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The Future of Nintendo Game Development


Give more projects to Next Level Games, I think everyone here can agree that next to Retro they're a very good studio for Nintendo to work with, and are clearly super talented at animation and graphical art style, as evidenced by Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon.

I need my Waluigi game done by them sooner rather than later! Time to put the Mario character dismissed as "evil Luigi" into the spotlight!


Their new headquarters should be finished and operative this year. They really need those finished and start hiring.

E3 showed me that Nintendo can't compete with most companies that are not as highly considered as them. I really look forward to reversing this opinion I have of them, but I really don't have confidence.

In terms of output they produce more software annually than any other company in the industry. What other company releases 1-2 games almost every month every year? People seem to forget they are releasing games for two different platforms simultaneously though. This boost in personnel should allow them to produce even more software, thus lessening the need for third parties to fill "gaps" on either of the platforms.


Their new headquarters should be finished and operative this year. They really need those finished and start hiring.

E3 showed me that Nintendo can't compete with most companies that are not as highly considered as them. I really look forward to reversing this opinion I have of them, but I really don't have confidence.

What do you mean by highly considered?


Am I the only one reading this as: Other M was a mistake?
Based on their past comments, rather F-Zero GX was a mistake (not that I agree). Probably recent Starfox games too (and even Assault wasn't so bad).

The direction of Other M (at least what people seems to dislike), as far as I know, is coming from Nintendo, not from outside.

More Nintendo is always great news for me, though.


They were on the right track with the promised 3rd party collabs, to somehow lessen the impact of Iwata and co completely mishandling the situation internally. Yet they apparently dropped these plans after getting a couple of Sonic games... which they would have gotten anyway, considering the series' sales on N platforms...

The Sonic games was announced just last month. They're not going to drop a new third party collaboration every month.

Yeah, I guess you're right. It is working out fine now. I just think that there's a level of security to being a first party studio, rather than a freelance development team, even if you regularly freelance for the same employer.

That would depend entirely on Next Level's vision as a company and I don't think we can say what's better for them.


Based on their past comments, rather F-Zero GX was a mistake (not that I agree). Probably recent Starfox games too (and even Assault wasn't so bad).

The direction of Other M (at least what people seems to dislike), as far as I know, is coming from Nintendo, not from outside.

More Nintendo is always great news for me, though.

In terms of sales, not quality. :p
I've always been in the "Buy Next Level Games and Monster Games" camp, it just needs to happen.

Plus add Platinum in the mix, Nintendo is the first 1st-party publisher to publish their games, and they're just crazy right now with awesomeness that is 101 and Bayo2. They're primed to join the Big N as Monolith prior, hell even more than Monolith was. With Monolith, Nintendo only localized BK Origins and published Disaster and this was way before the game even came out. Why does Platinum not deserve the spot?

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Nintendo has been experimenting in the last 2 years with making a lot of fresh, new IP games based around characters - but they've all been relatively small games, for the 3DS eshop. Not that there's anything wrong with those games mind you.

But all this talk of expansion makes me think: once the new shit's up and running, they'd have the staff to make bigger "test" games such as for Wii U. Even if they were eshop exclusive releases.

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
In terms of output they produce more software annually than any other company in the industry. What other company releases 1-2 games almost every month every year? People seem to forget they are releasing games for two different platforms simultaneously though. This boost in personnel should allow them to produce even more software, thus lessening the need for third parties to fill "gaps" on either of the platforms.

If you Wikipedia the accumulated totals, Sony Computer Entertainment beat them on console-handheld releases a few years, and equalled most others. You can also argue several of those SCE games used larger staffs as well.

There are some management and R&D changes happening. Should be interesting to see what ultimately develops. They have money and enough producers to run several internal groups.



Interesting read. I really hope they start off moving into their new facility on a high note, not making any stumbles during the process and also gain momentum as they increase their developing power.

I'm excited thinking about the potential of a stronger Nintendo.


Good read. They seriously need to pull their finger out and take some more risks IP wise. Their franchises are getting stale.


Sounds like the plan is to increase internal output to fill the void left by third parties. They should have done this during the Wii era when it was obvious third parties still weren't throwing their full weight behind the Wii despite it being the best selling console of the generation, but better late than never. At the end of the day Nintendo consoles are really just delivery devices for Nintendo software; to the core audience anything else is superfluous. Hopefully this this will allow them to take more risks with new software, otherwise they run the risk of stagnating.


Nintendo future is:

New Super Mario
New DK
New Mario Kart

It is what it is, it his formula and it works for them, they move in their own pace and alternative world giving a f**k about what Sony and Microsoft do.

I feel like Nintendo has the right idea. It may take them a long time to get their games out, but when they do, it's almost always fantastic. I respect Nintendo more than any other company because they don't half-ass any of their established franchises.
I just saw the title of this thread and immediately thought that the future of Nintendo developement is a Mario platformer, Kart various Mario off-shoots every few years. That is certainly what it feels like now. I read a comment by Miyamoto about F-Zero yesterday, about how they need to think about what 'new' thing they can do with the franchise first. Tell me, what new thing came out of NSMB2? 1 million coins? What a joke.

Edit: someone said Nintendo should buy Platinum/Next Level Games. No thanks, I'd rather they don't fall under the iron fist of Nintendo. Rather have collaborations and them having the freedom to develop what they want. This way, if Nintendo doesn't like it or the audience isn't there, there are they systems available.


I love Nintendo going Super Saiyan. Imagine Nintendo-quality games in ever genre out there, each one of them nearly the best of its class. If AAA gaming paradigm was to collapse, I can see Nintendo actually winning the next gen, even with inferior hardware. At the end of day, only games matters, and if Nintendo can get more great AAA-quality games out there by themselves or help 3rd party like Platinum develop more games, I would be a very happy Wii U/3DS owner.

if Nintendo bought Platinum, platinum would probably be doing a Retro and developing another Donkey Kong :-(

I am so disillusioned with Nintendo right now.

But they didn't and instead just funded one of the project PG really wanted to develop for. Sounds like to me they know which 3rd party to buy and which one to just aid.



and I want that to happen

me too. My dream is Metroid Vanquished

To me it reads as if collaborations with outside partners can still happen, but only with a Nintendo guy actually directing/supervising.

Kind of like Sakurai with Namco


Am I the only one reading this as: Other M was a mistake?
Other M is exactly what they plan to do more of in the future, actually. It had Nintendo staff, including a producer, on the team. Also, he obviously speaks for EAD. Metroid is SPD, and SPD has basically no internal development resources whatsoever.


Nintendo future is:

New Super Mario
New DK
New Mario Kart

It is what it is, it his formula and it works for them, they move in their own pace and alternative world giving a f**k about what Sony and Microsoft do.


Please calm down.

That said, very curious to see what the new HQ can bring to the table in the future. Especially since handheld and console divisions are now merged. It could mean many things, crossplay, handheld hybrid next gen console, or simply a heavier focus on connectivity. But it can only mean good things.


Nintendo future is:

New Super Mario
New DK
New Mario Kart

It is what it is, it his formula and it works for them, they move in their own pace and alternative world giving a f**k about what Sony and Microsoft do.

There's no evidence of that. All things are pointing to those games still being one per series per console at this time, unlike other companies who push out 8 of the same series on the same console...


Star Fox Assault and that'd be about it

Star Fox Assault wasn't originally a Star Fox game; it was a new IP called Dinosaur Planet, and the main character was a fox furry. Since there hadn't been a game starring Fox in a while Nintendo had them change him into Star Fox midway through development.

Nintendo really DOES take good care of their IP, they just tend to have some spectacular screw-ups when they get lazy.


Star Fox Assault wasn't originally a Star Fox game; it was a new IP called Dinosaur Planet, and the main character was a fox furry. Since there hadn't been a game starring Fox in a while Nintendo had them change him into Star Fox midway through development.

Nintendo really DOES take good care of their IP, they just tend to have some spectacular screw-ups when they get lazy.

You're thinking of Starfox Adventures, not Starfox Assault. Starfox Assault was developed by Namco and was more of a Starfox game. It's actually my favourite one. It had a decent multiplayer, too, which was begging for online


You're thinking of Starfox Adventures, not Starfox Assault. Starfox Assault was developed by Namco and was more of a Starfox game. It's actually my favourite one. It had a decent multiplayer, too, which was begging for online

Whoops, you're absolutely correct. In my defense I'm up four hours later than I'd normally be. Assault was a vast improvement over Adventures (but I still didn't much care for it).

Real quick, does this quote

"In the past, we had what we called the collaboration projects, which were sort of like an outside company almost doing a cover of our games with their own studios. The determination that we’ve come to more recently is that we prefer to have an internal Nintendo producer who’s there to oversee any outside development work that’s happening, to make sure that it’s in line with what we expect out of our games," Miyamoto said.
mean that they're going to have a Nintendo guy working at Atlus for SMTxFE?


Star Fox Assault wasn't originally a Star Fox game; it was a new IP called Dinosaur Planet, and the main character was a fox furry. Since there hadn't been a game starring Fox in a while Nintendo had them change him into Star Fox midway through development.
Are you talking about Starfox Adventure, instead of Starfox Assault (the GameCube game developped by Namco)?

In terms of sales, not quality. :p
If you're talking about F-Zero GX, I'm pretty sure some people at EAD found the game itself disappointing according to some interviews (again, I disagree).


You like me, you really really like me!
Right but will they make real games? Or are they expanding to make more Wii Fit? Which Nintendo are we getting? I don't know anymore.


Right but will they make real games? Or are they expanding to make more Wii Fit? Which Nintendo are we getting? I don't know anymore.

It's not a case of one or the other. We get top quality Nintendo titles, and things like Wii Fit


So instead of trying to win third-parties, they want to grow much bigger so that they can support themselves all on their own

Pretty late, but that seems the only way right now - do it

If Nintendo is gonna expand I hope they at least buy more studios...the THQ collapse would have been a good opportunity all they needed was to guide them so they became "Nintendo Quality" games.


Real quick, does this quote

mean that they're going to have a Nintendo guy working at Atlus for SMTxFE?
They have IntSys on it, and as with all such projects, I'm pretty sure SPD2 is lending a hand and supervising.


If Nintendo is gonna expand I hope they at least buy more studios...the THQ collapse would have been a good opportunity all they needed was to guide them so they became "Nintendo Quality" games.
Why buy studios and risk developers leaving when they can simply hire selected staff from closing studios? There's a lot of former Vigil and more recently Junction Point staff at Retro.
Why buy studios and risk developers leaving when they can simply hire selected staff from closing studios? There's a lot of former Vigil and more recently Junction Point staff at Retro.

Ah did not think it that way, but I was focusing more on they should have brought studios that was already making HD games to help speed their process, what with these constant 1st party software delays =/
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