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I think Steins Gate is the best written Japanese game I've ever played. (SPOILERS!)


Hey guys, just to preface this, I'm going to be discussing the game as a whole, so there'll be open spoilers. Read at your own peril!
Another point, in reading this back, is that it assumes some knowledge of the game. I considered putting a synopsis in for those who lack familarity, but I'm too lazy. Sorry!

So recently, I finally played through Steins Gate. It's been a long time coming, as I bought (and proceeded to never play) a Japanese copy and then used the fan translation patch, and then also got the Vita version at launch. A year on, and I've finally played through it.

The thing that Steins Gate really, really excels at in my eyes, which is also completely separate to the (exceptional) time travel story, is the way that the characters are written, and how they act and react to each other and the world around them. I can't think of another Japanese game where the characters are so believably grounded in their world. When they say something dumb, someone calls them on it; when they're distressed, they break down; when they're scared, they run away.

Okabe, the protagonist, is one of the best examples of this. He acts like a character from a JRPG, styling himself Hououin Kyouma and talking about secret organisations and special abilities. The thing is, none of it is real, and the world around him acknowledges this fact. He's the butt of the joke, rather than the enigma that he likes to pretend. But as the events of the game take a turn for the worse, it becomes apparent that even he is in on the joke.

One of the most significant parts of the game for me was when Mayuri is shot in the head (...the first time). The characters are confronted with danger, and freeze up. Mayuri unfreezes and gets killed. The immediate reaction isn't a speech about revenge or a monologue about friendship, it's Daru dropping to his knees, clutching his head and wailing. Daru doesn't want to fight anyone, or save the world, he just doesn't understand what's happening.
The game carries its characters so sincerely all the way through, to the point that I can't remember a single scene that seems out of character (maybe the thing with Okabe and Lukako, I dunno). By the time you get to the end, you've seen everyone go through the full gamut of emotions, and always earnestly.

I feel like a large part of it is due to the visual novel format, but even still, I can't remember the last time a game made me laugh so much, and also hit me so much on an emotional level (
I'm lying. I can. It was Persona 4. But shhhh.

In the not-true-but-maybe-should-be-true ending, when Kurisu is sacrificed in order to right the world again, Okabe returns to the present, where he goes back to acting like a character from an anime. Mayuri tells him that he can stop acting like that, he isn't fooling anyone. His facade breaks, and he falls down and cries over everything he's been through.

Roll the credits. That's how you end a fucking videogame.
All I can hope for is the sequel has the same level of writing as the first. Played S;G when it launched on Vita and it ended up being one of my favourite games I have ever played. I'm eagerly awaiting Steins;Gate 0 and I'm really glad the anime seems like it'll come out after the English release so I won't have to dodge spoilers.

Mayuri just dying all over the place really got me. When I was playing through again to go for the true ending/platinum I got another scenario where you find an article of Mayuri jellied and it was the most horrifying thing I had seen and that is the thing that haunted me the most.

Visual novels live or die by their writing as that is what they are, but S;G is definitely a good example of good writing/characters.


Agree with everything written in the OP. I really connected with the game and almost all the ending made me cry like baby (I'm a grown man). Especially Kurisu and Suzuha ending, feels warm and sad even thinking about it.

Yep, its a well written game and everyone need to play it to experience this emotional roller coaster. And wish we get Steins;gate 0 localized soon.


I had to put the game down after the perv jokes and the casual transphobia at one point in the game. But Dandy Crocodile said that the (to me) awful main character improves, so I may or may not pick it up again later on.

It made me a bit uncomfortable too. Push through it, as it's pretty rare past the initial bit and once the stronger focus on characterization happens everybody in the story improves. The beginning is all introduction.


All I can hope for is the sequel has the same level of writing as the first. Played S;G when it launched on Vita and it ended up being one of my favourite games I have ever played. I'm eagerly awaiting Steins;Gate 0 and I'm really glad the anime seems like it'll come out after the English release so I won't have to dodge spoilers.

Mayuri just dying all over the place really got me. When I was playing through again to go for the true ending/platinum I got another scenario where you find an article of Mayuri jellied and it was the most horrifying thing I had seen and that is the thing that haunted me the most.

Visual novels live or die by their writing as that is what they are, but S;G is definitely a good example of good writing/characters.

Jesus Christ why? Leave the poor girl alone. I need to get the true ending.


Best visual novel I've ever played that's for sure. Not that I'm much of an expert or anything, but I know what I like.

I had to put the game down after the perv jokes and the casual transphobia at one point in the game. But Dandy Crocodile said that the (to me) awful main character improves, so I may or may not pick it up again later on.

He's obviously supposed to be awful to everyone, he's a complete jackass, but that's why the game is so good; he completely changes during the game, by the end you realise just how well he works as a character.

Mayuri just dying all over the place really got me. When I was playing through again to go for the true ending/platinum I got another scenario where you find an article of Mayuri jellied and it was the most horrifying thing I had seen and that is the thing that haunted me the most.

The scream that accompanies that moment gave me legit goosebumps. Even now just thinking about it...Jesus, that was well done.


Only watched the anime, but having a klutz and jokey character like Mayuri dying all over the place was 1. very annoying, and 2. hilarious at how heavy they wanted to present it.

Having Okabe and Kurisu reunite at the end was also too much to me. It was like the most ideal thing when I felt that a lesson being told about messing with time, and being content and happy with the time and life that you're given.

I think they wanted to make it humorous and make it dark as the story went on, but a few characters, particularly Mayuri, felt so out of place before it got to those darker themes that I just scratched my head when it happened.


I don't know why you added "Japanese", I think it's the best written game full stop.

Huge compliments to the English translators, they did a great job.


Only watched the anime, but having a klutz and jokey character like Mayuri dying all over the place was 1. very annoying, and 2. hilarious at how heavy they wanted to present it.

Having Okabe and Kurisu reunite at the end was also too much to me. It was like the most ideal thing when I felt that a lesson being told about messing with time, and being content and happy with the time and life that you're given.

With Mayuri, they foreshadowed her situation when Okabe remembered the moment he decided to make her not feel alone. I thought it was clever.


Can't disagree there, also the best visual novel I've played full stop.

It's pretty amazing how they made such a complex story so simple to understand too.

If I had any complaints it's just the beginning is too slow. It took me a month to get through the first few hours then after that only a few days to complete the rest. But in all honestly at one point in those first few hours I thought I would give up on the game.


Can't disagree there, also the best visual novel I've played full stop.

It's pretty amazing how they made such a complex story so simple to understand too.

If I had any complaints it's just the beginning is too slow. It took me a month to get through the first few hours then after that only a few days to complete the rest. But in all honestly at one point in those first few hours I thought I would give up on the game.
That's funny since I stopped playing after the first time leap. Mayuri's death got me and the sudden turn of events surprised me.


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
Steins;Gate is cute, but clearly you've never played the Zero Escape trilogy, they're much better written visual novels. They also don't have you jumping through ridiculous hoops like Steins;Gate does just to get to the true ending.

Zero Time Dilemma was incredible.
I finished Steins:Gate like a week ago, and it really is the best VN ever. I didn't realize it until looking back but if you think about it Steins;Gate has an ABSURDLY small cast size for the type of story it's trying to tell, moreso for its long playtime. There's like... 14 characters, of which like 4 characters are throwaways and you never even learn their name.

I love that the villain in this story is really hard to pin down, even the villainous character isn't the "final" villain, rather it seems to be time and circumstance that the characters struggle against. The characters are great too, probably the best example of writing what looks at first like stereotypical characters. I normally dislike the Tsundere archetype, but after Steins:Gate what I think I really hate is the Tsundere:Nice-Guy Protagonist pairing. The main couple has chemistry both when they're biting at each other and when they're nice to each other, and it's alot more believable compared to other similar couples.

Do agree the Lukako thing was sorta oddly paced, especially considering where the story was going. I think it would've made more sense, IMO, if you had to reverse Lukako's D-mail before reversing Faris. Would've made a good "sacrifice" progression, from sacrificing memories to gender to another person's life. As it stands the Lukako ending does feel weird considering you already let Faris' dad die last chapter.


Faris is awful and Luka isn't much better and generally the second half doesn't live up to the hype, it feels like the whole setup just exists so Okabe (the player) could get with every girl.


Okabe's scream is what makes it so haunting. While we're at it, major props to the Japanese voice actors.

I'm actually really glad they didn't do an English dub of the game because I would have missed out on the great Japanese VO If it was there. I don't even speak Japanese and I could tell Okabe's VO was amazing!


irresponsible vagina leak
Steins;Gate is cute, but clearly you've never played the Zero Escape trilogy, they're much better written visual novels. They also don't have you jumping through ridiculous hoops like Steins;Gate does just to get to the true ending.

Zero Time Dilemma was incredible.

ZTD is the weakest of the 3 games tho.


Is it worth it if I've seen the anime years ago and basically know the twist?

Edit: oh just saw someone else ask the same question


Steins;Gate is cute, but clearly you've never played the Zero Escape trilogy, they're much better written visual novels. They also don't have you jumping through ridiculous hoops like Steins;Gate does just to get to the true ending.

Zero Time Dilemma was incredible.
Zero Escape's story is tremendous, but the characters are positively flat compared to Steins Gate. They never behave believably and their motivations are bizarre.

Zero Escape is all about that sci fi magic and philosophy, not its characters.

Faris is awful and Luka isn't much better and generally the second half doesn't live up to the hype, it feels like the whole setup just exists so Okabe (the player) could get with every girl.

I loved Faris, personally. The way she out-performs Okabe at his own idiocy was consistently amusing, and when he has to reverse saving her dad's life, and subsequently apologises to her, I was genuinely moved. Hit me in the feels, as they say.
Is it worth it if I've seen the anime years ago and basically know the twist?

Edit: oh just saw someone else ask the same question

I played Steins;Gate despite seeing the anime. It's still great, the pacing is obviously alot slower though. The original art is amazing and the presentation is very sleek. The story does make more sense too, they go much more in depth about the mechanics of time travel and characters spend more time talking through their thought processes.

You also get into Okabe's head, so you hear alot of what he's thinking rather than what he's doing since the anime is in the third person. Of course there's the different endings and the content in them.

Edit: Also I suppose if you JUST finished the anime it would be very retread heavy. But if you've put a few years behind it still feels fresh.
Feel free to rec some that you feel are as good/better. I would be genuinely interested.

If you had a positive opinion of Zero Escape you should check out Ever17. It's Zero Escape but replacing the violence and rather nihilistic message with good character drama, touching relationships, and plenty of mindfuck.
Er OP, did you get the true ending or did you leave it at the Kurisu ending
(Which leads to Stein's Gate Zero and the Beta Worldlines, 0 is more the result of a failed true ending, but the beta worldline part is right)
? I can understand because the True Ending is quite tricky.

Perhaps more than any game I've played, Stein's Gate's slow build of character initially implies a whimsical world of science, where anything is possible. And in some respects this is true to the end, but it also implies the consequences of those events, which don't come to realization until Mayuri's demise in the alpha worldlines. This is why I like Stein's Gate as a science fiction piece because it stresses the emotional consequences of unwittingly messing with technology even if the science is dubious. The best part of the game is how it shows that Okabe's Hououin Kyouma persona as a self defense mechanism of sorts but balances it as both a weakness and a strength of the character. It's what allows him to enter Stein's Gate in the end, but it's also what blinds him to various issues in the game. He's the strongest character in the game and Mayuri's (Though, how Lukako was handled is subject to scrutiny as well) perhaps the weakest but her role in Okabe's backstory and innocence in general as a bystander in the game that Okabe and Co. were playing even though they genuinely figured that they shouldn't be playing that game is very effectively conveyed. People in Stein's Gate are eccentric but they are very believable and multifaceted in their personality. You hate the villains because they're so close to you and the characters. Yet even they can be pitied in the end because of their shreds of humanity (aside for perhaps one). The scope of the story thus is simultaneously massive because of its impact but small because of its proximity which I think contributes to the believability. The initial setting of Stein's Gate is not really a strength besides the low key nature of it but what the narrative does with it is incredibly interesting because it's all important to the cast.

I could go on forever on how the game well the game uses its science fiction elements but I would be here all day. And this is without its sister game in Zero, which is significantly less whimsical but nonetheless just as interesting in terms of the emotional scale that the game as a whole nails so well.


If you had a positive opinion of Zero Escape you should check out Ever17. It's Zero Escape but replacing the violence and rather nihilistic message with good character drama, touching relationships, and plenty of mindfuck.
I looked into this a few years back, and couldn't find a legal way to get hold of it. Any idea if that's still the case?

Er OP, did you get the true ending or did you leave it at the Kurisu ending
(Which leads to Stein's Gate Zero and the Beta Worldlines)
? I can understand because the True Ending is quite tricky.

I got the true ending as well, don't worry.
I just loved how grounded that ending was.
I looked into this a few years back, and couldn't find a legal way to get hold of it. Any idea if that's still the case?

I don't think so, ebay is probably the only realistic place you can get it and its pricey as hell. I'll be honest, I ended up pirating it to play it. Had a friend who had a physical copy though, so I suppose if you want to sacrifice an arm and a leg....


Played through every ending. OK at best due to horrible pacing and the fact that nothing happens in the first six(?) chapters. Much better VNs out there.
Feel free to rec some that you feel are as good/better. I would be genuinely interested.

428: In a Blocked Shibuya; need a language patch if you can't read Japanese... I don't think it is localized here......... is it?

Zero Escape trilogy; Suspension/science fiction VNs with puzzles. Do NOT play the first game on iOS!
*The third volume has divided reputations, I am leaning to the side that consider it weakest part of the trilogy. The other two are exellent games.

Ever17; localized, great VN with a great twist. No major plot hole (as far as I know) which is very rare for a science fiction (fantasy) VN. Same writer as the ZE series.

That's a few on top of my head.

Grim Fandango Remastered, absolute classic narrative as far as I'm concerned.

I love that game, but it isn't Japanese...

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
Steins;Gate is cute, but clearly you've never played the Zero Escape trilogy, they're much better written visual novels. They also don't have you jumping through ridiculous hoops like Steins;Gate does just to get to the true ending.

Zero Time Dilemma was incredible.
This has to be a joke. I'm a fan of the ZE series. VLR is fantastic. But I'm sorry, the writing is fucking garbage compared to Steins Gate. Especially when it comes to the characters themselves.

And Zero Time Dilemma was anything but incredible. I don't even need to add compared to Steins Gate for that one. The story was absolute ass and words alone can't describe how disappointing it was. Nowhere near the level of the first two games. In fact it retroactively made VLR worse, because now we KNOW the ending to VLR meant nothing and we'll never get a proper conclusion.

Yeah I'm still very much in anger mode from finishing Zero Time Dilemma. What a disaster that game turned out to be. I waited 4 years for this. Life is truly unfair.

I actually started replaying Steins Gate this week so I could remind myself what an actual good visual novel is. So in a way I should be thanking ZTD for being so disappointing. So great experiencing this fantastic story again. Without question the best written game I've ever played. I'm I chapter 5 at the moment. So the first Mayuri death isn't far away. That's definitely the point where the game turns on it's head and the game becomes absolutely impossible to put down.

Really excited for Steins Gate 0 later this year.
Feel free to rec some that you feel are as good/better. I would be genuinely interested.

Grim Fandango Remastered, absolute classic narrative as far as I'm concerned. Yeah, the puzzles are pretty bad, but the level of writing with the imaginative setting and how well it is exploited with wonderful dark humor is still probably among the heights of my gaming experiences this generation.

I also have to put in a recommendation for Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon which is a great rollercoaster of emotion. Though both of these games aren't really VN, I think you would really enjoy them from a narrative perspective.
I'm actually playing this. Chapter 2.

Rintaro is the biggest fucktard asshat in gaming history. Yet I keep playing, I mean, reading.


I strongly recommend Chaos;Head as it was much better than the anime was.
I'm not sure if that one has an official English release though.


Okabe's scream is what makes it so haunting. While we're at it, major props to the Japanese voice actors.

His voice actor is incredible, I saved a clip of when he's desperate about not losing her again. Though his dub in the anime makes a damn valiant effort.

Ever 17 was localized, and it's out of print.

Also, I hope OP got the true ending.
(Also also, watch the deja vu movie and the anime OAV episode. They're nice epilogues.)

I strongly recommend Chaos;Head as it was much better than the anime was.
I'm not sure if that one has an official English release though.

Nope. I'm not even sure it has a complete fan translation yet.

428: In a Blocked Shibuya; need a language patch if you can't read Japanese... I don't think it is localized here......... is it?

Nope. MASSIVE script.


I should really check this VN out sometime. It keeps appearing up in my mind at times, but I haven't gone to it yet. From what I see from the anime was pretty nice.
Yeah it's a pretty damn good VN, can't wait for SG 0. Still have to replay it sometime tho and get the other endings besides the true one. Did you get all the endings in one go OP?


It is rather amazing, isn't it? Great MC by the end and the time travel story is actually one of the best in any media. By far the best VN I have played.


My favorite graphic novel by far and probably my favorite story from Japan of the last ten years. It's such a well written story that really hits you at times and has one of the most interesting interpretations of time travel. Love everything about the franchise!
I didn't read this post much because I didn't want to see the spoilers, but I am at the part where they are starting to identify the criteria to send messages back in time and man I wish I agree with OP. However I know it does a 180 or whatever and i'm not dismissing it at the moment. But currently I'm getting sick of Protag and Mayuri's constant BS,
I had a great time with steins gate,I read it a few years ago when it came out in pc.

I have some recommendations If you are into scfi try to give the infinity series a try or maybe root double before crime after days.

I'm hoping SG:0 is good,I feel like It realy did not need a sequel but i'm game to give it a try.
I would argue that Muv Luv alternative is the best VN ever made, it is very hard to match the scale of that story.
pretty much this. steins is ranked 2nd on vndb in comparison. muvluv is the undisputed king of vn. you're in luck too, the localization just came out last week. check out muvluv :d
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