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Homefront PC Meetup Thread

Homefront PC Meetup Thread

Homefront |OT| of The Greater Korean Republic

GAF Homefront Steam Group: GAF Homefront
*Note: the group is currently a PUBLIC group, so you should be able to join. If necessary (spam, etc.), I'll make it private.

Communication: GAF Mumble Server

GAF Meetup Instructions
Please try to give your actual Steam account name vs. your changable “user” name. For instance, my Steam acccount name is anton_sugar, but my user name is Anton Sugar

GAF Name - Steam Account Name (will be linked to profile page)

US Pacific Standard Time - GMT -8
vidal - Vidal
NinjaKixx - MastaUSAF - Ingame: NinjaKixx

US Central Standard Time - GMT -6
Mr. Snrub - anton_sugar
Billychu - VelociraptorBill
plc268 - fatpat268

US Eastern Standard Time - GMT -5
TheSin - sincover
INDIGO_CYCLOPS - donatelli
doomed1 - doomed1
Fox318 - fox318

Europe / UK - GMT
stevenparker32 - cptsupermarket
Heavy's Sandvich - efeman

Europe / Netherlands / Belgium - GMT +1
Gopsje - Geops
ArjanN - a_nevels666
SneakyStephan - alilsneaky

South Australia - GMT +9.5
jambo - jambo
PC Multiplayer Info
*Note: much of this information is taken from Homefront's PC blogs:

PC Info/Exclusive Features Recap:
  • Three control settings for flying vehicles
  • First person vehicle cockpits
  • Dedicated Server Executable
  • Mod tools: maybe after launch
  • 32 players--same as consoles, but open to expanding this after launch
  • Low server machine requirements
  • Steamworks title (including VAC)
  • Spectator mode
  • Server Admin tools
  • No online pass/DRM (aside from Steam's protection measures)
  • Multiplayer practice map
  • Clan/Steam group support
  • Demo recording
  • Battle chat - radial command menu that gives visual and audio indicator of what player is saying/requesting
  • Squad support (including squad-based VOIP)
  • Joystick support
  • Competition features
  • LAN Play
  • SLI/Crossfire
  • 3d Vision

Clan Support
Players can use Steam groups to manage your clan. Once you create a group, go into the game and choose which group you want to play as. This group will show up as part of your name as well as a unique identifier in the scoreboard. We offer clan support with the following features:
  • Players can associate a clan tag with themselves via the options menus. Clan tags will be prefixed to player names in matches.
  • These tags are linked to the steam groups that the player belongs to.
  • The game browser allows players to sort games by the number of their clan-mates/friends present in each game.
  • We have built in extensive dedicated server support, such that clan servers can be sufficiently managed.
  • We have incorporated a robust demo recording interface which will allow clans to record their matches, useful in competitive game-play scenarios.

Demo Recording
In an effort to fully support competitive gaming, we will be providing the community with the necessary tools to prevent cheating during sanctioned online and LAN games.
Beyond the prevention of cheating, demo recording has other useful applications in competitive game-play scenarios, such as determining rule violations, settling match disputes, and clan strategizing.

HOMEFRONT demo recording is fully hardwired without the need of a console. This will include the implementation of specific in-menu UI to access a pre-recorded demo directory, whereby a user will choose which demo they wish to playback. This directory will be saved locally on a user’s PC.

Statistic tracking
Per-player statistics that are tracked are:
  • Time Played
  • Level
  • Kills
  • Deaths
  • Wins
  • Losses
  • Average Lifespan
  • Total XP
  • Clan Tag
  • Achievements
  • Challenges
  • Per Weapon Stats (Primary, Pistol, Grenades, Knife)
    • Kills; Deaths; Shots Fired; Shots Hit; Headshots; Time Played; Vehicles Destroyed
  • Per Special Weapon Stats
    • Drones - Kills; Shots Fired; Shots Hit; Vehicles Destroyed; Uses
    • Air Strikes - Kills; Uses
    • Launchers - Kills; Deaths; Shots Fired; Shots Hit; Time Played; Vehicles Destroyed
  • Per Vehicle Stats
    • Road kills; Time Played; Gun Kills; Gun Shots Fired; Gun Shots Hit; Gun Vehicles Destroyed; Shell/Rocket Kills; Shell/Rocket Shots Fired; Shell/Rocket Shots Hit; Shell/Rocket Vehicles Destroyed
  • Infantry/Vehicle Loadouts: The player's current setup for their customizable infantry/vehicle loadouts

Battle chat
Battle chat is accessible via a bound control. Through the interaction of a context sensitive button, a radial menu appears on the HUD which allows players to issue specific commands (see command list below) to their squad or team via Fire and Zoom, defaulted to left and right mouse click (though, this can be mapped to a player’s individual needs). Alternatively, by tapping the Battle Chat button, a player can issue commands from the default look option by targeting a specific object within the reticule. This functionality allows players the freedom to move while issuing commands.
With the radial menu open, players can issue the commands by navigating their cursor to the desired command on the perimeter of the menu, with the center dynamic command menu allocated for spotting. Dynamic commands are dependent on what is being targeted. If, for instance, an enemy vehicle is targeted in the middle of the menu, a visual notification (text) is displayed that an enemy vehicle has been spotted. If the same player has targeted a friendly vehicle, the centre option then becomes a Wait/Pick-up command. In the event that a player issues a command to a squad mate, visual notification (text) will appear onscreen which indicates that a command has been issued to them. In addition, all commands incorporate as many variations of audio commands as needed.

The following is a list of radial menu communication/commands (assuming communication options are mapped to left/right mouse click). This also includes the on-screen-text to be displayed (OST):

  • Radial Menu Commands
    • Fire
      • Squad chat (send command to squad only)
      • Clicking left mouse button would engage chat with entire squad. This option would not be available if player existed in squad alone, only team chat would be accessible in this scenario.
    • Zoom
      • Team chat (send command to entire team)
      • Clicking right mouse button engages chat with entire team
    • Advance (requests that squad/team mate advance forward from current position)
      • OST - “Move forward”
    • Retreat (requests that squad/team mate fall back of current position)
      • OST - “Fall back”
    • Hold (requests that squad/team mate hold current position)
      • OST - “Hold position”
    • Follow (requests that squad/team mate follow player’s position)
      • OST - “Follow me”
    • Backup (requests that player requires backup from squad/team mates)
      • OST - “Need backup”
    • Yes (player confirmation/consent of squad/team mate action/request)
      • OST - “Affirmative”
    • No (player refusal/denial of squad/team mate action/request)
      • OST - “Negative”
    • Spot (confirms that player has spotted enemy)
      • OST - “Enemy spotted”
      • OST - “Enemy Armor spotted”
      • OST – “Enemy LAV spotted”
      • OST – “Enemy Humvee spotted”
      • OST - “Enemy Heli spotted”
      • OST – “Enemy Ground Drone spotted”
      • OST – “Enemy Air Drone spotted”
    • Pickup/Wait (requests that player requires squad/team mate pickup - to be a target specific request).
      • OST - “Requesting pickup”
      • OST – “Wait”

Audio Barks
Commands, issued via the radial menu or quick spot, are accompanied by its own unique audio bark. Players will hear the bark dependant on the allocation of the command (either squad or team). Each bark is accompanied by its respective on-screen-text, displayed above the mini-map on the in-game screen.

In the event that a player engages teammates with one of the above-mentioned requests or actions, a simple/generic icon will appear above that player’s head to communicate that a request or action has been issued. This request or action will also be reflected on the mini-map via the player icon for a short period of time.
Icons located on mini map will represent all friendlies and enemies:
  • Light blue indicates player’s current squad mates
  • Green indicates non-squad teammates
  • Red indicates enemy
  • To avoid onscreen confusion and clutter, a player will not see the nameplates of other non-squad teammates or enemies on active game-play screen unless within player FOV (Field of View).
  • Once spotted, icons on mini map will reflect enemy position with the appropriate icon (dependent on what was spotted). A timer is utilized to reveal an enemies position for two seconds.
  • Light blue will always indicate all squad mates and green for non-squad teammates.

Squad Switching
A screen listing all of the players on the user’s team will be shown, sorted by squad allocation. Squad allocation headings will be shown above each list of players in a squad. When a squad heading is clicked by the user, the user will join that squad.

The Squad Browser will be accessible to players at any time during game play, as well as within the spawn menu. This will allow players the freedom to switch squads at anytime. We will allow a maximum of 16 squads per team. There will be no limit or predetermined number of squads or player counts. An additional empty squad will always be available to players in the event that they wish to play alone or in a smaller squad

In addition to the above-mentioned flexibility, the player who creates a squad initially (Squad Administrator) will have the ability to lock and unlock their respective squad.

Squad Based VOIP
Game modes such as death match do not require the need for team based communication but for team based gameplay, where we have a maximum of sixteen players on either side, team/squad-based communication is provided.

Audio is broadcasted to members of a squad regardless of their proximity to a squad mate. Any squad consisting of more than one player has the ability to communicate player to player as needed. This allows individual members of a squad the freedom to move to a specific location, organize and communicate game-play strategies, without the restriction of audio proximity.

Example: A group of four players forms a squad. They enter the match and decide to split-up and take positions on either side of the map. Despite their relative distance from one another, inter-squad communication will always remain intact. This will allow the squad to organize and communicate game-play strategies without the restriction of proximity-based communication.
Note: non-squad voice chat will only be supported at the end of a round while in the scoreboard

Competition Features
These are the current features in Homefront that allow for clan matches/league competitive play:
  • Demo Recording
  • Intermission timer (Currently 60 seconds but are working to make this a setting in the console of the server and be variable.)
  • Console ability to switch members to a team. Ability to swap teams as a player as well.
  • Support for Clan Tags.
  • Support for private dedicated servers.
  • RCON Access
  • Ability to make a admin (or anyone) a spectator via console.
  • Ability to turn on and off auto-balance.
  • Ability to run the server in “Mixed Mode” with maps from the TDM or GC in rotation.
Added new replies, thanks!

Billychu said:
Added everyone in the thread. We need more people.

Same here. Added everyone last night...will add the rest later tonight. Hopefully we'll get more people around launch.





Group member "T35.Xprotyon" is sending out phishing links.

So obviously don't click on anything he sends you.

I've just reported him through Steam.
ArjanN said:



Group member "T35.Xprotyon" is sending out phishing links.

So obivously don't click on anything he sends you.

I've just reported him through Steam.

Thanks for the heads up!
Europe / Belgium GMT +1

Steam : alilsneaky

Add me if you're from a similar timezone:p
I won't be joining no silly steam groups I'm afraid.


Pretty sure group member "KEITH STONED" is also a phishing account.

SneakyStephan said:
Europe / Belgium GMT +1

Steam : alilsneaky

Add me if you're from a similar timezone:p
I won't be joining no silly steam groups I'm afraid.

Haha! I just checked and you're a member of the L4D2 Boycott group. Not only that, but you OWN L4D2!
What's with these phishing accounts? Is this a normal occurrence on Steam? What a random group to do it in too... we only have like 15 members
Heavy said:
What's with these phishing accounts? Is this a normal occurrence on Steam? What a random group to do it in too... we only have like 15 members

Yeah, happens fairly regularly.

Haven't been able to meet up with any gaffers, though I think NinjaKixx and I were in the same game on launch night. Busy week here (SXSW), so don't know if I'll be able to join anyone until weekend.


Mr. Snrub said:
Yeah, happens fairly regularly.

Haven't been able to meet up with any gaffers, though I think NinjaKixx and I were in the same game on launch night. Busy week here (SXSW), so don't know if I'll be able to join anyone until weekend.

It doesn't unlock until tomorrow over here.
Fox318 said:
I'll play a few rounds with anyone! Been loving the game so far.

I'm on the east coast


In fact I believe yesterday I was playing with you Snrub for a while.

Very possible! Played for about an hour yesterday before heading to some concerts. Have you (or anyone else, for that matter) figured out how to join friends' games yet?

Billychu said:
So how's the online? I haven't been home yet, so I haven't even touched the game yet.

Most people who have played MP for a bit have been enjoying it. I love it, myself.


Is there any easy way to play with friends yet. It seemed like invites weren't working correctly and the only way to play with each other was to manually find the same server.

Is this still the case? I haven't tried invites since the first day.
plc268 said:
Is there any easy way to play with friends yet. It seemed like invites weren't working correctly and the only way to play with each other was to manually find the same server.

Is this still the case? I haven't tried invites since the first day.

By invites, do you mean joining on a friend through Steam? I'm in the same situation, can't figure it out :-\


Mr. Snrub said:
By invites, do you mean joining on a friend through Steam? I'm in the same situation, can't figure it out :-\

Yep, accepting an invite doesn't do anything for me. Weird for a steamworks game, and something that will hopefully be patched soon.


I joined the group and sent invites to everyone in CST and EST USA.

Steam ID is the same as my GAF name: kamspy

I'm in Ohio. GAF, you have my SCAR and Drone.


I'm sort of getting the hang of online. I thought you would be able to buy anything in the game and the 4 and 5 buttons were just shortcuts. I'm really disappointed you have to unlock stuff by leveling up before you can buy it. Do any of the modes have real respawn timers? The only servers I've been on have been 5 second respawns on Team Deathmatch.


WOW. The servers are DEAD for this one.

Anyone still playing? I am definitely LTTP. Bought it for cheap on eBay last week.

Steam - sk3tchcom

Central Standard Time

EDIT: joined the Steam group
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