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Nintendo Switch RPG Discussion

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Paper Mario should go back to being an RPG.

I think we all can agree on that. I am eager to see more of Octopath Traveler as well. If DQ XI is really coming to switch then that's another though for me the art styles in the 3DS version are more appealing to me. Hoping to see lots more for the system.
I'm so hyped for FE 2018. The Advancements in a presentation made by the 3DS games + HD + who knows what new ideas are are more than an exciting venture to look forward to for me.
A new Pokemon would great for this too, but it seems like they're still pushing the 3DS so we may only get a spinoff for the Switch. I want a mainline title for it though.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Disgaea 5 in May will be my first for the Switch, but Octopath Traveller is one of my most anticipated games right now. Still have to play XC1 but I'm sure I can complete by the time the second game is localized. Hope the Switch becomes the new home for SMT the DS and 3DS have been for the past decade. SMT and it's spinoffs work really well on handhelds.
You being the first to mention disgea 5 doesn't look good for the game :(


You being the first to mention disgea 5 doesn't look good for the game :(

I intend to buy it too, as I don't have as much time now as I had to play the Disgaea series at home back then, it'll be a nice lunch time filler at work during rainy days or winter....

Just talking about Disgaea also reminds me of all the time I spent on La Pucelle Tactics years ago...damn time flies.
Shin Megami Tensei V, Fire Emblem Switch, Xenoblade 2 and Dragon Quest XI + a potential Monster Hunter has me salivating.

If we get a proper Paper Mario too (like OG or Thousand Year Door, less like Stickers) I'll be happy.

I'm hoping the Japanese release of the Seiken Densetsu Collection is an indicator of things to come with that franchise but not holding my breath.


For me it's all about the SRPG's.

If Nintendo announces a new Advance Wars and a new Fire Emblem for the Switch, I'll be there day one.


Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Prject Octopath Traveler, and possibly Fire Emblem (who knows where they take it if it'll be more strategy or more RPG based. Never know.)

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 has me hyped just for the OST alone. I just... hope we get some cool areas like we did in Xenoblade X and in the original. We obviously haven't seen much. I'm curious if that diving mask has a purposes or what other characters we'll encounter and how they'll change up gameplay or combat.

Project Octopath Traveler has me interested because of the art style but more so I really like the concept of (at least how it appears to be) the bar/pub tales told during ones journey. Curious about the music and characters of course, too..


I'm in for Disgaea 5. Going to look into getting battlechasers after reviews come out: I'm not sold on the randomly generated dungeons yet.

Stoked for Tales Of... and SMT. Octopath Traveller is my most anticipated game.

Will wait to see what the Switch version of DQXI is before I decide where I'm buying that.
If Camelot could be free of making Mario Sports Game, they could work on a new Golden Sun for Switch.

Good lord I hope this happens. Have to make it a bit more ambitious than the DS version however. Maybe getting one of the big JRPG scenario writers on board...

Speaking of which, what's Mistwalker up to these days? Wouldn't mind another The Last Story style JRPG.
Really looking forward to Fire Emblem Switch.

Also when VC hit, hopefully Nintendo puts up tons of RPGs. They should start with Pokémon Colosseum tho.


Waiting for SMT. While I didn't get too deep into SMT4, I'm willing to play another one.

Honestly I'd prefer something like another entry of Tokyo Mirage Sessions or something. For some reason, that game just clicks more for me. I don't really like the whole monster recruiting thing of SMT...


I really hope Switch gets to be the new home of JRPGs after the 3DS. Disgaea 5 and I am Setsuna is a pretty decent start. Very promising announced games for sure.

- Xenoblade 2
- SMT-related
- Project Octopath Traveler
- Dragon Quest XI (hope this gets localized)
- Fire Emblem for Switch

I hope some of these also gets enter the Switch library in the future.

- TMS #FE Sequel
- Etrian Odyssey Sequel
- Some more Atlus JRPGs
- Some more Square Enix JRPGs, not essentially FF but maybe something new
- Main line Pokemon
- Xenoblade X sequel


The graphics in Project Octopath Traveler are kinda memorizing. I really like the detailed 3D world with familiar 16-bit assets, super neat combination that ends up working surprisingly well together.

That title though.. it's odd? Project Octopath Traveler is the final title? And I thought Bravely Default was a strange name.

Looks like it could be a retro throwback game, i wonder if it will try to bring anything new to the table for JRPGs?
Xenoblade 2 will be nuts and Octopath traveler seems interesting. I'm not a huge Fire Emblem guy but I know a lot of people that are waiting for that to come out.
Should have a nice lineup of RPG's in a short amount of time.

Project Octopath
I am Setsuna
Disgaea 5
Fire Emblem
Xenoblade 2
Tales of
Dragon Quest

Possibly whatever secret project Square started and I'm sure there will be more announced.


I'm most interested in Octopath Traveler. I like sprites and the visual style of combat looks uncannily similar to what Square used in the Romancing SaGa games. It'd be cool (to me anyway) if it takes a lot of inspiration from those instead of being more Final Fantasy-ish.

I wanna know if the Tales game for switch is a port or a new game.

I feel like if it were just a token port or some other kind of very low-cost effort it'd be announced by now with a release sometime this Summer to take advantage of the early adopter period since that's what they did with the PSP, 3DS, and Vita. Confirming a game (games?) but not saying anything about it makes it sound like it's something they consider a bigger project that they'll announce on their own terms later.

I guess bigger than a quick port doesn't necessarily mean it's whatever they're most likely working on for the PS4 though...


I feel like if it were just a token port or some other kind of very low-cost effort it'd be announced by now with a release sometime this Summer to take advantage of the early adopter period since that's what they did with the PSP, 3DS, and Vita. Confirming a game (games?) but not saying anything about it makes it sound like it's something they consider a bigger project that they'll announce on their own terms later.

I guess bigger than a quick port doesn't necessarily mean it's whatever they're most likely working on for the PS4 though...
Tales of festival is early June, so we should hopefully know what is coming in the next two months :)


I really hope Switch gets to be the new home of JRPGs after the 3DS. Disgaea 5 and I am Setsuna is a pretty decent start. Very promising announced games for sure.

- Xenoblade 2
- SMT-related
- Project Octopath Traveler
- Dragon Quest XI (hope this gets localized)
- Fire Emblem for Switch

I hope some of these also gets enter the Switch library in the future.

- TMS #FE Sequel
- Etrian Odyssey Sequel
- Some more Atlus JRPGs
- Some more Square Enix JRPGs, not essentially FF but maybe something new
- Main line Pokemon
- Xenoblade X sequel
random always talking truth

my soulmate <3

I'd probably die if we get a TMS2


Junior Member
Project Octopath, Xenoblade 2, Fire Emblem, and even SMT gets me a bit pumped.

The end zone is when Pokemon and Monster Hunter appear.


Pokemon on the Switch has the potential to take the series to all new heights. For me Sun/Moon was already nearly what BOTW was for Zelda. That is, a great refreshing take on the franchise. I want the next Pokemon to shake up the formula even more while also expanding the scope and sense of adventure even more.


Octopath traveler is something I completely glossed over when it was announce, but now I'm pretty excited for. Still iffy on the art style, wish it was high res drawn art instead of pixel art. That would jive better for me.

Def picking up disgea 5, even though I know nothing about the game, the FE phone game got me hankering for some srpgs, but I cant go back to 3ds to play FE, just never liked playing games on that device.


Right now I'm mostly looking forward to Xenoblade 2.
Every other rpg for Switch is a bonus, I'm also wondering what kind of Tales of game Bandai Namco will be bringing to the Switch.

The Dude

What kills me is we have the amazing Dragon Quest lineup on ds and 3ds, and how I wish a few could of been on switch. Even if DQ 8 could eventually get a switch release..
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