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NeoGAF Creative Writing Challenge #54 - "Creeping Dread"

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Theme - "Creeping Dread"

Word Limit: 2000

Submission Deadline: Wednesday, 6/30 by 11:59 PM Pacific

Voting begins Thursday, 7/1, and goes until Saturday, 7/3 at 11:59 PM Pacific.

Optional Secondary Objective: All's not fair. Sometimes people get better than they deserve, like taking first place away from someone who rightfully earned it due to circumstances beyond their control. Or sometimes they get worse, like having to come up with another topic when they had claimed second place scott free. Fiction tends to smooth these stuff over. So let's buck the trend, and be unfair to our characters.

Submission Guidelines:

- One entry per poster.
- All submissions must be written during the time of the challenge.
- Using the topic as the title of your piece is discouraged.
- Keep to the word count!

Voting Guidelines:

- Three votes per voter. Please denote in your voting your 1st (3 pts), 2nd (2 pts), and 3rd (1 pt) place votes.
- Please read all submissions before voting.
- YOU MUST VOTE in order to be eligible to win the challenge.
- When voting ends, the winner gets a collective pat on the back, and starts the new challenge.

Writing Challenge FAQ
Yeah, well, you'll take first and you'll like it.

Awesome theme, Aaron. I can already see this one being good and probably depressing.


I'm in for this one (on time this time). Somehow it's usually more fun to come up with the ideas than to actually write them out.


I can finally write that story about a man being swarmed by a sea of foreclosure notices and bankruptcy statements.
As part of a secretly assembled crack team of confederate soldiers dubbed ‘The Phantom Rebs’, former Civil War sharpshooter Luther Henry thought he’d survived the worst that infamous conflict had to offer.

Fast forward a full decade later, where he finds himself pursued across the rolling plains of the Southland by a mysterious, otherworldly assassin responsible for systematically eliminating members of his former unit in a retribution-laced killing spree.

Retracing fantastic events from his own hand-scribed journals, as well as those of the young Chinese immigrant girl for which he is forced to Guardian, Luther Henry describes facing down all manner of supernatural horrors with little more than his trusty Colt Peacemaker, a sharp-edged Bowie knife, and ample supplies of grit and determination.



Dresden said:
I can finally write that story about a man being swarmed by a sea of foreclosure notices and bankruptcy statements.

I wanna do fantasy this time. I have yet to do an 'unnatural' story.


Bah. Another theme that doesn't inspire me. Don't worry, it's me, not you. I'm going to have to get real drunk for this one, I think.


Only one idea pops too mind so far.. I usually wait to get several ideas before I run with one of them. I typically settle for the fourth or fifth idea.

cue Arrested Development: No, George Michael. Never settle for fifth place. Something better has to come along. She just has too.

(Poor Egg)


I have an idea for this one. The secondary objective seems pretty nice as well.

Iceman said:
Only one idea pops too mind so far.. I usually wait to get several ideas before I run with one of them. I typically settle for the fourth or fifth idea.

cue Arrested Development: No, George Michael. Never settle for fifth place. Something better has to come along. She just has too.

(Poor Egg)


good credit (by proxy)
I'll simply repeat what I said in the World Cup thread...

If I was the NK goalkeeper I'd spend tonight at a South African gay club wearing a thong throwing cooked taco meat onto a crowded dance floor while wacked out on ecstasy with 10 or more male and female escorts grinding sweatily against me with weird sex juices and std's all over my thong and genitals. You have no chance to survive, make your time.

And then I wrote...

Whatever dudes. If I know I'm gonna die, I'll get gay, I'll jack off over niagara falls, I'll eat out a girls vag who has AIDS, Gonorrhea, HPV, and Herpes and fucking love it. Who gives a fuck TIME TO GO NUTS.

I think I could write a stories about this for my entry???

mr afghan jones

Neo Member
Title: Colin

Words: 1998

Today’s the day. The big one. The day they choose.

And I just know its gonna be me…

Now come on, man up, its not gonna be you, its not. You’re a winner. They need you.

Yeah right, a ‘winner’. Ha. Like they really need someone to come in every day, muck about on the internet for 7 hours, and maybe do about 15 minutes of actual work. Yeah, no way they’ll let you go.

Ok Colin, seriously, you cant think like that, they’re only letting 10 people go and theres about 50 people less useful than you are. What about Jan, she’s useless, been here about 100 years, cant even use a computer and refuses to learn anything new. The woman’s a nightmare. Or Stephen, spends literally all day just leching over the temps. And there was that rumor he got caught having a sly tug in the work toilets that one time.

True, think positive Colin. I am totally not getting the chop. No one gets fired just for going on the internet at work. Otherwise it wouldn’t be there in the first place. No way. Don’t even need to worry about it. Ill just crack on with some serious work now…Just gonna go make a cup of tea first…

…Oh fuck it, here comes Dan. Pillock. Cant a guy even have a cup of tea in peace.

“Hey Colon, you watch the game last night?”

You know I hate football you twat.

“no, not really a big footy fan, y’know.”

“But it’s the World Cup mate, everyone loves that, even girls and big poofs like you! Nah, just kidding with you, fella. So, you heard anything about whos getting the chop yet? Saw ‘Hand-Shandy-Steve’ when I came in, he looked like he was bricking it.”

“no, not heard anything, think I’ll be ok, you heard anything?”

“Dunno, us lot in Sales aren’t too bothered, no way any of us will go, we’re too valuable. Mark basically said so last Quarterly review.”


“hear anything about the admin side?”

“Just rumblings, you know. Reckon they’ll probably just want to cut out the dead wood, separate the wheat from the chaff, get rid of all those muppets who’re on the internet all day. Reckon they can just pull the logs from the server, pick the heaviest users, and bosh! That’s the list of people getting the chop.”


“yeah, well, see you later, better get back to it.”

“See you Colon, and try and watch the footy tonight, might make you a bit more interesting to talk to.”

Massive twat. Ok, I am totally fucked now. If they pull those logs I am dead, totally dead. They probably wont even need to make me redundant, they could probably just fire me straight out. No redundancy, nothing. Then what? What the fuck have I got to offer? A useless history degree that I scraped a 2:2 in, and 6 years of wasting my life in this hole, titting about on the internet all day. That’s gonna look marvellous on the old CV.

Does anyone else look worried? Not really, all still quite calm. How come no one else looks worried? Do they know something I don’t?

Still no emails round, nothing announced yet. Still safe. Good.

Maybe I should go take a pee in the top floor bathroom. See if I bump into any Executives, hear any gossip, see whats going on. Yeah, good idea, will kill a few more minutes anyway I guess.


Nothing, no one up here. Great. Wait, that’s Steve’s bald head I can see in the meeting room. Does he look upset? Hard to say, not really sure from the back of his head… Is he laughing? No, hes definitely crying. Yes! Yes! That’s one down, 9 to go. Have to keep an eye on who else gets called up here.

Right, Steve’s definitely gone, and just saw Jan crying in the foyer so she must be out. Jamie and Kev both look utterly pissed off so they must be gone. Still 6 more people. Where do I rate myself compared to those 4? Try to figure out whether I meet the criteria for getting axed.

Steve. Quiet guy, but reckon HR have been looking for an excuse to get rid of him since the ‘5 knuckle shuffle’ incident. That’s a no-brainer, same as Jan. Kev’s kind of ok but properly slow. You could smack him over the head with one of these computers and he wouldn’t notice for 10 minutes.

What about Jamie then? He’s not too bad, wonder why he’s got the chop? Is he a big internet user? Think he’s always on e-bay. What if they pulled the logs and got him that way? I bet they did, sneaky bastards. That’s just like Mark. Well that’s it, Im screwed, if he pulls those logs he’ll see how much Ive been pissing about. Oh god, then I bet they ask me exactly what a ‘Warhammer 40K’ is, or why Im spending all day reading about something called ‘WOW’. Can they see my forum posts? Bloody hope not. I bet they can. Definitely getting fired.

Stop it, no use getting so worked up. They don’t look at those logs, its just a rumor. Probably. I hope.

“Colon, you big bender!”

Fuck. Dan.

“alright Dan, whats up?”

“Just came down to see whos got the chop, few faces like smacked arses round here, huh?”

“well, I guess people are gutted to lose their jobs, some of them have been here years.”

“Should have been pulling their weight then, eh Colon?”

Wish he wouldn’t call me that.
“yeah, I suppose so.”

“You been called into the big man’s office yet then?”


“no. why? What have you heard? Am I getting… called in?”

“Dunno to be honest, just asking, don’t look so nervous. Thought you always said you couldn’t wait to get out of here.”

“well, yeah, no, I mean I did say that but….”

“See you later then Colon”

Maybe I do want to leave. I always hated it here, might be fun. Could finally write that book I always wanted to, or get into graphic design. Would definitely have time for the gym, get myself back in shape, yeah could be good. Take some time, re-evaluate.

Oh who am I kidding. You’re not gonna do any of those things you twat. If you get the chop you’ll spend a few weeks sitting around in your pants playing xbox, avoiding the nagging phone calls from your parents, maybe make a half arsed attempt to start writing something then you’ll get another shitty office job you hate and stay there til you die a miserable unfulfilled git like everyone else.

Right, 2.30pm and still not been called in. This can only be a good thing, can’t it? Or maybe Mark’s gonna save the bad news for the end of the day, the proper firings. He would totally do that. Try to avoid an ‘incident’. Maybe I wont get let back into the building. Maybe this is it, I should just pack my stuff up now.

Fuck. Ive spent 6 years working here, and for what. Nothing. Bloody stupid company anyway. I could totally do a better job of running it. Shake things up, get them sorted out. But not going to get the chance now. Im getting fired. I know it. Fuck.

Well, Im not going quietly. They think they can get rid of me, Im going to give them a piece of my mind, let them know a few home truths, yeah. This departments been covering up breaches for years, and I know at least 3 people complained to head office about Mark’s handling of the performance reviews and still nothing got done about it.

Or maybe I should pull a big prank. Something that lets them know who they’re messing with. Yeah, thatd be awesome. Could sneak into Mark’s office, take a dump in the drawer. He wont be there, he’ll be spending all day in the ‘exit interviews’ as they like to call them. Imagine his face when he comes back to find a big steamy poo waiting for him. No, that’s no good Colin, you know you always like to relax a bit and take at least 20 minutes to do a dump.

Must be something though, really got to stick it to him somehow. Killing spree? Way too drastic. Photocopy my arse 500 times? Pop a fish behind the radiator? Mess around with his phone? Swap the ‘N’ and ‘M’ keys around on his keyboard? Bit lame.

Think. The dump idea is out of the question but Mark’s office is definitely a good target, he wont be there all day. Here’s a good one. He’s gonna get you with the old internet logs, well how about you do the same to him. Just pop into his office and search up some bonkers porn. Itll definitely get flagged on the internet logs and then he’ll get the chop and be down the job centre right next to you! That’s awesome. Can I do that? Yeah, I think I can. Ok, lets do it.


Password was ‘Numbr1’. His catchphase and his personalised numberplate. Moron. Open Google. What to search? Big Black Throbbers? Granny Pumping? Brokeback Mounting? Messy facials? Jeez, when did the internet make everyone so dirty it became super easy to think this stuff up? Right, Big Black Throbbers, am I really doing this? Yes, Im pressing search. Eeew. Really wish I hadn’t looked at that. Cant unsee. Just click on a couple of results, try not to look at it too much, Damn, that ones huge, few more clicks, done. Close it down and lets get out of here. Heh heh heh. I'm a fucking Hero.

Be cool, be cool, be cool. Just sit here, keep calm. Its 4.47pm, still not been called up. Shit, what if I don’t get fired? Ah, that’s ok, no one knows I did it and Mark’s a prat anyway. Definitely a good idea. I hope.

“Colin, do you have a minute?”

Mark. This is it.

“sure Mark. What do you need?”

“Its probably better we go up to the meeting room Colin.”

“Mark, if you’ve got something to say to me you can say it right here.”

WHAT THE FUCK are you doing Colin? This wasn’t part of the plan.

“Um.. I think you’d rather we did this upstairs Colin.”

People are looking, staring. Steve’s grinning at me. Jan just gave me a thumbs up. Oh god ,they think Im making a stand. I really don’t want to make a stand. Im making a stand.

“Im fine here Mark, go for it, I insist.”

“Well, alright. Colin, Its bad news, Im afraid. Im going to have to let you go. Actually, you’re being fired for…improper conduct.”

Ha, just you wait til the shoe is on the other foot.

“oh, the internet logs was it, well, let me tell you, Mark, those can cut both ways. I may have spent the best part of 6 years mucking around on the internet but… but at least Im not some sort of massive perv!”

“I don’t really know what you mean by that Colin, I don’t even know what an internet log is.”

Fuck. This isn’t good, everyone is looking confused. Get them back on side.

“Yeah right, you’ve been keeping tabs on everyone, and now its time for you to give people the chop just cause they looked something up on wikipedia one time. You cant run this place like a bloody facist dictatorship!”

“Colin, we don’t look at people’s internet history here. That would be hugely invasive and inappropriate. No. Im afraid you are being fired as you were caught by our security cameras going into my office, hacking my password and Googling…what was it… ‘Big Black Throbbers’?”


Are people still looking? Yup. Definitely still looking.
Timedog said:
I'll simply repeat what I said in the World Cup thread...

And then I wrote...

I think I could write a stories about this for my entry???

Yes, please. I was actually thinking of going that route. Detailing a NK player's efforts to dodge his handlers and stay behind in SA when the plane back to North Korea and a firing range leaves Joburg airport.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Oh, yay, I can write a story about how I think my damn chimney is going to fall apart and land on my neighbors house if this stupid house tax credit doesn't hurry up and get here so I can repair it.
Cyan said:

It took me all day to get this, I am slow on the uptake.

Welcome back mang. You'll always be #1 in my heart.

Thanks for being my backup when I shoot myself in the foot around here and get banned over and over. :p


Omgz. I actually have the beginnings of an entry I'm going to submit!
Yeah, I'll do it even if I'm sheepish about it coming off as schmaltzy :p


good credit (by proxy)
Cyan said:

It took me all day to get this, I am slow on the uptake.

Welcome back mang. You'll always be #1 in my heart.

I don't get any of the jokes in the writing threads.

Welcome back ZP. I liked your last story a lot.
ZephyrFate said:

Thanks for being my backup when I shoot myself in the foot around here and get banned over and over. :p
Here's hoping you can stay unbanned for a few challenges this time, Zeph. Good to have you back, man.

You too, Dresden. Welcome back.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
crowphoenix said:
Here's hoping you can stay unbanned for a few challenges this time, Zeph. Good to have you back, man.

You too, Dresden. Welcome back.

These guys lose their shit when they're not in the writing thread. I've never seen people banned so much in all my life.


Alfarif said:
These guys lose their shit when they're not in the writing thread. I've never seen people banned so much in all my life.
Aw, that's not fair, man. That was only my second ban in the last six months.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
I wish I had the gonads you guys had to go and get myself banned again (my first was about a week after I went member status several years back... called HD gaming a sea of brown and gray in a Lair thread... yay), but I don't know what I would do if I couldn't come to GAF and shoot off one off ridiculousness and then run away. :lol


My first and as-of-yet only banning was due to me jokily telling a troll in a George R.R. Martin thread to go fuck himself,


Found an ending to my story. :(
Computer problems mean that I might have just lost a lot of my work over the last couple of years. Hopefully I can recover something. But the drive in question looks fried. :(
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