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Is it possible all these WH leaks are a misdirection?

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I know its easy to believe all these leaks to feed in to our pre-conceived notions of how much Trump sucks. However, the one thing he is really good at is manipulating the media. Could they be feeding us this petty squabble shit to throw us off the scent of some more sinister stuff that is going down? Too much tin foil hat?

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I mean, to what end? Lets say we actually knew about the more sinister stuff: what could we do about it? We were unable to keep Betsy fucking Devos from confirmation

His White House does seem to be genuinely incompetent.


If they're misdirection, it's not really working when everyone's talking about the travel ban and the colossal fuckball that is Trump's cabinet.


Super Sleuth
I mean, I guess as a result of their incompetence they might think it was a good idea to leak out a bunch of damaging stuff to prevent people from looking deeper into their administration. Because that wouldn't work. But they're stupid so they don't know that.
Anything is possible; although I believe there are fundamental internal struggles ongoing within the administration that are the catalyst for these leaks to occur -consistently (dissent).
If that's their plan it's doing terribly so far because on top of their policy getting attention, people now think the administration is a mess less than a month in.
I think Bannon and Co. strategy has just been an all out blitz anyways. Just inundate the news with story after story and the media, and most importantly the American people, won't be able to keep up. How long can the average person sustain outrage when they have their own shit to worry about?

It's just a way to normalize their behavior. They fucking took off white extremists from their terror list. It's insanity.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
To a degree, maybe. However, when there is a lack of respect towards the top, you see leaks in any organizations. When you don't know if you are coming or going or where you stand, you see leaks. We knew this was a shitshow going in, all of this is the result of that. News like the call to Austraila or Mexico or not being allowed to do ops in Yemen or crazy talk with Iran or playing up to Putin or the travel ban to lying left and right on television with alternative facts. We don't even have three weeks in and all of this has happened.

El Topo

I don't doubt that some of the stuff is deliberate and/or exaggerated. That said, I still have a modicum trust in journalism as a whole.
I mean, to what end? Lets say we actually knew about the more sinister stuff: what could we do about it? We were unable to keep Betsy fucking Devos from confirmation

His White House does seem to be genuinely incompetent.

Just more noise I suppose. Your average person is only going to read so many stories about Trump and the bickering stuff is juicier.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I know its easy to believe all these leaks to feed in to our pre-conceived notions of how much Trump sucks. However, the one thing he is really good at is manipulating the media. Could they be feeding us this petty squabble shit to throw us off the scent of some more sinister stuff that is going down? Too much tin foil hat?
It's possible that leaks might be wrong.

But it's also true that bad political organizations leak like a faucet.


Can I have an example of this "good at manipulating the media"? All I really see is him squabbling and complaining about it, rather than manipulating anything.
Can I have an example of this "good at manipulating the media"? All I really see is him squabbling and complaining about it, rather than manipulating anything.

He's the president of the United States after countless scandals that would sink pretty much any politician. I think that is sufficient proof.


Donald Trump is not an unknown commodity; he has had a prolific public persona as an incompetent, narcissistic moron for over 30 years. This is what happens when you apply that kind of personality to the White House and the U.S. government writ large.

Similarly, Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller are not secretive evil geniuses. Their inexperience at writing executive orders and failing to consult the lawyers and agencies you would normally consult is a major reason why the Muslim ban is legally vulnerable. Not to mention Bannon and Miller have made plenty of public comments over the years revealing their true feelings and prejudices.

There's no misdirection. Donald Trump is as dumb as advertised.

He's the president of the United States after countless scandals that would sink pretty much any politician. I think that is sufficient proof.

With the exception of Nixon, who resigned because he handed over (against his will) his own damning evidence, presidents aren't really sunk by scandal. They may lose re-election, or cost elections for their party. But they otherwise aren't forced out. Certainly not in, like, the last century.
I know its easy to believe all these leaks to feed in to our pre-conceived notions of how much Trump sucks. However, the one thing he is really good at is manipulating the media. Could they be feeding us this petty squabble shit to throw us off the scent of some more sinister stuff that is going down? Too much tin foil hat?

The leaks are coming from some of the players we know. For example, someone said not too long ago that during the campaign, Kellyanne Conway leaked when it was advantageous to her.

If they really are leaking bad info to manipulate the press, I think that the press would burn them as sources.


Gold Member
it's all propoganda. do your best to educate yourself about every situation from all perspectives, not just US rep and dem.
No. Not everything is a mass conspiracy. I know some liberals spent a few days patting themselves on the back for seeing "what's really going on" but the last week made it very clear the simplest answer is the right one: this is an unprepared president surrounded by a completely incompetent White House staff.

It's impossible to purge everyone from every facet of government. There are officials who have worked in various departments for multiple presidents. Those people are most likely to be disgusted by Trump's behavior thus far. It's clear they're leaking shit at unprecedented levels.

Then there are White House aides from the RNC and congress who are seeing and hearing Trump on a daily basis. They're also leaking stuff, including memos and executive orders. This is unprecedented and hurts the president and his agenda. There is no "secret" agenda here. If the White House is constantly playing defense and dealing with rogue officials/aides it can't be as effective.

The only "leaks" Obama dealt with early were the type of premeditated ones that pat the WH on the back: "we did this thing and it went perfect, here's the inside story on how everyone did their fucking job." He had a very effective and impressive first 100 days in office. Trump could have had an incredibly effective first 100 days too but he botched it. There is no strategy here, congressional leadership is confused and concerned, the media is looking for blood, and even foreign governments are leaking information.


I don't buy it. It's one thing to try to distract the media or get them to focus on things that don't matter, but another to purposefully make yourself look disastrously incompetent while doing so.
1) Trump's ego/thin skin wouldn't allow that
2) They're really not that smart
3) It would be counter-productive as once there is the impression of incompetency it's very hard to wash that away.
When has Trump ever had a legitimate political play before?

Easiest answer is there are people in the White House horrified about what is going on and put out the best resistance they can.


Trump really is vapid but there could very easily have been a strategy made as early as the premiary campaign to send out trial misinformation to make the other side look bad and muddy the waters about truly negative nuggets of info. We already know he used to make vague controversial statements to bait the media



Who knows?


How would that be misdirection? He can and always has been both stupid and evil. No one is going to think he's benign just because he's incredibly incompetent.

So stupid they were elected into presidency and won most swing states.

It turns out stupid people vote too.


it's not really working when everyone's talking about the travel ban

Are people still talking about this though? Genuine question, because as an American living in South Korea it feels like it's already dropped off everyone's radar. Seems like it was a controversial topic for a few days and everyone has already moved on. If people are still pissed about it, that's great news.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
the talk of international leaders becomming frustrated that he talks like an infomercial makes me think not


Nope, his White House is filled with inexperienced, incompetent staff from outside the typical political spectrum - these guys leak profusely because they're not as beholden to a career in politics and are easy marks for journalists.
besadas explanation from another thread sounds logical:

Because bad Presidential administrations leak like a sieve. The only way to really stop leaks in D.C. is genuine loyalty and appreciation of being part of the team. There is no team in Trump's WH. There's Trump/Miller/Bannon and everyone else. In addition, the place is still full of appointees from prior administrations, and all of them think Trump and his people are garbage.
That would mean trump was ok with leaks to the media making him look insane, inexperienced and mentally unfit

Do you think trump would be cool with that
Yeah but he was elected president. You don't just luck in to that.

There were a lot of factors outside of luck. Not a lot of them were "planned" so much as shrewdly taken advantage of for immediate, short term gain without much thought for longer-lasting effects.

Dude has run every single business of his in the same slipshod, ridiculous manner.

Assuming his rewarded mediocrity is a sign of hidden talent is partially how he maintains it. People don't want to consider the possibility someone so undeserving could amass such power/wealth, and they don't want to admit they were taken by his bullheaded but empty tenacity, so they continue to believe there's more there than we can see.

There isn't.

This is the same man he was in the 80s. He has no arc. He is a flat line.

These leaks aren't distraction. They're description of experiences on that line.
Maybe some things, there are always intentional leaks from the white house designed to make the administration look good. Not really at the giant misdirection scale you're thinking though and definitely not in ways that makes the president look like he may not be entirely mentally competent.

It's probably more comforting thinking the president and his administration have total control over things instead of knowing the reality that a bunch of madmen that are scrambling to get the most basic shit done also have full control of our nuclear arsenal with no oversight.
Can we stop with this stupid nth-dimensional conspiratorial chess shit you guys on here love to entertain? You sound like you're just as crazed as his supporters. He isn't playing some long game or strategy. Why is the idea of someone just being stupid so hard to understand and accept? How many examples do you need to see before you're convinced??
To be honest, OP, this kind of mindset is part of the reason we're here. This willful effort to deny his self-evident incompetence and rationalize our way around it helped get him elected in the first place. Don't play yourself.

edit: less delicately, what the poster above me said haha


Whenever he tweets something controversial, I look for what he's trying to push under the radar in the news.

He's still an idiot, but keeping the media cycle busy is certainly part of this.
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