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Emily Rogers: Ubisoft won't comment on Wii U version of Watch Dogs


I wouldn't be surprised if they cancelled the 360/PS3 version as well.

They've no reason to cancel versions that will account for a significant chunk of sales. Not to mention they've probably done plenty of work to get the PS360 versions up and running as it is, no reason to leave a ton of potential money on the table for... Something.

If it ended up being delayed to, say, late 2015 or beyond (lol) then there might be merit to this. Otherwise, lolno.


It's been covered, Ubi said no comment, is one more person asking gonna actually make them decide to comment...Nope.

The only reason most people want to know is so that they can add more fuel to the "Nintendo is done" fire that everyone is dancing around.

If Ubi says "yes" the we will get "I don't see the point no one will buy it anyway"
and if it's canned , well we know how that will go.

I think "news" organizations should make a pact that once a person or organization is asked a question that no one should ever ask them that question again, try to clarify, or use any influence their reputation may afford them to get an answer.
It's been covered, Ubi said no comment, is one more person asking gonna actually make them decide to comment...Nope.

The only reason most people want to know is so that they can add more fuel to the "Nintendo is done" fire that everyone is dancing around.

If Ubi says "yes" the we will get "I don't see the point no one will buy it anyway"
and if it's canned , well we know how that will go.

Or some of us are holding out hope that Nintendo can nurture their third party relationships to bring some more value to the consoles we bought.

News like Arkham DLC being canceled, and this do not give many of us hope that they even give a shit anymore. So with all due respect, as someone who owns a Wii U, please do not try to dissuade people from asking the questions which are ultimately important to owners and future buyers just because you are sick of people talking bad about a console you like. If you want to blame anyone, blame the company who's name is on the box buddy.


Dreams in Digital
It's been an extraordinary few weeks for Nintendo and the Wiiu. I was in the camp with those admitting the Wiiu was doing poorly but not in danger of completely dropping out of the race. Now I'm starting to believe the Wiiu is 'actually' going to be discontinued. The news just keeps getting worse and worse.

I'm also starting to wonder if Yoshida's kind words about Nintendo are strategic rather than heartfelt. PSNow would be a huge opportunity for Nintendo to make money from their existing franchises.


Dear Emily and the rest of the journalists/nosey fuckers...

Let Ubi do their job, and stop pestering them we will know when they feel like letting us know.



Well, there you go. Gaming journalists need to stop bothering the industry with their questions. I mean, why do we deserve to know whether or not a game is cancelled? Just wait until release day and see if it shows up. You'll find out when you find out.

In fact, journalism on the whole is one big annoying pain in the ass that needs to go away. If companies, politicians, and other prominent figured or entities have something important to share with the public, they'll do so. I mean... don't they always?


looks like the u in wiiu doesn't stand for ubisoft anymore

rayman and just dance is the only thing i can see ubi giving the wiiu from now on


Or some of us are holding out hope that Nintendo can nurture their third party relationships to bring some more value to the consoles we bought.

News like Arkham DLC being canceled, and this do not give many of us hope that they even give a shit anymore. So with all due respect, as someone who owns a Wii U, please do not try to dissuade people from asking the questions which are ultimately important to owners and future buyers just because you are sick of people talking bad about a console you like. If you want to blame anyone, blame the company who's name is on the box buddy.

Sadly, we are the minority...

I don't blame Nintendo for any problems but thier own, Ubi is making this game however...


Gamestop by my house had placeholder cases for preordering the WiiU version, yesterday.

If most of the cost of porting is done, as is likely considering it is a delayed release already, I would be surprised if they cancelled it rather than try and recoup what they can.

However, the absence from Nintendos shareholder meeting "list of third party games" was not a good sign.


Dear Emily and the rest of the journalists/nosey fuckers...

Let Ubi do their job, and stop pestering them we will know when they feel like letting us know.



lol, i see what you did there. hilarious parody of a corporate ballwasher

Willy Wanka

my god this avatar owns
It's a shame if the Wii U version has been cancelled as I honestly thought that having the second screen would compliment the 'hacking' gameplay perfectly. The cancellation might not be confirmed but it seems pretty ominous at this point so PC version it is (providing the game isn't a steaming pile of horse shite after the delays).


I do have am uncanny ability to 'Predict'

Yeah, your remark kinda settled it for me.

I was kinda doubtful about it, unless they had to invest more money into the game,based on the delay, there wasn't a reason for them to cancel it,but that and the AC4 sales must have changed their opinion.


If you announce a game and put it up for preorder and people preorder it and you keep it up there for months and months and then cancel it at the last min even after it was delayed that is BS. Now if they dont want to put anything else like that on WiiU then ok but it is wrong to just drop a game after jerking fans around

I would be shocked if there were more than a few thousand preorders. I own a Wii U and love it, but the people here blaming Ubisoft are downright delusional.
I wouldn't be surprised if they cancelled the 360/PS3 version as well.

Why? Huge install bases of gamers who still buy games. There's no way they turn down that revenue.

There's benefit to releasing a third party title on the WiiU, from a publisher's perspective, right now.


Of course they'll do that!

Oh wait, the game's not made by Tecmo Koei? Sry

You would obviously have way more insight than I do, but I have no idea why Nintendo seems content to sit on billions in savings and not be more aggressive about courting 3rd parties. As long as games are still being made for 360 and PS3, they could at least be getting ports of those titles.

Offer to waive royalties on the first 500K copies sold or something.....damn. They wouldn't make any money off of third party games, but at least it's better to have those games on the WiiU than see them outright cancelled. So many people make the crazy suggestion that they put their entire library on iOS, but nobody ever seems to make the much more measured and reasonable suggestion that they simply make their system more profitable for developers.
Besides how dumb they are being with not just announcing it, no one can blame them after how horrendous AC4 and SC Wii U sales were. Those were the test games and they failed miserably. And it makes sense, who in the world besides diehard Nintendo fans and people who can't live without the gamepad (obviously not many) want to buy a Wii U version of a 3rd party game at this point.


Besides how dumb they are being with not just announcing it, no one can blame them after how horrendous AC4 and SC Wii U sales were. Those were the test games and they failed miserably.

Usually they don't comment on rumors, some company's do if the pressure keeps adding up, however the financial results will be there shortly which offer a more official way of delievering the message.


If Nintendo lets this game get cancelled or go digital-only, I will be completely floored and aghast. I think it's pretty clear right now everyone at Nintendo knows that they are up against the ropes. They should be fighting tooth and nail to keep every game in development. Thye should offer to waive software royalties, or offer to pay for marketing, or offer to pay publishing/distribution costs.

If they lose Watch_Dogs I think it will be sufficient evidence that Nintendo just doesn't give a fuck anymore.

yup even Iwata just spoke about their big war chest of money and last month about having not done well in the western market.

I doubt it would cost them that much money to pony up and help UBisoft get the game out on WiiU, heck they help with ZombiU I know that was exclusive but still.


So we're basically at N64 level now.

Honestly, as much as it pains me to say it, we're below N64 level. Like, by a significant amount too. N64 had droughts but it had support. Wii U is completely barren outside of a handful of titles that are getting released on literally every other active platform, unless you want to count stuff like Bayonetta 2 that Nintendo helps fund.


Sadly, we are the minority...

I don't blame Nintendo for any problems but thier own, Ubi is making this game however...

If the game can't come out on the Wii U because there's no opportunity for Ubisoft to make profit then that's entirely Nintendo's fault.
You would obviously have way more insight than I do, but I have no idea why Nintendo seems content to sit on billions in savings and not be more aggressive about courting 3rd parties. As long as games are still being made for 360 and PS3, they could at least be getting ports of those titles.

I mean, I think that's what you saw at the launch of Wii U, but eventually it just isn't cost effective anymore. Nintendo might pay up for *exclusives*, but once you're paying just to have parity with everybody else that's just a bad place to be.

Also, all parties involved might at this point just realize that it's going to sell so few copies anyway that it's not worth it and they should probably pursue different opportunities.
Sadly, we are the minority...

I don't blame Nintendo for any problems but thier own, Ubi is making this game however...

They could be doing more to sustain this relationship. Sony and MS pay for marketing, exclusive DLC, and other things just to maintain a good relationship with their third parties. So far there is zero evidence to suggest that Nintendo tried to make any of these offers to third party publishers.

Publishers don't have to publish games on Wii U to be successful. They don't need Nintendo but like it or not, Nintendo needs them. I don't blame Ubisoft at all for wanting to cancel the project on Wii U.


I recall one time they refused to pay me back in cash. I might have used credit though, I can't recall.

If you paid with cash and they refuse to refund in kind thats because the employee is trying to prevent having a refund/return on his record and also hes trying to pad his preorder numbers by making you move the credit elsewhere. Insist on the refund in kind (whether cash on credit back to CC) or you will talk to his manager or call the GS customer service. Guarantee he will give it to you immediately and apologize.

Card Boy

Wonder how Nintendo's going to keep the Wii U afloat for the next 4-5 years. Will Mario, Smash, and Zelda be enough?

They will be short sales bursts nothing long term. I honestly think they will announce a new console in 2-3 years. They can't keep riding this trainwreck.
Dear Emily and the rest of the journalists/nosey fuckers...

Let Ubi do their job, and stop pestering them we will know when they feel like letting us know.




John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
They could be doing more to sustain this relationship. Sony and MS pay for marketing, exclusive DLC, and other things just to maintain a good relationship with their third parties. So far there is zero evidence to suggest that Nintendo tried to make any of these offers to third party publishers.

Publishers don't have to publish games on Wii U to be successful. They don't need Nintendo but like it or not, Nintendo needs them. I don't blame Ubisoft at all for wanting to cancel the project on Wii U.

There's not zero evidence. If they want the content theyll make a deal for it.


Or some of us are holding out hope that Nintendo can nurture their third party relationships to bring some more value to the consoles we bought.

If you want to blame anyone, blame the company who's name is on the box buddy.

lol. no, by & large the people who are making threads about topics relating to this are MOST DEFINITELY the 'dancing around the doom fire' camp.

you are right about one thing. this is nintendo's fault & they are to blame. absolutely. but how many bloody threads do you need.


Gamestop by my house had placeholder cases for preordering the WiiU version, yesterday.

If most of the cost of porting is done, as is likely considering it is a delayed release already, I would be surprised if they cancelled it rather than try and recoup what they can.

However, the absence from Nintendos shareholder meeting "list of third party games" was not a good sign.

It might cost more to finish, manufacture and ship than what they expect it to bring in.


The Wii U version of Watch_Dogs is still up for preorder on Ubisoft's site. Why would Ubisoft not comment on whether the Wii U version still exists if it wasn't cancelled? What do they gain from all of this secrecy? Again, the Wii U version is up for preorder on their site.


If Nintendo lets this game get cancelled or go digital-only, I will be completely floored and aghast. I think it's pretty clear right now everyone at Nintendo knows that they are up against the ropes. They should be fighting tooth and nail to keep every game in development. Thye should offer to waive software royalties, or offer to pay for marketing, or offer to pay publishing/distribution costs.

If they lose Watch_Dogs I think it will be sufficient evidence that Nintendo just doesn't give a fuck anymore.

Nintendo gave up on third parties a long time ago, everybody knows that.


Nintendo gave up on third parties a long time ago, everybody knows that.

They gave up on third parties when they were selling 20 billion Wiis every Christmas without any significant third party support. I'm (perhaps foolishly) hoping that the WiiU's dire situation will make them reconsider the importance of third party games.
lol. no, by & large the people who are making threads about topics relating to this are MOST DEFINITELY the 'dancing around the doom fire' camp.

you are right about one thing. this is nintendo's fault & they are to blame. absolutely. but how many bloody threads do you need.

Just don't click on the threads if you feel like there are too many. Meanwhile the rest of us are going to discuss whatever news may come whether it be good, bad, or otherwise.
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