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Trump pick for USDA labelled progressives "race traitors".


He's also not a scientist and thinks climate change is a hoax.

Sam Clovis: Trump's pick for top science job called progressives 'race traitors'

Donald Trump’s nominee to be the department of agriculture’s lead scientist used to run a blog that also likened Obama to a ‘communist’ and ‘dictator’


In a September 2011 post, Clovis said that Obama was “brought up by socialists to be a socialist. His associations were socialists or worse, criminal dissidents who were bent on overthrowing the government of the United States.”

Warming to the theme, Clovis claimed in subsequent posts that Obama had a “communist father, socialist mother” and “has designs on being a dictator”. Obama’s followers, Clovis claimed are “progressive, Maoist, anti-colonist”.

Clovis, who served in the Air Force for 25 years, turned his attention to race in August 2011, labeling progressives as “liars, race traders and race traitors”. He also accused progressives of keeping “minorities in this country enslaved to government” with a supposed desire to “essentially eliminate people of color from the American landscape”.

In June 2011, Clovis said civil rights leader WEB Du Bois was “the first race trader” for convincing black people to vote for Woodrow Wilson.

Clovis is a departure from previous USDA’s chief scientists, without a strong science background. He also departs from mainstream scientists with his views on climate change, which he said he was “skeptical” about in 2014, claiming that “a lot of the science is junk science”.

Clovis was Trump’s top policy advisor in 2015 when the presidential candidate announced his infamous Muslim ban. The former Iowa college professor described the policy of banning all Muslims from entering the United States to the Guardian as a “reasonable precaution” in order to “stop, take a break, have a look and make sure everything is cool”



Please tell me he won't be confirmed.

This guy makes Betsy DeVos look eminently qualified for her cabinet position.


Lol. It's always funny reading threads comparing racism in Europe to America.

It's like someone pointing out holes in your windows whilst their house is on fire.

The problems in Europe are bad. But America seems to be a magnitude worse.


Please tell me he won't be confirmed.

This guy makes Betsy DeVos look eminently qualified for her cabinet position.
He'll be confirmed, and Trump will be forced to fire him a month later after he does something especially racist.
Look at this nutjob, would he get a government post in the UK?
Accusing progressives of being race traitors.

Our government in the UK want to fuck the entire country for a generation...

We have May, we have Borris. We allowed Piers Morgan to bhild a career. Need I go on?
But what if the Confederacy won?

Shameful. I hope this administration and its voters are labeled for life for their stupidity.


I always find it weird when racists try to make it seem like THEY are the ones really looking out for minorities.

“essentially eliminate people of color from the American landscape”.


Look at this nutjob, would he get a government post in the UK?
Accusing progressives of being race traitors.

UK politicians just keep it to themselves or tone it down, concentrate on lining their own and friends pockets and if that screws over people at the same time, two birds, that's the only difference.

It's quite scary that there is so much evidence in the Trump administration, campaign and American politics in general but it has little to no effect with the voters to swing to the better side.


USDA chief scientist without a science background. Great! #MAGA

Warming to the theme, Clovis claimed in subsequent posts that Obama had a “communist father, socialist mother” and “has designs on being a dictator”. Obama’s followers, Clovis claimed are “progressive, Maoist, anti-colonist”.

Clovis, who served in the Air Force for 25 years, turned his attention to race in August 2011, labeling progressives as “liars, race traders and race traitors”. He also accused progressives of keeping “minorities in this country enslaved to government” with a supposed desire to “essentially eliminate people of color from the American landscape”.



Our government in the UK want to fuck the entire country for a generation...

We have May, we have Borris. We allowed Piers Morgan to bhild a career. Need I go on?

We do. And it's bad.
But can you say that Boris is worse than Jeff Sessions?
The countless others that want to create an environment of hostility towards minorities that often leads to violence.

That job falls more to our rightwing press.

Being able to vote in the UK is simple and takes minutes to register and minutes to vote.

In America people get purged from voting registrars on the whims of politicians. The forms of ID poor minorities would have are not considered good enough like to vote whilst gun licences are.

That doesn't really happen here.

UK politicians just keep it to themselves or tone it down, concentrate on lining their own and friends pockets and if that screws over people at the same time, two birds, that's the only difference.

It's quite scary that there is so much evidence in the Trump administration, campaign and American politics in general but it has little to no effect with the voters to swing to the better side.

Politics attracts a certain type of person. In general they're not altruistic, sadly.
But did you hear Comey's and Session's testimony? The kind of questions that were asked of them by Republicans just screamed "we are biased, corrupt and we don't care"

There's something to be said about putting a veneer of respectability over evil.
I recommend giving the latest episode of the private eye podcast a listen:


It talks about how for years hemophilia patients were given blood products infected with Hepatitis C and HIV. The doctors and government knew about it yet continued to do it whilst not informing the patients. They even did experiments with heat treating infected blood to see if they would get infected.

It's fucked up but there has been no apology from the government.
There was an commission that determined that nobody was to blame!

Though that is changing now, thing is who know how many were infected and died.

It does make me wonder what would happen if we had a similar election scandal.
But hey. UKIP and Brexit shows that we do have a people that just don't care just like your mega trump supporters.


I think I just did a shitpost derail of the thread. Sorry.

This nomination is messed up and that's what should be discussed.


In a September 2011 post, Clovis said that Obama was “brought up by socialists to be a socialist. His associations were socialists or worse, criminal dissidents who were bent on overthrowing the government of the United States.”

man i wish

Bailey 87

Look at this nutjob, would he get a government post in the UK?
Accusing progressives of being race traitors.

"Boris Johnson has apologised for referring to black people as "piccaninnies" and talking about "watermelon smiles"."

That is our foreign secretary
Please tell me he won't be confirmed.

This guy makes Betsy DeVos look eminently qualified for her cabinet position.

He will be. I think this is some of the bigger problems I have with this administration he keeps putting in exceptionally unqualified people into positions in the government. I don't know if it is just bringing back the spoils system, trying to find the most unqualified person to run government departs to show how shitty government is, or just not giving a shit.

In terms of Clovis and his diet racism, I cannot say that I'm surprised even though I didn't know this when I kept seeing him promote Trump on TV.
Bringing up Du Bois as a supposed 'race traitor'? Now that is some vintage nonsense.

I presume the 'keeping minorities enslaved to government' crap is a reference to beliefs welfare and such should be scrapped?


Clovis, who served in the Air Force for 25 years, turned his attention to race in August 2011, labeling progressives as “liars, race traders and race traitors”.

He heard the phrase "race traitor," wasn't sure if he heard "race trader," and now says both together because racist people nod approvingly when he does and he's too scared to ask whether traitor or trader is the original phrase.
You know what I love the cognition dissonance of Racist who also desire Empire and Slavery. I know of a racist who is absolutely pissed at how many Black people are in America yet also supports the Confederacy like where is your fucking sign. If your a racist it's isolationist policies you want yet they can't help themselves in wanting to get into other countries business.
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