considering how well this sold they might not care(to be fair if it means they release it overseas it's probably for the best, but meh).

The translation is bad - yes, but it is still very very understandable. There wasn't one time where I thought "shit, what does that mean?" it rather was "Ah ok, fuck the grammar, but I don't care".


Tjeez, it's getting worse and worse. Please learn to read before you post.

Also even that horrible CoD game sold waaaaaay more than this game. Just for reference. Now quick, find something else to bash about the Vita.

I think you quoted the bad person ;-)


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
I want to play the game but the Engrish is a deal breaker. Maybe the sequel's translation will fare better.

"Ah, right, the English translations in Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment weren’t that good, huh? Actually, there’s a reason for that, but it’s not something that I can talk about," Futami said to us. "But we’re aware of the root of the problem and what I can say is that this time around with Lost Song, we’re doing things differently. Fans can expect much better translations as the localization process will be handled very differently. Please look forward to it."




Well, that would probably make it a day one for me then, as I like the universe and characters, just that translation.... *shudder*

Even if you can understand it, something like that throws all suspension of disbelief out the window and never really lets you get drawn into the story. Slight errors can be overlooked, but when you read something that was written with someone clearly not familiar with the language, it's like constant speedbumps. :p


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Well, that would probably make it a day one for me then, as I like the universe and characters, just that translation.... *shudder*

Even if you can understand it, something like that throws all suspension of disbelief out the window and never really lets you get drawn into the story. Slight errors can be overlooked, but when you read something that was written with someone clearly not familiar with the language, it's like constant speedbumps. :p

Pretty much. Its hard to say too exactly that if they didnt go the cheap ass Asia scrip with a 5 minute passing over of the blatant stuff that was on the net, if the game would not have been released in the West or not. But still yet that does not take away from the fact that it was a huge fuckup PR wise, regardless of the sales or not. Not the best way to promote the brand initially. As people will and as we can see here have the stigma now that the next title will be fucked up also.


As expected of a masterpiece franchise starring the best protagonist.

lol no, and no.

But still, the game is definately very good. I feel like the only people who say the combat is boring, grindy etc didnt get too far or were just spamming O. The game is skill based and has tons of depth.

Not too sure of the faster paced nature of Lost Song though, but not being tied by PSP assets is great


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
lol no, and no.

But still, the game is definately very good. I feel like the only people who say the combat is boring, grindy etc didnt get too far or were just spamming O. The game is skill based and has tons of depth.

Not too sure of the faster paced nature of Lost Song though, but not being tied by PSP assets is great

From what Ive seen with Macross 30 Artdink can make pretty large enviros also.


I bought the game and never played it, but I'm glad to support these localization efforts and hopefully the next game will receive a better translation.


From what Ive seen with Macross 30 Artdink can make pretty large enviros also.

thats good to hear. from what i seen in a trailer did they remove the time based burst attacks? i really liked that mechanic in the game. the burst meter and SP meter management added alot to the game, it felt really fresh and well done.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
thats good to hear. from what i seen in a trailer did they remove the time based burst attacks? i really liked that mechanic in the game. the burst meter and SP meter management added alot to the game, it felt really fresh and well done.

No idea, I actually do not have any good footage to evaluate. Really hope they put better footage out soon, since whats getting me concerned is the lack of it. Besides the mostly doctored dev stuff. Which is what is currently out.

Jesus christ they still have not fixed the OHP either...
Pretty impressive for a game with mixed reviews based on an anime of varying quality.

Kind of glad I held off if they're still patching it. Maybe it'll be in good shape by the time I pick it up.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Pretty impressive for a game with mixed reviews based on an anime of varying quality.

Kind of glad I held off if they're still patching it. Maybe it'll be in good shape by the time I pick it up.

As far as I know the only thing that got a patch was that large content update for US / EU. Don't recall hearing anything about them actually fixing the translation script any further.

Nice, thanks for responding. Looking forward to the sequel now!

No problem.

I'm still torn between this and Tales of Hearts for my next Vita game

There is an insane amount of content in Hollow Fragment, so it depends if you want a more focused story with Tales of Hearts, or something where you can explore and adventure and enjoy a rather good / unique combat system. Though will take more effort to learn than the standard Tales series combat. We have several players who have gone over 70 hours easy with the title.


lol Hearts. That game also had a pretty below average localization (way better than SAO though). Bamco really are cheaping out on handheld games.
Hope we get a retail version in the west this time. I enjoyed the game, aside from the shitty translation.

Would this game be enjoyable from someone who doesn't watch anime, but loves JRPGS (or rpgs in general) , and good stories.

I loved Valkyria chronicles and that was an anime, and love Disgaea, persona, Y's, and tales of abyss...all seem to have anime influence of some sort.

I want to pick it up, but if it's just one of those fanservice games than forget it. (Can't stand how there are more jrpgs with a sole purpose of showing anime boobs than actual mature plots. Miss the old PS1 days were jrpgs were epic and not based on fanservice or catering to teenage boys)


Would this game be enjoyable from someone who doesn't watch anime, but loves JRPGS (or rpgs in general) , and good stories.

I loved Valkyria chronicles and that was an anime, and love Disgaea, persona, Y's, and tales of abyss...all seem to have anime influence of some sort.

I want to pick it up, but if it's just one of those fanservice games than forget it. (Can't stand how there are more jrpgs with a sole purpose of showing anime boobs than actual mature plots. Miss the old PS1 days were jrpgs were epic and not based on fanservice or catering to teenage boys)

I think it's definitely more enjoyable if you're a fan of the anime, but you may like it even if you haven't watched it. The gameplay is surprisingly deep considering it's an anime-licensed game, and you don't have to bother with the dating stuff if you don't want to. The translation is the only real issue I had with the game but I still spent like 70ish hours on it, there's a lot of content.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Would this game be enjoyable from someone who doesn't watch anime, but loves JRPGS (or rpgs in general) , and good stories.

I loved Valkyria chronicles and that was an anime, and love Disgaea, persona, Y's, and tales of abyss...all seem to have anime influence of some sort.

I want to pick it up, but if it's just one of those fanservice games than forget it. (Can't stand how there are more jrpgs with a sole purpose of showing anime boobs than actual mature plots. Miss the old PS1 days were jrpgs were epic and not based on fanservice or catering to teenage boys)

The issue though would be you will not have as strong of an attachment to the various characters if you are unfamiliar to the series.

If anything at least watch till Ep 14. since thats where the story in the game takes place from. Might make you a bit more interested in the title by watching the anime.

But the game does have an excellent combat system and there is a lot to explore. Plus the extra content update patch added a ton of stuff for end game contents. And people as mentioned have hit 70 hours on the main game alone and thats not even having cleared it too, just by wandering and fighting.

I want to play this again, but i rather have a physical copy this time around. Anyone know where to get one with English Subs?

Only way to get a physical with Engrish is getting the Asian version from an online import store.


Would this game be enjoyable from someone who doesn't watch anime, but loves JRPGS (or rpgs in general) , and good stories.

I loved Valkyria chronicles and that was an anime, and love Disgaea, persona, Y's, and tales of abyss...all seem to have anime influence of some sort.

I want to pick it up, but if it's just one of those fanservice games than forget it. (Can't stand how there are more jrpgs with a sole purpose of showing anime boobs than actual mature plots. Miss the old PS1 days were jrpgs were epic and not based on fanservice or catering to teenage boys)

If you want a good story, then run away from this. Even without the translation being a strong candidate for worst localization of the decade, the story isn't anything to write home about. Only reason to buy is the gameplay.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!

anywhere cheaper than this or is this around the cost it is to import anyhow?

I dont really suggest Play Asia, but they are out of stock at the moment. So you would have to search around.


And if you do use play asia do not use whatever their cheapest shipping is as lately lots of GAF users have been having issues with them and receiving their items at all sorts of random times.
I dont really suggest Play Asia, but they are out of stock at the moment. So you would have to search around.


And if you do use play asia do not use whatever their cheapest shipping is as lately lots of GAF users have been having issues with them and receiving their items at all sorts of random times.

Yea i know i had a bad experience with play asia before thats why i linked it from amazon

is this how much it usually is after import fees and shipping?


Would this game be enjoyable from someone who doesn't watch anime, but loves JRPGS (or rpgs in general) , and good stories.

It really depends. I've seen the case where people hate the cast so much they don't bother playing the game, so it could be a good thing that you didn't watch the anime, since the gameplay should be what you focus on in this game anyway.
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