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Kellyanne Conway now under protection of secret service because of death threats

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Don's coke went to the wrong address again.

I'm glad she's safe. She's awful, but no one should be made to feel unsafe like that. She has plenty of horrible stances to attack, no need to make threats.


I wish all of the people, who will suffer and die as a result from the actions of an administration that she has helped along, would also get protection from the coming years ahead.


If true then that's pretty sad even though she is a terrible person.
Though with this adminstration you have to be cynical of everything being #AlternativeFacts


This sucks and I hope people stop but it is no wonder why people are doing it. That interview about alternate facts and no taxes was a fuck you to america.


You really wonder why? These people are scum of the earth lol. I wouldn't be surprised if some of these people end up dead. They inspired a lot of hate in some people.

Yeah. It isn't right, but I understand these people inspiring hatred more than some other people. If they can inspire hatred for their cause, they certainly can inspire hatred against it.
OP, you forgot to mention the most important part: she's blaming the media for this.

Boy, Trump and his cronies sure are doubling down on trying to stuff free press.

After their lies i don't believe her.
That's a good statement to make, but we're probably better human beings to take the statement at face value for now.


This shouldn't have to be said, but fuck people who threaten anyone in politics regardless of where either person falls on the political spectrum. It's inexcusable
Man the "faking it for attention" and "deserves it a teeny tiny bit" people got in here nice and early.

Learned nothing from the Gamergate threats threads?


Its sad, but they are the ones that create this kind of environment. Nobody should get death threats, but this is how it is today.


If true then that's pretty sad even though she is a terrible person.
Though with this adminstration you have to be cynical of everything being #AlternativeFacts

We don't live in a world where people have to make up getting death threats. There's plenty of assholes who are willing to make that a reality.


I'll wait for this to be confirmed. My jerk instinct is to think this is more bullshit from the Trump administration, but I don't want to dismiss it off-hand as there are tons of wackos out there. Something like this has to be confirmable.


This is what happens when hyperpartisanship is allowed to grow and foster, something she seemed to eagerly participate in. I honestly sometimes wonder what the founders think when then see how our legislature has become pretty much parliamentary. There's very little diversity of thought in parties (although Bernie made some progress there last year), it's simply us vs them.

This sowing of divisions permeated by Kellyanne and her ilk is what led to the very threats she is receiving. Words have always had consequences and now we're all dealing with them. People on both sides of the aisle are human and subject to same flaws that can lead them the issuing death threats. It's why you don't ever let it get to that point.
I wish all of the people, who will suffer and die as a result from the actions of an administration that she has helped along, would also get protection from the coming years ahead.

Of course, that's the real tragedy here.

She's a smart and well-paid propaganda minister who should understand the sort of attention she calls to herself by weaseling around truth to shield the Trump administration's shit. Not advocating threats of physical harm on her, but it's difficult to care about her while she does what she does and that her contribution is a negative while she continues to be plainly dishonest about serious matters.


We don't live in a world where people have to make up getting death threats. There's plenty of assholes who are willing to make that a reality.

While that is true,I think my cynicism is already justified as she is blaming the media more so than the people who are sending her the actual threats which is very disingenuous.


Junior Member
Why is she not being tried for assault? I mean clear cut, lots of witnesses, should be a slam dunk.

Probably because it didn't actually happen.

If there isn't video and the guy even presses charges you may not even have any witnesses willing to say anything against their goddess kellyanne. This was at trumps inaugural ball. I doubt the guy wants to press charges.


Gold Member
not that I condone this sort of thing but..

WHAT IN THE FLYING FUCK DO THEY EXPECT? Seriously Alternative-Facts? The top echelon of your Government LYING to your face over such small and petty things!?!?!?


There's a spectrum of violence that people need to understand.

Death threats are such a cowardly thing and people like Conway don't deserve them.

People's going to come in here eventually and be like "But it's okay to punch Hitler Jr. okay Libs" but the thing is, Conway at the end of the day is just doing her job to the best of her ability. She's amoral and coldblooded in the application of it, but she's a spinmaster, not an actual Nazi supporting the eradication of a race and I'm sure if you asked her "do you agree with Richard Spencer that White People are the superior race" she'd tell you no.

So this kind of emotional violence is unnecessary and, sadly, expected. I hope she stays safe and also loses her job when her boss is ejected bodily from the White House by the ghost of Abraham Lincoln.

I mean, is Death Threats ever okay? Is this kind of spinless emotional abuse excusable in this new age of American Fascism?
Why is she not being tried for assault? I mean clear cut, lots of witnesses, should be a slam dunk.

She's a white, blonde, "wholesome" (read: Christian) woman. Therefore, in some people's eyes, she's a unicorn who can do no wrong.

If this were anyone other president's staffer, I'd say it was really terrible. And even if it's still terrible in the abstract, I really have zero sympathy for her. She took a job spewing lies and hate for a sexist, racist, bigoted man child. She is willfully propping up a platform that will end up hurting millions of people. If she had any decency, she would drop the job and do something else. You can't go shitting in the pool and be surprised when people are mad at you. You're not a child - you're deliberately hurting others and their instinct is to hurt you in response. You don't want to be scared? Stop actively terrifying the public

Like others have said, where's the protection for people hurt by Trump and his policies? We're paying good money to protect someone who will use that protection to hurt people more.
It's anyone surprised? She's the one that goes out in front of people and defends a racist, mysoginist, bigot and helps spread his message of fear. They should have put protection on her from the very beginning.


The Autumn Wind
Sorry, Kellyanne, not buying it. You've lost any benefit of the doubt you could've ever gotten from anyone. This sounds like just another way to deflect and play victim whenever she's confronted by the media about trumps horrible policies and lies. $10 says she brings this up in every interview she has going forward.
How fucking stupid do you have to be to threaten ANYBODY in that way, much less a government official?? Why is that in your head? In your heart?


I was under the assumption anyone high up enough in a White House administration was already under protection?
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