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What are the best Xbone exclusives out right now?

ain't no games on PS4 brudduh, so don't worry. :)

well i guess if you want to play The Order: 'Filmic' Hallways there's always that

really ami

you're gonna say this while hyping up the new gears of war

Let's not pretend like either big publisher has a ton of crazily innovative titles and the other are generic slop. Their libraries are mostly equivalent.
well that's what I'm kinda debating here. The future looks "okish" IMO. As some of the more compelling content in that list will be on other platforms.

And Phantom Dust was like a generic CG trailer wasn't it? And I'm not saying it was generic because it was CG, the two characters themselves literally looked generic. I dunno, lists seems a bit more "hopeful" than what I've seend.

If I were gonna get an X1 though, SO, KI, Forza, Halo:MCC, Gears, Scalebound would certainly make the list of titles to get or look out for, but I wouldn't call the future bright, when it seems like so many of the break-out experiences this gen are multi-platform experiences or just not on X1 at all.

There's that damn word again. My eternal nemesis.


yeah Crimson Dragon sucking really fucking hurt deep down. I was anticipating that game the second they announced it won't require Kinect anymore, but I guess that was a misguided anticipation :(

Yeah it was kind of a parallel to Lair on the PS3 (Lair with the Factor 5 Rogue Squadron legacy and Crimson Dragon with the Panzer Dragoon legacy). When Lair implemented normal controls, people thought it would suddenly be good somehow, when in actuality it was just a shitty game to begin with.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
Yeah it was kind of a parallel to Lair on the PS3 (Lair with the Factor 5 Rogue Squadron legacy and Crimson Dragon with the Panzer Dragoon legacy). When Lair implemented normal controls, people thought it would suddenly be good somehow, when in actuality it was just a shitty game to begin with.

God imagine if CD kept Kinect controls.


lol my bad, I read the OP again.

But seriously though, isn't Titanfall unplayable on PC because of very low player base lol so that makes it legit Xbox One exclusive by default.


Doubly no, considering that I play Titanfall on my Xbox 360.


Xbox Fitness is pretty great.

This. I started using it over the weekend. Having a blast with it (although I am reasonably fit). May be a bit discouraging if you are well out of shape. Still, awesome use of Kinect.

Forza 5
Crimson Dragon
Killer Instinct


KI and DR3 are the only true exclusives I'd suggest (Forza 5 looks cool if you're into that genre) and DR3 is about to get a PC release.

So yeah, not a lot right now. Scalebound and Phantom Dust are each individually enough to sell me on the system, though, so I'm fine with having one already.
Forza is cool if you like racing games.
Max: Curse of Brotherhood is my favorite Xbox One game, great puzzle/platformer.
Killer Instinct is awesome too, has a great tutorial mode if you're new to figure games, like I was.

BTW I mean legit exclusives, not console exclusives (so no Titanfall, Ryse, Dead Rising 3, etc). Thanks!!

I mean, I'd play all of those if you haven't.
yeah Crimson Dragon sucking really fucking hurt deep down. I was anticipating that game the second they announced it won't require Kinect anymore, but I guess that was a misguided anticipation :(

Yea, I feel the same way...as a huge Panzer Dragoon fan, Crimson Dragon not being great was really sad. I think the only reason I even kind of enjoyed it was because I wanted it to be good...


As a critic of xbone, it'll take about 10-15 100% generation exclusives I want for me to buy one.

This year it only appears to be MCC.


I'd say there are no legit XB1 exclusives that I would recommend (and not many period), but if you really want to play some, at least go for Forza 5 and KI.


well that's what I'm kinda debating here. The future looks "okish" IMO. As some of the more compelling content in that list will be on other platforms.

Don't worry, I don't think you're biased at all. The primary thing however is not to take my list as definitive. The list is specifically what is appealing to me, which is certainly much different from everyone else's taste. I keep using the example of D4 as proof of what I'm talking about. There's a true exclusive, experiments in a lot of novel ways, from a well loved cult developer. But it doesn't appeal to me, so I didn't include it. There's a bunch of games like that, so you might find some game exploration might include some interesting discoveries for what is coming in the future that might appeal to you personally.

And Phantom Dust was like a generic CG trailer wasn't it? And I'm not saying it was generic because it was CG, the two characters themselves literally looked generic. I dunno, lists seems a bit more "hopeful" than what I've seend.

It's a remake of sorts of the original Phantom Dust I thought. If that's the case, I don't know how they could go wrong. That shit was one of the best games on the original Xbox, and one of the best games period from that entire generation. That's why I am excited for it. I've got history with that franchise brother :D

Yea, I feel the same way...as a really huge Panzer Dragoon fan, Crimson Dragon not being great was really sad. I think the only reason I even kind of enjoyed it was because I wanted it to be good...

Yeah it was kind of a parallel to Lair on the PS3 (Lair with the Factor 5 Rogue Squadron legacy and Crimson Dragon with the Panzer Dragoon legacy). When Lair implemented normal controls, people thought it would suddenly be good somehow, when in actuality it was just a shitty game to begin with.

Ugh, that's a painful comparison. If you would have told me when Crimson Dragon was announced that it would be more comparable to Lair in quality than Panzer Dragoon, I would have called you crazy :(

really ami

you're gonna say this while hyping up the new gears of war

Let's not pretend like either big publisher has a ton of crazily innovative titles and the other are generic slop. Their libraries are mostly equivalent.

hey man sometimes there are two different hallways to go down in Gears of War. You can choose! With that sort of experimentation and impressive diversification of level design, can you really say it is the same thing?

That said, there's probably a few hallways in Order that you can go in more than one direction, so maybe it'll end up being good. Probably even have to perform a QTE to decide which one to go down!


I don't have a Bone but I really envy their Killer Instinct. I miss that series and the gameplay footage I've seen looks great. Titanfall is also a cool looking title I wish we're available on PS4. Other than that, it'd a waiting game for the big guns on both sides of the aisle.


And that future is so, so bright. I'm starting to accumulate a list even.

Crackdown 3
Quantum Break
Phantom Dust
Master Chief Collection
Sunset Overdrive
Forza Horizon 2
Gears of War
(maybe Halo 5: Guardians but I have to be skeptical after Halo 4)


As a former Xbox owner, those 3 games alone have me envious of One owners lol. Some of the other games you listed will be on PC as well.
I'd say especially DR3 he's better off waiting for PC. XBO version has a host of technical problems, framerate issues, glitches. At least on PC we'd get the chance of mods AND the virtual elimination of those technical issues provided it's a decent port and you have a decent PC.

I wouldn't wish Ryse on anybody so hey play it on whatever.

But this isn't about our wishes, it's about his. He doesn't need to play these things -right now-, because he has a PC and is perfectly content with waiting for factually superior versions of these games. So, let's just follow his guidelines and look for solutions :D

I played the DR3 on xb1 and don't really remember it being a technical disaster at all. The frame rate was fixed with the first patch and was pretty consistent through the majority of the game. Granted its been a while since I played it. As for Ryse. I don't understand why you are so down on it if you don't own an XB1. Have you played it? While it was repetitive, the game was beautiful and the story was pretty decent. I found that I enjoyed it more the second time I played it, understanding the movement better. I have a feeling it will be awesome at 60fps.

As for the OP.... Forza is good, KI is KI... The others as others have stated are good as well.


Yeah it was kind of a parallel to Lair on the PS3 (Lair with the Factor 5 Rogue Squadron legacy and Crimson Dragon with the Panzer Dragoon legacy). When Lair implemented normal controls, people thought it would suddenly be good somehow, when in actuality it was just a shitty game to begin with.

I believe there was a good game in there ruined by the crappy controls. Even with the patch, the control layout was still bad. A Shame because Lair felt like a big deal. Production values were fantastic.

Crimson Dragoon just feels like a weak Panzer Dragoon ripoff. Team Andromeda's stunning art style and world is sorely missed in CD's boring, uninspired levels.

As for OP, you're really limited if you're only looking at true exclusives. Pretty much Forza 5 and KI.


I believe there was a good game in there ruined by the crappy controls. Even with the patch, the control layout was still bad. A Shame because Lair felt like a big deal. Production values were fantastic.

Crimson Dragoon just feels like a weak Panzer Dragoon ripoff. Team Andromeda's stunning art style and world is sorely missed in CD's boring, uninspired levels.

Yeah you have a good point there. Lair was definitely aiming for that AAA tier with the production, while with CD you can tell not that much was invested into it. I mean Lair had a hand in the eventual demise of Factor 5 after all.


I played the DR3 on xb1 and don't really remember it being a technical disaster at all. The frame rate was fixed with the first patch and was pretty consistent through the majority of the game. Granted its been a while since I played it. As for Ryse. I don't understand why you are so down on it if you don't own an XB1. Have you played it? While it was repetitive, the game was beautiful and the story was pretty decent. I found that I enjoyed it more the second time I played it, understanding the movement better. I have a feeling it will be awesome at 60fps.

Yup, my friend has an XBO. I played a few of its most major releases to get a feel for it. Ryse I played for hours, as a big action game fan. It was an atrocious action combat game. I'm extremely critical of games in this genre since it's one of my favorites. Ryse was more shallow that God of War and Batman, for example, and those games are really low on the quality combat list. Ryse was shallow, lacked compelling enemy variety, extremely low flexibility of design, and endless showstopper 'finishers' which just serve to bring all the proceedings to a pace-killing crawl.

Dead Rising 3, it's possible they fixed the framerate a bit in the patch, I don't know how much it improved... since the framerate dips occurred even after (unless there has been a new patch released since February that fixes this too). But there's all sorts of technical issues - extreme texture pop-in, glitchy zombies, and of course, depending on how you score it, the abysmal 720p resolution.

Since I was unable to evaluate the game pre vs. post patch, I can only go by what was released about the infamous patch ->

The Eurogamer analysis had this to say:

So, just what kind of improvement - if any - does the mammoth 13GB patch bring to the table? Initial observations during our two gameplay sessions yield few signs of any game-changing differences: we still see performance being similarly impacted in heated gameplay moments, or in locations packed with detail as we speed through zombie-filled city locations in fast cars. Our pre- and post-patch analysis video shows low frame-rates of around 22fps when alpha effects and a large number of enemies come into play both before and after we updated the game.

In some scenes we actually see the pre-patched game put out slightly higher metrics, but this simply reflects variances in gameplay between our two test runs. Overall, it's hard to see where exactly the improvements in performance have been made, suggesting that the optimisations are rather more subtle than we were hoping for. In the first two to three levels at least, there are no obviously noticeable signs of the smoother experience promised by Capcom Vancouver, and a close look at the game's real-time cinematics reveals almost completely identical frame-rates in exact like-for-like scenes, where the rendering load is very closely duplicated on repeat playthroughs. Clearly, cinematics alone won't be engaging many of the game's sub-systems, but it does suggest that the core rendering engine hasn't seen any fundamental upgrades, as sudden drops in frame-rate occur at exactly the same moments.

This syncs with my experience of Dead Rising 3. Many, many framerate hiccups, frequently dipping below 30fps. It's not like it's hard to recognize either ... it can get quite severe at times.

So, I'd certainly suggest waiting. And like I said, it's not about us. It's about him. He has a PC, and he wants the factually superior version. Why tell him to jump on an inferior version when a better one is around the corner?

We'll get 1080p, our 60fps. We'll get a reduction on the horrendous texture pop-in, and hopefully some of the glitchiness in the game will be reduced (although probably not, given it's Capcom. But all the other benefits are worth it). Let the gamer enjoy the best version. :)

BruiserBear said:
Peggle 2 hasn't been announced for any other platforms yet.

Doesn't need to be. We're on NeoGAF, we're not Microsoft's advertisement arm. Our duty is to inform fellow GAFers of the truth. Peggle 2 is not exclusive, period, so there's no reason to try to mislead him that it is in a feeble attempt to pad out XBO's exclusives.


ain't no games on PS4 brudduh, so don't worry. :)

well i guess if you want to play The Order: 'Filmic' Hallways there's always that

Or Bloodborne, inFamous Second Son, Uncharted 4, the best running 3rd party games, The Last of Us, or many of the stellar looking indie games.


Just be patient I generally only fire up the XB1 to play KI but the games are coming. Quantum Break and HMCC should give you a lot of fun and also Sunset Overdrive. I have kind of lost interest in SO and I never liked halo but I cannot wait to get Ori and Gears.... Gears will be glorious. Oh and DR3 may only be a console exclusive but it is fun though.


Or Bloodborne, Uncharted 4, the best running 3rd party games, The Last of Us, or many of the stellar looking indie games.

Uncharted, yay, more hallway simulators (edit: I want to be accurate. Linear jungle and linear ancient ruins simulator)! I wonder if they'll let us cinematically run away from a ball of fire this time or maybe we'll get to leap from a platform as it conveniently breaks behind you the second you get off of it. What game design, what originality! Man, Last Of Us as well? PS4 is so rad it's taking PS3 by storm.

Yay, indies. Are those even real games?
I've had fun with Kinect Sports. Honestly, it's been a pretty fun time to be had.

And someone needs to play Crimson Dragon and give it a fair trial. I don't have it yet, and I'm a pretty huge Panzer Dragoon fan. People didn't like it because it felt short but there are multiple paths and secrets. I just want to give it a honest spin.

Of course aside that it's Forza and Killer Instinct.


Uncharted, yay, more hallway simulators (edit: I want to be accurate. Linear jungle and linear ancient ruins simulator)! I wonder if they'll let us cinematically run away from a ball of fire this time or maybe we'll get to leap from a platform as it conveniently breaks behind you the second you get off of it. What game design, what originality! Man, Last Of Us as well? PS4 is so rad it's taking PS3 by storm.

Yay, indies. Are those even real games?

Surprising how many are taking you literally ... LOL
Amir0x said:
Doesn't need to be. We're on NeoGAF, we're not Microsoft's advertisement arm. Our duty is to inform fellow GAFers of the truth. Peggle 2 is not exclusive, period, so there's no reason to try to mislead him that it is in a feeble attempt to pad out XBO's exclusives.

Really? Now we're defining exclusives based on what we expect to be announced at some point in the future? That seems like a feeble attempt on your part.

If it can only be played on the Xbox, and it hasn't been announced for any other playforms 7 months after release, it's an exclusive based on the op's thread question.
Xbox Fitness is pretty great.

Totally forgot about this. And I use it quite often. It was basically the main selling point I used to convince my GF that the XB1 was a good purchase when I bought it. It implemented really well, and the workouts are pretty good. The tracking is pretty cool and fun.


Really? Now we're defining exclusives based on what we expect to be announced at some point in the future? That seems like a feeble attempt on your part.

We're defining exclusives as reality. The reality is, it's not an "only Xbox One game." It's a game coming to other platforms. That's a fact. We're existing on NeoGAF, we're not here to pretend something is exclusive so that we can pad out lineups. No better than trying to suggest Rise of Tomb Raider is exclusive because they're not talking about other versions.

And you don't even need to be on the inside track on neoGAF - even though it has been confirmed by those in the know endlessly - you simply have to read the hints dropped by the lead producer, Jared Neuss. He constantly says "we're not talking about other platforms right now" and stuff like this:

"The way we talk about games is, we'll try to get the game as polished as possible on the platform that it's on, and then we'll start talking about [other platforms]. Right now we're fully focused on Xbox One.

If you think it's a real exclusive, I've got like eighteen bridges in Brooklyn alone to sell you.

No need to mislead fellow posters on NeoGAF. It's not an exclusive, that's a fact.

If it can only be played on the Xbox, and it hasn't been announced for any other playforms 7 months after release, it's an exclusive based on the op's thread question.

Nope. He said:

BTW I mean legit exclusives, not console exclusives (so no Titanfall, Ryse, Dead Rising 3, etc). Thanks!!

Peggle 2 is not a legit exclusive. It's not even a legit console exclusive, which you'll find out soon. Sorry bro. And it's pretty insulting to insist it is when we all know better. Straight up out of Microsoft's recent deceptive playbook.

Edit: Oh by the way it's also on 360 already, so even if you wanted to play pretend now with the info we have now it's not 100% console exclusive.
I've had fun with Kinect Sports. Honestly, it's been a pretty fun time to be had.

And someone needs to play Crimson Dragon and give it a fair trial. I don't have it yet, and I'm a pretty huge Panzer Dragoon fan. People didn't like it because it felt short but there are multiple paths and secrets. I just want to give it a honest spin.

Of course aside that it's Forza and Killer Instinct.

I liked Crimson Dragon, but it does come off terribly if you think of it as "the next Panzer Dragoon".

Crimson Dragon kinda feels more like a secondary survival mode in a Panzer Dragoon game mixed with PSO's mag raising or something. It's fun in short bursts, and kinda interesting in some ways once you level things up, but it doesn't make a great first impression for a full game.


I remember you vividly criticizing the frame-rate drops months ago. Glad you got to spend more time with it :)

That's not what my comment implies. :p

The game factually frequently dips below 30fps, but it's also 900p, and it runs on XBO and still looks pretty good for all intensive purposes. Considering XBO's extremely limiting tech, it's very reasonable to expect that even a moderate PC will be able to run it lookin' sharper than the XBO version especially considering the devs involved, who are experienced on PC.

Edit: Dead Rising 3, huh? I'm confused now... what do you mean with your edit?


Titanfall being gimped by Origin and a really low population probably shouldn't be brushed off just because it is available on PC. The PC version's community is far smaller so it's not like PC is automatically superior in this instance.
We're defining exclusives as reality. The reality is, it's not an "only Xbox One game." It's a game coming to other platforms. That's a fact. We're existing on NeoGAF, we're not here to pretend something is exclusive so that we can pad out lineups. No better than trying to suggest Rise of Tomb Raider is exclusive because they're not talking about other versions.

And you don't even need to be on the inside track on neoGAF - even though it has been confirmed by those in the know endlessly - you simply have to read the hints dropped by the lead producer, Jared Neuss. He constantly says "we're not talking about other platforms right now" and stuff like this:

If you think it's a real exclusive, I've got like eighteen bridges in Brooklyn alone to sell you.

No need to mislead fellow posters on NeoGAF. It's not an exclusive, that's a fact.

Nope. He said:

Peggle 2 is not a legit exclusive. It's not even a legit console exclusive, which you'll find out soon. Sorry bro. And it's pretty insulting to insist it is when we all know better. Straight up out of Microsoft's recent deceptive playbook.

You're funny dude. The OP is asking what exclusives he can get for his new Xbox, but we're not supposed to tell him Peggle 2 according to you, even though the only platform you can play Peggle 2 on is an Xbox.

Yes, at some point I'm sure we'll see it show up elsewhere, but they haven't even said it's happening yet, let alone given a date, but according to you that's not an Xbox exclusive right now. And you're telling me I'm trying too hard, and being deceptive. lmao


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
excluding dr3 and tf, forza and KI are both awesome, forza especially.
Forza Horizon 2 will be dope, cant wait. im copin a Xbox One late September, so along with Forza Horizon 2, im going to get Dead Rising 3 and Ryse, since i played a bit of those games already and they were fun as hell.


You're funny dude. The OP is asking what exclusives he can get for his new Xbox, but we're not supposed to tell him Peggle 2 according to you, even though the only platform you can play Peggle 2 on is an Xbox.

The OP already established what he wants. For example, Dead Rising 3 and Ryse are not on PC yet. Right now you can -only- play them on XBO. But he already specifically said he doesn't want those recommendations. There's a reason for that. We don't get to decide whether his reasons are valid, we just have to make suggestions that fit within that criteria.

Peggle 2 is not a true exclusive. It's not a console exclusive. It's already on 360. It's going to be on other consoles at some point, and it's definitely going to be on PC.

By any stretch of his criteria, it does not work. It's not "funny", I'm not trying to amuse you. I'm simply telling you the reality. We don't exist in a framework where we get to dictate what happens in that reality, we simply report it. He wants true console exclusives, not fake ones. He has his legitimate reasons.

And it's our job to inform him of what's actually happening, not what these giant corporations like Sony and Microsoft try to deceive us into thinking is happening. That's playing right into their hands. NeoGAF is better than that.

Yes, at some point I'm sure we'll see it show up elsewhere, but they haven't even said it's happening yet, let alone given a date, but according to you that's not an Xbox exclusive right now. And you're telling me I'm trying too hard, and being deceptive. lmao

He didn't say "right now." He specifically listed multiple games that are having PC versions in the future as evidence of the type of games he does not want.

I would say at this point it's time for you to go through the topic and actually read it again with his actual stipulations.
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