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Giant Bomb check out Rec Room on the HTC Vive

It's incredible.


Handibot for best new "character" of 2016.

Fist bumping to join up for best moment or sequence of 2016.



This is my new fave GB video ever i think, theres so much more to check out in that game too. Can't wait for more but everything came together to make this one magical!
This was my favorite experience on vive. I shot the basketball for about 10 minutes until I realized I could walk out the door. When I did that I just threw things at people.


Handibot is great but to me the absolute best part is the ending where everyone joins in on Jeff's inpromptu roleplay


Yep, it looks fantastic and it shows what social experiences could do for a game.

Also, it shows off roomscale in subtle but great ways. The way Jeff casually walks in that booth to get darts for the kid and then comes back. The way he looks and aims around with the paint guns, and the way people can fall over and play dead.

It's why I really feel like roomscale is the true future of VR. You couldn't get the same impact by just sitting.


I think most impressively that the team did this in 6 months. I mean, no idea how the other actual games are, but paintball looked mechanically sound compared to most of the VR trash out there right now.
Does anyone know how the game determines facial expressions?

It's just contextual. If you're talking, it moves the mouth like you're talking. If someone throws a dart into your head, it makes your eyes Xs and gives you a squiggly mouth. Different hand motions will trigger other faces.
I think it's awesome the way the kid plays along with Jeff. It's too bad that as VR gets more popular, there'll be more and more assholes.

This will happen, of course, but I've found there to be a really great sense of community in VR games right now. Something about "seeing" the other people in "real" space makes you want to be buds!

VR really is an empathy machine.


The paintball stuff is cool and clean but it's a pretty straightforward, basic implementation of the teleportation FPS idea. Not as fun as Onward imo. Rec Room also has a pretty fun little disc golf course I'd like to see expanded on.

In general, multiplayer is really cool in standing VR. Raw Data, Onward, Rec Room, Tabletop Simulator, etc.
That was great, still don't regret selling it though. I know I would play this for an hour and not touch the Vive for another month or two.
One of the best wow moments of VR I had was playing 3D Charades in Rec Room. It was a weird and cool moment realizing I was hanging out with people across the world and interacting with them more or less the same way I would if we were all together in real life. Can't wait to see GB try it.

They have not. I'm concerned they won't give it enough time to see why it's awesome, though. Pretty complex mechanics for a VR game, not something they'll get the hang of instantly.

True. Thinking about it now, it's probably best if they wait until Onward adds the mode with multiple respawns too otherwise a lot of it is going to take place in the lobby.

Does anyone know how the game determines facial expressions?

I saw this in a RoadToVR article from a while back:
The developers behind the social VR app told us they use a number of variables to generate the cutesy avatar facial expressions, including the user’s audio output, body language, proximity to other people, objects they’re holding and using, and the things that are happening to and around them—creating strings of facial expressions based on almost every data point they can collect. So while the simple emoticons-style faces aren’t in any way based on your own real facial expression, and are ostensibly fake, it still doesn’t seem to stop your brain from feeling all the good vibes anyway.


Video is so good, so many highlights. I get Tom Scharpling vibes from Jeff in situations like this when he interacts with randoms.

Rec Room is really great. Velvet Sundown virtual chatroom shenanigans with legitimately fun toys and activities to mess with. And it's free!


Video is so good, so many highlights. I get Tom Scharpling vibes from Jeff in situations like this when he interacts with randoms.

Rec Room is really great. Velvet Sundown virtual chatroom shenanigans with legitimately fun toys and activities to mess with. And it's free!

Whelp, now I'm reminded of Velvet Sundown. Might have a beer and fire it up later.
Whelp, now I'm reminded of Velvet Sundown. Might have a beer and fire it up later.

Still probably my favourite video.

The part where Ingmar (or is it Boyle?) goes to kill himself by jumping off the ship but then comes back after a while and complains nobody tried to stop him.


Rec room and Space Pirates are the two games I really love playing on the VIVE. There are other games I like but those two I come back to over and over, plus everyone that I have play those falls in love with VR.
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