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Buzzfeed: Utah Rep Jason Chaffetz will not seek reelection in 2018

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Updating: May finish term early http://thehill.com/homenews/house/329716-chaffetz-considering-early-departure-from-congress


As chairman the House Oversight Committee, Chaffetz has drawn attention and criticism for his handling of conflicts of interest investigation into Hillary Clinton and potential investigations into President Donald Trump. Some of that criticism bubbled over in recent months, with angry constituents lambasting Chaffetz at a packed town hall over the February recess.


Thank you for allowing me to serve as your Representative in the United States House of Representatives. Serving is an honor and a privilege that I have never taken for granted.

After long consultation with my family and prayerful consideration, I have decided I will not be a candidate for any office in 2018.
Since late 2003 I have been fully engaged with politics as a campaign manager, a chief of staff, a candidate and as a Member of Congress. I have long advocated public service should be for a limited time and not a lifetime or full career. Many of you have heard me advocate, ”Get in, serve, and get out." After more than 1,500 nights away from my home, it is time. I may run again for public office, but not in 2018.

For those that would speculate otherwise, let me be clear that I have no ulterior motives. I am healthy. I am confident I would continue to be re-elected by large margins. I have the full support of Speaker Ryan to continue as Chairman of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee. That said, I have made a personal decision to return to the private sector.
I am grateful for all of you in the current and previous 3rd Congressional District. I acknowledge the outstanding work of my dedicated staff. Together we have been a strong advocate for Utahns.

By announcing now, I hope to give prospective candidates time to lay the groundwork for a successful run. I have no doubt the 3rd Congressional District will be represented by a Republican. I trust you to find the best person to serve.
Thank you!

Jason Chaffetz
I'm thrilled at this news but at the same time, I can't help but think "what did we do to deserve this?"

Is it solely because all of the backlash he was getting at town halls? Was he going to be primaried? Or is something serious going to drop soon about him?


Think he's gearing up for a Senate run for Hatch's seat if he retires in 2018. Then again I've read Romney is being groomed for that seat so Chaffetz is fucked if he goes against Romney...it won't even be close.
I'm thrilled at this news but at the same time, I can't help but think "what did we do to deserve this?"

Is it solely because all of the backlash he was getting at town halls? Was he going to be primaried? Or is something serious going to drop soon about him?

I think there's like a 90% chance that he realizes he can make way more money as a lobbyist and not get the amount of shit he's getting now at the same time.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
I hope he fucks off forever. What a total unrepentant scumbag.


He isn't working towards a 2020 run is he??

Would Dems have a chance in Utah? Knowing the momentum we've had lately in deep red states?


As someone who lives in Utah.... THIS IS AWESOME!!!! The people who defend this piece of shit makes me so angry! This is the best news of the day!



Via his Facebook.

Odd. He says he's not running in 2018. But "open to future office runs."


EDIT: looks like another thread just popped up before mine

Chaffetz in 2020? Ahahahahahaha

The real reason he's out is due to his favorability falling from 73% in Nov '16 to below 53% as of last week or so. The man burned his political capital within his own constituency and they're not giving a fuck anymore. His political opponents likely smell blood in the water.

52% of Chaffetz's constituents in the 3rd Congressional District view him favorably, which is a far cry from the 73.5% he got just last November in the 2016 election. The latest number is also a 14-point drop from a similar survey conducted last February.


I'm not normally this type of poster, but...

Get fucked Chaffetz.

One of the least respectable politicians of our time. Get the fuck out.

And yeah I'm on #teamrussia with this one. We may not hear from this dude again until he goes to jail.


I wonder if the rumored McMullin run at his seat is real (especially now that McMullin's ambitions for the Senate are probably dead if Romney wants the seat instead) and Cheffetz is deciding to get out rather than face a year-long campaign of being called a semi-traitor and then losing his seat.

He isn't working towards a 2020 run is he??

Would Dems have a chance in Utah? Knowing the momentum we've had lately in deep red states?

I think the problem with Utah is there are a lot of anti-Trump Republicans there who can steal the momentum away from Dems. Your best case scenario is that maybe Dems pick up a House seat there, while a number of seats held by people like Hatch and Chaffetz who have gone all-in on Trump get taken by Republicans like Romney and McMullin who will at least join Dems in digging into the Russia stuff, if not anything else.


I would imagine a good number of ads against him would be the "if you want healthcare, better not buy a new iPhone" clip.
Sure, but his ads would be that he's a Mormon and he played an enormous role in preventing Hillary Clinton from becoming President. That plays well with the good people of Utah.


I'll believe it when I see it. Didn't Marco Rubio say himself multiple times he wouldn't run again and then he did?


That's my district, good riddance.

Unfortunately, I'm moving this year and won't be able to vote in the election. :(
He will turn lobbyist, make some fat stacks, and then come back to run for some office and annoy us all again in 2-4 years. We won't be through with him until he's defeated soundly at the ballot box.
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