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The Supernatural fandom crazy-train's almost more fantastical than the show itself.

So thanks to a friend, I've become a casual LttP Supernatural fan. Seems like a really cool fun show, and eager to check out the anime after I catch up on the show proper.

But...wtf is going on with some fans of this show!? Apparently there's a subset of fans who believe that the two male leads (who play brothers on the show) are actually a couple in real life, and that their wives, and children are just beards and baby-beards. That both wives just used pillows during pregnancy. Kids now must just be adopted or something. Shipping real life actors together and doubling down with tinhat conspiracy theories that your shipping fantasies being reality is something I didn't realize was ...a thing.

You can google Supernatural "J2 Tinhat shipping" to find some stuff, but here are some examples:

On why the two main leads facetime with their wives during conventions

Yeah...clearly this is a forced PR stunt to keep their clandestine love a secret

Well ok

My favorite thing about this is that these "J2" shippers feel like their "totally real life" shipped relationship is threatened by the other, 3rd actor and seem to (for whatever reason) have disdain for him.



I mean, why.

They even went so far as to get a more prominent fan banned from a convention, just cause she was (more of a fan?) of this other actor.

These aren't all just kids or tweens though. Some of these peoples are adults. With Children. How does this happen.

It's an insanely deep rabbit hole, and I've only seen the tip of the iceberg. But, if you have downtime and want to read more insanity, here's a detailed recounting of fan insanity that starts with LotR and Harry Potter then spills into Supernatural. Again, it's a long read, but I'll list some highlights to let you know what you're in for:

  • Changing sex WITHOUT being trans
  • Putting together fake conventions, stranding actors and running with fans' money
  • Channeling spirit energies with Orlando Bloom and Elijah Wood
  • Starting a Harry Potter writing class cult with fasting
  • Claiming to have Son taken away. "Son" is a freaking sparrow
  • Meeting a "priestess" in a college theater class and being identified as "A RARE LESBIAN PALADIN."

Have fun.
I think these depths exist in a lot of fandoms.

Most of the fandom, in my experience, is awesome. Couple years ago, thousands of people did a surprise candle tribute to Jared Padalecki in the middle of a comic-con panel that almost brought me to tears. (It was in solidarity of his struggles with depression).
You should check out the Olicity crazies

I'm willing to bet there's a fair bit of cross-over there including that segment of those shippers who in this disconnect from reality think or wish Stephen Amell and Emily Bett-Rickards are secretly a couple as they rudely hate on his actual wife and shop EBR into pictures with him and his daughter, that is if they're not recruiting another member of their ship to take pictures of their kid to put into pictures with them.


I'm willing to bet there's a fair bit of cross-over there including that segment of those shippers who in this disconnect from reality think or wish Stephen Amell and Emily Bett-Rickards are secretly a couple as they rudely hate on his actual wife and shop EBR into pictures with him and his daughter, that is if they're not recruiting another member of their ship to take pictures of their kid to put into pictures with them.

Nevermind my earlier post.


Purple Drazi
Look. I, uh. I try to have more on my mind before I post stuff on NeoGAF. I try to contribute, truly contribute. But I... erh... yeah, I... ah... I just uh...



Supernatural fandom is trash. Your mistake was taking an in depth look at them.

They're all batshit insane. Stay away if you like the show.

Supernatural fans are the reason I don't watch the show anymore they made it creepy.

The show has gone to Hell and back and the fx budget is travesty these days.


Old Member
Been a fan of the show since the first ep. Only discovered this subset of fandom a couple years back. Makes me glad the farthest I've gone with the show is watching it on TV. It's legitimately unsettling.

And the fucking MONEY they'll pay to go to the conventions is astounding.


I'm willing to bet there's a fair bit of cross-over there including that segment of those shippers who in this disconnect from reality think or wish Stephen Amell and Emily Bett-Rickards are secretly a couple as they rudely hate on his actual wife and shop EBR into pictures with him and his daughter, that is if they're not recruiting another member of their ship to take pictures of their kid to put into pictures with them.

Eh, to be fair there's plenty of shit on this board aimed towards the character of Felicity that is really, really uncomfortable to read.
I do not miss the days interacting with the crazy supernatural shipping fans. I can't remember which ship fans were worse, destiel(?) or wincest.
The RL actor shipping has always been creepy as shit.


I like to call myself a fanthroplogist so I can't look away from the trainwrecks. Gotta examine the bad and the good. I think the SPN family handle all that shit with grace. They all are extremely tight.

These fans just too the whole 'too guys can't be very close friends' to the next level and got more insane when they added another close guy friend.


lol I go from the Overwatch incest shipping thread on the gaming board to this Supernatural incest shipping thread.
I feel so far removed when I see words like "ship" and "otp" because I always feel like they're some odd Tumblr designed term that seeks to sexualize everything they watch in a really desperate way.

Everything in that OP seems just about right.
never go farther than the Gaf thread, I don't know how reddit is but I assume its more male dominated like Arrow and Flash subreddits


sparkle this bitch
never go farther than the Gaf thread, I don't know how reddit is but I assume its more male dominated like Arrow and Flash subreddits

No, it's women. Alongside Twilight, Harry Potter, etc.

Take the worse fandom you can think of, it's exactly the same for each of them.
That's a bummer. :/

Can you elaborate a bit? Is it bad writing? Rehash of the show? Just poorly animated?
All of it. It's like a condensed retelling of the first couple of seasons. Jared and Jensen voice their characters in some episodes, which is worse than just having new actors voice them the whole time, as you can never get used to the guys who aren't them.

The art style and animation look bad to me, but that's subjective.


Glad I dropped this at season 5, and maybe even that was too much. The angels vs. demons stuff was just dull to me.


OP mentioning the original LotR tinhat stuff is A+; FandomWank during the LotR stuff was an amazing place full of constant WTF.

SPN fandom has been at this for a long time but I don't think they'll ever match the Domlijah people for batshit.


Couldn't make it past season 9, show should have stopped at season 5. I'm still mad about them really disrespecting some characters in how they killed them off.


I always assumed the crazy fandom was the inspiration for Chuck and those fan meetings episodes back in the day :lol


I always assumed the crazy fandom was the inspiration for Chuck and those fan meetings episodes back in the day :lol

It was.

And a way to call out shitty behavior on the show itself.

And then they did the musical which was a love letter to the not crazy fans.

"Samstiel?" "Shut up."
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