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Media Create Sales 5/7 - 5/13, PS3 < 10k

test_account said:
It needs.. 50 million! ;) Seriously tho, it sure looks like there is no hope for PS3 to be #1 in Japan, but stranger things have happend. In 2-3 years, who knows.

In terms of sales, no, no they haven't.


RiskyChris said:
In terms of sales, no, no they haven't.

I'm pretty sure something have been selling slow in the begining and then suddently went sky high. If it will happend to PS3 is uncertain and the chances might be slim, but its not 100% unthinkable and impossible.

Anyway, as long as the games comes out for each system, thats what matters the most. 1st, 2nd and 3rd isnt that big of a deal altho its cool if your a Nintendo, Sony or MS fan of course.
At what point would it be more profitable for Sony to be a multiplatform third party publisher like Sega? On the other hand, the continued starblazing success of the PS2 platform in Japan and worldwide will fill their coffers for a while - the same goes for the profitable PSP hardware (except that Sony's own PSP games aren't doing very well - maybe because Sony isn't making many of them).
splattergnome said:
At what point would it be more profitable for Sony to be a multiplatform third party publisher like Sega? On the other hand, the continued starblazing success of the PS2 platform in Japan and worldwide will fill their coffers for a while - the same goes for the profitable PSP hardware (except that Sony's own PSP games aren't doing very well - maybe because Sony isn't making many of them).
Since Sony uses their games hardware to leverage other businesses within the company, I'd say it would never be a better idea to be third-party.


Sony was 3rd party before. I got a couple of SNES games from Sony and i've seen a few ROM chips inside NES games that are labeled with Sony hehe.
Yep, they made the most excellent Hook game for SNES! And a lot of other garbage! But do not hold Sony Imagesoft against Sony, they knew not what they did.


Really, Japanese developers have three options at this stage:

1. Make games for the Wii.

2. Make western games for the 360.

3. Get money hats from Sony.

Of course, some will continue to be stupid and support the PS3 fully, to their downfall.
test_account said:
I'm pretty sure something have been selling slow in the begining and then suddently went sky high.
The closest I can think of would be PS1. However, two major differences.

PS1 started off as an unknown quantity, and with time earned a positive name for itself. PS3 started off as an extremely known quantity from a successful brand, and soon earned a fall on its face anyway.

PS1 started off slowly, but since Saturn was also slow and N64 wasn't out until 1.5 years later, it wasn't falling behind current generation competitors. PS3 started off slowly, and is massively behind a quick-selling Wii.


Segata Sanshiro said:
Yep, they made the most excellent Hook game for SNES! And a lot of other garbage! But do not hold Sony Imagesoft against Sony, they knew not what they did.

Hehe, not so familiar with their games. I just noticed Sony on some SNES games i bought in a lot some months ago (some tennis and baseball game). Still havnt tried them. Just checked out Gamefaqs.com, seems like they did quite a few games. Also Super Dodge Ball for NES, didnt know that :)

EDIT: Of course Technos made Super Dodge Ball, totaly forgot about that. But why does Gamefaqs.com lists it as Sony Imagesoft for US release. They were the publisher over there?

JoshuaJSlone said:
The closest I can think of would be PS1. However, two major differences.

PS1 started off as an unknown quantity, and with time earned a positive name for itself. PS3 started off as an extremely known quantity from a successful brand, and soon earned a fall on its face anyway.

PS1 started off slowly, but since Saturn was also slow and N64 wasn't out until 1.5 years later, it wasn't falling behind current generation competitors. PS3 started off slowly, and is massively behind a quick-selling Wii.

Indeed, the situation is different today, but who know in 2-3 years =)

Eteric Rice

legend166 said:
Really, Japanese developers have three options at this stage:

1. Make games for the Wii.

2. Make western games for the 360.

3. Get money hats from Sony.

Of course, some will continue to be stupid and support the PS3 fully, to their downfall.

Well I wish they'd hurry the **** up and start developing for the Wii. I want some damn RPGs.


RiskyChris said:
I'm not ready to call US for Wii yet (it's possible the momentum of Halo 3/GTA4/price drop will trigger the proper exponential growth of 360's rise to heaven), but as a worldwide market I'm ready to say Wii has won.


Professional Schmuck
Segata Sanshiro said:
Yep, they made the most excellent Hook game for SNES! And a lot of other garbage! But do not hold Sony Imagesoft against Sony, they knew not what they did.

Solstice and Equinox spit in your face with great fury.


JoshuaJSlone said:
The closest I can think of would be PS1. However, two major differences.

PS1 started off as an unknown quantity, and with time earned a positive name for itself. PS3 started off as an extremely known quantity from a successful brand, and soon earned a fall on its face anyway.

PS1 started off slowly, but since Saturn was also slow and N64 wasn't out until 1.5 years later, it wasn't falling behind current generation competitors. PS3 started off slowly, and is massively behind a quick-selling Wii.

Entity. It started off as an unknown entity. It did not start of as an unknown amount.


Entity. It started off as an unknown entity. It did not start of as an unknown amount.

Hahaha, i can see you pulling hairs in frot of the computer reading the original post. cranky. i like it.
Xeke said:
I just want a game that lets me do what I want and that is what I was expecting from "next-gen". How can there be immersive gameplay when I can't jump over a rail when I want to or climb a fence...The little things. Let me go to that place that I see and want to check out. Let me climb a tree or something. Let me take a piss if I want to, in game.

Play Crackdown. Honestly, it's one of the best examples of what the 360/PS3 have to offer to opening up gameplay. It's hard to go back to other 'free roam' games because they're insanely limited in scope in comparison. It's not just the draw distance (which is insane), it's just the sheer amount of scaleable real estate, with dozens of cars and citizens everywhere (and not disappearing when you simply leave the area for half a minute), explosions and bullets flying everywhere, with Havok physics running the whole show.

See a mountain? You can climb it. See a door? You can probably knock it down. See a river? You can swim across it. See a ledge? You can grab it.

It's pure sandbox and it couldn't be done on the Xbox/PS2/GCN or the Wii.

Eteric Rice

Sho_Nuff82 said:
Play Crackdown. Honestly, it's one of the best examples of what the 360/PS3 have to offer to opening up gameplay. It's hard to go back to other 'free roam' games because they're insanely limited in scope in comparison. It's not just the draw distance (which is insane), it's just the sheer amount of scaleable real estate, with dozens of cars and citizens everywhere (and not disappearing when you simply leave the area for half a minute), explosions and bullets flying everywhere, with Havok physics running the whole show.

See a mountain? You can climb it. See a door? You can probably knock it down. See a river? You can swim across it. See a ledge? You can grab it.

It's pure sandbox and it couldn't be done on the Xbox/PS2/GCN or the Wii.

I think he was talking more about an adventure game with unlimited freedom, not a "Hulk Ultimate Destruction" type game. :/
Sho_Nuff82 said:
Play Crackdown. Honestly, it's one of the best examples of what the 360/PS3 have to offer to opening up gameplay. It's hard to go back to other 'free roam' games because they're insanely limited in scope in comparison. It's not just the draw distance (which is insane), it's just the sheer amount of scaleable real estate, with dozens of cars and citizens everywhere (and not disappearing when you simply leave the area for half a minute), explosions and bullets flying everywhere, with Havok physics running the whole show.

See a mountain? You can climb it. See a door? You can probably knock it down. See a river? You can swim across it. See a ledge? You can grab it.

It's pure sandbox and it couldn't be done on the Xbox/PS2/GCN or the Wii.
Yeah, but you can't strangle a mafia boss in the 360/PS3/PS2/XBOX/GC/PSP/DS either.
test_account said:
I think its a bit early to say that the Wii has won, but if that will be the reality in the future i agree to what you say, all system will still get great games even if they are selling most or fewest consoles for the 3. Also good that Sony is around indeed, more competition is good for the consumers.
It's pretty much over in Japan. What games come out that appeal to the japanese market? There's Hot Shots Golf and maybe NG Sigma (but I don't expect that to do big numbers) and then it's Folks Souls and then? All the big titles from 1st or 2nd party are catered more to a western audience (Warhawk, Uncharted, SOCOM, Killzone etc.).

I think Sony miscalculated big time. Seeing the releases they must've really thought to have Japan in the bag just with brand name (5 million, even without games) and Blue Ray alone (relatively high HD adoption rate, as opposed to EU).


PantherLotus said:
Solstice and Equinox spit in your face with great fury.
Sony had nothing to do with Solstice at all (It was published by and even funded by Nintendo!), and all they did with Equinox was publish it with their recently created publishing house, which at that time was only a subsidiary of their music publishing house. They were developed by a UK development house called software creations, who started off on the ZX Spectrum and Amiga.

So yeah, Sony deserves basically no credit for either game.

</long time Solstice fan rant>


Phife Dawg said:
It's pretty much over in Japan. What games come out that appeal to the japanese market? There's Hot Shots Golf and maybe NG Sigma (but I don't expect that to do big numbers) and then it's Folks Souls and then? All the big titles from 1st or 2nd party are catered more to a western audience (Warhawk, Uncharted, SOCOM, Killzone etc.).

I think Sony miscalculated big time. Seeing the releases they must've really thought to have Japan in the bag just with brand name (5 million, even without games) and Blue Ray alone (relatively high HD adoption rate, as opposed to EU).

You will see more than those 3 games out in Japan that appeals to people. I'm thinking like 2-3 years ahead. Many games that havnt been announced or even made yet ;) So i'm sure some of these titles will appeal to the Japanese crowd.

TJ Spyke

By the time they come out though it won't make a difference. Same thing happened with the GameCube, after a few years it didn't matter what games came out because it was too far behind to be able to catch up with the PS2. The bigger of a lead Wii gets, the harder it will be for PS3 to catch up.


test_account said:
You will see more than those 3 games out in Japan that appeals to people. I'm thinking like 2-3 years ahead. Many games that havnt been announced or even made yet ;) So i'm sure some of these titles will appeal to the Japanese crowd.
in 2-3 years sony going at their current rate will have sold around 1.5 - 2 million ps3's in japan. Most major japanese third parties will be putting their japan-centric games on wii because thats the system that sells. These kind of battles are decided within 6 - 12 months of all systems being on the market. Fact. The videogame industry feeds the market leader in a circular fashion. More systems sold = more 3rd party support = wider range of games = more systems sold etc etc etc. I can't believe people don't understand this and keep saying "wait until x game" or "wait for x years." Its sony's time to feed on the scraps and the quicker sony fans realise this the better.


Junior Member
There are so much more left to be done in games besides pushing polygons and high resolution textures. The physics, movements, lighting and number of things that goes on at the same time can still be improved alot. Check out the tech demo on Euphoria Engine that i.e. GTA 4 uses. No other consoles than PS3 and 360 can handle this in addition to all the gfx etc.
But that's the thing. You mention movements and a bunch of graphical enhancement. I don't think anybody has made a compelling argument that a game needs the technical boost for physics and AI, stuff that will dramatically change the way a game is played. I love increased draw distance and better lighting but at what cost? $400 for the console? $600? People constantly point to physics and AI and I'm not sure the public is benefitting from that or is it just additive to the argument for better graphics. I pointed out GOW because it's a next gen game that feels last gen. Remove the HD resolution, textures, lighting and all the graphical filters, I think the same gameplay could be offered on the Xbox. I argue that a less expensive graphical leap was necessary for 360/PS3 and they could have offered the consoles at reduced prices.

When it comes to gfx, it actually does affect the gameplay quite a bit. Take Zelda:TP for example. Would this game be as entertaining if it looked completely different? Or is it the lighting and atmosphere that makes the game so great? Or would it still be just as fun if it was in CGA mode (4 colors only)? The gfx and gameplay actually goes very often hand in hand.
Of course, graphical improvements help out but I'll just hide behind the argument of cost. People argue that the Wii could have had a bump in it's technical specs but I'll argue that the 360/PS3 could have benefitted from a downgrade. The past 2 generations have featured 2 sony platforms that have expanded gaming in major ways. Looking at sales trends in Japan over the past 5-7 years, as it's coming out of it's slump, we all can appreciate how a healthy gaming market benefits us. RPGs used to be a niche, now they are pretty mainstream. Everybody benefits when the market expands. Look at the glut of great DS games available. So, when Sony and MS launched at those crazy prices, which will decrease the market size, they are kinda directly attacking the market they built up over the past few years. They have unintentionally tried to drive the market into a niche hobby. So, it's great they can satisfy the superficial demands of fanboys but they aren't really pushing gameplay any further, their claims of improved physics and AI are dubious and they are hurting the market. They are decreasing consumers, placing more demands on devs due to the increased cost to bring a game to market, which could lead to more ports, less gameplay risks and putting the industry in jeopardy. Great games like Parappa won't happen anymore if all games cost $20 mil to make. I'm not sure how the technology push is really helping games.
Until the DS and Wii came out, its pretty much been the so-called standard handcontroller thats been used for gaming. Do you feel that you suddently need a touch screen or a waggle controller to enjoy playing? If you (generaly speaking, not directed to you personally) just entered the gaming work around DS and Wii times i can understand it, but if you have been playing games for over 20 years like myself you know you can still have great gameplay with the standard controller :) I prefer the old games much more than the new ones at any day.
No. My favorite games of the past year didn't really use waggle that much. I still play a ton of RE4, castlevania and advance wars. I've been playing since colecovision. I have put more effort into VC gaming than regular wii gaming. But I also like old school prices. $199 and such. Never touched the neogeo and hope the PS3 becomes neogeo 2. Actually, to set some hearts a tizzy, I predict the 360 to be discontinued in 2009, so we can have the true successor to the Dreamcast in 09, just like everybody wanted. MS doesn't seem to concerned about anything except live in the console world. Maybe they don't really care about it. Berieve?
Dont know about forcing since its totaly optional to buy, but all system have their share of crappy games, they are no different in that area. Wii games might be alittle bit cheaper than PS3/360 games, but its not like $10 is "OMG" alot of money (unless you're on an extremely tight budget).
Nothing in this arena is about force. But 2 out of 3 manufacturer's seem intent on raising the initial price on hardware and the daily price on software. Actually, you can count Wii in there as well, since $200 was always their magic number. People blame inflation but I point out that increasing technology hasn't stopped TVs from getting cheaper. Overall, I seem to remember big screen TVs being more expensive or the same as what can be found now. So, all three are moving towards higher prices. Bad news for common gamers, hardcore and the expansion of gaming.

Right now the Wii is a rather new experience, but soon it will be just as common as the standard controller since you get used to it. Think about the first time you played Wii, were you amazed over how cool it was? Think ahead, in about 1 year, do you think you will get that exact same feeling on the games that gets released there? Gfx is improved by the console's lifetime, but how much can you improve the use of the Wii controller? Have we seen the most of what it can offer (as in movement thats used) or is there still more to come

I'm done, tired and that was a good post. To end this in typical gafashion: Sony doomed!
test_account said:
You will see more than those 3 games out in Japan that appeals to people. I'm thinking like 2-3 years ahead. Many games that havnt been announced or even made yet ;) So i'm sure some of these titles will appeal to the Japanese crowd.
Well Nintendo has SSBB, SMG amongst other games which are surefire-hits with the japanese crowd coming this christmas. If PS3 really hasn't anything for Japan to fight back it's pretty much a done deal.

I don't think MGS can bump PS3 ahead next year if it pans out that way. FF XIII is too far away supposedly.

This means that in 2-3 years we're probably speaking about 1st and 2nd party software in the majority. And not even Nintendo's output could help them achieve anything but a distant 2nd place during the GC era.

I say if what we saw at Sony's Gamer's Day was all they have to offer for the japanese market in the forseeable future Nintendo has won Japan.


skinnyrattler said:
Great games like Parappa won't happen anymore if all games cost $20 mil to make.

Don't combat bullshit with more bullshit. Comparing the Wii's output to CGA has no merit. Suggesting that lower budget games like Parappa would not be developed/released in a blockbuster envirnoment also has no merit. There will always be low budget gems like Parappa as they'll never be forced to compete against $20million Killzones. Completely different markets.


skinnyrattler said:
But that's the thing. You mention movements and a bunch of graphical enhancement. I don't think anybody has made a compelling argument that a game needs the technical boost for physics and AI, stuff that will dramatically change the way a game is played. I love increased draw distance and better lighting but at what cost? $400 for the console? $600? People constantly point to physics and AI and I'm not sure the public is benefitting from that or is it just additive to the argument for better graphics. I pointed out GOW because it's a next gen game that feels last gen. Remove the HD resolution, textures, lighting and all the graphical filters, I think the same gameplay could be offered on the Xbox. I argue that a less expensive graphical leap was necessary for 360/PS3 and they could have offered the consoles at reduced prices.

True, but you gave example that under Gears of War's beautiful surface there wasnt really anything new that you could have been handled down to Dreamcast. I have actually never played Gears of War so i cant say anything about that, but the PS3 and 360 got much more power than the previous consoles so they can handle much more physics etc. than the previous consoles. If Epic decided to use most of the hardware on gfx for Gears of War its not the 360's "fault". Its upto each developer to make these decitions :)

skinnyrattler said:
Of course, graphical improvements help out but I'll just hide behind the argument of cost. People argue that the Wii could have had a bump in it's technical specs but I'll argue that the 360/PS3 could have benefitted from a downgrade. The past 2 generations have featured 2 sony platforms that have expanded gaming in major ways... (cutting down the quote to save space)
Maybe, but how much of a downgrade? Ripping out the BR player would probly cut the price like $200, but still its at $400. To get the price even lower you must remove more and if you remove more from 360/PS3 they would be very simular to Xbox/PS2 and then they wouldnt have much new to offer (except Sixaxis for PS3). The Wii games that are out now looks basicly like GC games, but still people buy Wii like crazy because of the new control scheme. PS3 and 360 would also had to offer something like this if they were to compete in price and to get people to buy it.

skinnyrattler said:
No. My favorite games of the past year didn't really use waggle that much. I still play a ton of RE4, castlevania and advance wars. I've been playing since colecovision. I have put more effort into VC gaming than regular wii gaming. But I also like old school prices. $199 and such. Never touched the neogeo and hope the PS3 becomes neogeo 2. Actually, to set some hearts a tizzy, I predict the 360 to be discontinued in 2009, so we can have the true successor to the Dreamcast in 09, just like everybody wanted. MS doesn't seem to concerned about anything except live in the console world. Maybe they don't really care about it. Berieve?

Ah.. the Neo Geo. You can look forward to the NG games for VC :) Atleast i hope they give the same (or near) good NG feeling. Neo Geo had so many great games and if you like 2d fighting games this is the dream machine. If PS3 comes with Neo Geo quality games i wouldnt care if they sold 1 console a week :)

2009 for 360? Hm.. i dunno. By then it has been out in like 4 years so they might announce the next system (if any), but i think they will keep on supporting it alittle longer.

skinnyrattler said:
People blame inflation but I point out that increasing technology hasn't stopped TVs from getting cheaper. Overall, I seem to remember big screen TVs being more expensive or the same as what can be found now. So, all three are moving towards higher prices. Bad news for common gamers, hardcore and the expansion of gaming.

Indeed, technology will always get cheaper. Since Bluray and Cell is fairly new you see a $599 pricetag. When PS2 was released DVD players had already been on the marked for like 4 years. If BR was in the same situation and Cell was already being produced at a high number you would most likely see a $399 pricetag. Maybe they should have waited 2 more years until the technology is cheaper and compencate by making PS3 more powerful than it is today. But one day it will get to the $399 pricetag and beyond, but the question is, will it be too late when it happend? Time will tell.
gamefront said:
Enterbrain: Schwache PS3-Verkäufe könnten anhalten

19.05.07 - In der letzten Woche sind die PS3-Verkäufe in Japan erstmals unter 10.000 Einheiten gerutscht: 8.839 Konsolen konnte Sony laut Media Create in der Zeit vom 07.05.07 bis 13.05.07 verkaufen.

Famitsu-Herausgeber Enterbrain teilt mit, dass diese angespannte Lage für die PS3 wohl noch bis Juli andauern könnte und mit weiterhin niedrigen Absatzzahlen zu rechnen ist. Als Grund wird das dünne Software-Angebot genannt: In den Top 100 der vergangenen Woche ist das erste PS3-Spiel erst auf Platz 71 zu finden.

Von der Veröffentlichung von Minna no Golf 5 (Sony) verspricht sich Enterbrain eine Belebung der Verkaufszahlen - weist aber darauf hin, dass der Durchbruch erst mit einem 'Killertitel' zu erwarten ist, der noch nicht zu sehen ist.

Some comments from Enterbrain about PS3 performance. Last week, first with PS3 under 10k, has the first PS3 game on #71 position. They expect this situation to last until July when Minna no Golf 5 strikes.


Kurosaki Ichigo said:
Some comments from Enterbrain about PS3 performance. Last week, first with PS3 under 10k, has the first PS3 game on #71 position. They expect this situation to last until July when Minna no Golf 5 strikes.

Yep, but they also say that "the major breakthrough only will happen with a BIG title, which isn't on the horizon".


ivysaur12 said:
You know, 2 years ago, this would have seemed downright impossible.

I'd even say that this situation seemed impossible 1 year ago. And for most people on NeoGAF, they couldn't have imagined something like this in November 06.

It's over in Japan. Nintendo won. No questions asked, no turnaround.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
Haunted One said:
It's over in Japan. Nintendo won. No questions asked, no turnaround.
Whenever you say this make sure you put in brackets, Note: This does not mean the PS3 is dead.


jj984jj said:
Whenever you say this make sure you put in brackets, Note: This does not mean the PS3 is dead.

True, PS3 will perform significantly better if it was priced lower and would have some spikes with some big guns. But, by the time a price cut comes, PS3 could have reached irrelevance, and then it'll blast up and then likely level out at insignificance. It's got a lot of work to do if it wants to beat GC LTD. I think it will, but can it beat N64?


I'm sure this has been answered but what are the official release dates of Forza Motorsport 2, Trusty Bell and Ninja Gaiden Sigma in Japan?

PS: I'm sure you can see where I'm going with this.


D.Lo said:
Sony had nothing to do with Solstice at all (It was published by and even funded by Nintendo!), and all they did with Equinox was publish it with their recently created publishing house, which at that time was only a subsidiary of their music publishing house. They were developed by a UK development house called software creations, who started off on the ZX Spectrum and Amiga.

So yeah, Sony deserves basically no credit for either game.

</long time Solstice fan rant>

Hi five, fellow solstice fan

Anyway, it saddens me that even segata forgot about Skyblazer, probably the best sony imagesoft game that nobody bought


Remember this old Mario chart posted after the first week sales of NSMB? In retrospect things worked out pretty much exactly the chart suggested.



jj984jj said:
Whenever you say this make sure you put in brackets, Note: This does not mean the PS3 is dead.
well, that's a given. I like to put some trust into the mental capacity of the other posters here. :p
Terrell said:
If Square Enix is expecting less than normal sales, why would they make a game that looks to have the largest budget of any FF game EVER? That's like me walking towards a visible cliffside, only to stop walking and prepare to gas up my motorbike to DRIVE towards it.

Square will be expecting that now, because it's plain to see that PS3 sales aren't anywhere near expectations. Of course they won't have expected this when they committed to the game, but far too much has already been invested (not just in the game, but in the White Engine) to switch to a completely different piece of hardware. People are on another planet if they seriously think FFXIII will end up on the Wii - Sony will throw money hats like there's no tomorrow if there was even a hint of that happening.

Anyway, even Japanese sales won't be catastrophic; it should still do about 1.5m. US and European sales shouldn't be far off that. Don't underestimate FF's hardcore following - it's not what it once was, but people will buy a PS3 for FF if nothing else - and you can bet there will be a significant price reduction before the game hits as well.


The PS3 will most likely see steady sales like PSP once the big titles arrive (at the very least), with big franchises selling decent amounts (enough to keep spinoffs etc on the Wii and DS).

In the meanwhile, Nintendo buys Hokkaido and rebuilds it into a money bin.
tebiro boy said:
Anyway, even Japanese sales won't be catastrophic; it should still do about 1.5m. US and European sales shouldn't be far off that. Don't underestimate FF's hardcore following - it's not what it once was, but people will buy a PS3 for FF if nothing else - and you can bet there will be a significant price reduction before the game hits as well.

You're right, there will be a lot of people who would buy a ps3 just to play FFXIII. But, if it's anything like what was reported to have happened with the 360 and Blue Dragon, many of those people will be buying the ps3 ONLY for FFXIII, and they will sell the system back as soon as they complete the game.


tebiro boy said:
Anyway, even Japanese sales won't be catastrophic; it should still do about 1.5m.

Wouldn't 1.5M in Japan actually be catastrophic for FFXIII anyway? I mean, I really don't know. :)


Clever Pun said:
You're right, there will be a lot of people who would buy a ps3 just to play FFXIII. But, if it's anything like what was reported to have happened with the 360 and Blue Dragon, many of those people will be buying the ps3 ONLY for FFXIII, and they will sell the system back as soon as they complete the game.

:lol I can't believe people are spewing this crap and believing it as fact.

You'd have to be an idiot to spend hundreds on a system for one game and then SELL IT BACK.

You're better off just renting a system and the game.
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