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The Verge: Windows Phone is dead

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Windows Phone started off life as a promising alternative to Android and iOS five years ago. Microsoft positioned its range of Windows Phone 7 handsets as the true third mobile ecosystem, but it's time to admit it has failed. If a lack of devices from phone makers and even Microsoft itself wasn't enough evidence, the final nail in the coffin hit today. Microsoft only sold 4.5 million Lumia devices in the recent quarter, compared to 10.5 million at the same time last year. That's a massive 57 percent drop. Even a 57 percent increase wouldn't be enough to save Windows Phone right now.

Microsoft and Nokia have sold a total of 110 million Windows Phones compared to 4.5 billion iOS and Android phones in the same period. IDC recently reported that 400 million phones were sold in the recent quarter, meaning just 1.1 percent of them were Lumia Windows Phones. Microsoft does not have any compelling Lumia handsets, and the Lumia 950 and Lumia 950 XL were both disappointing flagship devices with unfinished Windows 10 Mobile software.


With Lumia sales on the decline and Microsoft's plan to not produce a large amount of handsets, it's clear we're witnessing the end of Windows Phone. Rumors suggest Microsoft is developing a Surface Phone, but it has to make it to the market first. Windows Phone has long been in decline and its app situation is only getting worse. With a lack of hardware, lack of sales, and less than 2 percent market share, it's time to call it: Windows Phone is dead. Real Windows on phones might become a thing with Continuum eventually, but Windows Phone as we know it is done. It won't stop Microsoft producing a few handsets every year as a vanity project, but for everyone else it's the end of the line. Farewell, Windows Phone.



Windows Continuum seems like the only reason to own a Windows Phone. Other than that there just isn't a compelling reason to choose it over Android or IOS.


Its pretty apparent that it is basically dead. Wp had some fantastic devices at great prices, it's a shame it never gained traction.
I know 3 people who bought Windows Phones, and all 3 of them bought them several years ago now. I don't know anyone who has bought one since that time.


Paper or plastic?
I loved the the metro interface going all the way back to Zune/HD. It's a shame Microsoft dragged their feet for so long and underestimated Apple.
Have loved my lumia 920 since I bought it so sad to see. As a OS Windows Phone is damn great. Shame just that the app support never arrived so it couldn't become mainstream OS. Personally I don't care about most of the apps so not a loss for me but I still understand market realities.
Quoting this from the MS earnings thread:

The problem with MS and phones is that they just haven't settled on a strategy that they're willing to push long term. If they do and it still fails then well.. they still might keep their hat in the ring because they have the money to do so and it's a reasonable strategy to keep Windows relevant.

Be a long term strategy I mean that they keep upending the Windows ecosystem for phones.

Windows phone 7! Oh no wait
Windows phone 8! Nah, no good, let's try
Windows phone 8.1 on Nokia Lumia! No no no let's buy Nokia and wait a year while that whole thing goes through...
Windows phone 8.1 on Microsoft Lumia! Oh forget Windows 8. Let's now wait for Windows 10.
Windows phone 10 on Microsoft Lumia? Blah junk that. Wait for Panos Panay Surface Jesus Phone. Really this time!

That's no way to build traction.

Truth, right there. I've had a Windows Phone since day one (WP7 Focus) and it is beyond frustrating that they just can't seem to get beyond a ~1 year roadmap before scrapping it for something else.
Shame. One of the things I really loved about them was most of the phones had a physical camera button.

They were one of the few (only) ones that did.

Hate the touch screen to take a picture shit.


I loved the OS, but low support by third party anything finally made me switch to Android. I was really rooting for it to flourish too. :(


I don't think MS will give up and they make really nice hardware and operating systems now. We'll see. Definitely dead at the moment though.


I just bought a Lumia Icon last week, to go with my band 2, dumping my android. Hope things pick up. I actually also just met another person who also bought a wp phone in the last month. I'm digging it, I find the os/ui much better than android. Theres a fluidity to it. App support isnt great but I'm not huge app user. So far only missing like 2 apps that I wish I had from android.


The fact that they changed their whole system, default apps, etc. like every 2 years didn't help. I had a Windows Phone 7, 8 (8.1) and 10, and it seemed like I lost features with every generation.
It was bound to come to this. Microsoft's spent the entire life of the Windows Phone platform in a "Scrap it and try again" phase and they've never committed to it fully as a platform. The same thing is happening again with Windows 10 Mobile where as they first appeared fully committed to the idea and then the next thing you know the platform is delayed until some time this year (Still no firm date) and they push out their flagship devices with a half-ass OS.

Even if they did actually show an effort to commit I'm afraid the mobile space might not have room for three platforms. Even now many developers aren't as fully committed to Android as they are iOS. BlackBerry tried a multitude of things, making the platform easier to develop for and eventually were forced to allow side-loading and opened up Amazon android apps because their store wasn't catching on.

Honestly Microsoft should just do a heavily skinned Android phone instead of their current plan. They could give it a UI similar to Windows Phone and bake in exclusive apps for their Windows specific features (Like Contiuum). The big reason I assume they haven't done so is because then they lose out on the potential revenue from an appstore, but it isn't like they're making any money off of it now.


sucks because Windows Phone has the best mobile OS

however I switched to an android phone because the apps just aren't there. so I helped kill Windows Phone, I guess. whoops.


Yet something else to lay at the feet of Ballmer. Jumped into the phone OS/hardware market years after Apple jumped in.


Count me in on those won over by WP. I bought one cheap just to mess around with it, but I would be very tempted to make it my primary phone. Really wish it had more app support because I like the OS.
I love how Microsoft spent a ton of money getting Windows phones onto several popular TV shows. It cracks me up how disproportionate the number of Win Phones are on TV vs. real life.

I really like that the mobile OS tried to do something different. Lets face it, iOS and Android look a lot alike, for better or worse. At least MS tried something new. It's a shame it didn't catch on, but I doubt they're done trying to do something in the phone space. Hence the reason they bought the Surface Phone domain a few days back.

It also says a lot that MS was essentially making more money off Android than they were there own phones.
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