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Tons of people on Xbox changed their gamer tags to Harambe


Or some variation of.

They'll add RIP, or stay woke, or some other random words but one constant remains: Harambe is everywhere. Why is this? It costs $10 to change your gamer tag and I have seen plenty of memes come and go over the years, but why has Harambe inspired a large group of gamers to pay up and name themselves after him? Why haven't I seen this with other memes? I don't see 10 or 15 dat boi's every night playing Siege, yet I see a new Harambe every few rounds.

So why has Harambe become a fixture on Xbox Live?

Edit: just to clarify, I am pretty certain most of these people had changed their name based on gamerscore, years with xbox live gold, etc.


Junior Member
How do you know they've changed their name to this and haven't just created it? Welcome to the internet.


Because it's become a fixture among shitposting 15-year-olds in general and guess what XBL and all online gaming is full of.


I've seen it on PSN many times as well, and you can't change names there (thanks, Sony, it's 2017 already btw), so some choose it as their potentially perpetual nickname. I guess some people just don't care much and choose whatever is hip at the time?


Should play Fifa online, the amount of team names and squad names with Harambe is insane. Never really noticed any gamertags, but I play with them off so would have to go out of my way to see the opponents gt.
If they're playing Overwatch, it's probably why. Can't see any other game causing people to do that when it's a dead meme.


I have a guy who used to be on my friends list on Xbox Live who changed his gamertag about monthly... I removed him cause it annoyed me trying to guess who it was.


Harambe is a legend.



Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
Always keep em out for Harambe.

All day


ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ


AT $10 a pop, this is free money for MS, and in a year they will change it to some other thing popular at the time.


First change is free I believe. I am sure some of them will be regretting it later not initially realizing they have to pay to change it again.
Animals are the best people.
It's true.
Not going to lie at first I thought the whole "harambe joke" was about the fake village at Animal Kingdom in Disney world. I was like haha that's so funny IVE BEEN THERE.
And then I realized it was about a gorilla that died and I'm quite upset about it.
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