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EA Claims First Xbox 360 1080p Game Crown (NBA Street Homecourt)


Following yesterday's news that Sega's March 20 release of Virtua Tennis 3 would herald the first Xbox 360 game to feature native 1080p support, a representative from Electronic Arts has revealed to Gamasutra that its upcoming NBA Street Homecourt, shipping a month earlier on February 20, will also support the high end resolution on Xbox 360.

While Microsoft first announced support for native 1080p games and movies in its October 2006 Xbox Live update, it heralded a number of titles competing to be the first to offer the highest-end HD resolution, and it appears that EA's title will indeed beat Sega's to retail with the hitherto not well-publicized resolution included.

The fourth game in the EA's fast action basketball series, and the first for a next-gen console, NBA Street Homecourt will support multiple resolutions, including 16:9 1080p at 30fps, according to further information from EA representatives.


Looks like Sega got beaten to the punch. Seems like the framerate (in NBA Street) was dropped in half to 30fps in 1080p mode though (it runs @ 60fps in 720p).


I'd actually support the motion for all developers aiming for 1080p to put a 60fps 720p and a 30fps 1080p mode into the game and let the users decide.
Is this site reliable?

If this is true, I wonder if we'll see this trend in the future - 60 FPS 720p games with the option for 30FPS 1080p. Is the bump in res really worth the drop in frames?


Sho_Nuff82 said:
Is this site reliable?

If this is true, I wonder if we'll see this trend in the future - 60 FPS 720p games with the option for 30FPS 1080p. Is the bump in res really worth the drop in frames?

Prob one of the most reliable sites out there.


Quick question.... is there a quality sacrifice in the video display since the 1080p display from the 360 is component vs hdmi?


Bish loves my games!
newsguy said:
Which is exactly why I will let my TV upscale it to 1080p and keep the framerate.

Doesn't the game render at 1080p? Aren't you going to loose image quality if you upscale from 720p?


jetjevons said:
Doesn't the game render at 1080p? Aren't you going to loose image quality if you upscale from 720p?

Yes cause you're scaling down and up again, but framerate (especially for this game) is pretty crucial. For confirmation see Madden next gen.
newsguy said:
Which is exactly why I will let my TV upscale it to 1080p and keep the framerate.

How'd you do that?......By setting your 1080p TV at 1080i?

P.S. Can you even get true 1080p through the Xbox 360 component cables?


newsguy said:
Yes cause you're scaling down and up again, but framerate (especially for this game) is pretty crucial.

if the game runs @ 30 fps at 1080p how scaling it down to 720p would make it run @ 60fps?!

it's clear that if you set the console to 720p the game must be being rendered internally @ 720p with no need to scale it down (but you still need to scale it up if you have a 1080p set)

Safe Bet said:
I'm getting so sick of companies spewing negative comments aimed at their competitors only to turn around and do the exact same thing they spoke so negativley about...



It's Microsoft...

And Sony hasn't done the same thing before? Did you watch Sony's E3 '06 presentation? *shakes head* edit: MS has gotten a decent amount of criticism over the last couple of months for backpeddling on comments made earlier, anyway.

The whole 1080p thing is unecessary, IMO, but if there are people who are happy to have, then so be it.


The Faceless Master said:
so i have to set my 360 to 720 for one game because EA wants 1080 PR instead of a good framerate?

just don't buy that game :lol (i have no idea if this game is actually good or not :p)
Sho_Nuff82 said:
Is the bump in res really worth the drop in frames?

well if it's an option i don't see the harm in it

it should be abundantly clear no matter what your console bias is that games that run natively at 1080p cannot also run at 60 FPS unless the game is very simple. it just can't happen. even if the console is capable of it, the devs would rather invest the resources they save to get the performance up at 60 FPS and 1080p into doing more with the game.

despite what people say here, 1080p is still a small fraction of the user base of console owners and will be for a few more years.


ForzaItalia said:
I have a Sharp Aquos 46 inch D62 and don't know if it can accept 1080p through component...

does it have a VGA input? 1080p should be supported over VGA



xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Safe Bet said:
I'm getting so sick of companies spewing negative comments aimed at their competitors only to turn around and do the exact same thing they spoke so negativley about...



It's Microsoft...


EA is MS now?


The Faceless Master said:
i'm not, but my brother will, he loves NBA Street.

i've edited my post, i'm not really into basketball games so i don't know if this game is actually any good

they should make an option to decide if the game must be rendered in 1080p internally or in 720p (with the double framerate) and then upscaled to 1080p like every other game out there at the moment



Figures... the demo had the kind of "graphics quality" I'd expect out of a 1080p game
on either platform.
(ahem, last-gen grass, mountains on a card, no parallax mapping on the ground, etc)


ForzaItalia said:
Hmmm...I don't think it has a VGA input. Could be wrong though.....

i've downloaded the manual but it's completely useless, it says nothing about 1080p being supported over component and the set doesn't seems to have a VGA input

you probably need to try to know


Safe Bet

pooteeweet said:
Don't bother him. Can't you see MS has persecuted him enough?
So I guess it was EA that patched the 360 to enable 1080p games?

But like I said it was easy to see this coming from a mile away...



Safe Bet said:
So I guess it was EA that patched the 360 to enable 1080p games?

But like I said it was easy to see this coming from a mile away...


You're an idiot



Looking for Pants
ForzaItalia said:
I have a Sharp Aquos 46 inch D62 and don't know if it can accept 1080p through component...
I have the same TV and it does accept 1080p through component. :D

(Oh, and sharp is sending me a free replacement for the minor horizontal banding I have. wahoo!)


Safe Bet said:
I'm getting so sick of companies spewing negative comments aimed at their competitors only to turn around and do the exact same thing they spoke so negativley about...



It's Microsoft...


Dude, seriously, what's up with you? You've taken a nose dive as of lately. Sony doesn't pay you, microsoft hasn't murdered your family. What gives.

Chillax, it's only games.
Lathentar said:
I have the same TV and it does accept 1080p through component. :D

(Oh, and sharp is sending me a free replacement for the minor horizontal banding I have. wahoo!)

So it does? Awesome. Where would I go to d/l whatever I need for my 360 to output at 1080p?


Safe Bet said:
So I guess it was EA that patched the 360 to enable 1080p games?

The argument that MS did a 180 on the 1080p issue isn't a particularly good one before MS themselves start to make 1080p games. If MS believes that 1080 games aren't worth the extra effort, but other companies want to make them, why not let them? What would they gain? It's not like 1080p was some kind of monster that MS tried to fight and gave up. MS still isn't making 1080p games (at least I'm not aware of any) and that shows that they haven't really changed their minds about 1080p in gaming.

Safe Bet

TigerKnee said:
You're an idiot



I am sorry guys but if Sony had done something like this the thread would be filled with endless post of "SONY LIES!!!" in different varations and you all damn well know thats the truth.

I'm just getting a little sick of Microsoft's stumbles being overlooked while Sony gets grilled at the slightest hint of a mis-step.

I'm just wanting for Luke and Garnett to laugh it up over Microsoft totally backpedalling on 1080p and Multimedia, but somehow I doubt it will happen.


ForzaItalia said:
So it does? Awesome. Where would I go to d/l whatever I need for my 360 to output at 1080p?

You just need to connect your X360 to Live and it updates automatically. Then just select 1080p as your resolution.


Safe Bet said:
So I guess it was EA that patched the 360 to enable 1080p games?

But like I said it was easy to see this coming from a mile away...


You know it's not like Microsoft swore up and down 1080p was absolutly retarded. They simply said it was very taxing on a system (true), and has very limited returns (also true).

Honestly, out of all the things MS has done, this is probably the most insignificant, and you are making it out to be this big deal.

Please calm down.
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