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[Video] Uncharted 3 Running at 60 FPS.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
Uncharted 3 not having motion blur is a huge disappointment for me.

That was my biggest issue with Killzone 3. Taking away OBMB made some scenes that should have blown KZ2 away asset wise, look stale.


PairOfFilthySocks said:
I played Crysis 2 with the framerate capped at 30fps instead of 60fps. Come at me GAF.


What is the reasoning for this atrocity.


Glorious consoles! Also this game so praised and hyped isn't even 60fps? I didn't even know that wtf... And YES it matters in the quality of games, it's not only a reason to whine...


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I want someone to start a huge discussion with Amir0x about this ♥ The greatest of GAF came from fps-discussions!


RooMHM said:
Glorious consoles! Also this game so praised and hyped isn't even 60fps? I didn't even know that wtf... And YES it matters in the quality of games, it's not only a reason to whine...
You dont care much remakes anyway, remember what you said in the Vita thread that you concider sequels as remakes? ;) (sorry, i had to say it hehe).

But it is rare that console games run games in 60fps with this detailed graphics. Just compare i.e the console versions of MW3 with BF3 and you see that BF3 had better graphics because BF3 is running at 30fps (which leaves more hardware power for graphics compared to if it was ran in 60fps). Today's console are not powerful enough to have that level of details and run it in 60fps. The hardware is afterall over 5 years old. 30fps works great in a lot of games anyway, so there is not much need to complain about it, at least not in this case with Uncharted 3, in my opinion =)
Orayn said:
I would have to snicker if there were ever an upscaled sub-HD game running at an interpolated 60FPS.
I don't understand the comment Orayn. If you would please explain a bit :)

Another positive aspect of the interpolation tech the Force Unleashed guy was/its developing is that it didn't introduce lag into the game. And save for some very minor artefacts it looked the same image quality wise as the 30hz game.
Shtof said:
I don't see a difference, is there something wrong with my eyes?
I know some of the guys made some snarky remarks but if you didn't really see a difference you should see a doctor because its a cause of concern. I really mean it as a friendly advice.


mxgt said:

What is the reasoning for this atrocity.
As the owner of an aging gaming computer, there are some games I'd like to cap at 30 to prevent some of the weird stuttering that occurs when my framerate jumps around wildly in the 30-60 range. Bad Company 2 comes to mind...
Refreshment.01 said:
I don't understand the comment Orayn. If you would please explain a bit :)
Currently, we have fake HD games that run at resolutions below 1280x720 and get upscaled. With this technology, we could have "fake" 60FPS games that have an internal framerate of 30 or below, but use the interpolation you mentioned.


Shtof said:
I don't see a difference, is there something wrong with my eyes?
After playing that scene earlier today and watching the movie, i can honestly say that i dont notice any difference. I guess i would if i played them side by side, but the game is running so smooth anyway, so i dont miss anything :)

Ranger X

Maybe the game CAN run at 60fps but it's actually "locked 30fps" when 3D is off?

I would be surprised. And then they keep an unlock, non-3D, 60fps version for marketing purposes.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I'm still one of those people who thinks for sure that people who can't see the difference are joking.

Well, it's a bad joke so please stop it.


Yoshichan said:
I'm still one of those people who thinks for sure that people who can't see the difference are joking.

Well, it's a bad joke so please stop it.
It probably depends on if they see it side by side, or watching it later on. As i mentioned above here, i played that scene earlier today, and if i had watched this video afterwards and no one had told me it was 60fps, then i probably wouldnt have noticed it or thought anything about it. But running things side by side, or quickly after each other, then it is easier to notice it indeed.
Guys, it's really simple.

Just bookmark this thread and check it for familiar names whenever someone is arguing over whether the 360 or PS3 version looks better, and say "Who are you to talk? You can't even tell the difference between 30 and 60 fps! FACE!"


That looks great, but a little fake. Its not real 60fps. Still, I would definitely prefer to play the game like that.

Ranger X

Fix The Scientist said:
Why is it always 30 or 60? No games run at 45 fps?? Explain please.

Serious question? Just in case its a yes, TVs are displaying at 60fps. 45fps games would = tearing festival.
Suairyu said:
This is something interesting I have never considered. You get some horror films that show the monster/creature/bad-human in a very juttery framerate, as the alien nature of the movements creates a certain reaction in us. It just looks unnatural. Suddenly my 60fps dogma might potentially have a slightly caveat for (some) horror games. I'm not sure. I need to experiment.

It's also why the statue of Talos in Jason And The Argonauts is so fucking frightening if you're caught up in the film. Look at that steely, unnatural head turn.
Exactly. I feel like some titles(and movies) do it too deliberately and it just ends up looking cheesy as hell, but that was a good example. It fit the statue perfectly while still feeling very wrong like it shouldn't exist. I've always felt a lot of the monsters in silent hill suffered from it, as they tend to be creepy until they just start twitching for no reason, begging for a scare tactic. I guess 30fps just really leaves a lot of the "certainties" we receive from 60fps and 120fps up in the air, and makes it more appealing for an abstract or horrid atmosphere.


Ranger X said:
Serious question? Just in case its a yes, TVs are displaying at 60fps. 45fps games would = tearing festival.
That is mostly for old TVs though. Today's TVs have at least 100Hz. Would it be the same there?

Ranger X

test_account said:
That is mostly for old TVs though. Today's TVs have at least 100Hz. Would it be the same there?

Yes. That 100hz is the speed the pixel itself refreshes/changes color. It reduces bleeding, ghosting and some other undesired effects that slow pixel screens had before. Doesn't change the 60fps thing. See it as 60 frames of something displayed at better accuracy.


Yeah, there must be something wrong with my eyes. I tried running the two videos side-by-side now and I honestly couldn't see much of a difference. Maybe my eyes are now locked at 30 FPS after playing so many console games?

Anyway, I can fairly easily notice framerate drops when playing 60 FPS games on my PC.

Rolf NB

I noticed that Uncharted 3 is the first PS3 game that doesn't look completely hideous in European SD broadcast ads. PAL video running at 24fps must have made it a bitch to properly present 30fps source material.

Anyone want to complete my train of thought?

Ranger X

Shtof said:
Yeah, there must be something wrong with my eyes. I tried running the two videos side-by-side now and I honestly couldn't see much of a difference. Maybe my eyes are now locked at 30 FPS after playing so many console games?

Anyway, I can fairly easily notice framerate drops when playing 60 FPS games on my PC.

Nothing is wrong with your eyes. Eyes aren't seeing by "frames" anyways, it's only changes in brightness. An eye can detect a black screen displayed once in a white 1000 fps movie. You can see it just because the black screen constrasted enough with the white.
Lastly, when you notice the drop in the 60fps game, its when the game actually went under 60fps.


Ranger X said:
Yes. That 100hz is the speed the pixel itself refreshes/changes color. It reduces bleeding, ghosting and some other undesired effects that slow pixel screens had before. Doesn't change the 60fps thing. See it as 60 frames of something displayed at better accuracy.
Ok, i see, i didnt know that actually :) I thought that 100Hz ment that it could refresh/push 100 pictures pr. second, but after doing some more (quick) research on it now, i see that it is a difference between refresh rate and framerate.


PairOfFilthySocks said:
I liked the visual style better with 30fps. Besides, the game was so piss-easy that a rapid refresh rate wasn't necessary. That's all.

Have you tried 15 fps? That might look even better to you.


Ranger X said:
Serious question? Just in case its a yes, TVs are displaying at 60fps. 45fps games would = tearing festival.
You can render a framerate that's not an integer multiple of the TV's vertical sync rate without tearing.
For example, most TV programs are filmed at 24FPS but still look fine in spite of NTSC and PAL having refresh rates of 60Hz and 55Hz respectively.


It just means that your TV and console are doing a little bit of work to blend the frames and keep things smooth.


Shtof said:
I don't see a difference, is there something wrong with my eyes?

I didn't really notice the difference in fullscreen mode for some reason, but when I went to windowed mode I could easily notice it.
Orayn said:
You can render a framerate that's not an integer multiple of the TV's vertical sync rate without tearing.
For example, most TV programs are filmed at 24FPS but still look fine in spite of NTSC and PAL having refresh rates of 60Hz and 55Hz respectively.


It just means that your TV and console are doing a little bit of work to blend the frames and keep things smooth.
Uhhh, most TV is not filmed at 24p. NTSC is 60hz and most TV is filmed at 30hz or 60hz, hence the "soap opera" look people speak of.

Furthermore, when 24p content is played back at 60hz, you introduce judder as a side effect of the 3:2 pulldown used to convert 24p into 60hz (for example, any NTSC DVD). You don't get this judder with TV Shows as they're filmed in 60Hz or 30Hz. I don't know of any TV Shows that are filmed in 24p because of 3:2 pulldown side-effects.

Incidentally, PAL is 50Hz and PAL DVDs simply have the 24p source sped up to 25p. Hence why PAL DVD releases are shorter than their US and theatrical counterparts; they run quicker.


BradleyLove said:
Uhhh, most TV is not filmed at 24p. NTSC is 60hz and most TV is filmed at 30hz or 60hz, hence the "soap opera" look people speak of.

Furthermore, when 24p content is played back at 60hz, you introduce judder as a side effect of the 3:2 pulldown used to convert 24p into 60hz (for example, any NTSC DVD). You don't get this judder with TV Shows as they're filmed in 60Hz or 30Hz. I don't know of any TV Shows that are filmed in 24p because of 3:2 pulldown side-effects.

Incidentally, PAL is 50Hz and PAL DVDs simply have the 24p source sped up to 25p. Hence why PAL DVD releases are shorter than their US and theatrical counterparts; they run quicker.
I was aware of 3:2 pulldown, but thank you for correcting me about TV shows. My point was just that tearing doesn't always result from framerates that aren't integer multiples of the monitor's refresh rate, though there are other consequences.

lord pie

There is a fairly simple explanation for why the video is 60fps;
They could have recorded the video with the game running at half speed, to give the recorder more time to setup the camera, hit buttons presses, etc.

It would be a pretty trivial thing, given most game engines support accelerated/slowed time (bullet time, etc).


Yeah I really wish there was a more expensive PS3 that could play everything at 1080p60. Effects could stay the same across the board...I guess something like this wouldn't be a good move on a console manufacturer's part.

I have a 580, and games look so much better than what I was used to with PS3, but everything else about pc gaming is a pain in the ass.
You guys are still arguing about 30 fps versus 60 fps?


I'll be sure to throw a welcoming party for you guys when you guys are ready to graduate to the 60 fps versus 120 fps wars.

I think I'm going to be lonely for quite some time.


I. HATE. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. OF. YOU. (Except Kagari)

How did this horseshit conversation even happen? You are the most cynical, argumentative, soulless bunch I have ever come across on the Internet. And, worse, you're mindless! You're bidden to the hive; you will glom onto hate and spite and disrespect so quickly that it actually hurts my soul.

Don't be lost. Don't lose your love of games. Stop railing on shit and just love that you get to see these games, year in and year out and stop thinking you're the center of any universe but your own (or worse, that you actually affect news outside of blogs looking desperately for scoops) and just talk about games.

Can you even do that anymore? Can you express love for the game you like without a dozen assholes ruining your enjoyment instead of conversing with you about things they may differ on because they have also played or experienced the same thing?

You are a cesspool, a conglomerate of terrible, angsty people that actively reject and ruin ideas except when it might come from you.

(This was meant for the "hilarious" Sony Smash thread, but I applies ad infinitum to the rest.)

Please stop being like this. It's cancerous to people who just want to hear about new video game stuff. If some brilliant mind hadn't removed the ability for you jerkwads to emptypost with emotes, I would imagine a sea of them after this, but I'm sick of it and I can't stomach not saying it any more.

STOP. Just enjoy this amazing medium that we all get to imbibe. It doesn't matter if someone else feels differently; there are forums elsewhere that are infinitely more capable of expressing actual ideas and conversation that isn't chock full o' memes and image macros and stupid, worthless posts. Be like them. Don't be jerks.

And please, for the sake of literally every generation going forward, use some semblance of punctuation, spelling and grammar. PLEASE.


I don't think I'm ever gonna get used to it when all games start doing 60fps standard.

That video just felt too surreal. lol
I'm pretty suprised how often the question of whether devs will be able to get "more FPS" next generation comes up, considering how much it's gone over here. Logic says no.

EDIT: what. ^


test_account said:
You dont care much remakes anyway, remember what you said in the Vita thread that you concider sequels as remakes? ;) (sorry, i had to say it hehe).

But it is rare that console games run games in 60fps with this detailed graphics. Just compare i.e the console versions of MW3 with BF3 and you see that BF3 had better graphics because BF3 is running at 30fps (which leaves more hardware power for graphics compared to if it was ran in 60fps). Today's console are not powerful enough to have that level of details and run it in 60fps. The hardware is afterall over 5 years old. 30fps works great in a lot of games anyway, so there is not much need to complain about it, at least not in this case with Uncharted 3, in my opinion =)
Yes I remember and that's not what I said btw (so I don't really remember ... yeah). I said that sequels without innovations, new things almost felt like remakes. I'm a bit extreme but that's an interesting, harsh and positive point of view for the industry don't you think?

I'm glad to confirm that people accept the fact that they get "good graphics" with 30 fps instead of scaling them down just a bit to play in great conditions. So Graphics > Gameplay all along, that's what I conclude.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
SamBishop, if you're not joking then you really need to relax man...

Ranger X

SamBishop said:
I. HATE. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. OF. YOU. (Except Kagari)

How did this horseshit conversation even happen? You are the most cynical, argumentative, soulless bunch I have ever come across on the Internet. And, worse, you're mindless! You're bidden to the hive; you will glom onto hate and spite and disrespect so quickly that it actually hurts my soul.

Don't be lost. Don't lose your love of games. Stop railing on shit and just love that you get to see these games, year in and year out and stop thinking you're the center of any universe but your own (or worse, that you actually affect news outside of blogs looking desperately for scoops) and just talk about games.

Can you even do that anymore? Can you express love for the game you like without a dozen assholes ruining your enjoyment instead of conversing with you about things they may differ on because they have also played or experienced the same thing?

You are a cesspool, a conglomerate of terrible, angsty people that actively reject and ruin ideas except when it might come from you.

(This was meant for the "hilarious" Sony Smash thread, but I applies ad infinitum to the rest.)

Please stop being like this. It's cancerous to people who just want to hear about new video game stuff. If some brilliant mind hadn't removed the ability for you jerkwads to emptypost with emotes, I would imagine a sea of them after this, but I'm sick of it and I can't stomach not saying it any more.

STOP. Just enjoy this amazing medium that we all get to imbibe. It doesn't matter if someone else feels differently; there are forums elsewhere that are infinitely more capable of expressing actual ideas and conversation that isn't chock full o' memes and image macros and stupid, worthless posts. Be like them. Don't be jerks.

And please, for the sake of literally every generation going forward, use some semblance of punctuation, spelling and grammar. PLEASE.

What are you babling about? Talking about FPS in a thread with this very subject is wrong? how? Can't we simply talk about what we feel like talking? Whos taking this too seriously in the end?
SamBishop said:
I. HATE. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. OF. YOU. (Except Kagari)

How did this horseshit conversation even happen? You are the most cynical, argumentative, soulless bunch I have ever come across on the Internet. And, worse, you're mindless! You're bidden to the hive; you will glom onto hate and spite and disrespect so quickly that it actually hurts my soul.

Don't be lost. Don't lose your love of games. Stop railing on shit and just love that you get to see these games, year in and year out and stop thinking you're the center of any universe but your own (or worse, that you actually affect news outside of blogs looking desperately for scoops) and just talk about games.

Can you even do that anymore? Can you express love for the game you like without a dozen assholes ruining your enjoyment instead of conversing with you about things they may differ on because they have also played or experienced the same thing?

You are a cesspool, a conglomerate of terrible, angsty people that actively reject and ruin ideas except when it might come from you.

(This was meant for the "hilarious" Sony Smash thread, but I applies ad infinitum to the rest.)

Please stop being like this. It's cancerous to people who just want to hear about new video game stuff. If some brilliant mind hadn't removed the ability for you jerkwads to emptypost with emotes, I would imagine a sea of them after this, but I'm sick of it and I can't stomach not saying it any more.

STOP. Just enjoy this amazing medium that we all get to imbibe. It doesn't matter if someone else feels differently; there are forums elsewhere that are infinitely more capable of expressing actual ideas and conversation that isn't chock full o' memes and image macros and stupid, worthless posts. Be like them. Don't be jerks.

And please, for the sake of literally every generation going forward, use some semblance of punctuation, spelling and grammar. PLEASE.

Are there any mods you do hate?
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