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Lunar: The Silver Star. Which version is the best?


Maybe not the right thread but I read about there going to be an iOS port of this. Anyone know what happened to that??

I'd like to know as well because its existence could actually help us overcome the last problem with PSN licensing. Announced about a year ago, then disappeared.


Here is my arguement while voices can make a huge difference. I know the lyrical songs can be preference, but I'd like to submit my proof here:


Lunar: The Silver Star Harmoney


Lunar: The Silver Star Story Complete

Even as a grown man I'll still tear up to the Playstation version. I don't know why they took out the sad piano composition in the background of the new one either. Luna was so perfect in the old one as such a sweet innocent voice that the new one lacked. Just from these clips you can see the older one had more heart to it.


I have no clue how anyone could prefer the voice acting in the PS version over the PSP one. PSP is so much better it's ridiculous. Partly because they used actual professional voice actors.
Even as a grown man I'll still tear up to the Playstation version.
Thank God. I thought it was just me.

And yes, the PS1's opening theme is so much better than Harmony's. Lyrically and otherwise.

I have no clue how anyone could prefer the voice acting in the PS version over the PSP one. PSP is so much better it's ridiculous. Partly because they used actual professional voice actors.
You have no idea what you're even talking about.


Here is my arguement while voices can make a huge difference. I know the lyrical songs can be preference, but I'd like to submit my proof here:


Lunar: The Silver Star Harmoney


Lunar: The Silver Star Story Complete

Even as a grown man I'll still tear up to the Playstation version. I don't know why they took out the sad piano composition in the background of the new one either. Luna was so perfect in the old one as such a sweet innocent voice that the new one lacked. Just from these clips you can see the older one had more heart to it.

I can answer your question. The "sad piano" was Nash's theme in the SEGA CD version. It was not used in the Japanese release of SSSC nor Harmony. I felt the scene needed a little more emotional punch to push players over the edge, so I added it to this scene. I was extremely happy with the way it worked out.

XSEED was trying to do a more literal translation on the parts they worked on and they kept that scene more as it was in the Japanese release as well as re-writing the song lyrics to hew to the words of the Japanese song rather than interpreting the ideas. It's a great contrasting example of localization philosophy.


I have no clue how anyone could prefer the voice acting in the PS version over the PSP one. PSP is so much better it's ridiculous. Partly because they used actual professional voice actors.

We used theatre (stage) actors for the vast majority of parts in SSSC. Are you implying that voiceover actors are somehow superior to stage actors? That's ridiculous.


Eh, I haven't played Harmony, and I don't see any reason to given that I've played it plenty on PSX, but those harmony voices don't sound bad at all. Luna is the only one I didn't care for in that clip, otherwise I don't see the issue either way - I never thought SSSC had amazing voice work, but I do think that Nall sounds WAY more appropriate in the older games, but that's more of a wholesale stylistic change than anything to do with the quality of the acting. The lyrics to the songs definitely suck, however, in the new version.

Seems like it's a bit of a sacred cow thing to me, I loved SSSC and Working Designs, and I ALWAYS looked forward to the newest releases. I think Vic's attitude towards localization is spot on - go for the intent and the SOUL behind what you're translating, not the literal translation, but it seems a bit fanboyish to so vehemently condemn the newer versions of the same work as well.

That piano definitely adds a lot to that scene too :) For whatever that's worth.


They kept Myghts gas problem in! Ha that was unexpected!

So I got to put a little bit of time into the remake I LOVE the presentation, the hand drawn characters talking, and the music - all top notch. I do NOT love the loading times, the drawn out animation time for attacks, and the overall ease of difficulty of the game.

The game is so easy...I notice a lot of suttle things that WD did too for instance in some of the cutscenes music they added is gone here, and the charm of the overall world seems to be gone.

The voices aren't really too bad just Mia, Nash, and even Nall are ok...Alex, Luna, Jessica, and Ghaleon's voice suck though.

Also I hate how they blanetly almost tell you LUNA IS ALTHENA HEY DID YOU KNOW!?


Original is best, PS1 is second best, PSP is third "best", GBA is crap.

But the original on Sega CD is still the best.

God I loved Working Designs and the love they put into the ports. I use to talk to the head of the company often at trade shows and his team was a great collection of gamers that loved what they did.


I can answer your question. The "sad piano" was Nash's theme in the SEGA CD version. It was not used in the Japanese release of SSSC nor Harmony. I felt the scene needed a little more emotional punch to push players over the edge, so I added it to this scene. I was extremely happy with the way it worked out.

XSEED was trying to do a more literal translation on the parts they worked on and they kept that scene more as it was in the Japanese release as well as re-writing the song lyrics to hew to the words of the Japanese song rather than interpreting the ideas. It's a great contrasting example of localization philosophy.

I love that piano theme. I always associated it with Quark's demise, myself.


I prefer the PS1 version since I felt the story was a bit more fleshed out.

Story wise the PSP version seems to be nearly identical to the PS1. It's been ages since I played the PS1 version (still have the game but I don't replay old games) so I don't remember the details that well.

OT: a lot of old video game series from that era seem to have fallen into oblivion with random people ending up with rights to these games. Langrisser (although part V wrapped the story quite well, IMHO), Tengai Makyo - all A+ titles.

Then there is games like Telenet's Valis and El Viento which had this cheesy charm...certainly would have been nice to see a modern HD version of these games with the same quality 2D graphics as Hard Corps Uprising or Shank.

Thanks to Vic for the great games - of note, sold all my WD games on Ebay except for PS1 Lunars and PS2 Growlanser - they sure kept their value, especially Popful Mail. :)


Story wise the PSP version seems to be nearly identical to the PS1. It's been ages since I played the PS1 version (still have the game but I don't replay old games) so I don't remember the details that well.

That's because it's substantially the WD text from the PS1 version, with (seemingly random to me) changes here and there and the new scenario stuff written by XSEED. Originally they said they were going to translate from the original Japanese, but that didn't go over well, so they settled on a hybrid approach.


just finished it - just didn't feel the emotional attachment to it, however it just felt good to play it again...like visiting old friends who might look the same, however have changed with time. Last thoughts on the voices...I missed Luna's voice her innocence to me in this one didn't shine through...

Like I said the best thing to come from this was the absolutely fantastic arrangement of the old tunes - the sewers, meriba, burg, the battle theme.

I hope there will be some kind of eternal blue remake one day again just for an amazing soundtrack to be remastered...I don't know why their always so afraid to touch Eternal Blue it's such an amazing game.

Also just to bring up Lunar 3 I'm satisfied without their ever being one, especially with Studio Alex gone...you just can't replicate magic like this easily.

I guess that does it again for Lunar until the next remake of The Silver Star Story freinds!


I've played the PSX, GBA and PSP, and I think the PSX version is the best. I think I enjoyed Lunar 2 better than Lunar 1 as well. 2's probably in my top 5 RPGs of all time. If there was a choice between Lunar 2 PSX, and Lunar PSP, I would definitely chose the former. Or if you have the patience to wait 3-5 years (I do!), then perhaps Lunar 2 on PSN.

Also, I suppose I was one of the few who bought the normal Growlanser Generations game. Still haven't beaten III (got stuck somewhere), but what great games. I think I paid $140 CAN before tax for AtL:Collection, and I wasn't prepare to do it again for a game I was only buying because of the company that was making it.

Best thing ever was the cloth map in the first Lunar. Un-WD related, but I used to stare at world map inserts from old Final Fantasy games (especially the first). I even drew my own world maps for games that didn't exist. I forget the names, but I bet I could still remember all 26 places on that original FF map.


Got a quick question Vic if that's okay.

Instead of talking about games that you will bring over, do you have any recommendations of games that you won't be bringing over West? I'm in Japan mainly playing RPGs in Japanese, and would love some recommendations. I think most of the stuff I play has been released in English (Mother series and Ni no Kuni being the only exceptions I can think of off the top of my head).


Just paid 76 dollars for a new copy of Eternal Blue Complete on Playstation One...man I don't even pay for new games full price anymore lol.


God I loved Working Designs and the love they put into the ports. I use to talk to the head of the company often at trade shows and his team was a great collection of gamers that loved what they did.

Yeah um, about that... who do you think vireland is? :lol


I actually preferred Nall's girly voice in SSSC, as well as Nash, Jess and Kyle.
The other characters were OK either way for me.
As long as this thread is bumped, I've always wondered if WD saw something special in Lunar. Obviously, Lunar wasn't the only game brought stateside by WD, but it's probably one of the most or the most prominent ones.

All I know is I used to salivate over an Egm Sega CD preview on Lunar. By the time it was my birthday (I lived in a small town) Babbage's didn't have any copies but - get this - they special ordered a copy for me and a real human from the actual store actually called me when it arrived.

Now remember this was like 93-94. Final Fantasy didn't have voice acting until like 2001. Playing Lunar and especially Lunar 2 was like playing a game from the future back then. This is blatant fan gush, but even reading a post by Vic is like reading a post by someone famous or a childhood/teen hero you'd never dream to meet in your lifetime. (Wow, yeah, that was some bad fan squealing there. Sorry :(

I will say I'm embarassed I got stuck in Lunar in an early forest part and called the tip line. That was another question I had because I always talked to a nice lady when I called the tip line. Was that in-house or outsourced? I'd love to thank the lady that helped me get past the forest part in Lunar 1.


Dot Hacked
I was just reading the march issue of nintendo power and saw Lunar Legend is their "play back" for the month. The game came out in 2002 making it 10 years old already? Wow.

"Despite a lack of attention at the time of its release, Lunar Legend was - and still is - a must-play for RPG fans."

Thats what the article ends with an nothing negative is said about the game at all. I enjoyed it enough to play through it 3 times (cause well its Lunar) but c'mon. NP you're usually better then this!

Anyway as for why we need more L2 love~

Lunar 1 releases:
Sega CD
Saturn / PS1
PC (jp-only?)

Lunar 2 releases:
Sega CD
Saturn / PS1

How can that not make anyone sad??


Reviving this thread urgently. (because this game deserves it)

I'm sitting right now waiting to choose the ultimate version to play this game for a old school RPG fan that i'm, that loves great battles, story and visuals.

I have in one hand the Sega CD and on the other PSX version.


I'm sitting right now waiting to choose the ultimate version to play this game for a old school RPG fan that i'm, that loves great battles, story and visuals.

I have in one hand the Sega CD and on the other PSX version.

Play both! The Sega CD and PS1 versions are pretty different. Just start with whichever you want and then play the other.
I am working on the psp version because I came late to the party even though I've known about this game since I was a teen and it first came out. Really, really mad the psp or vita has not gotten eternal blue. I really don't want to play it on my ps one but it looks I may have to, I do own that version of blue. I will only buy the silver on ps1 if its mint and complete and it's expensive enough to be content with psp for now until psn finally happens.

Edit: damn the iPad auto fix.


I've played the PSX, GBA and PSP versions of the game. And the PSX version is the best one in my opinion. Working Design had so much heart and soul in their translation and dub and made the game so enjoyable. And I fund the PSX version to be a bit harder too, the PSP version was way too easy.

Hope you can solve the problem and get SSSC out on PSN mr.Ireland.


I'm still waiting for his big June PSN announcement that hasn't happened yet.

Yeah I remember he did say something about having some announcement(s) at, or around E3. I was curious what had happened to that, I think it had something to do with PS1 rpgs iirc.


Yeah I remember he did say something about having some announcement(s) at, or around E3. I was curious what had happened to that, I think it had something to do with PS1 rpgs iirc.

I had totally missed that... Wish we could get some kind of update on that, I'm very curious now.


Original Sega CD version. Might be nostalgia talking, but I remember little things different in the PSX version that bugged me. It's been a long time though since I've played either, but I trust my younger jrpg-addicted self's taste, and I firmly remember preferring the original.
I love both the Sega CD and PSone versions of Silver Star. They both have their own strengths and I feel that they both deserve to be played to get the "full" Silver Star experience.

Even though Silver Star Harmony was a pretty (but simple) version of SSSC, I hoped it would have done well enough for Eternal Blue to receive similar treatment. Maybe someone would be up for a Vita game down the road (if the Vita lives long enough).


I have in one hand the Sega CD and on the other PSX version.
Then you are a lucky man indeed, for you have two very good versions in your hand, and the two best if you are playing in English.

The 16-bit version is raw, unpolished, intense, and full of brilliant ideas for 1992. The 32-bit remake is slightly cheerier and lacks some of the grit and sense of urgency of the original but fleshes out its characters (particularly Ghaleon) marvelously, adds the finest animated sequences I've ever seen in a game (perhaps Ni No Kuni has since improved on this), and has far better actual system mechanics--borrowed from its outstanding sequel--that make it far more fun to actually play.

Both of these versions have superior English scripts---I speak both languages but Working Designs' version is the only instance where I would happily play a game in translation due to the quality of the writing.

If you're still on the fence, the "attract mode" opening movies ironically may be able to perform their job of actually attracting you to one or the other. The difference between the two essentially embodies the different forms of excitement and mood that both versions have to offer. Behold:

Lunar~The Silver Star - Opening Theme "LUNAR"

Lunar~Silver Star Story - Opening Theme "Wings"

Edit: From what Lunar-Net told me, the iOS version is a peculiar beast that cludges together the PS graphics/engine and script, the PSP item and location names (which may or may not match the script), the inferior PSP acting, and the wonderful PSP music. Huh.


PS1 version of Lunar 1 is the best with the exception of the final fight being different which REALLY FUCKS UP SOMETHING IN 2


More of a illrelevant annoyance thing for me
I liked the Playstation version the best. It was the first one I played, loved the music, characters, battle system, etc.

Then later I played the Sega CD version and I didn't like it as much. Seemed like I had to grind more in the game and it just played less smoothly, overal worse production values as well. But a ton of folks that played the SCD version first seem to prefer that one.

The GBA version is pretty bad. Haven't played the PSP version, but supposedly it's bad too.


I liked the Playstation version the best. It was the first one I played, loved the music, characters, battle system, etc.

Then later I played the Sega CD version and I didn't like it as much. Seemed like I had to grind more in the game and it just played less smoothly, overal worse production values as well. But a ton of folks that played the SCD version first seem to prefer that one.

The GBA version is pretty bad. Haven't played the PSP version, but supposedly it's bad too.

Not quite sure how the PSP version is bad. Seem ok to me other than the load times.

Mad Mage

Neo Member
Esura, you are welcome to like whatever version you like. But people have explained why they feel the PSP version is inferior. They've explained it over six pages of posts. At this point, you are kind of trolling by repeating your opinion without adding anything new.


I want to love this game. I love the visuals (iOS version), I love the characters, I love the characters and how they always have something to say to NPCs. On the surface it reminds me a little of Chrono Trigger.

But those slow battles... ugh. They are too slow, and not very engaging. Also hate little things like the UI and limiting your inventory space. I'm also playing FFV, and while that game doesn't touch Lunar in characters, story and graphics, it's much more fun to play.


Esura, you are welcome to like whatever version you like. But people have explained why they feel the PSP version is inferior. They've explained it over six pages of posts. At this point, you are kind of trolling by repeating your opinion without adding anything new.

Huh? I posted in this thread before?

EDIT: Ohhh, this an old thread. I forgot I posted in here. It's a bit much to accuse me of trolling though...
Sorry for bringing this thread up after so long, but has there been any more news on the PS1 classics becoming available on PSN? I was going to buy the PSP version, but after reading this thread, decided against it...


Oh, I'm by no means saying "Mr. Playstation" didn't have a great story to tell, he DID, but some of the things I liked about "Mr. SEGA CD's" tale were lost in the telling. An amalgam of both would be great.

this about sums it up for me, as well as reminding me of my love for vic~

man i wish i still had that Lunar 1 (Sega CD) guide i lost in the day, it had great extras & interviews and the like, prolly a small fortune now

Some Nobody

Junior Member
Sorry for bringing this thread up after so long, but has there been any more news on the PS1 classics becoming available on PSN? I was going to buy the PSP version, but after reading this thread, decided against it...

I'm pretty sure there hasn't, because I would actually re-buy Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete for the PS1. That game is my favorite RPG and video game of all time, and it sucks that they never did more with that universe.

Also, since the second I saw this thread, the opening theme has been playing in my head. In your dreams, magical thoughts...all things are real, unless you dream they're not... Nngh. I'd kill for a genuine remake of that for PS4.


Any news on a release of Eternal Blue? I played through the iOS version again this year. Such a fantastic series. I need to play Eternal Blue again.


Here is my arguement while voices can make a huge difference. I know the lyrical songs can be preference, but I'd like to submit my proof here:


Lunar: The Silver Star Harmoney


Lunar: The Silver Star Story Complete

Even as a grown man I'll still tear up to the Playstation version. I don't know why they took out the sad piano composition in the background of the new one either. Luna was so perfect in the old one as such a sweet innocent voice that the new one lacked. Just from these clips you can see the older one had more heart to it.

The PSX's version of Lunar has HEART! The PSP version has some strange voice acting now that I listen to it again... Maybe I should try the japanese version just for a change next time I play this game again.
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