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Oh Shit, There May Be a New Shadow Warrior


I hope the setting is more consistent, though. The game starts off really well and then goes to boring industrial settings for half of the game.

Yea, I think the middle part of the game that takes place in that dock/tanker industrial area was boring as hell and kinda ugly. Loved the japanese town/garden setting in the beginning. More of that! I think the game dragged on a bit too. Damn fine game though and fun to play.


Meh. The remake was okay. The gunplay and level design were too mediocre but the sword play was great. I'd like to see a new one with better level design (no more arena-based levels please) and even better sword play.
Day one purchase on PC again for me. I absolutely loved their version of Shadow Warrior and can't wait for more.

Huge respect to these guys for seeing a viable IP and rolling with it. My only wish in this world is to one day see Duke Nukem get the SW treatment with a proper successor to Duke 3d.

Please Wild Flying Hog, get the rights to Duke Nukem and do it justice as I know you would :D


I liked the new Shadow Warrior for what it was. But I still dearly miss the level design and overall feel of the old one, and that's just not the kind of game Flying Wild Hog makes.


Neo Member
Oh my god, i hope Flying Wild Hog is the dev again, the remake was so damn fun.
On that note im still hoping for a Hard Reset sequel.

nel e nel

Meh. The remake was okay. The gunplay and level design were too mediocre but the sword play was great. I'd like to see a new one with better level design (no more arena-based levels please) and even better sword play.

Yeah, I was a bit underwhelmed by the remake as well. Got it on that Flash Sale a while back based on how much praise it was getting, and while fun, I just had very mixed feelings about it.

The humor was pretty bad, and borderline racist. The swordplay and gunplay were fun, as were the upgrade mechanics, but the enemy encounters were all laid out before you even got to the first boss. It became so predictable where a fight would happen, and then the fights got to be so formulaic it just wasn't interesting anymore about halfway through.

The story was interesting, and that kept me going, even if it fell back on a lot of fantasy/old god tropes.


MMMore Wang please!



The remake was fantastic. Anyone who doesn't have it should wait for the Steam summer sale where it's bound to be dirt cheap. Worth every penny(I can see it being $5 during the sale)
Same here. Swordplay and magic with some depth, humor, hidden areas to find, collectibles, f'ed up gore, enemy hordes, etc.
I loved it.

Some of the backgrounds were really gorgeous as well. I didn't expect to be soaking up the ambiance in a moonlit bamboo forest or cherry blossom filled garden.
hope its half as long as the last one!

And they stay away from boring old industrial areas!

And maybe make shooting things enjoyable!


Kinda hyped. The swordplay in the first one was pretty great, but the ranged weapons were all fairly meh. The game was really funny though, some of those lines cracked me up.

I really hope they make bosses that are more interesting too. They had way too much health (especially on higher difficulties) and so got pretty boring.


Played SW 2013 last month and enjoyed it quite a bit. I'd love to see a follow-up.

Otherwise, I wouldn't mind seeing those devs tackle a Hexen/Heretic game (or spiritual successor).


Fingers crossed they drop the shitty RPG/skill system, cut the game length by a few chapters, and remove those daft bosses.


I loved the first one. I hope the new one has less big bosses and more things to slice. I could use more human enemies.
I was never able to finish the first one because I got bored with it midway through. I actually thought the game was way too long. But the missions that I did play, I thoroughly enjoyed.

Here's hoping the sequel (assuming it's coming) makes the gunplay better and actually is a shorter game.


Unconfirmed Member
Can't believe folk are complaining about the length of Wang. Loved it, couldn't get enough of it and need more Wang in my life.


Junior Member
Do I need to give it another chance?

A while ago I bought and played through the original Shadow Warrior and liked it a lot, then tried the demo for the new Shadow Warrior and it wasn't what I expected at all. It didn't feel very similar to old Shadow Warrior (I got the impression it was supposed to be a throwback to older first person shooters) but instead felt more like Devil May Cry in first person. I guess what I really want would basically be Wolfenstein The New Order but with a sword.
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