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How big is the difference in visuals/performance between PC and PS4/Xbox really?


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
And is it big enough to forgo console gaming this gen (already have a Wii U)?

For those who've played any of today's multiplatform games on PC and consoles, is the difference as noticeable as it was during the later stages of last-gen's games, where PC games were VASTLY preferable for both performance and visual flair?

I just don't know which platform to invest into. I feel like this gen is off to the weirdest start yet where every choice is viable but none overwhelmingly appealing because of the, I dunno, standardization?
If you can afford a PC (since you already have a Wii U) you're covered for most games

But I wouldn't worry about getting a PS4 as it not a huge drop from a decent PC, in fact it's quite a decent alternative, and it's 3rd party support is excellent, so a PS4 + Wii U combo is quite a good one IMO


If you're willing to invest in your PC then yeah the difference will be pretty striking. If exclusives on PS4 or teh Bone don't interest you then yeah, go for a nice PC.
For me, unless I'd prefer a game in a specific frame rate, then it rarely makes all that big a difference. Now if you want 4K, 60fps, then there's that, but you've gotta pay for that.

Personally, the biggest reason why I own my ps4 is because I've got my PC hooked to a tv and prefer to game with a controller, not fun playing against mouse and keyboards by any means.


With a good enough PC, the difference could be huge (i.e. 720p-1080p vs. 4k, ~20-60fps vs.120fps+, ~low-high vs. ultra graphics options). To get all of those up that high will cost you many multiples that of a console.


The slightly better resolution that you only see if you're a total pixelnerd isnt worth upgrading for 300$ every 2 years. Let alone the viruses and Drivers. And you'd be missing out on gamepad control and the comfy couch.

Look up some Digitalfoundry articles if you're unsure, but the difference is rather huge for the most part


Games will always run better and look nicer on PC. However, as a console player, I haven't noticed nearly as many bad frame rates as I did towards the end of last gen. Most games on console so far are incredibly competent


There is not a Crysis for current gen like there was last time around - a game pushing effects or details far outside the reach of consoles. PCs offer way higher IQ if you have the equipment to throw at it, but there's nothing the PCs are doing that the consoles haven't also been able to handle just fine - at lower resolutions, with more aliasing, etc,.


The difference is very noticeable for most games. Games like Alien, Evil Within, GTAV, Witcher 3, MGSV etc. not only run with better performance but also at higher resolutions with much better IQ. The difference is only going to get bigger as each year passes.


First post nails it.

OP, do you have a 4k tv you are going to be gaming on with a titan/980ti? Are you using a 4 year old pc? If you're not going to make a push in to 1440, 120hz, or 4k, are you looking at just doing 1080 on a lower spec machine? PC will always be the place to go for higher frame rates, but if you're aiming for a lower spec system I don't think you'll miss too much sticking to consoles for multi-plats for now, but that will change over time and as you improve your hardware.

Personally I game on a reasonably high end pc (980) but still have the consoles for the exclusives.
It can be fairly noticeable. Price of games is another significant reason to stick with pc. I prefer gaming on the couch, but that is still doable with pc. Personally the only reason to buy a console is for exclusives. I plan on getting a ps4 soon as uncharted will be the tipping point for me.
Depends on the PC.

Depends on the game. But at the very least, better IQ and framerate. Which alones, makes a vast difference.
These. Some games (The Evil Within) were a million times better thanks to performance increases, while some others aren't so drastic but have all kinds of little increases that add up.

My biggest thing with PC gaming is the increase in framerate. That alone makes PC performance above and beyond console versions.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Depends on the PC.

Well, yeah, but it is disturbing to me that my four-year-old i3-2100+6850 is decently competitive with a PS4 and Xbox One. The last graphically intensive game that I played was Alien: Isolation, and I was able to nearly max it out.

However, games like The Witcher 3, Battlefield 4, MGSV, and GTAV have made me reevaluate my next purchase. If I get a new PC, it would only make sense to go all in and get a brand new machine, which would cost double the PS4, but... It might be worth it. I don't know.


I am PC exclusive at the moment and in my opinion the visual difference is not that great sure its there its not really that noticeable in gameplay. Got an nvidia 780 at 1440p.

Framerate fluctuations bother me far more if they are there on either platform.


depends on how you spec your PC and how much you are willing to pay for it. You'll get higher details at higher framerates at 1080p vs PS4 probably.

The thing to consider is the games really. Depending on the types of games you prefer, you may find more of those on PS4/Xbox than PC, because the console exclusives won't come to PC, but the PC games will invariably come to console.


aka IMurRIVAL69
You get prettier versions of games to varying degrees but the real benefit for me at least is framerate.

The thing to consider is the games really. Depending on the types of games you prefer, you may find more of those on PS4/Xbox than PC, because the console exclusives won't come to PC, but the PC games will invariably come to console.

Tell me about the console versions of starcraft 2, xcom 2, civ V, etc. :p


I would say that, as of today, if you're spending in the $800-$1000 range, you're getting a significant benefit on the graphics quality/performance front.

However, if that sounds like way too much money, and you don't care about the other benefits of PC gaming, I'd probably suggest a console instead.


It's a significant difference but since we're so early in this console generation, it isn't that big.

I mostly play on my gaming pc but I still love my ps4.


loaded question, but aside from enthusiasts, there is no difference because whatever differences exist do not affect the enjoyment the vast majority of people get out of the activity. Put another way, the end user experience is the same.

The same reasoning explains why dvds outsell blurays, digital projection has displaced 35mm and 70mm, lcd killed plasma, and mobile gaming>>>any other kind.


Depends on the PC - a decent "enthusiast" PC you're talking a fairly big difference IMHO.

Bottom line some PC gamers are essentially driving Ferrari's and MacLaren's and Xbox is a decent Audi.

Other PC gamers might be playing indie games only with equivalent of a Ford Fiesta.


Depends on the PC, screen you're using, and game.

And yes the difference can be huge.
Yeah, that about sums it up.

I don't feel like most games offer a lot of super high-end extra detail settings but you can obviously get a much sharper and cleaner image quality at higher framerates generally.
If you're willing to invest for stuff like this, it's clearly the superior choice for multiplats. Exclusives are another factor you have to consider for yourself obviously.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
I'm gaming on a R9 280X and the consistent 1080p with vsync on is worth it by itself. I think I actually get graphics slightly better than PS4 as well, and all that with the ability to install mods whenever I want. Worth it imo.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
i3 and 750 ti should've give you better performance and visual for multi-plat.

As mentioned above, my current PC is still going strong with an i3-2100 and 6850.

Here are the specs:


In that case, what can I do to upgrade and maximize my current PC and get some more life out of it? That'd be a preferable alternative for me than to go all-out on a new PC or invest in a PS4 if what you say is true about it being competitive.


If the game is already running at 1080p and 60fps I'd say the difference is probably slight, like MGSV. Otherwise... Framerate makes a huge difference to me.


The main difference for me is the framerate. 30 fps is not enjoyable for my eyes and sadly the trend for 30fps on consoles continues... :(


It's not as noticeable as it was toward the end of Lest gen, as a few studios were really pushing PC well past the almost decade old hardware of the Gen 7 "HD Twins".

Some studios today are still only offering console ports while the ones that currently "optimize" their PC releases are not offering anything quite like the DX9 to DX10/DX11 jump we saw part way through last gen.

Maybe that will happen when DX12 starts getting utilized, but at the moment it feels like PC gaming is still really getting governed by the power limited Gen 8 Consoles.


Before I bought my Alienware Alpha, I saw videos of games running better on it than on PS4, and the Alpha is an entry level gaming PC (and games are usually optimized for consoles). But still, compare what PC offers with what PS4 offers and go with the one you like the most, but are great along with a WiiU.


I don't think the graphical differences are too huge yet. All the more reason to just stick a mid-range GPU in your current PC and call it a day tbh :3

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
The difference is pretty huge when you have a high end pc and pretty significant with a decent one. The IQ especially can be a huge improvement. Since it's the start of a new gen console games are no slouch and everyone is experimenting with what's currently possible with the technology but the difference is pretty huge.


I think it's worth it. The 60FPS+ really puts it over the top. Games like Far Cry, Mordor, Dragon Age all benefit from the framerate bump.

As far as cost, if you can outlay the initial money, with Steam sales and what not, you can really recoup the price premium fairly quickly. If you don't mind being slightly behind, new games can be had for 20-40$ cheaper than at launch soon afterwards. In July, Witcher 3 was as low as 25$. Those savings add up over the course of a generation. I bought a MGS5 key off ebay from the nVidia / Batman debacle for 40$ on launch day.


I've got a 2500k @ 4.4 and a 7970GE, a really modest PC by today's standards and I'm still managing to run a lot of games at dam near max settings @1080p (and if not in only having to drop a few to High or whatever)

I own both next gen consoles and Bloodborne is the only console game I've bought this year. I'll buy Halo later this year but looking back now if I had the chance again I'd probably skip both consoles.
Graphically as in visual effects and such, not so much. There's nothing like Unreal Engine Samaritan demo yet even on PC. However where it's an all different world is resolution and FPS. Next year I'm looking forward to play Overwatch at 144fps on a 144hz monitor for example, which is in a totally different league than games like Destiny in term of precision and temporal awareness.


It depends on the PC and the game.

Some of the most noticeable is framerate and AA. When I played FIFA15 on PC (i5 + 750ti) I can use 1080p + highest. 4x MSAA makes a big difference from the post-process AA used on PS4, especially with temporal aliasing.
Huge. The boost in framerate to 60fps is enough for me to always go PC over console, although I do own a PS4 and Xbone my main platform is PC without a doubt.


Frame rate is almost always better on PC, although anything under 60 usually fluctuates so much you have to find ways to lock it down. I tried to get away from console games but its in my blood. TV and controller all the time.


other than better image quality and frame rates the difference isn't that big.
with dx12 and the upcoming round of video cards were going to start seeing added effects the consoles cant do and the gap will widen.
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