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Feeling helpless in Trump's America? Get off your ass and pick up a phone

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https://5calls.org/ - Type in your location, select an issue that matters to you, and not only will this site give you the number of your local representative, it'll even spit out a script for you so you don't feel completely clueless the first few times.

https://www.indivisibleguide.com/ - Find local groups and what they're currently calling about. Read through the guide, it helps you better understand what representatives are looking for when they get a call from their constituents and what to avoid so you don't waste your time. The site also has a great action calendar with important dates. Remember, showing up or voicing your concern in large numbers increases your chances of being heard.

https://swingleft.org/ - "Don't despair. Mobilize." Swing Left helps you find and commit to supporting progressives in your closest Swing District so that you can help ensure we take back the House in 2018.

I don't want to hear your whiny shit about how this doesn't do anything, politicians absolutely listen when there's a loud enough voice. And if you don't want to call your senator because they're too big league, call your district representative. If no one picks up, leave a message, all messages are listened to and the number of times an issue is raised are tallied daily by staff.

Some basic tips:
  • Always leave your address or at least your zip code so they know you're an actual constituent
  • Do not call representatives that aren't in your state, they wont care
  • Emails don't legally have to be tallied but they're obligated to tally phone calls so CALL
  • If you're part of a specific interest group by race, religion, profession, etc., it's worthwhile to state it briefly in your call
  • Try to limit your concerns to one action item per call
  • Specific requests work best - ex. "Please do not support the confirmation of Betsy DeVos"

Call often. Call daily if you can.

Too lazy to dial some numbers? God fucking damnit, well then maybe you can head over to the ACLU and make a donation.

If people have any other suggestions for the OP, let me know and I'll add em up here

Believing you can't make a difference is a self fulfilling prophecy. It wasn't long ago that America rallied around the call, "yes we can." I want to believe in that again. We have to if we're going to get through this. Please spread and share these sites if possible. The best way for us to be heard is as a strong, unified voice.

Other Donation Links
Planned Parenthood
Sacred Stone Legal Defense Fund - The legal defense fund for the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe
MALDEF - The Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund
NAACP - National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People
The Human Rights Campaign - A civil rights organization advocating for LGBTQ+ equality and basic rights
CAIR - Council on American-Islamic Relations
NRDC - Natural Resources Defense Council
Sierra Club

Great thread. Can we try to make a pledge to not let this die? This is a good call to action for all the political threads in the forum. Perhaps we could post each week to talk about any calls made and what issues we raised?


I'm a US citizen living overseas but originally from a solidly blue state (with onlyl D representatives, it looks like). I already donated something to the ACLU, but what else can I do from here?


I've been on the phone with my Senators and Congressmen all day today.

Make your voices heard. Now, more than ever.


People in Republican controlled states need to get on this. It doesnt do much for me in California where they are already on board, but these fucking south states need to push and make the party reconsider.


Hail to the KING baby
People in Republican controlled states need to get on this. It doesnt do much for me in California where they are already on board, but these fucking south states need to push and make the party reconsider.

Yeah this is huge. Pretty much the future of the nation could depend on this.


People in Republican controlled states need to get on this. It doesnt do much for me in California where they are already on board, but these fucking south states need to push and make the party reconsider.

At this point I would do so anyways to ensure more push is given towards opposing Trump's attacks.


hey, I told you all to vote for Justin Trudeau,

I got laughed at for months by NDPers when I called a Liberal majority

I did my part, Trudeau won

We both got laughed at :(

edit: On topic: donating to ACLU is the best thing Canadians can do at this point.
We both got laughed at :(

I give you a Liberal Party of Canada hug



I'd be in the dick
Been making calls and small donations where I can afford it.

Still feel helpless.

My only positive out of this shitstorm is that people now know how to organize. We're going to need it the next few years.
I thought this was going to be about physically picking up a phone and throwing it at someone.


You mean you want us to actually call someone with it? I mean, I guess. But are you sure throwing it at someone won't help a little?


(I called Cory Booker and Bob Menedez's offices last week to demand they reject every single Trump appointee; that was after I yelled about them voting down the Canadian prescription drug import bill.)


Being trying to call Stephen Cucklazzo all day, lines are busy and his inbox is full lol.

Got a hold of Roger Wicker and Thad Cuckran though.

The Llama

Haven't called personally but everyone I know in PA who has says that Pat Toomey's offices just give voicemails which are full or staffers who basically ignore you and hang up on you. So, that's lovely.


Being trying to call Stephen Cucklazzo all day, lines are busy and his inbox is full lol.

Got a hold of Roger Wicker and Thad Cuckran though.

Same with Cornyn and Cruz. I like to imagine them hiding in the coirner crying as the phone continuously rings, but I know it's more likely they're busy wiping trumps buzz off their face.


I've never thought about doing this in the past but I'm finally getting to the point where I see the need to do it. How do these conversations go down? Am I mainly just telling them what I feel and what I want (mostly ones-sided) or are we having a discussion? And who exactly is on the other end, some staffer taking my 'notes' or can I actually talk to senators and congressmen if I'm lucky?


Also in PA. Toomey's voicemail inbox has been full for a week. He's too busy speaking at Koch Induestry conventions to listen to his constituents.


I've never thought about doing this in the past but I'm finally getting to the point where I see the need to do it. How do these conversations go down? Am I mainly just telling them what I feel and what I want (mostly ones-sided) or are we having a discussion? And who exactly is on the other end, some staffer taking my 'notes' or can I actually talk to senators and congressmen if I'm lucky?

5 calls gives you scripts you can use. They're good. if you don't just leave a voice mail, it's mainly just an unpaid intern , so you don't need to talk for long. Just say you're piece. If you have a more personal story, it's good to add that too.


I've never thought about doing this in the past but I'm finally getting to the point where I see the need to do it. How do these conversations go down? Am I mainly just telling them what I feel and what I want (mostly ones-sided) or are we having a discussion? And who exactly is on the other end, some staffer taking my 'notes' or can I actually talk to senators and congressmen if I'm lucky?

It's generally always a staffer. The entire process is very easy. Go to 5calls.org, plug in your zip code, select your issue, and follow the script. If you're too nervous about talking to someone, call after hours (like now), leave a voicemail and they'll tally the message.

The Llama

Not totally relevant to this, but I work for the city of Philadelphia and the mayor's office has an employee whose only job (more or less) is to answer letters the mayor gets. Point being, they read these things. They listen. It helps.


5 calls gives you scripts you can use. They're good. if you don't just leave a voice mail, it's mainly just an unpaid intern , so you don't need to talk for long. Just say you're piece. If you have a more personal story, it's good to add that too.

It's generally always a staffer. The entire process is very easy. Go to 5calls.org, plug in your zip code, select your issue, and follow the script. If you're too nervous about talking to someone, call after hours (like now), leave a voicemail and they'll tally the message.
Thanks. I plan to do this tomorrow. I don't know how much this will help overall since I'm in California but I need to get out what I'm feeling and they need to at least hear me.

edit: just saw the comments above about conveying encouragement for their support, I like that idea as well.
Thanks for sharing 5calls script. Not knowing exactly how to articulate what to say effectively is the what made me not do it it earlier. Being in Tx it may not mean much but I can at least show I care.


https://5calls.org/ - Type in your location, select an issue that matters to you, and not only will this site give you the number of your local representative, it'll even spit out a script for you so you don't feel completely clueless the first few times.
This site is incredible.

What saddens me is knowing that far-right Republicans are probably employing the exact same tactic.


Well black people need to be preparing for Chicago right now instead of the immigration. Trump is coming and he's coming fast since he's going to try to keep his campaign promises. I wouldn't be surprise if he tries to martial law that entire city.

I agree with this. It's inevitable if he stays in power. Assume it's happening.


Junior Member
I know my views don't count am on a visa but I have quite a few friends who are doing this often including one who is mailing letters constantly . She's pa living in sf now . Other is pa living in wisc. So proud of them . Two of my closest friends are Iranians on visas so this impacts them directly . Well three since one of them is married .

Edit I tried shifting opinion during elections ironically the girls I knew here (psu,pa) ignoring the college crowd were for her the guys I know are all military bouncer types (been here a whole frequent bars so they're friends) and they almost all swung trump including one of my good friends who's half philipino Dutch and grew up in Netherlands and has family in Canada Uruguay involved in un ... He's army now and his reason was "Shake up the system" ...

But actually after hearing reports about immigration officers checking your social media for views on trump I'm legit scared and am seriously considering not being so direct since I will almost surely need to apply for a visa renewal / green card application sometime 2018/19. Scary times .

And I'm actually quite centrist and even right wing on some things while primarily I vote on the left wing social issues as I consider them more important . But I'm concerned which way this will go . And internationals rights are basically all your country can leverage the other country on . India is in a safer position but there is the whole Indians taking h1bs so I'm def concerned with too blatantly voicing my opinion publicly now .


It's generally always a staffer. The entire process is very easy. Go to 5calls.org, plug in your zip code, select your issue, and follow the script. If you're too nervous about talking to someone, call after hours (like now), leave a voicemail and they'll tally the message.

I personally do not see a reason to do this... Those who actually need to change their minds (Republicans) already put everything into following Trump and the party lines. The best thing to be done would be to keep protesting and donate to organizations that can help until next elections, calling won't get anything done in my view. Not that I will stop those of you who do, do this.


I personally do not see a reason to do this... Those who actually need to change their minds (Republicans) already put everything into following Trump and the party lines. The best thing to be done would be to keep protesting and donate to organizations that can help until next elections, calling won't get anything done in my view. Not that I will stop those of you who do, do this.
Edit: Whoops misread haha. I don't believe it's useless. Trump is losing general popularity at a swift rate. There's no sympathy right now for Trump. Showing you're part of the many other republicans that don't approve of shit like the immigration ban could be a message they'd hear.
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