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Phil Spencer Discusses Microsoft’s Unpopular PC Moves And Xbox One Evolution



Some interesting stuff here. The things I found noteworthy:

With cross-play becoming a priority for Microsoft, how will it handle controller versus mouse and keyboard multiplayer?

I want to be clear on this one – I will never force someone in our games, who is playing with controller or mouse and keyboard, to play against somebody with a different control scheme. Mouse and keyboard rotation speed is faster than controller. We know that. You will lose. I shipped Shadowrun. I was part of that. But, as a platform, I want to enable players to make the choices they want to make. If you and I are playing a co-op game together […] there’s no reason you and I can’t go through a [Destiny] Strike, for example, you on mouse and keyboard, me on controller playing together, and we should be able to talk to each other. I want to completely enable that scenario. But for people who think, I don’t want to get destroyed because some guy drops in with mouse and keyboard and he’s just running a rampage over every match because he’s moving faster – we don’t want to do that. This is about putting tools in the hands of smart creators to make decisions on when it makes sense and when it doesn’t make sense.

Great news and my biggest concern about mixing controller with KB/M

Epic Games founder Tim Sweeney recently spoke out against Microsoft’s Universal Windows Platform. How have you responded to his criticism?

Tim and I are actually good friends and have been for some time, and still are. I basically sent Tim what I was going to say [at the Build keynote] and we’ve been going back and forth. He came out to Redmond to review our plans. Some of the specific things he wanted to see, we showed some [on stage] and then I talked about some. He wanted a public statement about Windows being an open development platform, and Terry Myerson [executive VP of the Windows and Devices group] said that right at the beginning. The side-load, Kevin Gallo [VP Windows developer platform] showed double-clicking an app exe on the desktop and installing a Universal Windows Application without store UI and that could have just as easily come from the web we just happened to launch it from the desktop itself, and we wanted to show that. And then I wanted to show taking the Steam package and wrapped it running as a modern desktop application to show we’re not trying to lock out those apps and games from being able to use Steamworks or to be deployed in other stores, so we wanted to show that directly.

It will be interesting to see what Tim says, because Tim’s an important guy in the industry and someone I have immense respect for, and still do. I think he’s great. The thing I love about Tim and you will know if you spend any time with him, is he comes from a virtuous place. He has a real principled view on how the games industry and frankly, overall Windows ecosystem, works, and I never worry that he is saying something for his own competitive reasons – it’s just what Tim really believes. I’m not saying we always believe the same thing, but the motivations behind his beliefs have never been a question for me. I’ll always listen to him.

There is also stuff about cortana and pc/xb1 development so be sure to read the article!


my hard graphic balls
He wanted a public statement about Windows being an open development platform, and Terry Myerson [executive VP of the Windows and Devices group] said that right at the beginning.


Phil Spencer is great with words. I feel really good about what he had to say in that interview.

"I love the way PR people string me along."

I'm not saying Phil isn't genuine or trying to pick on you in particular, I just see that sentiment around and it's really weird to me. Gamers get upset when PR people don't court them with the correct phrases, or congratulate PR people when they're smooth. Seems like such a bizarre thing to care about.

Just stay focused on the actual games, is my mindset.


Phil Spencer is great with words. I feel really good about what he had to say in that interview.

He could probably fire you, and even though the possibility of losing your mortgage is weighing heavy in the back of your mind - he'll have you coming out of the conversation thinking that a forced termination was the best thing for you.
I basically sent Tim what I was going to say [at the Build keynote] and we’ve been going back and forth. He came out to Redmond to review our plans.

Nice, I wonder if Tim affected their plans in anyway.


Phil spun those wheels excellently however. Almost makes you fucking forget he didn't answer how this dracoian crap they are pushing is good for consumers.

He literally just ate Tim Sweeney's asshole for half of the answer. I can't believe how much of a non-answer it is.


"I love the way PR people string me along."

I'm not saying Phil isn't genuine or trying to pick on you in particular, I just see that sentiment around and it's really weird to me. Gamers get upset when PR people don't court them with the correct phrases, or congratulate PR people when they're smooth. Seems like such a bizarre thing to care about.

Just stay focused on the actual games, is my mindset.

Just.. look at badly handled PR as context?

Oh, hey Capcom.


He literally just ate Tim Sweeney's asshole for half of the answer. I can't believe how much of a non-answer it is.

Is that what he literally did? I have even more respect for his interviewing skills then to be able to multi-task like that.

OT: I like that he's listening at least.
Phil spun those wheels excellently however. Almost makes you fucking forget he didn't answer how this dracoian crap they are pushing is good for consumers.

As a non-PC gamer who is a consumer, it is good for me. It's not for you, that's fine. But it's not evil or draconian.

He's focusing on a different market.


Is that what he literally did? I have even more respect for his interviewing skills then to be able to multi-task like that.

OT: I like that he's listening at least.

It was clearly hyperbole :p

He did spend a large part of it acknowledging who Tim Sweeney was. Didn't really answer any questions about it as Tim's complaints were only one part of why UWA in its current state sucks.


I really don't understand how this:

He wanted a public statement about Windows being an open development platform, and Terry Myerson [executive VP of the Windows and Devices group] said that right at the beginning. The side-load, Kevin Gallo [VP Windows developer platform] showed double-clicking an app exe on the desktop and installing a Universal Windows Application without store UI and that could have just as easily come from the web we just happened to launch it from the desktop itself, and we wanted to show that. And then I wanted to show taking the Steam package and wrapped it running as a modern desktop application to show we’re not trying to lock out those apps and games from being able to use Steamworks or to be deployed in other stores, so we wanted to show that directly.

is considered a non-answer? Isn't that more a direct answer to Sweeney's initial concerns?


As a non-PC gamer who is a consumer, it is good for me. It's not for you, that's fine. But it's not evil or draconian.

He's focusing on a different market.

What's the good thing in it for you? Potentially fewer PC gamers to play with? Lower sales numbers due to UWP exclusivity, leading to smaller development budgets? Really not seeing the benefit.


I really don't understand how this:

is considered a non-answer? Isn't that more a direct answer to Sweeney's initial concerns?

He didn't address anything about DLL injection or modding which are two much larger concerns.

I don't give a shit about the storefront, I care about being able to modify files that I install on my fucking computer.


Phil Spencer is great with words.
How is he with actions, tho'?
He could probably fire you, and even though the possibility of losing your mortgage is weighing heavy in the back of your mind - he'll have you coming out of the conversation thinking that a forced termination was the best thing for you.
I laughed and I feel terrible. That's a horrifying situation to be in.


He literally just ate Tim Sweeney's asshole for half of the answer. I can't believe how much of a non-answer it is.

They announced the ability of UWP applications to be installed by double clicking them if they have a proper certificate. Which means 3rd parties can sell and distribute as easily as now. Certs are a known quantity.


formerly sane
MS has always been clear on the subject of KB/M and was when they did their own studies. The people that aren't a media industry and publishers who want to incite FUD and nonsense they themselves can control.

There's no reason why his nuanced point can't be true and even more so for a industry that needs to keep healthy communities. I can't recall ever outside of a jest wanting to see pc players come and do what he mentioned. The problem is Phil we are a minority yet visible already as XIM is accesible even if people don't want it it's right there. Let us get legit support support with raw input and I will gladly take a filter to keep me out from others that don't care for me. Be warned we already are out there and there is no filter now. So gamers should decide with that as console games become more pc like and certain audiences switch to them for convenience we out and we don't hide. You can't ban us either since all we do is hijack the hid system and emulate it to our benefit. We grow each generation especially when a mid to low range pc gamer can easily just take a PS4/X1 and pair it to Xim for very good performance results.


I switched to an alt account to ditch my embarrassing tag so I could be an embarrassing Naughty Dog fanboy in peace. Ask me anything!

It is not interesting at all. This has been their stance since time immemorial. Their actions however have communicated a different story.


It would be nice if a journalist asked about the multiplayer paywall for the same games isn't a thing on PC and to actually dig into a little, should console users still be paying and journalists not leave satisfied with, but games with gold, PC users don't stand for it. Hang their feet over the fire.


I still think the whole "controller users will care about KBAM users playing against them" is overblown and people projecting their own concern onto an userbase.

There are already people using "pro" controllers, modified controllers, hell MS sells a controller with extra paddles and shit. Who the fuck cares if someone shows up with a keyboard?

It wasn't the reason Shadowrun failed. Shadowrun failed because it had no advertising, released against the juggernaut that was Halo 3, didn't have a campaign, and the developer was shuttered right after the game released, so it couldn't get any post launch sustain and lost all of it's dedicated servers.


He is really good with wordplay and how to twist the issues people have in a way that general public thinks he solved it but in reality he kinda dodged the point of those issues and created potentional "workaround" which is in-line with their plans

Meanwhile: I cant even install KI because i dasabled some of the spyware embeded in Win10
You're supposed to. He is good at doing that even when it isn't warranted.

"I love the way PR people string me along."

I'm not saying Phil isn't genuine or trying to pick on you in particular, I just see that sentiment around and it's really weird to me. Gamers get upset when PR people don't court them with the correct phrases, or congratulate PR people when they're smooth. Seems like such a bizarre thing to care about.

Just stay focused on the actual games, is my mindset.

He could probably fire you, and even though the possibility of losing your mortgage is weighing heavy in the back of your mind - he'll have you coming out of the conversation thinking that a forced termination was the best thing for you.

How is he with actions, tho'?

I laughed and I feel terrible. That's a horrifying situation to be in.

Mmmm, sweet PR.

Lol shit, apparently I said something that riles people up a bit. I have no idea if I'll like his actions, but for right now, he's saying the right things. It'll be interesting to see where things are at a year from now.


He is really good with wordplay and how to twist the issues people have in a way that general public thinks he solved it but in reality he kinda dodged the point of those issues and created potentional "workaround" which is in-line with their plans
Isn't being good with words his sole job? Would suck for MS to keep a high ranking pr guy who'd address the issue: ef u and u and u, deal with it scrubs.


Some people are just never happy man.

Or just completely ignore the actual concern I and many other people have about UWA. I don't give a shit about where it's packaged or where it's run from. I care about being able to interact with the memory and files.


He could probably fire you, and even though the possibility of losing your mortgage is weighing heavy in the back of your mind - he'll have you coming out of the conversation thinking that a forced termination was the best thing for you.



Or just completely ignore the actual concern I and many other people have about UWA. I don't give a shit about where it's packaged or where it's run from. I care about being able to interact with the memory and files.

Well the question asked of Phil was regarding Tim's concern, which was about non-Windows Store distribution. Which he answered and which was described in one of their sessions. It is pretty much a non-issue anymore.

I don't recall Tim being ill about DDL injection techniques not working.


Or just completely ignore the actual concern I and many other people have about UWA. I don't give a shit about where it's packaged or where it's run from. I care about being able to interact with the memory and files.

Basically. This "open" thing he keeps spouting is an absolute kick of dirt to the face. Ridiculous.


Phil Spencer is great with words. I feel really good about what he had to say in that interview.



Well the question asked of Phil was regarding Tim's concern, which was about non-Windows Store distribution. Which he answered and which was described in one of their sessions. It is pretty much a non-issue anymore.

I don't recall Tim being ill about DDL injection techniques not working.

Then it's more of a matter of Phil not saying anything about modding except for "sanctioned" mods which is meaningless trash.

No one at Microsoft knows what PC gamers want. They want the same fucking abilities they've had for 25+ years.

This UWA shit is not open at all. It's a locked box that you can install anywhere and we're supposed to be excited about that.


He didn't address anything about DLL injection or modding which are two much larger concerns.

I don't give a shit about the storefront, I care about being able to modify files that I install on my fucking computer.

But they're not the concerns that were in question, which was entirely about monopolies and pushing other people out.

You keep ranting about your concerns and how it was a non-answer...but it WAs an answer and it directly addressed the concerns that Tim brought up.

Maybe in the next interview someone will ask him to address Akronis from Neogaf's concerns, but until then it's not a non-answer.


But they're not the concerns that were in question, which was entirely about monopolies and pushing other people out.

You keep ranting about your concerns and how it was a non-answer...but it WAs an answer and it directly addressed the concerns that Tim brought up.

Maybe in the next interview someone will ask him to address Akronis from Neogaf's concerns, but until then it's not a non-answer.

Yes I jumped the gun a bit on this as I assumed it was an answer beyond just Tim's concern of a locked storefront.

My argument remains the same, however. Nothing has really changed.
There's an interesting part as well about ID@Xbox vs uwp games on page 2.

ID@Xbox gives you access to building native Xbox games. And if you are an indie developer today, you want to use ID@Xbox. If you want to build a game like The Flame in the Flood, like Molasses Flood, go ID. Apply to the ID program, we’ll let you in. Go get the ability to make native Xbox applications. But if we look forward, I want to enable those UWP games to run as well as Flame in the Flood does as a native Xbox game in the future. Today, the application space that runs on an Xbox One is different than the full games. If you’re going to go build a Unity or Unreal or a big game, yeah go do it that way. You will see UWP games coming to Xbox sooner rather than later.

So, not only they are not blocking uwp games, they want to keep improving so uwp games have the same hardware resources as games made through the xbone SDK.
As a non-PC gamer who is a consumer, it is good for me. It's not for you, that's fine. But it's not evil or draconian.

He's focusing on a different market.

There's not anything in it for console gamers.

You're getting the same experience on console to continue yet somehow at the expense of PC gamers.

How can that be a good thing?
Lol shit, apparently I said something that riles people up a bit. I have no idea if I'll like his actions, but for right now, he's saying the right things. It'll be interesting to see where things are at a year from now.

Phil Spencer is just the latest in a long line of talking heads making a decade's worth of empty statements about Microsoft's commitment to PC gaming. This is an older post, but still relevant...

For people getting their hopes up. This is MS's various statements on their promise to PC gaming.

Sorry, but all MS is doing is blowing smoke up the ass of gullible people. So yea go ahead and get your hopes up and get excited. In a year or two when none of what they say comes to fruition...I'll pretend to act shocked.
Phil Spencer is just the latest in a long line of talking heads making a decade's worth of empty statements about Microsoft's commitment to PC gaming. This is an older post, but still relevant...

Yup. Actions, not words. I haven't woken up out of a Rip Van Winkle siesta.

It is good we're seeing him and other mouthpieces sweat though; just gotta turn up the heat on continuing rollbacks to the industry standard openness.


Neo Member
As a non-PC gamer who is a consumer, it is good for me. It's not for you, that's fine. But it's not evil or draconian.

He's focusing on a different market.

As a non-PC gamer who is also a consumer, it seems bad for me and for him and others. It definitely seems evil or draconian. I can see why the majority of people who've talked about it are upset.

I'm slightly interested in pc gaming just because of some funny mods I've seen on Youtube and how it seems like theirs an infinite amount of things you could do with modding but I don't have any experience with pc gaming outside of runescape or adventure quest, lol.
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