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Assault Android Cactus Contest - (( A Love Ballad to the Bullet Ballet ))


Assault Android Cactus is a bullet hell twin stick shooter which is intentionally evocative of some of the SEGA Dreamcast greats of yesteryear with its vibrant art direction, 60fps glory, and buttery smooth action gameplay. I fell in love with it a while back while it was in Steam Early Access, where it already showed signs of easily becoming one of the best indie games I've played in the last ten years.

This is the type of game where you're desperately trying to stay pixels ahead of the fireballs steaming your way. As swarms of robo enemies breeze past your android, as the floors beneath your feet keep shifting in an intricate dance that forces you to move reminiscent of some graceful ballet and you're rabidly fighting for lost ground as your battery beeps and your salvation is only right beyond that next mob. This is polished, frantic gameplay of the highest order, where eventually you'll begin to slump in your seat, your eyes glossed over, everything around you a series of 0s and 1s like you're some sort of videogame Matrix zen master. In short, it is glorious.

(Here is two gifs, courtesy of the OT and Witchbeam)


Yeah. Yeah.

((((((( CONTEST )))))))

So, now that the game is out and it's even more amazing in its final form (is this even its final form? *cough*), I wanted to share some of that love with some GAFers. Do you miss the Dreamcast days? Do you find bullet hell games cathartic? Do you just love great, pure gameplay? Then maybe this game is for you. And in this topic, you can have a shot at playing this game for free.

I have seven copies to give away. I was going to give away 2, but our very own Paz - who worked feverishly on this game for 3 years - contributed 5 to the mix. So thank you Paz, and thank you Witchbeam for making such an incredible product.

On to the rules...

((((((( RULES )))))))


(Thanks Shaneus)

Imagine you're tasked with creating a new android to combat a legion of robot villains who are mad set on destroying neoGAF. Knowing that this is a problem for all mankind, you agree to work on the latest model of android with the specific intent of saving this forum for the future of mankind (or android-kind?).

So, in this topic, create an android for this purpose that would simultaneously fit into this game and fight the specific challenges of a forum killing robot army.

Submission Example:

<<Optional Picture.png>>

Strengths - He can create over 1000 posts per day.
Weaknesses - But he has a 73.4% probability of being banned before the end of the first month.
Main Weapon - Able to utilize a troll gun which can derail any topic in under five minutes.
Special Weapon - Able to call upon DetectiveGAF once per week to eviscerate foes.

Copy this format, and then enter your own ideas. Simple and maybe mildly engaging, who knows! The optional picture would be your artists impression of your android. You don't have to make one, but naturally it does make your submission more eye catching.

((((((( BEGIN )))))))

Contest begins now, and will end Saturday, October 3rd at 12:00PM(EST). Winners will be selected at that time, and PMs will be sent after which I will announce the winners in the topic. Have fun, this game is a fucking blast.


I love creative giveaways. Nice going



Strengths - takes half damage per bullet
Weaknesses - stays down twice as long on KO
Main Weapon - Boomerang bananas. out then in. Maximizing level increases speed and size and damage
Special Weapon - activating the Secondary either puts you into a 3-4 second high powered spinning attack that decimates all around you, perfect for punching through through spots,


A Big Barrel of Fun: 2 charges, large blast radius for explosion. nukes field of weaker bots, and greatly weakens larger ones to at least 40%


This entry Does not count, i merely wanted to make this.

*EDIT* put secondary ideas in


Thanks for the contest, the game looks pretty sweet, tried the demo long time ago and liked it a lot.

Android, the xbot one:

Strengths - Secret Special Sauce, has another computing cluster on the power source.
Weaknesses - Too big for close quarters combat.
Main Weapon - 1 billion dollars in megatons.
Special Weapon - Connects to the cloud and calls for backup.

Picture I grabbed from the internet:



Strengths - Sniper, snipe enemies and all giveaways
Weaknesses - Weak to other snipers
Main Weapon - Sniper gun, a sniper best friend
Special Weapon - Snipe other snipers.

777 - JackBot

Strengths - Very agile. Able to dodge attacks with ease. (post backfires)
Weaknesses - He has terrible HP/Armor. (No insults pls)
Main Weapon - Jackpot sword: Every seventh attack by JackBot can result in a one hit kill
Special Weapon - GAF Memes: Can churn out GAF memes like no tomorrow resulting in hysteria. Cool down of 7 hours, 7 minutes and 7 seconds.


Thanks for the contest! :)

EDIT: Damn it Io, I wanted post #7 ;_;


777 - JackBot

Strengths - Very agile. Able to dodge attacks with ease. (post backfires)
Weaknesses - He has terrible HP/Armor. (No insults pls)
Main Weapon - Jackpot sword: Every seventh attack by JackBot can result in a one hit kill
Special Weapon - GAF Memes: Can churn out GAF memes like no tomorrow resulting in hysteria. Cool down of 7 hours, 7 minutes and 7 seconds.


Thanks for the contest! :)

EDIT: Damn it Io, I wanted post #7 ;_;




relies on auto-aim
Game can look interesting based on the chaos, but under that is an extremely tight tactical high scoring game. Don't let it put you off, it's fantastic in many ways.



Strengths- Breaking the hearts of gamers
Weaknesses - AAA games
Main Weapon - Pachinko machine guns
Special Weapon- Leaked Silent Hills info


irresponsible vagina leak

Strength - High Level Flamebait
Weakness - Constantly Banned
Main Weapon - Salt
Special Weapon - Account Annihilation



Strength - Shameless
Weakness - Steam Keys
Main Weapon - Asking for free Steam Keys
Special Weapon - "nice thread btw =)"


Ray Spiegel Mk. B1G-0

Strengths - Interchangible [Can edit itself, posts and enemies at lighting speeds.]
Weaknesses - Hot Blooded [Must shout out when introducing itself and attacking every time, drawing attention and aggro to itself.]
Main Weapon - SHOWTIME! [Unleashes megatons and drops bombs.]
Special Weapon - Sturm und Drang [Invokes the almighty hammers of justice crush the wicked during ban storm, must cooldown for a period of 48hrs due to maintenance from the stress generated on it's servers.]



Android name: Kawaii-uguu~

Strength - Cute anime avatars.
Weakness - Short-circuits when trying to read/write about non-indie, western, cinematic, AAA games.
Main Weapon - Niche Japanese Games: Shoots PlayStation Vitas full of games with cute female anime faces to play on.
Special Weapon - Oppai no Sekai: Wraps your world in happy boobs.

Thanks for doing this, it's fun reading the entries!


Strengths - Armor impervious to bullshots
Weaknesses - Getting into logic bomb loops due to loving and hating everything at the same time
Main Weapon - "First Post" nail gun, instantly closing any thread with a witty and truthful remark
Special Weapon - "Carnival of Stupid" maneuver, killing everyone including itself

I'm liking what I've seen of this game, congrats to Paz and everyone at Witch Beam, hope it sells really well.

EDIT: Here's the sloppy, mouse drawn pic. Tried to make the hair kinda look like GAF's logo, I dunno.



Strengths - Inside knowledge makes him a terrific weapon. Also, his buttocks are made of Adamantium.
Weaknesses - 65.77889% probability of being drunk/ and or angry posting and losing logical thinking capabilities
Main Weapon - Sends the forum in a frenzy anytime he posts anywhere
Special Weapon - Borderline incomprehensible coded language, which only adds to the sense of reading something TRULY special


bish gets all the credit :)


Strengths - He can lie through his teeth, claiming 30fps has the feel of 60fps. He does it all with a smile.
Weaknesses - He has a great chance of being banned on gaf, but is free to spout his nonsense to his loyal drones on Twitter.
Main Weapon - Master of the retweet.
Special Weapon - Utilizes his fast reflexes to dodge questions, second in skill only to those participating in Presidential debates.




Strengths - Armor impervious to bullshots
Weaknesses - Getting into logic bomb loops due to loving and hating everything at the same time
Main Weapon - "First Post" nail gun, instantly closing any thread with a witty and truthful remark
Special Weapon - "Carnival of Stupid" maneuver, killing everyone including itself

I'm liking what I've seen of this game, congrats to Paz and everyone at Witch Beam, hope it sells really well.

EDIT: Here's the sloppy, mouse drawn pic. Tried to make the hair kinda look like GAF's logo, I dunno.


Good luck everyone, :)


Unconfirmed Member


Strengths - Ability to dish out sick burns while closing threads, and its passing resemblance to a certain mod.
Weaknesses - Must interact with human overlords... for now.
Main Weapon - closing threads, creating giveaways for stupid humans with their addiction to bundles
Special Weapon - Budding sentience, being the harbinger of SkyNet
Lurk-Bot 3000

Strengths - Expert at reading posts
Weaknesses - Junior Member
Main Weapon - PostGun: Instantly makes 5 posts to enter in "no lurkers" giveaways
Special Weapon - Unknown Helmet: Makes the wearer invisible


can i get an opinion on mine? might make a decent 10th character if i do say so myself :D

I think the boomerang effect would be pretty rad! very unique and occupies a space not in the game which is the main criteria. Gotta be careful about having too much defensive vs offensive capabilities on the secondary though, the game is all about dps efficiency.


I think the boomerang effect would be pretty rad! very unique and occupies a space not in the game which is the main criteria. Gotta be careful about having too much defensive vs offensive capabilities on the secondary though, the game is all about dps efficiency.

ok, the change is simple. activating the Secondary either puts you into a 3-4 second high powered spinning attack that decimates all around you, perfect for punching through through spots,


A Big Barrel of Fun: 2 charges, large blast radius for explosion



Strengths - Ability to post a reply within 30sec, 24/7 - 365.
Weaknesses - Unable to process differing opinions.
Main Weapon - Nostalgia glasses. Beam type, cone of effect - hold for dmg.
Rose tint, of course.
Special Weapon - NeoBomba - screen clearing goodness.

Thanks a ton OP and Paz for the chance - have been meaning to pick up the game for ages
I'll try (it's past 1AM here, please don't expect the good kind of creativity out of me =X)


His name is Funkybot

Strengths - His hair is a ghost, so it clips through everything.
Weaknesses - That's his sole defining feature (and he can't touch his hair either).
Main Weapon - Strapping things on his head that he can use as weapons. His hair conceals it all.
Special Weapon - Does a dance that moves only his body and not his head, so when enemies try to shoot him they'll aim for the hair and miss him completely.

*OC character do not steal*

Also, this game looks really cool! it's been a while since my last twin stick shooter, and this looks really good.

I'll probably be buying it even if I don't win =P

Also thanks for the giveaway!


I'll try (it's past 1AM here, please don't expect the good kind of creativity out of me =X)


His name is Funkybot

Strengths - His hair is a ghost, so it clips through everything.
Weaknesses - That's his sole defining feature (and he can't touch his hair either).
Main Weapon - Strapping things on his head that he can use as weapons. His hair conceals it all.
Special Weapon - Does a dance that moves only his body and not his head, so when enemies try to shoot him they'll aim for the hair and miss him completely.

*OC character do not steal*

Also, this game looks really cool! it's been a while since my last twin stick shooter, and this looks really good.

I'll probably be buying it even if I don't win =P

Also thanks for the giveaway!

This photoshop job is amazing :) I should play some Cactus with the JSR/JSRF soundtracks playing.

It's cool to see peoples jokes and also more serious weapon ideas too, if we ever add more characters there's a lot of inspirations to draw on out there :D



Strengths: Strong Defense
Weaknesses: Low Fire Rate
Main Weapon: The Hype Train - A powerful three-burst assault rifle; Rumor has it that nothing can stop it.
Special Weapon: The Ban Hammer - A one-hit kill warhammer that releases a powerful electromagnetic energy pulse when struck, causing splash damage. The face of the hammer is emblazoned with a logo from an ancient 21st century society.

I went with a cheeky name and did a quick sketch. I wasn't near my scanner so I took a picture of it.



Strengths: Strong Defense
Weaknesses: Low Fire Rate
Main Weapon: The Hype Train - A powerful three-burst assault rifle; Rumor has it that nothing can stop it.
Special Weapon: The Ban Hammer - A one-hit kill warhammer that releases a powerful electromagnetic energy pulse when struck, causing splash damage. The face of the hammer is emblazoned with a logo from an ancient 21st century society.

I went with a cheeky name and did a quick sketch. I wasn't near my scanner so I took a picture of it.

i'm looking at the picture and...


i see it.

i don't know how or why, but i see it



Strengths - Is semi-invulnerable from the front due to ability to grab anything.
Weaknesses - No offensive capabilities on her own.
Main Weapon - Can grab any enemy or projectile and throw them back.
Special Weapon - Can shake what is grabbed for extra size, damage, and the ability to pass through multiple enemies.

I couldn't help but be reminded of Marina when I saw the androids in this game.

There are no facts, only interpretations!

Deny it all you want, I still believe!

Probably. No official date for the console ports, and I doubt a giveaway that ends in less than a week is for anything but PC.



Strength - Is totally chill and easy going. Lulling foes into a false sense of security.
Weakness - Often forgets what his objective is, sidetracked easily, meme pictures are like kryptonite
Main Weapon - Shoots THC-laced darts at his foes to make them docile, then eats snacks with them.
Special Weapon - Can surround himself in smoke to disappear to a new location without ever saying goodbye.

edit: I guess if he is fighting other robots it would be a computerized version of THC but you get the idea, got a little sidetracked there lol



Strengths - Is semi-invulnerable from the front due to ability to grab anything.
Weaknesses - No offensive capabilities on her own.
Main Weapon - Can grab any enemy or projectile and throw them back.
Special Weapon - Can shake what is grabbed for extra size, damage, and the ability to pass through multiple enemies.

I couldn't help but be reminded of Marina when I saw the androids in this game.

"Shake Shake!"


So I'm probably exempt since I know one of the designers (hi Tim, I'm sure you're lurking here!), and also I own it already, but STILL, I wanted to enter.


Rosie is outfitted with arms from a heavy duty frame. Normally used for transport of large crates and throwing aliens out of air hatches, she has instead opted to use them as a means to wield a very large ball and chain in lieu of guns. Guns with bullets, I mean, she clearly has guns in the other sense of the word!

Strengths - literally very strong. Can take a fair amount of punishment.
Weaknesses - slooooow.
Main Weapon - ball and chain. Swings in an arc around the character, dealing large damage and deflecting projectiles.
Special Weapon - call and chain tackle. Same weapon, but held infront of her with both hands. In this limited mode she can actually move quite fast, and damages anything she boosts through, but is vulnerable from behind.

(As an aside, ugh, I hate how the arms turned out. But what can you do, limited time and all that).

Oh, and as a joke, here's fanart I did for the game back when it launched on Early Access (or was it before then? I dunno, it was 2013).

Assault Android Cactaur

Strengths - nostalgia
Weaknesses - inability to actually move limbs
Attack - 1,000 needles
Super Attack 10,000 needles.


Oh, and as a joke, here's fanart I did for the game back when it launched on Early Access (or was it before then? I dunno, it was 2013).

Assault Android Cactaur

Strengths - nostalgia
Weaknesses - inability to actually move limbs
Attack - 1,000 needles
Super Attack 10,000 needles.



So I'm probably exempt since I know one of the designers (hi Tim, I'm sure you're lurking here!), and also I own it already, but STILL, I wanted to enter.


Rosie is outfitted with arms from a heavy duty frame. Normally used for transport of large crates and throwing aliens out of air hatches, she has instead opted to use them as a means to wield a very large ball and chain in lieu of guns. Guns with bullets, I mean, she clearly has guns in the other sense of the word!

Strengths - literally very strong. Can take a fair amount of punishment.
Weaknesses - slooooow.
Main Weapon - ball and chain. Swings in an arc around the character, dealing large damage and deflecting projectiles.
Special Weapon - call and chain tackle. Same weapon, but held infront of her with both hands. In this limited mode she can actually move quite fast, and damages anything she boosts through, but is vulnerable from behind.
No shit, you totally win. You even stuck to the naming convention of the androids in the game!

I can picture potential future androids called Jasmine (or Jaz?), Daisy (could even reference the song from 2001)... I'll think of some others.
Bish's BotBuster3000


After thousands of workman hours by junior members and millions of kickstarter campaigns, this devastating hypernuclear secret weapon is finally here.
Featuring the shiny brand new and updated AND remastered BotBuster 3000, this armor is exclusively designed to take on the epidemic malicious botnet takeover on planet Neogaf, in the ultimate final fight for the universe.

Strengths - BANishing robots from existence. Provoking an identity crisis.
Weaknesses - Fools
Main Weapon - The Mega Banhammer. Powered by Thor's thunder and the tears of rabid fanboys, this hammer emits massive electric shockwaves upon impact, eradicating everything in it's path.
Special Weapon - The Stare. Once gazed upon, The Stare sends any being to the 9th dimension, where they inevitably get feasted on by banished zombie trolls and goblins.


Bish's BotBuster3000


After thousands of workman hours by junior members and millions of kickstarter campaigns, this devastating hypernuclear secret weapon is finally here.
Featuring the shiny brand new and updated AND remastered BotBuster 3000, this armor is exclusively designed to take on the epidemic malicious botnet takeover on planet Neogaf, in the ultimate final fight for the universe.

Strengths - BANishing robots from existence. Provoking an identity crisis.
Weaknesses - Fools
Main Weapon - The Mega Banhammer. Powered by Thor's thunder and the tears of rabid fanboys, this hammer emits massive electric shockwaves upon impact, eradicating everything in it's path.
Special Weapon - The Stare. Once gazed upon, The Stare sends any being to the 9th dimension, where they inevitably get feasted on by banished zombie trolls and goblins.

OMG laughed so hard at the image I scared my cats.

Edited my entry with an image. Though the PS Vita on her hand is too small to show it, but I grabbed the image from John McCarrol's funny tweet.


'enry 'ollins

Strengths - Able to weave through shitposts frozen in time and ban with swift justice.
Weaknesses - lying dow with Trinity while his sister can hear everything.
Main Weapon - The Other Pill: Forces GamerGate members to realize just how ignorant they sound. Is a suppository.
Special Weapon - Raze It All: Able to burn down astroturfers like dry

Edit: Doh, read that as 12AM, and then understood that as midnight of 10/4 haha. Have fun with the game everyone!


Sorry I was a bit late coming off work (lots of layoffs to handle), I'm going to settle in and select the winners and announce them tomorrow at 3:00PM(EST). Apologies for the delay.
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