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Megaman Legacy Collection |OT| One "Mighty" Collection

Dr Dogg

Oh dear.
System res 1920x1080 said:
Yup that's your selection of resolution options and you're pretty much left with 1920x1080 and anything higher and you get interpolation even with a multiple of 4 like 3840x2160 (check the text edges in the pics bellow). Urggh well I guess I'll go check it in game but I get the feeling there goes my hopes of 1:1 scaling at 2560x1440.

At 2560x1440 (my monitors native res) and 3840x2160 said:

Edit: Yep same in game too :(


XONE D-Pad is clicky legit. I love it. Beat Battletoads with it.

two fatal flaws:

-you can be pressing a direction down hard enough for it to click, but not hard enough to make actual electrical contact and register the press, it will periodically lose your input briefly if you don't maintain more pressure than is comfortable for extended periods of time.

-for the most accurate thumb movement, your thumb should be as close to your index finger as possible in a pinching position so your whole hand's muscles are working together to position it precisely, or maybe your brain is just better able to think about the thumb's position precisely when it is pinching, but either way the shape of the One controller and location of the dpad make this impossible, this is the same problem with the Wii U Pro Controller's d-pad.


It's out on the UK PSN store. Going to hold off though, there might be a PS+ discount, plus I want to see how the port is, any problems etc.

Not up on the NA store.

I tried purchasing it through the UK web store, logged in with my account, and then "unable to find page". C'mon NA PSN, step your game up.
I'm looking forward to playing this on my PS4 later - mainly for the challenge mode and the easy method of uploading my playthroughs to youtube etc. I'll continue on with my no death runs. I can clear 2 and 3 without dying, now to see if I can do the same with 4-6. The original will take more time, only due to the final set of boss refights, usually the combo of Fire + Guts Man causes me to take too much damage so Wily becomes an uphill battle (that's without using the pause glitch, which I don't touch as it lessens the fun of the game in my opinion).
Also, awesome OT, I was surprised to see my copies of the Complete Works games show up in it!


Neo Member
How varied are the challenges? The screenshot features the dragon from MM2, can you use any weapon or are you limited to the buster?


How varied are the challenges? The screenshot features the dragon from MM2, can you use any weapon or are you limited to the buster?

Any weapon. That challenge is pretty easy. You need to complete it in less than 23 seconds to get a Gold medal on it.


sucks people are having issues it works good for me :(

I'm fucking horrible at megaman than I remember. my god

also 3 > 2
I already have Megaman and Megaman X collections. So the only difference with this new package is that all the games are built from the ground up on the respective platforms? Cool but the games I have in my 2 collections work pretty well so I have no need for this. Cool product though and well worth it.

BTW one of the prettiest OT i've ever seen. Nice work and nice choice in artwork.


Neo Member
Any weapon. That challenge is pretty easy. You need to complete it in less than 23 seconds to get a Gold medal on it.

That's a shame, it really takes the teeth out of that challenge. Could you describe some of the cooler challenges? I really hope that there is more required than knowing a foe's weakness. Mega Man's varied arsenal would seemingly be a treasure trove for challenges like this.
That's a shame, it really takes the teeth out of that challenge. Could you describe some of the cooler challenges? I really hope that there is more required than knowing a foe's weakness. Mega Man's varied arsenal would seemingly be a treasure trove for challenges like this.

Most of the challenges are level traversal. Actually having all the weapons makes it more interesting as it opens up the possibilities of getting through a level faster. It will make leaderboards and replays much more interesting.
Hopefully this doesn't happen with other versions. This is an unacceptable behavior IMO.
Audio needs to be perfect.

Audio glitches are definitely a deal breaker for me. How is this even possible? Does this mean sound fxs are sampled and not emulated? Or is this due to audio levels artficially over compressed and normalized in respect to original? (I have this problem with explosions sound clipping in Raiden IV Overkill and it's maddening)

Dr Dogg

This really sucks. I'm not sure if I should buy this or stick to my GC version on dolphin.

Well here's some other popular resolutions.
1280x720 said:

1366x768 said:

1680x1050 said:

Yep not 1:1 either. Work is beckoning but I was tempted for shits and giggles to see what a 4:3 resolution produced, probably letterboxed I'd imagine which is just bonkers if that's the case.

Edit: Hahahaha I can't.. I just can't.
1280x960 said:
I own all the NES carts, and bought it on Steam anyway. Triple Candy in Mega Man 1 changes the palette to black instead of green for some reason. Hey, at least the glitch still works, I guess. I'll probably stick to playing on the NES for the most part, but this is nice to have and great that it exists.


Oh dear.

Yup that's your selection of resolution options and you're pretty much left with 1920x1080 and anything higher and you get interpolation even with a multiple of 4 like 3840x2160 (check the text edges in the pics bellow). Urggh well I guess I'll go check it in game but I get the feeling there goes my hopes of 1:1 scaling at 2560x1440.

Edit: Yep same in game too :(

Guess I can't expect Capcom to be able to reach the level of competence of freely made programs right??? :D

Meanwhile, able to enjoy a perfect 6x scale at 1440p in any decent emulator.

While the TV industry, desperate for more sales is pushing towards 4k more and more. And yet we are still in an era of anything at 1080p or beyond being made or being competent.
As someone with a 1440P monitor and 4K TV I guess I should get the Xbox One version then? Would be a pain in the ass to set my pc resolution via my tv to 1080P every time I wanted to play this. And I given it doesn't have proper 1:1 scaling I wouldn't want to play it on my monitor anymore so the 1 MS response time has its drawbacks now.

Dr Dogg

Guess I can't expect Capcom to be able to reach the level of competence of freely made programs right??? :D

Meanwhile, able to enjoy a perfect 6x scale at 1440p in any decent emulator.

While the TV industry, desperate for more sales is pushing towards 4k more and more. And yet we are still in an era of anything at 1080p or beyond being made or being competent.

Oh it gets better. Here's a 1920x1080 picture cropped down to what is displayed in the Orignal view mode.
Now that measures 1195x896 which isn't right at all. It would be output on a NES at 256x240 with the display area of 256x224 after cropping for overscan so an upscale of that should be 1024x896. What we have here is vertical stretching so if you look there's interpolation horizontally on that image too. Had a look at 2 and 3 and yep it's the same there too. Haven't seen any PS4 or XO shots to compare but I imagine this is the case for every version.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
The Venture Beat review brought my attention to the fact that one of the face buttons has an auto rapid-fire button.

Sure, you could un-map it from the controller. But I would have made the call not to include that at all. Maybe, maybe I'd let someone opt-in to having that in the options, but not opt-out.

I wouldn't want to imply to any casual players that it's a normal way to play the game. It's a cheat. This inclusion reminds me of the Capcom vs. SNK 2 EO "easy operation" feature, where you could do special moves by pushing the right analog stick in various directions. Sure, to each their own, but I wouldn't imply to people that is a normal way to play the game.

On the U.S. PSN store, it seems that only Until Dawn got that midnight launch. MMLC doesn't even have a page yet, and Madden download link is broken...

What the hell, Sony?


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise

On the U.S. PSN store, it seems that only Until Dawn got that midnight launch. MMLC doesn't even have a page yet, and Madden download link is broken...

What the hell, Sony?

Unless it has a preorder/preload, has any digital PSN title ever been up before the regular Tuesday update? Doesn't seem surprising at all.


Oh it gets better. Here's a 1920x1080 picture cropped down to what is displayed in the Orignal view mode.

Now that measures 1195x896 which isn't right at all. It would be output on a NES at 256x240 with the display area of 256x224 after cropping for overscan so an upscale of that should be 1024x896. What we have here is vertical stretching so if you look there's interpolation horizontally on that image too. Had a look at 2 and 3 and yep it's the same there too. Haven't seen any PS4 or XO shots to compare but I imagine this is the case for every version.


Well there is this to consider too, the NES doesn't output Square Pixels right? It has to stretch the 8:7 game to 4:3 too right?

256x240 | 4x4


These aren't 4:3 pictures though. I can't remember the right ratio to stretch out the pixels.


So let me get this straight. You can't stretch the in-game image to the top and bottom of the screens are stuck looking at it as is?

Dr Dogg


Well there is this to consider too, the NES doesn't output Square Pixels right? It has to stretch the 8:7 game to 4:3 too right?

256x240 | 4x4


Actually that is very true. Though you would think someone working on this would at least stop to think 'hey why do our sprites look funky?'

Going by the compensation you need to make in the NES Dev article you posted then I guess their maths are a little bit off and scaling looks to be bilinear hence why even at 3840x2160 the menus fuck up (although this could be GPU scaling but I'm not at home to check). I don't know, I've whacked a post up on the Steam Forums so hopefully their community guy sees it and chimes in.


Ok, I remembered somewhat I think?

Stretched Horizontally to 320, then applied an NTSC PAR before upscaling 4x4


Dr Dogg

Ok, I remembered somewhat I think?

Stretched Horizontally to 320, then applied an NTSC PAR before upscaling 4x4


Actually going by the article you posted that makes perfect sense (under the emulators section).

The NES PPU hardware performs the padding first, adding 24 pixels of border to form a 280x240 pixel picture that can be resized to 320x240, 640x480, or 960x720 square pixels.


I tried an alternate method too, assuming the NES is outputting non-square pixels before stretching to 4:3. Take the raw 256x240, apply the NTSC PAR first, pad it to 280. Then stretch it to 320 before upscaling.



Comparing the images. I think the above method is the correct one.

If my NES was RGB modded would be able to load it up on a CRT and compare.

Though if they were simply going for the straight 8:7 Square Pixels, the result at 1080p would need to be 1024x960


Thanks, running it in windows 7 compatability mode did the trick, but the game is still really stuttery.

On the plus side, trying to play this POS on PC is giving me nostalgic flashblacks to playing the terrible Mega Man 3 PC
Maybe time to get equipped with Steam Refund?

Outsourced or not, lately Capcom's ports have been a far cry from those during their GWFL days. Heck, DMC4SE has a bug thread started by the company going on for over 200 replies, yet AFAIK the game has yet to see a single update since its release :(

Wonder if Sven's departure had a lot to do with the decline in quality.

Dr Dogg

Actually based on this video of MM5 on a BVM It seems maybe my first method looks more correct ?

And here's a picture of MMAC on the GCN forced into 240p via Swiss

Hahaha all I know for certain now is that trying to scale a nonsquare pixel based source to square pixel output is not quite as easy as it seems at first. I think your right though and if you could do a side by side comparison you'd pick it up straight away.
It is done.

DL'ed on Xbone and Steam (only 2nd purchase I have ever paid full price for on Steam - the first being RE4 HD) It's already 6th in the Steam Best Sellers list...

will wait for the PS4 edition to start earning trophies...

Great OT!

This OT is amazing! Can't wait to pick the physical version up.

Excellent OT.

Wonderful OT, MaverickHunterX.

Thank christ this is out tomorrow so I've got something to preoccupy myself with until next week's big release. Cracking work on the OT MaverickHunterX.

Great OP!

This OT is incredible!

Amazing title. Good job.

Awesome OT, OP. Glad you got to make use of it finally lol.

Nice work on that OT, TC. Looks great

Beautiful OT for a beautiful series of games. Mega Man isn't dead though, he's just sleeping

also great OT, nice Batman reference, super excited for this game, etc

BTW one of the prettiest OT i've ever seen. Nice work and nice choice in artwork.

sorry for the delay, but first time I could actually sit down at my PC. Thank you all for the well-wishes and support. If anything, I had a lot of fun making this one. It was definitely easier than when making this beast of a IOTI last year.

The way I figured it, this may be the last MM title in a while (hopefully not), and if so, I wanted to honor my namesake in the best way I could. According to you guys, it seems I did just fine.

Again, I apologize for screwing up with the original post last week, and thank the mods for letting me get a second-go at it. You guys have my word that things will be a lot smoother when I have to do the IOTI for the Gravity Falls game in November.

Although I'm kinda disappointed that a lot of folks are waiting for the physical version (dat Capcom test), I completely understand the situation, and heck, can't blame ya, especially after all of the bullshit with Ducktales.

For those playing tonight/this morning, hope you enjoy it!

Hey isn't that the OT name I suggested?

Anyways, I'm buying the shit out of this.

it is, actually. It was a lot better than anything I came up with. As you saw, I found another way to reference Arkham Knight, so I figured, why not?

If you wish, I can give you credit on the first page...it's no biggie...

Also, awesome OT, I was surprised to see my copies of the Complete Works games show up in it!

Thank you. Also, no fooling about the image? Sorry about that. If you want, I can properly cite you on the first post.

So... is it "Megaman" or "Mega Man"?

I am still confused.

It's "Mega Man" and "Rockman".

I say "Megaman" since in Japan, it's "Rockman," not "Rock man" Over the years, Capcom USA has gone back and forth on the space...(but then again, as they called him "Mega" instead of "Rock," in Megaman Powered Up, their resources are not always top-shape...)


I smell a conspiracy.

Yeah, as the series progressed, Capcom kinda went back on this part of the lore. Originally, Dr. Cossack was presented as a new character for Megaman 4, and years later, they reconned it, saying he and Light knew each other for years in college, etc.
Thanks, running it in windows 7 compatability mode did the trick, but the game is still really stuttery.

On the plus side, trying to play this POS on PC is giving me nostalgic flashblacks to playing the terrible Mega Man 3 PC
Sorry to hear the PC version isn't optimal.

If you own a PS4 or an XB1 may I suggest Steam Refunds? The console versions are flawless and... well... Megaman belonged first to home consoles.
Sorry to hear the PC version isn't optimal.

If you own a PS4 or an XB1 may I suggest Steam Refunds? The console versions are flawless and... well... Megaman belonged first to home consoles.

it's still a shame though...this was MM's first mainstream PC release in years!

The last time was Megaman X8, I think, and that never came out in the US even!


I'm getting a bit lost in all the technical talk in here. Are there issues with the game or is this just more typical PC version talk for a game? Thanks.

Also, incredible OT, amazing work on it!! Kudos!


So, as I was digging through the Internets I found this picture. Can anyone confirm whether it's fake? Pre ordering for more stuff? Not to start a riot,I just wanna know.


I'll be getting the PS4 version today once it's live.
So, as I was digging through the Internets I found this picture. Can anyone confirm whether it's fake? Pre ordering for more stuff? Not to start a riot,I just wanna know.


I'll be getting the PS4 version today once it's live.

I saw that too. I'm saying its bullshit. Google images search traced it back to a Russian gaming site. (An ad overseas using US currency?)

I'm getting a bit lost in all the technical talk in here. Are there issues with the game or is this just more typical PC version talk for a game? Thanks.

Also, incredible OT, amazing work on it!! Kudos!

From what I gathered, the steam version

-boots to a black screen for some
-stutters (even in win. 7 mode)
-has some resolution problems

Haven't tried it yet myself. And thanks!
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