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Lttp: Styx: Master of Shadows (PSN Plus July free game)



TLDR at bottom

So with Styx landing on PSN Plus a few days ago I went looking around Gaf to see if it was worth my time and if anybody had said much about it. Sadly post launch it seemed mostly forgotten by gamers and Gaf. Having just finished it's 20 hour or so campaign I figured I would offer up my opinion and observations on why it's a flawed but worthwhile title to enjoy.

First off this game is stealth, and stealth only (mostly). What little combat that exists is stacked against the player semingly intentionally by the developer, and is only a last resort as it often leads to death, or at best wastes a large amount of very valuable resources resulting in major difficulty for the rest of the section. It's worth pointing out that these sections often last lasts up to 3 hours across the 7 included in the campaign. So combat it a serious no-no.


The good:
By the end I enjoyed the game quite a bit and beat it in 3 sessions of about 7 hours apiece. The main highlights included wonderful level design, including never less than 2 ways to move through any area of each subsection (4 per chapter). Also often you will only visit less than 1/4-1/2 of the actual rooms, making the game lend itself to significant replayability. This title also includes lots of vertical movement and strategy as well.

As for goals, there are usually 2-3 secondary missions per subsection which allow you to earn more skill points useful for things like increased carrying capacity or sneak attack moves such as aerial stealth kills.

The story and world are decent as well. You play as goblin anti-hero the titular Styx ( at least until the twist halfway through) in cool and fairly varied environments. It's not terribly original, but it is immersive.


The so-so:
The controls are difficult to perfect leading to a lot of seemingly cheap deaths until, at least for me, nearly halfway through the game when I nailed them. So they aren't broken, just very touchy and demanding more precision than most games. It doesn't help that you're thrown into the action quite quickly and with little time to experiment.

Also checkpoints are usually 30 minutes or so apart, which until I realized that you can save at any time drove me insane. I didn't even think to look, since so many console titles don't offer that feature. Clearly the developers realized this essential need and included the ability to save manually to avoid flying controllers after losing tons of progress. I it dozens of times per section and after nearly every especially tough encounter or area. This addition literally saved the game from a rage quit more times than I can count.

All the skills on the skilltree are quite useful with the exception of the cloning skill, which is clearly a gimmick and rarely useful despite the developers making it sound great during the load screen tips. (disputed by a user below)


The bad:
On PS4 the load times are brutal. Expect to spend a good amount of time staring at them while you master the controls. I'm talking more than 30 seconds after each death. For me I suspect I died 100-150 times over the course of my 20 hours so do the math. If you have the game on PC or are willing to buy it there this issue is totally removed since it loads very quickly. I really wish they had been able to get the times down to 15 seconds or less since the many deaths combined with the wait can raise blood pressure.

Also an issue is the uneven difficulty. While the game is hard all the way through, I found it peaked at about the 2/3rds mark before I began to accrue enough skillpoints and perfect the controls so that I wasn't wondering if I even had the skill to finish a chapter with my dwindling supplies.

In the end I really enjoyed my time with Styx. It pushed me hard and felt really rewarding. It's also the kind of game you rarely see these days and is decidedly a well made mid-budget title.

I'd be happy to answer any questions you might have about it and my experience.


Styx is a pure stealth experience with great maps, a fun world and story, tons of ways/paths to get to each goal, and enough challenge to feel highly rewarding over it's roughly 20 hour length

It's a game where you will die a lot, but with the ability to save whenever you want this doesn't make you want to break your controller. Sadly load times on PS4 are long and you will spend quite a bit of time looking at them.

The controls are hard to master and the game gives you little time to get used to them before throwing you into the heat of things, but they are not broken even if early on you might not be used to how precise you need to be to get the desired result.

As a whole this is the rare stealth game that punishes you for combat, and rewards you for careful diligence. Well worth the time to any gamer who is willing to put in the effort to master it and reap the rewards of beating each room or obsticle


Yep, it's a fantastic game that's sadly overlooked due to some annoyances and that it's actually stealth unlike today's "stealth" games.

Always get a Thief 2 vibe when I play it.


More Stealth than Metal Gear Solid.

I need to play this soon. Bad loading on a digital title sounds bad though!

Not to suggest it's better than MGS, however it is far far more stealth oriented than MGS. Metal Gear at least makes combat somewhat effective whereas Styx punishes you pretty mercilessly for getting spotted.

Bored me to tears in the opening level.

It didn't click for me at first either, but I'm curious if anything specifically bothered you?

Yep, it's a fantastic game that's sadly overlooked due to some annoyances and that it's actually stealth unlike today's "stealth" games.

Always get a Thief 2 vibe when I play it.

Agreed on the Thief 2 vibe. Its far closer to old Thief than the shitty new one.


Almost bought this game on steam a few times. Was happy to see it on the PS+ list of free games for the month. =D


Haven't even looked at this game, been to busy with Rocket League. Might give it a try later though since I have been looking for a stealth game.
It probably will get forgotten this month with Rocket League getting the PS+ attention but I've played a few hours and I'm surprised by how good it is. It's not amazing and can be a bit frustrating but the level design is strong enough to keep me interested. The story and voice acting is hot garbage though.


Even though it has its flaws, it's still a great game for sure. It didn't click with me until I played in max difficulty.

All the skills on the skilltree are quite useful with the exception of the cloning skill which is clearly a gimmick and rarely useful despite the developers making it sound great during the load screen tips.

While cloning looks useless at first, and most of the time you can proceed without using it, it is actually really usefull. You just have to experiment with it.


I have thoroughly enjoyed the few hours I put into it so far. I've forgotten just how much I enjoy a solid stealth game.


I had never heard of it until it launched on PS+. I've only played it for an hour or so but I've really enjoyed what I've played so far.


Feels like a PS2 era game with all the limitations and design elements, looks like a PS3 game but yet somehow it's on PS4 and with abysmal load times as well.
It seems like the developer's first ever game but it's also quite fun.


Gold Member
Something about this and Of Orcs and Men didn't sit with me. It somewhat came out of left field. It's like a book that tries so hard to fit in, but still feels misplaced.


I don't like stealth games but I do appreciate the level design in this one. I made it to third or 4th section of the first chapter. The game got very large and there was tons of enemies. My dislike for stealth quickly turned to frustration and I couldn't do it anymore. I did have fun up til that part though.

I do like stealth games that let me get away easily if caught, or allow me to fight it out (like Dishonored, in both aspects).

But Styx is definitely a true stealth game and it will definitely surprise a lot of people.


If you have any interest in Stealth games, definitely worth a try.

It's no Thief 1 / 2, it has a ton of flaws, yet it's still one of the best (If not the best) stealth games in a long, long time. My experience might have been slightly better having played on PC, it strikes me as the kind of game that controls better on M/KB and you don't have the same technical issues (Long load, better graphics etc) as consoles, but hey if it's free and you like Stealth, you absolutely should play it.


Almost bought this game on steam a few times. Was happy to see it on the PS+ list of free games for the month. =D
Same here. Can't wait to try it; I'm a sucker for stealth.

Even if I don't like it, it won't disappoint as much as the new Thief did :(
I went in with very little expectations and was blown away. The graphics and art are quite nice, and Styx's voice acting has been superb. The story is also surprisingly serviceably delivered. Controls work as intended, even though it is clearly no high budget game.

I did get frustrated with the checkpoint spacing, but I have just started and hadn't checked if I could save anywhere. There are tons of rooms to explore, and that leads to plenty of deaths. Loading times are the only thing holding the game back for me.

I'm really, really happy with this PS+ addition.

EDIT: I went through the tutorial part and have conquered the first big area. Still at the beginning, but loving it nonetheless.


It probably will get forgotten this month with Rocket League getting the PS+ attention but I've played a few hours and I'm surprised by how good it is. It's not amazing and can be a bit frustrating but the level design is strong enough to keep me interested. The story and voice acting is hot garbage though.

I thought the story was tolerable, mostly thanks to the cool world it happens in. But yeah the voice acting is pretty crap.

Haven't even looked at this game, been to busy with Rocket League. Might give it a try later though since I have been looking for a stealth game.

Yeah I think that will likely be the case. It couldn't be more opposite of a game too. Rocket League is very pick-up and play friendly, and Styx... isn't.

Feels like a PS2 era game with all the limitations and design elements, looks like a PS3 game but yet somehow it's on PS4 and with abysmal load times as well.
It seems like the developer's first ever game but it's also quite fun.

I sort of agree on the dated feel. But in a good way. That said I the massive level size with zero loading between rooms feels very modern. It does look like a PS3 game though.

Funny enough it's actually a sequel to Of Orcs and Men. Though that game was an RPG it did feature Styx. I never played it since it simply refuses to work on either of my 2 PCs.

It's not a great game, but I'll take any decent stealth game these days.

Totally agree it isn't great. But it's quite good if you are into this pretty niche genre. And like you pointed out there just aren't many of them made these days. If I had to put my faux reviewer cap on I'd give it a 7-8. Though I will admit despite not loving it I think I finished it faster than any other game I played in the last year of similar length.

If you have any interest in Stealth games, definitely worth a try.

It's no Thief 1 / 2, it has a ton of flaws, yet it's still one of the best (If not the best) stealth games in a long, long time. My experience might have been slightly better having played on PC, it strikes me as the kind of game that controls better on M/KB and you don't have the same technical issues (Long load, better graphics etc) as consoles, but hey if it's free and you like Stealth, you absolutely should play it.

Agreed. Pure stealth games are a dying (dead?) breed these days. I think this is the highest budget and best game we can expect these days.

And had I known I would enjoy it I would have played on PC. The loading on PS4 and likely Xbox dropped my enjoyment more than a bit. That said free is a pretty nice incentive!

I went in with very little expectations and was blown away. The graphics and art are quite nice, and Styx's voice acting has been superb. The story is also surprisingly serviceably delivered. Controls work as intended, even though it is clearly no high budget game.

I did get frustrated with the checkpoint spacing, but I have just started and hadn't checked if I could save anywhere. There are tons of rooms to explore, and that leads to plenty of deaths. Loading times are the only thing holding the game back for me.

I'm really, really happy with this PS+ addition.

EDIT: I went through the tutorial part and have conquered the first big area. Still at the beginning, but loving it nonetheless.

You can manually save from by pushing option (on PS4) and you would be insane not to utilize that feature after the first few zones. It changes the game from frustrating hell to challenging enjoyment.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I like the mechanics a lot, but the level design was kind of a letdown. The Archive in particular is where it lost me, just waaaaay too linear and too "gamey"
I've waxed lyrical over this game in a previous stealth games thread. I picked it up initially on PS4 ages ago. I had pretty much the same experience as OP. I really enjoyed it though, but man, those load times were frustrating!

I then also picked it up on Steam and replayed it and enjoyed it at least 45 times more! (Roughly how much faster the load times are on PC).

People have a go at its controls but I think they are fine. Once you get into the right mindset it's possibly one of the smoother, better stealth experiences out there. Highly recommended.

On PSN, at $0, yes, absolutely recommended. Try to deal with the load times - the experience beyond them is good enough.
If you like it though, get it on Steam and have the superior experience.

Great game. Underrated!


I like the mechanics a lot, but the level design was kind of a letdown. The Archive in particular is where it lost me, just waaaaay too linear and too "gamey"

I didn't get the linear thing. But to be honest with a few genre exceptions I tend to be into more linear games. It's certainly more linear than an open world game. But it doesn't pretend to be one.

But I agree the levels are unrealistic and thus "gamey". That said, I do think the fact that the city(?) is built on a massive sky high tree kind of excuses it being fantastical. However you're right that unlike an MGS or certain more grounded games it does require you to buy into the concept of society built in the clouds on the back of a huge life-giving plant. I guess the measure of if you can buy that is if the world seems compelling enough.

I've waxed lyrical over this game in a previous stealth games thread. I picked it up initially on PS4 ages ago. I had pretty much the same experience as OP. I really enjoyed it though, but man, those load times were frustrating!

I then also picked it up on Steam and replayed it and enjoyed it at least 45 times more! (Roughly how much faster the load times are on PC).

People have a go at its controls but I think they are fine. Once you get into the right mindset it's possibly one of the smoother, better stealth experiences out there. Highly recommended.

On PSN, at $0, yes, absolutely recommended. Try to deal with the load times - the experience beyond them is good enough.
If you like it though, get it on Steam and have the superior experience.

Great game. Underrated!

I plan on grabbing it again on Steam for the load times alone. That said I do want to castigate the dev for not doing better testing on Of Orcs and Men, and not patching it to work on AMD CPU/GPU combo machines. I actually went into this game with some anger at Cyanide Studios for that. It oOaM is literally the only game in my many hundreds of Steam games I was never able to get working on either of my 2 PCs. I did read through potential fixes as well and nothing worked.

But with refunds available I will give Styx PC a chance and if it's similarly troublesome I'll get a refund and again air my disappointment.

Glad PSN put it up otherwise I would have avoided it like the plague based on prior experience with the dev.


Unfortunately I missed the recent Steam sale when it was ~10$ if I remember correctly. I'll wait it out a little bit but as a huge stealth fan I'm fairly interested.
i was playing the game and seeing how things worked, didn't like the voice acting, the graphics or the quick time event style of combat, but i love the stealth genre.

something that stuck out and i didn't really like was when i performed a stealth kill on a guy and the goblin character hopped up and straight up stabbed the dude in the head a bunch of times, it was pretty brutal lol.


I say this every time Styx is brought up:

It is a love letter to Looking Glass' Thief. It's a beautifully designed game and has some of the best and most intricate levels in a video game. Please, if you are uncertain but love stealth games, play Styx.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I didn't get the linear thing. But to be honest with a few genre exceptions I tend to be into more linear games. It's certainly more linear than an open world game. But it doesn't pretend to be one.

But I agree the levels are unrealistic and thus "gamey". That said, I do think the fact that the city(?) is built on a massive sky high tree kind of excuses it being fantastical. However you're right that unlike an MGS or certain more grounded games it does require you to buy into the concept of society built in the clouds on the back of a huge life-giving plant. I guess the measure of if you can buy that is if the world seems compelling enough.

I mean, the problem is that actual environments people live and work in aren't linear. I love the worldbuilding around the giant building in the sky, but I can't buy that anyone would actually design a library like that. Or a lot of the architecture like it's designed. Its strung together in ways that are clearly contrived to present a series of rooms between point A on one side of the map and point B on the other

A lot of modern stealth games do this, which is why I don't play much of a lot of modern stealth games, but for as much as this game gets so very right that part really disappointed me.

I say this every time Styx is brought up:

It is a love letter to Looking Glass' Thief. It's a beautifully designed game and has some of the best and most intricate levels in a video game. Please, if you are uncertain but love stealth games, play Styx.

It is a love letter to Thief, which is why I wish its levels weren't so..."get from one side to the other"

Like, compare this level map to an actual Thief level map:



I mean, the problem is that actual environments people live and work in aren't linear. I love the worldbuilding around the giant building in the sky, but I can't buy that anyone would actually design a library like that. Or a lot of the architecture like it's designed. Its strung together in ways that are clearly contrived to present a series of rooms between point A on one side of the map and point B on the other

Thanks for the response. And you're totally right. It isn't real...at all. That's a reasonable criticism, and totally rings true.

I would argue though, that "real" areas these days simply can't be done in a stealth game. The bar has risen to the point that over the top is a requirement. Now that doesn't mean it's a good thing. I agree that for immersion's sake I would rather a library look like a real library, however that simply isn't conducive to a multipath stealth game in 2015. People demand an aerial, an the ground, and an assault style game as their potential means of "winning". This game tries to do that all. To mixed success. It only nails stealth.

So yes, I totally agree, and I hope you don't find my disagreement to be dismissive; that it is whimsical and unrealistic to me seems necessary as a way to draw in players used to simplified "stealth" stuff like AC. Remember this team is made up of former Ubisoft devs.


Played it months ago and absolutely loved it. The main character is fantastic, the level design is absolutely great and the stealth mechanics are very solid and give tons of different approaches.

A little gem, sadly very underrated.

Edit: By the way, I've found the controls to be excellent (on PC, M+K. Not sure about pads).
Cyanide are working on a sequel, if folks are interested.

Really enjoyed it, and with a few tweaks and polish, Styx 2 should be terrific.


First level - "Ah, shit... more guards. If I hide behind that barrel, it should be okay, though."

/em hides behind barrel. Guards walk past, look down, slaughter me.

From the sounds of things, it won't be for me. A lot of the PS+ titles haven't been all that interesting, to be honest, outside of Rocket League and a handful of others.

I've never been big on stealth, and this sounds like a lengthy and brutal game.

Glad you're enjoying it, though, OP.


I played it for about an hour. The framerate is bad, and the pop-in especially is CRAZY, I've never seen so much of it. On a technical level, it's a mess, and it doesn't look all that great either. But, I did find it hilarious how killing people almost always resulted in heads and limbs getting stuck in something, so I'll probably play it more just because it makes me laugh.

I also thought "Press Cross To Continue" was hilarious, like when have you ever seen that before. I bet you don't even have to press cross, damn liars.


Played through this on PC with a DS4 and really liked it, was in my top 10 for 2014.

I was playing on the highest difficulty so I constantly was reloading my saves, the console load times definitely would've sucked.
I only played the first level a bit (got the dagger, made some noise, got killed), but it seems quite charmless and uninteresting when it comes to characters and locales. But maybe I'll try it again at some point...


Unfortunately I missed the recent Steam sale when it was ~10$ if I remember correctly. I'll wait it out a little bit but as a huge stealth fan I'm fairly interested.

I realize this sounds patronizing, and I'm sure you already realize- but if you have a PS4 and PSN+ it's free this month. That said it certainly seems that the PC version is the best if only for the 5 second vs 40 second load times after (many) deaths.

I say this every time Styx is brought up:

It is a love letter to Looking Glass' Thief. It's a beautifully designed game and has some of the best and most intricate levels in a video game. Please, if you are uncertain but love stealth games, play Styx.

Well put. I think it's especially poignant considering the fact that they clearly were budget limited on this one, simply because pure stealth is dead. I'm hoping the revival of space sims, 8/16-bit, turn-based, and other forgotten genres lends itself to a return of stealth gaming. It seems especially important with the death of Kojima Productions, which was the only house that still made mainstream stealth games. Even if they were less and less so.

If you like the character and the world portrayed in the game, pick up Of Orcs and Men. It's quite fantastic and the soundtrack is amazing.


very different kind of game but I imagine it adds a bit to the setting of this game.

I did. Sadly like I pointed out in my above post, it's the only Steam title I simply couldn't make work on my AMD PC. Either of them (290 or 6870). The devs didn't ever bother making it work, and trust me I tried everything other than a full re-install on both PCs of Windows 7 on one and 8.1 on the other. And yes I read the Steam forums.

That said I would love to try it. However my MacBook is my only non-AMD rig and it also simply won't boot it even in BootCamp.

Perhaps at this pace of AMD fail I'll be forced to go Intel/nVidia on my next build and finally be able to play it.

First level - "Ah, shit... more guards. If I hide behind that barrel, it should be okay, though."

/em hides behind barrel. Guards walk past, look down, slaughter me.


I'm in the same boat as you where I expected the usual stealth mechanics would work in this game. I'd forgotten the difficulty and frustration involved with more realistic and "sticky" stealth games like this. For instance, once you set off a single alarm all the guards in a space pull their swords and sometimes alter their routine permanently until you beat the level. Just that change is enough to cause you to have to rethink your entire plan.
From the sounds of things, it won't be for me. A lot of the PS+ titles haven't been all that interesting, to be honest, outside of Rocket League and a handful of others.

I've never been big on stealth, and this sounds like a lengthy and brutal game.

Glad you're enjoying it, though, OP.

See this is a great response. It's totally cool this isn't your type of game. It is really niche. But thanks for not just drive by posting like a few people above did.

I played it for about an hour. The framerate is bad, and the pop-in especially is CRAZY, I've never seen so much of it. On a technical level, it's a mess, and it doesn't look all that great either. But, I did find it hilarious how killing people almost always resulted in heads and limbs getting stuck in something, so I'll probably play it more just because it makes me laugh.

I also thought "Press Cross To Continue" was hilarious, like when have you ever seen that before. I bet you don't even have to press cross, damn liars.

I didn't have as many crashes as you, though I did have and issue where it didn't load and I had to force quit and it reloaded to the same spot.

But your critisism of the term "cross" for the X button is silly. Even Neogaf can't agree on what its called.

Though I agree it's an "eks".
Unfortunately I missed the recent Steam sale when it was ~10$ if I remember correctly. I'll wait it out a little bit but as a huge stealth fan I'm fairly interested.

I realize this sounds patronizing, and I'm sure you already realize- but if you have a PS4 and PSN+ it's free this month. That said it certainly seems that the PC version is the best if only for the 5 second vs 40 second load times after (many) deaths.

I say this every time Styx is brought up:

It is a love letter to Looking Glass' Thief. It's a beautifully designed game and has some of the best and most intricate levels in a video game. Please, if you are uncertain but love stealth games, play Styx.

Well put. I think it's especially poignant considering the fact that they clearly were budget limited on this one, simply because pure stealth is dead. I'm hoping the revival of space sims, 8/16-bit, turn-based, and other forgotten genres lends itself to a return of stealth gaming. It seems especially important with the death of Kojima Productions, which was the only house that still made mainstream stealth games. Even if they were less and less so.

If you like the character and the world portrayed in the game, pick up Of Orcs and Men. It's quite fantastic and the soundtrack is amazing.


very different kind of game but I imagine it adds a bit to the setting of this game.

I did. Sadly like I pointed out in my above post, it's the only Steam title I simply couldn't make work on my AMD PC. Either of them (290 or 6870). The devs didn't ever bother making it work, and trust me I tried everything other than a full re-install on both PCs of Windows 7 on one and 8.1 on the other. And yes I read the Steam forums.

That said I would love to try it. However my MacBook is my only non-AMD rig and it also simply won't boot it even in BootCamp.

Perhaps at this pace of AMD fail I'll be forced to go Intel/nVidia on my next build and finally be able to play it.

First level - "Ah, shit... more guards. If I hide behind that barrel, it should be okay, though."

/em hides behind barrel. Guards walk past, look down, slaughter me.


I'm in the same boat as you where I expected the usual stealth mechanics would work in this game. I'd forgotten the difficulty and frustration involved with more realistic and "sticky" stealth games like this. For instance, once you set off a single alarm all the guards in a space pull their swords and sometimes alter their routine permanently until you beat the level. Just that change is enough to cause you to have to rethink your entire plan.
From the sounds of things, it won't be for me. A lot of the PS+ titles haven't been all that interesting, to be honest, outside of Rocket League and a handful of others.

I've never been big on stealth, and this sounds like a lengthy and brutal game.

Glad you're enjoying it, though, OP.

See this is a great response. It's totally cool this isn't your type of game. It is really niche. But thanks for not just drive by posting like a few people above did.

I played it for about an hour. The framerate is bad, and the pop-in especially is CRAZY, I've never seen so much of it. On a technical level, it's a mess, and it doesn't look all that great either. But, I did find it hilarious how killing people almost always resulted in heads and limbs getting stuck in something, so I'll probably play it more just because it makes me laugh.

I also thought "Press Cross To Continue" was hilarious, like when have you ever seen that before. I bet you don't even have to press cross, damn liars.

I didn't have as many crashes as you, though I did have and issue where it didn't load and I had to force quit and it reloaded to the same spot.

But your critisism of the term "cross" for the X button is silly. Even Neogaf can't agree on what its called. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=843857

Though I agree it's an "eks"
I also thought "Press Cross To Continue" was hilarious, like when have you ever seen that before. I bet you don't even have to press cross, damn liars.

I thought it was just a little joke?

Anyway, some people are comparing this to Thief (the first one, I think), and you have to remember that it was quite friendly towards the player during the first couple of levels, and told you how to be stealthy and gave you plenty of opportunities to practice. In Styx, the game throws you in the middle of guards who kill you if you make a tiniest mistake.


I didn't have as many crashes as you, though I did have and issue where it didn't load and I had to force quit and it reloaded to the same spot.

But your critisism of the term "cross" for the X button is silly. Even Neogaf can't agree on what its called. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=843857

Though I agree it's an "eks"

I didn't crash at all, it just ran poorly. The cross thing isn't really a criticism, I just thought it was funny.

Honestly, though, my biggest issue is the AI is a little too dumb. Literally walking in front of guards without them noticing me, a guy walking into poison clouds and dying, and then the guard sees this and does the exact same thing. It was pretty funny to see that happen.


Cyanide are working on a sequel, if folks are interested.

Really enjoyed it, and with a few tweaks and polish, Styx 2 should be terrific.

It was a butthair short of being amazing. I really hope they nail it next time.

If I had to make specific recommendations I would suggest a rehaul of the grabbing mechanics, especially falling off a ledge and grabbing it with a button instead of a stupid slow walk, as well as a wider "hit" zone for landing a grab when jumping.

It seems like a small suggestion, but like quicksaves and load times it actually might change the enjoyment of the game with a simple step.

I didn't crash at all, it just ran poorly. The cross thing isn't really a criticism, I just thought it was funny.

Honestly, though, my biggest issue is the AI is a little too dumb. Literally walking in front of guards without them noticing me, a guy walking into poison clouds and dying, and then the guard sees this and does the exact same thing. It was pretty funny to see that happen.

I didn't have that happen to me, but I did have some random AI stupidity so I totally believe it could have. However I didn't find it any stupider, and often less so than normal AA/AAA games. I certainly enjoyed the (dumbness) that verticality often meant the AI didn't notice you at all.


He touched the black heart of a mod
While cloning looks useless at first, and most of the time you can proceed without using it, it is actually really usefull. You just have to experiment with it.

I just started playing through and I definitely agree. It's a very useful tool. The clone can do almost everything that Styx can (except for killing and rolling) which makes it a very useful scout, very advanced lure, and even a sweet decoy to avoid getting killed

Try this: get spotted, find a hiding spot, quickly create a clone, get your clone out into the view of whoever is pursuing you, and either get the clone killed or destroy it yourself. The hostiles should go about their usual business, presuming you dead.

I also once used it to lure a guard to below a chandelier while the real Styx was waiting up top, ready to unfasten the bindings and send it crushing down.

Really cool tool, all things considered. Can whistle and stuff too.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
Game's great. It's literally how Thief would be today if it would have gone back to the roots after Thief 3, imho.

Gotta finish it, bought it a whole while ago and stopped playing when Bloodborne came out. Darnit.


Started to playing it yesterday and so far it's a very solid stealth game (I'm right after the first hideout). I like what I'm playing but one thing bothers me a little and that is performance. I really see no reasons why this is not a locked 60fps game on PS4 nor I understand those ugly white boxes at the corners when you spin the camera. Have they used IDtech5 for this game or what? Because that is usually what I get when playing IDtech5 games like Rage or Wolfenstein on my weak PC. Some optimizing wouldn't have hurt the game imo


Yep this was seriously overlooked on release and much of that blame I place at the feet of gaming media who utterly ignored it, so I wrote one:


I think there's a sequel somewhere in the works and it'll be a day 1 for me, this is a perfect example of gaming middle ground which has suffered in these "big budget or indie" days.
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