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GAF Games of the Year 2010 - Voting Thread - VOTING CONCLUDED

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Fuck Cancer
1. Gran Turismo 5
2. God of War 3
3. Mass Effect 2
4. Heavy Rain
5. Dead Rising 2
6. Red Dead Redemption
7. Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light
8. Enslaved: Odyssey to the West
9. Last Window
10. Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
x. Demon Souls; Bought the Asia version in 2009 and the PAL in 2010


1. Mass Effect 2 ; not as timeless as the first one, but still my favorite IP of this gen.
2. Halo: Reach ; a great sendoff of the Halo franchise by Bungie. Also no flood.
3. Super Meat Boy ; hard as shit.
4. Red Dead Redemption ; One big wow moment. Wouldn't be surprised it if won GOTY.
5. Monday Night Combat ; A great blend of DOTA and shooter.
6. Just Cause 2 ; An all around great sandbox game.
7. Bayonetta ; It's got style.
8. Costume Quest ; It's got charm.
9. Game Dev Story ; Fun little addicting game.

x. Super Mario Galaxy 2 ; I'm sure this would be competing for #1 if I played it.


ICallItFutile said:
seat (no Roman numerals)
Okay, fixed, but please tell me the parser can determine something as basic as this. If not, wow, talk about the very definition of failure.


Cheesemeister said:
This is no longer an issue.
That's great. So can can ICallItFutile edit his God damn posts since he's asked everyone in this freakin' thread to edit theirs? Thanks. ;)
seat said:
That's great. So can can ICallItFutile edit his God damn posts since he's asked everyone in this freakin' thread to edit theirs? Thanks. ;)

There's no longer any need to worry about title variations or semicolons to separate out comments. People are still welcome to, of course. Just name the title immediately after the rank number.

Honorable mentions, however, will only be counted if they are each on their own line starting with "x.".
seat said:
That's great. So can can ICallItFutile edit his God damn posts since he's asked everyone in this freakin' thread to edit theirs? Thanks. ;)

Calm down, he was just trying to be helpful. Cheesemeister did a great job modifying the script to catch a lot of the variations. It's our first year using it and there were bound to be some growing pains. Future years will be a lot less problematic.


1. Alan Wake
2. Enslaved: Odyssey to the West
3. Halo: Reach
4. Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars
5. Bayonetta
6. Vanquish
7. Angry Birds
8. Epic Mickey


AniHawk said:
I have nothing better to do I WILL RUIN EVERYTHING.

Mass Effect 2- surprise GOTY

That sucks. It's probably the most overrated game/series this gen, definitely not worthy of GOTY, and most of the media doesn't seem to think it's worth GOTY either.


I've not played ME2 beyond an hour or two, but I think it's a more fitting GotY than RDR. RDR is a utterly mediocre game in an incredible world with an excellent story, it's winning based on everything expect it's game design.
Redbeard said:
That sucks. It's probably the most overrated game/series this gen, definitely not worthy of GOTY, and most of the media doesn't seem to think it's worth GOTY either.

I couldn't disagree with more. Most of the media... good god.


ME2's game design is much worse; it has pretty awful gunplay and shooting mechanics.

RDR's aren't that great either, but it is a much more playable game and has far greater production values to boot.

Felix Lighter said:
I couldn't disagree with more. Most of the media... good god.

Sometimes GAF gets GOTY right, sometimes it gets it wrong. 2009? Uncharted 2 hands down deserved to win. GAF got it right. 2008? MGS4...enjoyed the game, but hell no. GAF got it wrong. 2007? Super Mario Galaxy. Definitely.

If ME2 wins GOTY, GAF will get it wrong yet again. Seems to flip flop years.


Redbeard said:
ME2's game design is much worse; it has pretty awful gunplay and shooting mechanics.

RDR's aren't that great either, but it is a much more playable game and has far greater production values to boot.
It's mechanics are arguably weaker, although not sure I agree with that. But RDR's gameplay is only that, with the addition of sloppy traversal work. ME2 has a whole other level of interaction with it's conversation system etc. More importantly, I'd argue (from the little I've played) ME2 still has better level design and scripting, although that is partially thanks to the greater premise of the titles, the better combat areas in RDR all feel very contrived.


8/8/2010 Blackace was here
StuBurns said:
It's mechanics are arguably weaker, although not sure I agree with that. But RDR's gameplay is only that, with the addition of sloppy traversal work. ME2 has a whole other level of interaction with it's conversation system etc. More importantly, I'd argue (from the little I've played) ME2 still has better level design and scripting, although that is partially thanks to the greater premise of the titles, the better combat areas in RDR all feel very contrived.
hmm this is wrong my friend this is wrong
I don't think I have the energy to defend the game right now. If you were talking about plot issues or the removal of rpg mechanics, I'd understand where your coming from. Calling it out on playability and production values just doesn't make sense to me.


Felix Lighter said:
I don't think I have the energy to defend the game right now. If you were talking about plot issues or the removal of rpg mechanics, I'd understand where your coming from. Calling it out on playability and production values just doesn't make sense to me.

I simply don't think ME2 has a level of polish to qualify for GOTY.

It's not a 'TERRIBLE' game, all things considered, but it IS mostly a weak third person shooter at its core. I think that's a pretty significant flaw given how integral that is to the gameplay.


Redbeard said:
I simply don't think ME2 has a level of polish to qualify for GOTY.

It's not a 'TERRIBLE' game, all things considered, but it IS mostly a weak third person shooter at its core. I think that's a pretty significant flaw given how integral that is to the gameplay.
Everything you said there goes for RDR, it's more buggy for a start, it's performance is worse, and it is every bit as sloppy a cover based third person shooter as ME2. However ME2 has other focuses, and allows the 'soldier' as one of a few options.


Felix Lighter said:
I don't think I have the energy to defend the game right now. If you were talking about plot issues or the removal of rpg mechanics, I'd understand where your coming from. Calling it out on playability and production values just doesn't make sense to me.

I think it's easy to call it out on production values from a presentation standpoint. Okay, so technically speaking, everything looks fantastic, but a lot of the little things that made the first game special are gone. Just take for instance the way the logo appears in both games.

The music builds up while backstory is given until the 58 second mark when the logo pops up perfectly to the music. Then it fades out to the sun coming over the horizon of the planet, fitting right into the logo.

Mass Effect 2:
It's almost a perfect setup that could have become a staple for the series. Instead we got almost zero music and a cut to a black screen with a logo. Nothing brings us there and nothing brings us out of it. It's just shoved in there and it feels cheap.

Now I really liked ME2. I think as a game, it's a better package than the first one, but the impact is gone. I know the writer from the first game was doing The Old Republic at the time, and I wonder if others were pulled to work on that project too.
1. Super Street Fighter IV ; The first fighting game that I've every really played, and I'm totally hooked. I've put like 45 hours in (which is a ton for me) and now even when I'm not playing I'm looking up stuff on Shoryuken and streaming matches online. I love how quick the matches are compared to something like Halo or Starcraft 2. In just half an hour I can play 8-10 matches learning something and getting just a little bit better with each one.

2. Battlefield: Bad Company 2 ; Talking about the PC version here. Despite lacking any one standout feature this was just a solid, solid multiplayer shooter. I never really got into the 4 vs. 4 small scale matches of games like Halo as the low player counts always exposed my lack of aiming skill. But with a 16 on 16 BC2 match there is so much room to use smart tactics to surprise your opponents and score easy kills. I always love games with medic / support classes so I spent lots of enjoyable time in this game fixing tanks and reviving comrades as well as fighting.

3. Super Meat Boy ; For me, this was difficulty curve perfection. Each level lead to new techniques to master and required work to overcome, but I was never stuck on a level for more than 20 min or so. The last couple of levels got a tiny bit to long, but it was a really good feeling to break them down bit by bit to gradually put the full perfect run together.

4. Just Cause 2 ; Normally I hate open world games. But Just Cause 2 won me over with a perfect focus on movement. The actual missions don't do too much for me, but zipping around the island via parachute and grappling hook is great fun. The environments are so wide and varied that one could easily spend hours of initial game time just traversing the island in your vehicle of choice, enjoying the graphics and grabbing out of the way collectibles.

5. Super Mario Galaxy 2 ; Inventive, bold, beautiful and possessing perfectly tuned controls. So why is it not #1 on my list? I actually found the challenge level to be pretty low so while the levels were inventive I didn't get the same feeling as with Super Meat Boy that I really improved at the game while playing it, just that I put in the time to beat it. Still the levels were so wonderfully inventive I see why others could easily pick it as GOTY.

6. Mass Effect 2 ; It's a flawed game (only 5 hours of plot, boring combat) but I really loved the presentation just as in Mass Effect. The homages to various SciFi fiction and TV tropes just really pushed my buttons, so I quite enjoyed my playthough.

7. Halo: Reach ; It disappointed me in how little it changed from previous Halos and I feel like I've moved on from Halo multi (gotta have 24 or 32 player PC games). But I still have to give it some top 10 loving for keeping the co-op torch going strong. Halo is one of my favorite series to rip through with a buddy on the couch and Reach keeps that going strong.

8. Monday Night Combat ; Really fun team based combat. I could have used a little more of the tower defense aspect, and too many matches went to overtime. Sadly my SSFIV addition happened just after this, so I didn't get to play it as much as I would have liked, but I felt like I got my $15 worth easily.

9. Alan Wake ; I know that GAF feels strongly about this guy. For me, I received the game for free from a friend and had never played a Remedy game before so I didn't really expect anything going in. While the combat was lame I quite enjoyed the story presentation and I really liked the various light / dark effects while playing. Seems like it could be a good foundation for an improved second game a la Assassins Creed -> Assassin's Creed II as the overall presentation and gameplay has good bones to it.


StuBurns said:
Everything you said there goes for RDR, it's more buggy for a start, it's performance is worse, and it is every bit as sloppy a cover based third person shooter as ME2. However ME2 has other focuses, and allows the 'soldier' as one of a few options.

No way. RDR has much better gunplay and shooting mechanics than ME2. It's not as good as Gears or Uncharted, but it's enjoyable at least. ME2's gunplay isn't enjoyable. at all. it's well below RDR in that aspect.

And RDR has plenty of other focuses as well.


Redbeard said:
No way. RDR has much better gunplay and shooting mechanics than ME2. It's not as good as Gears or Uncharted, but it's enjoyable at least. ME2's gunplay isn't enjoyable. at all. it's well below RDR in that aspect.

And RDR has plenty of other focuses as well.
Oh, well as long as you said 'no way', I have to concede.

I disagree

I think RDR is winning GotY awards for it's mixed media production, not for it's game design. It's why I'd love something like SMB to win actually, because it's focus is on pure design and mastery of the medium. Putting out a sloppy shooter with wonderful cutscenes is fine, but it's not what makes this medium special, and as such I don't think should be rewarded with GotY.
AniHawk said:
I think it's easy to call it out on production values from a presentation standpoint. Okay, so technically speaking, everything looks fantastic, but a lot of the little things that made the first game special are gone. Just take for instance the way the logo appears in both games.

The music builds up while backstory is given until the 58 second mark when the logo pops up perfectly to the music. Then it fades out to the sun coming over the horizon of the planet, fitting right into the logo.

Mass Effect 2:
It's almost a perfect setup that could have become a staple for the series. Instead we got almost zero music and a cut to a black screen with a logo. Nothing brings us there and nothing brings us out of it. It's just shoved in there and it feels cheap.

I agree with a lot of what you're saying. There are things that were handled better in ME1. However, I don't agree with that particular example. I think both are powerful. ME1 starts out introducing the player to the universe in a time of relative peace and prosperity. The music fits perfectly.

In the ME2 example, the silence of space is important for that moment, the title card appears just as the star sets on the planet. I think no music works.

Overall though, I do prefer the soundtrack of ME1.
ME1 isn't in the running though :p


StuBurns said:
I think RDR is winning GotY awards for it's mixed media production, not for it's game design. It's why I'd love something like SMB to win actually, because it's focus is on pure design and mastery of the medium. Putting out a sloppy shooter with wonderful cutscenes is fine, but it's not what makes this medium special, and as such I don't think should be rewarded with GotY.

The one thing I think RDR did that was legitimately brilliant and could only happen in a video game is
"Far Away."
It's something that appears outside of cutscenes, so the player is in complete control at that moment. Also it's different for many players, even though it happens at the same point in the game for everyone. Some people will experience it at night, others during the day, some will experience it while it's raining, others will experience it at sunrise or sunset. It makes it feel like a totally unique experience for the player.

Outside of that, I loved the game. I really like the old west setting + GTA gameplay. I think the setting made me like it more than I would otherwise.

Otherwise, I agree with you. Bayonetta, SMG2, and SMB will be topping my list for the reasons you gave (pure design and whatnot).


Felix Lighter said:
I agree with a lot of what you're saying. There are things that were handled better in ME1. However, I don't agree with that particular example. I think both are powerful. ME1 starts out introducing the player to the universe in a time of relative peace and prosperity. The music fits perfectly.

In the ME2 example, the silence of space is important for that moment, the title card appears just as the star sets on the planet. I think no music works.

Overall though, I do prefer the soundtrack of ME1.
ME1 isn't in the running though :p

I would have also accepted the planet being mirrored so Shepard was falling into the left side of the planet and so the planet could fade out before the light of the arc would just as the logo showed up. Or just have the damn planet mirrored and everything else is fine so the arc of the planet matches the logo when it does the abrupt cut. In both cases, no music required.


AniHawk said:
The one thing I think RDR did that was legitimately brilliant and could only happen in a video game is
"Far Away."
It's something that appears outside of cutscenes, so the player is in complete control at that moment. Also it's different for many players, even though it happens at the same point in the game for everyone. Some people will experience it at night, others during the day, some will experience it while it's raining, others will experience it at sunrise or sunset. It makes it feel like a totally unique experience for the player.

Outside of that, I loved the game. I really like the old west setting + GTA gameplay. I think the setting made me like it more than I would otherwise.

Otherwise, I agree with you. Bayonetta, SMG2, and SMB will be topping my list for the reasons you gave (pure design and whatnot).
If the thing you mention is the entry into Mexico, I completely agree, it was the highlight of the game, and maybe the gaming year for me. For me it had stopped raining (it was while on the boat), and dusk, incredible.

Apparently if you call a horse instead of getting on one of them there, it doesn't happen. The people who played that game and didn't experience it were robbed.
AniHawk said:
I would have also accepted the planet being mirrored so Shepard was falling into the left side of the planet and so the planet could fade out before the light of the arc would just as the logo showed up. Or just have the damn planet mirrored and everything else is fine so the arc of the planet matches the logo when it does the abrupt cut. In both cases, no music required.

Alright, a missed opportunity, I guess but man do you have to be familiar with the original to pick up on that.


Felix Lighter said:
Alright, a missed opportunity, I guess but man do you have to be familiar with the original to pick up on that.

Well that part in the original really struck me. At that point, I didn't really care about video game music, but I found myself bobbing my head along to the intro of Mass Effect, and by the time the logo showed up, I was completely and totally hooked.


Kabouter said:
1. Europa Universalis 3: Divine Wind ; While it has only been out for a short while, the quality of this add-on is undeniable. New features like the brilliant new map, expanded Japan and China, the new horde system, a superior interface, the introduction of trade range and perhaps most importantly a new building system make Europa Universalis 3 feel fresh again, even though this is its 4th add-on. I could go on for quite a while about this game, but the essence of it is that if you want the best real-time strategy game ever made, you want Europa Universalis 3: Divine Wind.
Maybe if it's that good, I should buy it afterall. I wasn't sure if it added enough to warrant a purchase.
1. Bayonetta ; Best in its class, truly special piece of software.
2. Donkey Kong Country Returns ; Retro & Ninty, the dream project delivers.
3. Pac-Man Championship Edition DX ; Perfection 2.0
4. Super Meat Boy ; Purest platformer...ever?
5. Minecraft ; Digital crack.
6. Super Mario Galaxy 2 ; No one does what Nintendo does.
7. Mass Effect 2 ; A solid step toward true brilliance.
8. Vanquish ; Best 3rd person shooter.
9. Limbo ; You will be sucked.
10. Kirby's Epic Yarn ; Because it's oh sooo cute ,)


AniHawk said:
I have nothing better to do I WILL RUIN EVERYTHING.

Mass Effect 2- surprise GOTY

This pleases me. ME2 is so much better than ME. RDR isn't better than GTA4. So the better game should win.
Redbeard said:
No way. RDR has much better gunplay and shooting mechanics than ME2. It's not as good as Gears or Uncharted, but it's enjoyable at least. ME2's gunplay isn't enjoyable. at all. it's well below RDR in that aspect.

And RDR has plenty of other focuses as well.

RDR's gunplay and shooting mechanics are incredibly simplistic and casual. ME2's combat is a milion times more complex and sophisticated. There's just a lot more for you to do in ME2's combat.


Unconfirmed Member
1. StarCraft 2: Wings of Liberty ; It really was so great it interfered with my life. I get the feeling I'm going to at the very least be watching it for a long time to come. Its really as simple as that.

2. Back to the Future: The Game ; Granted it might be a little bit because I literally just beat the first episode, but damn its really the best experience this year. With amazing plot, script, setting, acting, this game has it all. It really makes me think a fiction is still more interesting in an interactive setting even if little to no gameplay is available at all.

3. Battlefield: Bad Company 2 ; If it wasn't for Starcraft taking over my life this would easily be the game I spent the most time with this year. It may not be as good as the other battlefields, but its still battlefield and the bump up in technology is always appreciated.

4. Final Fantasy 13 ; Everyone has heard the complaints, but that doesn't mean you should overlook all the fantastic things this game did to bring some truly unique and up to date gameplay decisions into the JRPG genre. It was really great the way they front loaded some of the more big picture strategy into the paradigm system, made you plan even farther ahead with the item level up and the role level up systems, and made split seconds all the more important thanks to the quick filling ATB bars all. Add the decision to not punish you for game overs to allow for a little experimentation and creativity I felt I had ventured further away from the “hit x to win and grind if you can't” gameplay then I ever had before in that genre. Also the graphics were really beautiful and the story started out interesting.

5. Super Meat Boy ; This is a game all developers should at least look at when thinking about controls for 2D platformers. Its amazing how well I could control the little red guy past the insane challenges they put you through. Every one of my many deaths really felt like my fault. The existence of the indie crossover characters really kept me driven and solidified it as a spot on my list.

6. Fallout: New Vegas ; The world created for this game fits so amazingly well with the gameplay surrounding it. The post apocalyptic setting set it so far out of the realm of what is normal that it was impossible to directly set current day morals into it. This made every choice you make require more thought then in any other and allowed for a little more freedom to step outside good an evil. The fabulous voice acting really helped too, in a game where talking is so important. It also helps that this was my first Fallout game.

7. Valkyria Chronicles 2 ; Valkyria Chronicles 1 already had a great setting and some great gameplay and Valkyria Chronicles 2 does an amazing job converting it into a portable experience. The super segmented character specific stories works amazing with portables where its important to always be less then 5 minutes away from a stopping point, and the short and sweet mission types with the leveling system kept me entertained for a long time.

8. Sonic Colors ; There's just something great about playing a game with a bright color scheme and kickass video game styled music. And when you get your fill of that there is still a ton of good gameplay mechanics they stuffed in there that keep you interested..

9. Mass Effect 2 ; This game really had some of the best moments you can find in 2010. Its to bad the plot and gameplay glue that should hold the game together was so lacking or it would be higher on my list.

10. Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale ; This game has charming written all over it and most of it is a credit to the characters. A solid JRPG wrapped in a really well done wrapping of story, setting, and item management.

Honorable Mentions:

x. Super Mario Galaxy 2 ;
x. Civilization 5 ;
x. The Polynomial ; (not nominated? boo)
x. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game ;
x. Sam and Max Season 3 The Devils Toy Box ;

Games that might have made my list if I actually found the time and money to play them:

Ys Seven
Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep
Red Dead Redemption
Halo: Reach
Sin & Punishment 2: Star Successor
Heavy Rain
Yakuza 3


1. Super Mario Galaxy 2
2. Donkey Kong Country Returns
3. Dragon Quest 9: Sentinels of the Starry Skies
4. Back to the Future: The Game
5. No More Heroes Desperate Struggle
6. Silent Hill Shattered Memories
7. Metroid Other M
8. Alice in Wonderland DS
9. Puzzle Agent
10. Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth

Salacious Crumb

Junior Member
1. Fallout: New Vegas
2. Minecraft
3. Battlefield: Bad Company 2
4. F1 2010
5. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat
6. Alpha Protocol
7. Amnesia: The Dark Descent
8. Just Cause 2
9. Mass Effect 2
10. Gran Turismo 5

x. Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City

I really wish I got a chance to play RDR, Bayonetta, Reach and SMG2 :(


Can I vote for Demon Souls, although I played it last year; it was officially released in PAL LAND this year?


1. Assassin's Creed Brotherhood
2. God of War 3
3. Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep
4. Red Dead Redemption
5. Pac-Man Championship Edition DX
6. Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
7. Gran Turismo 5
8. FIFA 11
9. Enslaved: Odyssey to the West
10. Joe Danger

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Page 8 people lacking semi-colons:


Complete list of offenders here.

If you fix your post, post it in the thread or tell me so I can take you off the list.

Trent Strong said:
RDR's gunplay and shooting mechanics are incredibly simplistic and casual. ME2's combat is a milion times more complex and sophisticated. There's just a lot more for you to do in ME2's combat.

Agreed. RDR might not have typical auto-lock on, but it has so much auto-aim in an age when third-person shooters have improved shooting mechanics so much.
Ashes1396 said:
Can I vote for Demon Souls, although I played it last year; it was officially released in PAL LAND this year?

If you're in PAL land, go ahead. Otherwise, it's a 2009 game.

ICallItFutile said:
Page 8 people lacking semi-colons:


Complete list of offenders here.

If you fix your post, post it in the thread or tell me so I can take you off the list.

I've updated the parser to not require it anymore. Thanks for your help!


Thanks for the effort ICallItFutile :)

Since you can't vote negative, it'd be hilarious if Other M joined the top 20 :)
This is my list, it was hard to narrow it down to just 10.

1. Mass Effect 2 ; Great character really set this game apart from most others. I really loved the sense of building your crew. While its true that the game doesn't progress the plot I thought the over all sense of progression was great.

2. Red Dead Redemption ; It felt like I was playing the Dollars trilogy which is one of my favorite movie series. The game has great atmosphere. I loved riding my horse around in the countryside and desert. I think this has to be one of the few games where I never used fast travel.

3. World of Warcraft: Cataclysm ; Refining the best mmo on the market isn't easy but the way Blizz overhauled the old world is nothing short of amazing. Zones like Silverpine Forest could be games of there own.

4. Super Mario Galaxy 2 ; Perfects the formula and adds a little challenge. Indisputably excellent in every way.

5. Fallout: New Vegas ; I love Obesidens writing and characters for me this game was superior to Fallout 3 in every way.

6. Dragon Quest 9: Sentinels of the Starry Skies ; This is my least favorite DQ ever but it was still an enjoyable romp. I felt like the game suffered from not having any central characters in your party but the world and scenarios were great.

7. Donkey King Country Returns ; Love the originals and this is a worthy sequel. It seems like everything Retro Studios touches turns to gold.

8. StarCraft 2: Wings of Liberty ; The best RTS I've played in ages.

9. Civilization 5 ; A disappointment to some but as a casual fan of the series I found this entry to be a lot of fun and a huge time sink.

10. Vanquish ; Goes to show what JPN developers are capable of if they step outside the box. Arguably the best 3rd person shooter this gen.


Liquid_Bike said:
This is my list, it was hard to narrow it down to just 10.

1. RDR
2. ME2
3. Cataclysm
4. SMG2
5. New Vegas
8. StarCraft 2
9. CIV 5
10. Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
Please read the OP before posting your list. You have a lot of work to do if you want your votes counted.


Unconfirmed Member
1. Bayonetta
2. Sin and Punishment 2
3. Vanquish
4. Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light
5. Super Meat Boy


1. Divinity 2: Dragon Knight Saga
2. Two Worlds 2
3. Dead Rising 2
4. Just Cause 2
5. Dragon Quest 9: Sentinels of the Starry Skies
6. Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse
7. Mafia 2
8. Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light
9. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat
10. Amnesia: The Dark Descent


1. Super Mario Galaxy 2
2. Mass Effect 2
3. Donkey Kong Country Returns
4. Halo: Reach
5. Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
6. Dragon Quest 9: Sentinels of the Starry Skies
7. God of War 3
8. Darksiders
9. Red Dead Redemption
10. Assassin's Creed Brotherhood

A bunch of games missed my top ten, but I want to give props to Alan Wake for being unique in its own little way, and to Enslaved (which I just finished) for having a great story for once.


Thanks to Cheesemeister for directing me here:

1. Mafia 2 ; Such a meticulously crafted, well paced game with very few flaws that in the end I think provides the most satisfying run from start to finish of any game released in 2010.

2. Super Street Fighter IV ; The sheer amount of depth contained in this game is unrivaled by any other, not to mention the boatload of additions that were made in the iteration, it's simply a near bottomless well of fighting goodness.

3. Red Dead Redemption ; Atmospheric, immersive, and at times breathtaking, RDR utilizes it's majestic setting in a near masterful way setting itself apart from it rest of the sandbox competition.

4. Deadly Premonition ; Despite its budget and graphical wims, Deadly Premonition maintains its charm through self-aware humor and numerous cult references.

5. Alan Wake ; A very unique game that is definitely is a style over substance piece, but I believe it deserves a nod for its ambition.

6. Mass Effect 2 ; A worthy sequel to a fantastic game sporting an improved battle system and overall gameplay, although I believe its story has more than a few low points.

7. Resonance of Fate ; Another style over substance piece with an excellent sense of humor, that like Deadly Premonition is quite aware of the tropes within its genre. The guns blazing action provides a welcome break from the conventional rpg turn-based systems.

8. Vanquish ; Mind-numbingly fun, almost brainless in its pace...A definite throwback to the days when games seemed focused more on stimulating adrenaline rushes than intellect.

9. Fallout: New Vegas ; I know it's merely a re-skinned sequel to Fallout 3, but as a Fallout fanatic it did just enough to keep me interested although the lack of depth in terms of loot and pure gameplay really hurt the title in the end.

10. Rock Band 3 ; More of the same, it feels more like an expansion than an actual sequel, but when you're expanding upon a unparalleled music game like Rock band 2 it's hard to complain

x. Fable 3 ; I was entirely disappointed with this game. The lack of variety in moral choices, weapons, magic, and merely every traditional rpg category are simply stifling. I only took the time to mention this game in order to air my grievances. :lol :lol
HiResDes said:
1. Mafia 2 - Such a meticulously crafted, well paced game with very few flaws that in the end I think provides the most satisfying run from start to finish of any game released in 2010.

Ahhh, totally forgot about this game. I might adjust my picks later.
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