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Madden 2008 only running at 30FPS on PS3


my posts are "MEH"
They may call baseball America's pastime, but in the world of videogames, that honor easily belongs to football. No other sport has racked up software sales quite like the pigskin offerings, and no other sport has been so vital to the success (PlayStation 2 having Madden since Day 1) and failure (Dreamcast never got it) of hardware. The importance of this genre is just as relevant today, yet it seems Sony's console ain't sittin' so pretty this time around.
We have confirmed the Xbox 360 versions of Madden NFL 08 (August), All-Pro Football 2K8 (July), and NCAA Football 08 (July) will run at 60 frames per second, whereas the PS3 editions are locked at just 30fps. In the simplest of terms, this means that the 360 versions will run smoother and faster, and you'll have an easier time noticing subtle animations.
While we haven't had the opportunity to see the difference with EA's titles (the publisher hasn't sent us PS3 builds of either), All-Pro Football 2K8 definitely runs better on Xbox 360.
Now, you'd think Sony would be doing everything in its power to make sure these system sellers are par with -- or better -- than Microsoft's version. That's not the case, as Sony seems to have a "hey, we can do it -- why can't you?" attitude. "We have already proven that sports titles can run on the PlayStation 3 at true HD with 1080p output with NBA 07," says Dave Karraker, Sony CEA's senior director of corporate communications. "If you have questions about specific third-party games, you should speak to those publishers."
OK, we will. After seeing Sony's response, Todd Sitrin, EA's vice president of marketing sports branding, replied:

"We want to make sure that we give the best experience we can on each platform. In designing a game, there are all sorts of tradeoffs that include frame rate, visuals, features, AI, etc. Football is an extremely challenging sport to replicate because of the number of people on the field, their interaction, and the scope of the environments. As you can see, every company making a football game this year made a decision that the best experience for the Xbox 360 included 60fps whereas the best experience for the PS3 was 30fps. We certainly believe that both the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions are our football products are outstanding experiences and recommend that each gamer look at the entire experience, not just one aspect. We think they'll be very happy no matter which version of the game they play."

Unfortunately, the folks at 2K Sports refused to comment.
Aside from the simple fact that this puts the PS3 at a disadvantage (again), this situation (and Sony's response to it) raises all kinds of questions: is Sony's console really that much more difficult to develop for? What is Sony doing to educate its third parties on PS3 development? And after Karraker's comment, do they even care to help? A few weeks ago, Karraker tackled the subject on Sony's PlayStation blog:

"If your game starts on Xbox 360 you will have to re-engineer aspects of the game to run properly on PS3. This means additional effort. Some developers have been complaining about this but I don't believe we can solve that. Xbox 360 is a different machine with good, but lower powered hardware in a different architecture. Developers have to view them as two different machines not as a common platform."

It's worth pointing out that EA's been working on Xbox 360 hardware a full year longer than PS3. With Madden, it's almost understandable, but 2K is having the same issues with All-Pro Football 2K8, a game built from the ground up to be released on both platforms.
With this now in mind, does this change which version you're going to buy?
bold the important parts for me

We have confirmed the Xbox 360 versions of Madden NFL 08 (August), All-Pro Football 2K8 (July), and NCAA Football 08 (July) will run at 60 frames per second, whereas the PS3 editions are locked at just 30fps. In the simplest of terms, this means that the 360 versions will run smoother and faster, and you'll have an easier time noticing subtle animations.
While we haven't had the opportunity to see the difference with EA's titles (the publisher hasn't sent us PS3 builds of either), All-Pro Football 2K8 definitely runs better on Xbox 360.

Yep its all football games
I prefer the 360 pad for sports games, so it doesn't mean anything to me. Odd though about the framerate suffering on the more powerful console ;).


I'm sure the PS3 is more than capable of matching - if not exceeding - the 360 version. But put simply, I still believe the 360 - despite its terrible hardware faults - was way ahead of its time.

EDIT: Doesn't Madden 07 run at 60fps on PS3 anyway?


So, Madden on 360 is definitely downgraded compared to its last year edition (worse player models, less graphical bells and whistles). Will PS3 version have noticably better graphics?


my reputation is Shadowruined
If the next-gen rumble technology gets released for the PS3, I think Madden could really benefit from it.

Of course you want 60FPS, but it'll probably take EA another year to get there.

Another nice thing on the PS3 is the standard hard drive, so Madden can take utilize the hard drive as a memory cache.


Some developers have been complaining about this but I don't believe we can solve that. Xbox 360 is a different machine with good, but lower powered hardware in a different architecture

To balance things out ? Anyway, ports will, I guess, hurt the PS3. Not because of a difference in power, but because the architectures dont land themselves for sharing things...
I don't even play Madden and this is exciting :lol

Too bad I am going to a Mariners game in about 10 minutes. :(

Will read this later. ; )
Holy crap. The Xbox never even had this kind of universal football advantage over PS2. Why isn't Sony putting more effort into strengthening their support for 3rd parties? I think the 'laziness' excuse has to stop at at some point, when capable developers like Starbreeze, Ubi Montreal, Visual Concepts, and AM2 are all getting better performance out of a machine that *on paper* is equal or worse.

szaromir said:
So, Madden on 360 is definitely downgraded compared to its last year edition (worse player models, less graphical bells and whistles). Will PS3 version have noticably better graphics?

Wait what? :lol


Whatever the reasons, it's no surprise that EA will be putting the most effort in to a game aimed at the US for the (next-gen) console that has had the most success in the US.

Sho_Nuff82 said:
Holy crap. The Xbox never even had this kind of universal football advantage over PS2. Why isn't Sony putting more effort into strengthening their support for 3rd parties? I think the 'laziness' excuse has to stop at at some point, when capable developers like Starbreeze, Ubi Montreal, Visual Concepts, and AM2 are all getting better performance out of a machine that *on paper* is equal or worse.

Because the PS3 is geared up to do different things. PS3 struggles in the GPU and General Processing Power departments, but excels in its ultra-megaton-fast FPUs (SPUs). But as MS said some time ago - designing a console isn't a science project, it's about making a console that developers can easily program. So far, this is proving true. But looking at HS, Uncharted et al, (and of course the data space offered by Bluray) it'll be interesting to see if it can keep up.



I see banned people.


szaromir said:
So, Madden on 360 is definitely downgraded compared to its last year edition (worse player models, less graphical bells and whistles). Will PS3 version have noticably better graphics?

What are you talking about? :lol


Foil said:
What are you talking about? :lol
PS3 and 360 versions looked very similar last year. This year 360 version is 60 fps, but EA had to make some sacrifices. If PS3 version stays at 30fps, it should look better than last year edition and noticably better (barring framerate) than this year 360 version.


Ok this was a really retarded statement

Now, you'd think Sony would be doing everything in its power to make sure these system sellers are par with -- or better -- than Microsoft's version. That's not the case, as Sony seems to have a "hey, we can do it -- why can't you?" attitude.

Dear Sony,

COME MAKE OUR GAME FOR US!!! We are crappy developers working on 12 different 
versions of a game.. and We know you have nothing to do So Please Come make our 
game For us.... kthxbye

Love Electronic Arts

Seriously.... you really cannot expect sony to go around to all the different companies To optimize code.. Especially EA code... god only knows how bad that is.. They sent EA the information ... They have the tools ... They the documentation.. If you can't grasp The PS3 fine... it runs alittle crappier than the Xbox360.. Fine.. Do you really expect sony to come and build your game for you?
szaromir said:
PS3 and 360 versions looked very similar last year. This year 360 version is 60 fps, but EA had to make some sacrifices. If PS3 version stays at 30fps, it should look better than last year edition and noticably better (barring framerate) than this year 360 version.

Again, where are you reading this?
pswii60 said:
But put simply, I still believe the 360 - despite its terrible hardware faults - was way ahead of its time.

Maybe that's why they can't manufacture it properly . . . it was too far ahead of its time. :lol


formerly cjelly
szaromir said:
PS3 and 360 versions looked very similar last year. This year 360 version is 60 fps, but EA had to make some sacrifices. If PS3 version stays at 30fps, it should look better than last year edition and noticably better (barring framerate) than this year 360 version.
Are you copying and pasting this stuff from GameFAQs?


« generous god »
szaromir said:
PS3 and 360 versions looked very similar last year. This year 360 version is 60 fps, but EA had to make some sacrifices. If PS3 version stays at 30fps, it should look better than last year edition and noticably better (barring framerate) than this year 360 version.

Are you on crack?

never mind :lol
szaromir said:
Sorry. It's already late night here in Europe and I'm quite slow now. I guess I should go to bed.
szaromir said:
PS3 and 360 versions looked very similar last year. This year 360 version is 60 fps, but EA had to make some sacrifices. If PS3 version stays at 30fps, it should look better than last year edition and noticably better (barring framerate) than this year 360 version.

You're so right.

Very straightforward.


Wow! That's just awful. I didn't care about Madden, I'm on a boycott. Woulda been nice to hear good things about APF though. Oh well, I'll just get the 360 version once I've gotten one. They must be having difficulty, b/c there are way better-looking games on both platforms than these football games. No excuse for it, really. PEACE.
methane47 said:
Seriously.... you really cannot expect sony to go around to all the different companies To optimize code.. Especially EA code... god only knows how bad that is.. They sent EA the information ... They have the tools ... They the documentation.. If you can't grasp The PS3 fine... it runs alittle crappier than the Xbox360.. Fine.. Do you really expect sony to come and build your game for you?

Well, if you are struggling in the console war, you really should be doing everything you can to make multi-platform titles look & run great on your platform.

I don't know if it is poorly optimized libraries or what, but Sony should look into the problem of PS3 versions of multi-platform titles not being top-notch and do something about it.


pswii60 said:
I'm sure the PS3 is more than capable of matching - if not exceeding - the 360 version. But put simply, I still believe the 360 - despite its terrible hardware faults - was way ahead of its time.

EDIT: Doesn't Madden 07 run at 60fps on PS3 anyway?

It's all about that GPU.


Totally honest question here, but out the of the people here who are getting the game (not just in the thread for a quick EA bash), who here was planning on buying this for the PS3 anyway?

Disclaimer: I own both.
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