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Planned Parenthood chief embarrasses GOP rep

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Planned Parenthood chief embarrasses GOP rep

Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards, who’ll be on tonight’s show, no doubt expected a contentious hearing today when she appeared before the House Oversight Committee. But she probably didn’t expect is what Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) had in store for their exchange.

As the accompanying video shows, the Utah Republican put a chart on display, purporting to show that over the last decade, the number of prevention services provided by the health care group has steadily declined, while the number of abortions has steadily increased.

Part of the problem, as MSNBC’s Zack Roth reported, is that the information in the chart is misleading. But nearly as important is the fact the congressman presenting the image as devastating evidence simply didn’t know what he was talking about.

When Richards said she’d never seen it before, Chaffetz replied: “It comes straight from your annual reports.”

Moments later, Richards shot back: “My lawyers just informed me that the source of this information is Americans United for Life, an anti-abortion group. I would check your source.”


The Utah Republican lectured the Planned Parenthood chief, certain that the misleading image had come from Planned Parenthood materials. It apparently didn’t occur to Chaffetz to actually look at the darned thing – it literally says, “Source: Americans United for Life,” in all capital letters, on the chart he was so excited about.

Video at link. Prepare for GOP smugface.
You don't need facts when you're trying to deny men and women the care they need to literally live.

You just put your hand on your American bible, and ride on pure deep fried Jesus.


That's the problem with liberals, they constantly nitpick little facts so they can ignore the bigger issue!
Serious case of closing your eyes and sticking your fingers in your ears yelling LALALALALALAL!

GoP doesn't care about how true facts are. As long as it gets idiots to believe them and give them their vote.
Come on guys, stop being so hard on Jason. He's only an elected member of the US House of Representatives. I mean it's not like his job is that important or anything.

They just like make the laws and stuff I think, no biggie.
The graph is so bad lmao. How do Republicans think that these images mean anything?

Well they kept whooping and hollering during their debate when Fiorina kept talking about a part of the video that was edited in from a different video. Facts don't mean anything to them, all they seek is to confirm their bias in any way possible.
I was watching the talks on the defund planned parenthood today, and oh man are the republicans something else, even going as far to suddenly care about racism and on MULTIPLE occasions(and in conjunction, tying it into the Confederate flag debate) go after the founder, calling her a racist, as if any of that was actually relevant whatsoever(or true, no idea).

All of their arguments, and appeal to misguided emotion based on bullshit were absolutely laughable.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
Carly Fiorina will still run with it as fact.

And get a boost in poll numbers because Republican voters made up their minds a long time ago that Planned Parenthood sells baby parts to Chinese restaurants for profit and the glory of Satan.

I was watching the talks on the defund planned parenthood today, and oh man are the republicans something else, even going as far to suddenly care about racism and on MULTIPLE occasions(and in conjunction, tying it into the Confederate flag debate) go after the founder, calling her a racist, as if any of that was actually relevant whatsoever(or true, no idea).

All of their arguments, and appeal to misguided emotion based on bullshit were absolutely laughable.

Like most people from that Era she had some... interesting opinions about black folk. But she's also been dead for, like, a really long time.



wants to fuck an Asian grill.
You don't need facts when you're trying to deny men and women the care they need to literally live.

You just put your hand on your American bible, and ride on pure deep fried Jesus.

Don't bring deep fried foods into this. They didn't do anything wrong.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
I was watching the talks on the defund planned parenthood today, and oh man are the republicans something else, even going as far to suddenly care about racism and on MULTIPLE occasions(and in conjunction, tying it into the Confederate flag debate) go after the founder, calling her a racist, as if any of that was actually relevant whatsoever(or true, no idea).

All of their arguments, and appeal to misguided emotion based on bullshit were absolutely laughable.
Those aren't new arguments. Pro lifers confuse that PP has locations in poor, minority rich areas because they are underserved in health care with the idea that PP is performing eugenics.

And they can't do statistics for shit.
Seriously, why do these fuckers care so much?

If you care so much, how about guaranteeing fully paid medical care for all expectant mothers?

How about stricter laws that require paid time off for pregnancy and maternity leave?

These assholes don't give a fuck about the fetus or the mother except to use as a bait to reel in the dumb fucks that keep voting for them.


I really wish the video went on for just a bit longer. We only caught a tiny glimpse of that man's soul being snatched.
Those aren't new arguments. Pro lifers conflagrate that PP has locations in poor, minority rich areas because they are underserved in health care with the idea that PP is performing eugenics.

I hadn't heard any of these racism arguments before, and I couldn't believe what I was hearing(alright, I could believe it, but still...), across the the board from every single GOP member that made an "argument".

it was shameful, and they're bad people.


Those aren't new arguments. Pro lifers confuse that PP has locations in poor, minority rich areas because they are underserved in health care with the idea that PP is performing eugenics.

And they can't do statistics for shit.

Since when do they care about those areas? Only when it concerns abortions?


That's the chart? Ahahaha holy shit yes when my company meets for our numbers reviews we just use lined indicating that sales are "up" and costs are "down"

I love how adamant he is that that information was pulled from the PP website.Of course Richards is confused; middle school kids put together more professional looking graphs for their science classes. What a fucking farce. The videos are edited to hell, have been characterized as extremely misleading, and nobody cares.


Yoututbe alt (has a bit more at the end): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGlLLzw5_KM

Weasely dipshit. Of course he uses a bogus chart and knows fuck all about how women get mammograms. I like how he feigns indignation with "you're going to deny these numbers from your report?!"

Is there video of his response immediately after?

He just squirms and says "then we'll get to the bottom of the truth of that" before calling another speaker.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
Since when do they care about those areas? Only when it concerns abortions?
They don't. They propose that PP is pro eugenics.
Margret Sanger was a big supporter of Eugenics. She wrote many articles, delivered many speeches, and even founded an organization with Eugenics at the core of its mission. To Sanger, the “fit” were the lighter-skinned races, the “unfit” were the darker-skinned races, and it was abortion that would "assist the race toward the elimination of the unfit." The organization she founded would grow to make a huge impact in America. The organization was Planned Parenthood.
It's amazing how respectable, intelligent people manage to stay classy and calm in situations like this. I see it all the time in congressional hearings and the likes. The speaker, and everyone around is just thinking "why do I have to deal with this dumb fuck?".


I'm glad there's people out there who still make the valiant effort of talking to a rock. I'd drive myself crazy looking up facts to dispute every insane thing people like this say. Luckily, there's usually a counter response out there that makes finding the actual facts in question a much quicker process. In this case it basically boiled down to scroll down but it's not always so painless.
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