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In this topic, we talk about Kunio-kun (Super Dodge Ball, River City Ransom and etc.)


Alrighty, with the unveiling of the new Dodge Ball game being unveiled in last week's Famitsu, I thought that now was as good a time as any to start up a topic where we can not only continue with further discussion about the game (especially once more news starts pouring), but also relate to each other tales and experiences regarding past Kunio-kun games.

Whether you were an old-head playing the original NES/Famicom classics, the remake for the GBA, imported/emulated the numerous other games that never made it over here or even that "not-quite-Kunio-but-is-next-best-thing" Super Dodge Ball Advance, there should be at least SOME who have some fond memories of what many consider to be the hallmark of Technos Japan's games. And I'd like to hear some!

Me? My first exposure to the series was through River City Ransom back in the early 90s. With NES stuff finally dropping in price thanks to the SNES's impending arrival, that made it opportune time for me to turn on my childish charms (re: pester my parents) to be able to get me more stuff for the NES. Among those were both RCR AND Super Dodge Ball.

What can I say? I was hooked. I used to think that Double Dragon 2 was pretty much the penultimate in beat-down-related fun, but RCR took it to a whole new level. Since that time, RCR remains one of my favorite all-time games, and I still use it as a sort of measuring stick for many would-be brawlers today. Dodge Ball was no slouch, itself. Before I would ever get the chance to touch the likes of NBA Jam and others that would come up over the years, Dodge Ball was already enlightening me on how a "sports" game can go above and beyond what is "merely" offered through more realistic and simulation based games. And again, I loved every minute of it. It was even better playing it with friends!

After that time, it was mostly quiet. While Soccer and Crash N the Boyz were fun games, I was really hoping that the Hockey game and the SNES version of Dodge Ball (both of which, were announced and actually had guest shots in Nintendo Power, if I recall) would come over here...but they didn't. I got a chance to play the Neo Geo version of Super Dodge Ball back in like 96 or 97, and while I immensely enjoyed it, I was later crushed when I learned that it was supposedly going to be Technos Japan's last game.

Then around the turn of the millennium, my eyes were open to the *wink wink* methods that allowed people to play games. I never really got excited about it...at least, until I found out that this was basically the only way that I would be able to see those other Kunio-kun games that we unwashed gaijin never got experience for ourselves. The deal was sweetened when translation groups started to be on the rise, and some of these games ended up receiving nice efforts to better pave the way.

But alas, even as I was joyous over the likes of being able to play the likes of Kunio-tachi no Banka for the Super Fami, and Downtown Special/Technos Samurai for the NES, it still was sad that even after I finish going through these...there may not have been anything to look forward to after that, because Technos was still dead...or at least, so I thought.

Then Million Corp, who basically is Technos mk. II, came back, and blessed us with DD Advance and Super Dodge Ball Advance. Great fun to be had with those titles. But nothing could have prepared me for the remake of RCR/Downtown. To put it bluntly, it was like coming home...and everything that I loved about those older games that I may have only gotten the chance to play just a few months ago culminated in that one GBA game.

Now, some years later, it looks like they're preparing to take me back once more, thanks to this new and upcoming Dodge Ball game for the DS, which looks to take things on a whole new level of awesome. Needless to say, I can't wait until the day that I can import that sucker, and I hope Atlus gets in on this again too. :D

And so, that's just the rants of one Kunio-kun fan. I'd like to see the reflections of any others who may have similar experiences and love for this fun series of games.

Oh, and here are some nice links.

The scans for the upcoming game: (originally cited from last week's JP news topic)


The Famitsu Online article for the same:

A very nice fan-made flash video for Downtown/RCR:

And if you either a) could use some more education about the other games in this series or b) even worse, don't know what the hell I'm talking about, then you probably should go here:

Thanks for reading.

Oh, and let just close out by saying....

"BARF!" :lol


The Kunio-Kun series is brilliant. What happened to Technos?

Edit: I should read the thread next time :p

I hope we get more games of this type from Millions in the future.


listen to the mad man
Kunio's Jailbreak on the SFC is honestly the best game in the entire series. It's everything that a SNES-level Kunio should be. Pity it didn't get a western US release, because it blows away almost all the SNES beat-em-ups (I'd probably pick TMNT4 over Jailbreak but that's about it)


the year 20XX said:
Well, you can punch, kick and use weapons in this new Dodge Ball. It stands to be the perfect Kunio game.

Not only that, the new game is also slated to have an 8 man rumble mode, which stands to be a sort of wild combination of the "Bean Ball Mode" from the old versions of Dodge Ball, plus just random, RCR type fighter madness, mixed with a nice bit of Kakutou Densetsu (NES). Plus, you seemingly can design your own players, teams and probably will have plenty more in the way of customization, if the SNES Dodge Ball game is anything to be based off of (Needs Totem Man Formation ability for great justice!)

So yeah...it definitely has what seems to be the best entrant in the series yet. But I do agree that this game should only be the head, and not the tail, as far as what we can stand to expect from Technos in the future. A super-sized remake/sequel to Kunio-tachi no Banka (Or "Jailbreak", as some one else referred to it) would definitely be welcome, as well. I hope Arc Systems and Million can bang out more Technos Japan-type goodness in the future... :D


listen to the mad man
shoplifter said:
I'm assuming you mean Kunio-tachi no Banka? We always just translated it literally and called it Kunio's Dirge.

I've never known the actual title since I don't know any Japanese, but yes, this is the one. I love it!


sp0rsk said:
Kakuto Densetsu was soooooooooooo ahead of it's time.

True, yes. Beat out Smash Bros., Power Stone and so many others at their own game a whole decade before they were even thought of. And Technos went and did this stuff on the FAMICOM, for crying out loud. Were it not for the slow-down (which was a thing that plagued most of the old-school entrants any way), it probably would have been perfect.

I weeped a bit inside when Ike! Ike! Hockey didn't make it over here...but when I played Kakuto (Riki-Kunio was the translated name, for whatever reason) for the first time...I quite literally had my mouth drop. Why the HELL did Technos USA not work harder to give us the likes of this...!?


After Nintendo, Technos is my favorite 2D developer. They were extremely talented, it's a shame their games weren't big sellers.


MercuryLS said:
After Nintendo, Technos is my favorite 2D developer. They were extremely talented, it's a shame their games weren't big sellers.

Well, that, and the fact that they actually did have a number of stinkers in their backlog. Ever played that old NeoGeo fighter, GowKaizer? No? Well, maybe you should play once just to see what's up, but that should be enough to point to the notion that the game ain't that good. And no version of Double Dragon III was really met with that much favor either. And then there was always piracy...

But for their few blunders, they really did have a number of stellar hits; as was said before, they were often operating on a curve way before their time. Were that they actually blew up big, wouldn't we be possibly have seen Technos doing more with Kunio through more sports and party games, instead of Nintendo and Mario pretty much taking over where they left off in recent years?

I mean, really...Smash Bros.? Super Mario Strikers? And etc.? A lot of them are good games, but because of my Nekketsu-related background, it's easy for me to see that Nintendo possibly took more than a couple of hints from Kunio and Technos on how to do a sports/party game, and jazz it up a bit with over-the-top shenanigans that keeps the people coming back for more. Even so, Mario never made Bowser fly across the screen and warp around to the other side of the screen when he was administering pain through a special shot in Strikers, did he...? :lol


force push the doodoo rock
TreIII said:
True, yes. Beat out Smash Bros., Power Stone and so many others at their own game a whole decade before they were even thought of. And Technos went and did this stuff on the FAMICOM, for crying out loud. Were it not for the slow-down (which was a thing that plagued most of the old-school entrants any way), it probably would have been perfect.

I weeped a bit inside when Ike! Ike! Hockey didn't make it over here...but when I played Kakuto (Riki-Kunio was the translated name, for whatever reason) for the first time...I quite literally had my mouth drop. Why the HELL did Technos USA not work harder to give us the likes of this...!?

I think a lot of the way western audiences think about the history of fighters would have been different if Kakuto Densetsu would have come out here.


It's a possibility, to say the least. But then again, there were a number of fighting games that actually DID come out here prior to the SF2-era, and yet, they didn't make a significant dent either. But, one could only wonder...

Any way, in spirit of the topic...


Another fan-made flash vid. Basically...what if the last boss of the game turned out to be more of a sinister threat than the "Tiger Twins" could have ever hoped to be? Any body who played the original Kunio-kun(Renegade), Kunio-tachi no Banka or the Neo Geo Super Dodge Ball should know, respect and best of all FEAR the name of Misuzu... :lol


The physical form of blasphemy
When I found out players could basically use Super Arts while playing dodgeball, I fell in love with the GBA game. I've waited for a new game to come out for a looooong time now.


I actually like the arcade version of SDB better as it had a giant guys who I assumed could throw and catch better. Dunno why they can't mess with the sprites anymore


Okay...so now I have a confession to make fellas...

You know that youtube vid I posted yesterday? Well...I was wrong. It's NOT a fan-made flash. It's even better than that.



In a few words? Basically, take the original "Kakutou Densetsu" for the NES. It was already pretty bad ass enough, with only the likes of flicker and some times slow-down really putting a hamper on that game's parade.

Now, some devoted fans went and made a PC fangame that basically is everything that I could have wanted from a sequel/update to that awesome game, and upgraded it up the whazoo. Pretty much everybody from Downtown/RCR, the original Kakutou, plus some peeps from other games in the NES series are in here, along with a number of their moves. You even get Misuzu the Super Bitch as the secret, Gouki/Akuma-like boss of the game. And she'll probably kick your ass several times til Sunday, if you even get to reach her in the story mode. :lol

So, how do you get in on this?

First, you download this, which is the main game data:

Extract that to a directory of its own.

Then download this, the NES-style music files:

Extract the contents of that to the folder within the KD folder named "BGM".

That should do it for installation. A fair warning, this game is totally in Japanese (Hirigana, just like on the NES). Seeing how I just got started a few minutes ago, I haven't bothered to translate anything yet, but give me and some other proficient JP-users time, and I'm sure we'll come through...

I will say this much though: if you're having trouble with the controls, such that you can't even move through the menus, try opening up the KD config file (which is in English), and going down until you see "[KeyBoardAssign1P]".

Then, if you just need something to work with, try these values:

"Up = 38
Down = 40
Left = 37
Right = 39
Trigger1 = 96
Trigger2 = 110
Trigger3 = 13
Trigger4 = 111
Trigger5 = 106
Select = 16
Start = 17"

This makes it so that the directions will correspond to directions on the keyboard, while A, B and C correspond to the Numpad 0, Numpad Del and the Numpad Enter. Of course, if you've got it like that, and can plug in your own values, feel free to do the same...

I haven't figured out how to do the special moves at all in this version of the game, but once I or some one actually gets the time to look over the following page, I'm sure it will become clearer what the hell we're supposed to do.


Any way, seeing how I'm a big fan of Kunio, well-done fan games and stylish remakes of my fave games, this definitely caught my interest. Any one who's either confident enough in their JP abilities, or willing to work around the lang. barrier should be in for a treat...

Take care guys...

Game's main page: http://nekketu.nomaki.jp/frame.htm


It's wireless, and supports download play for up to 8 people. But WiFi? Doesn't look like it...or at least, they have yet to announce such a feature.
I remember renting River City Ransom back in the day with my neighbor, only because we had rented pretty much everything else (this was back when you had to hear from someone else that a game was worth playing or make a decision based on the box art). We had no idea how much fun it would be.

I hope I can find a copy of the GBA remake somewhere.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Joseph Merrick said:
whaaaaat? there's a dodgeball by million coming out for the ds? that's fucking awesome :drooooool

yeah, the famitsu scans for it were posted a little while ago. It looks fantastic.
River City Ransom remains my favorite game to this day. I bought the GBA remake for $8 but haven't tried it yet. Looking to buy a cheap sp.


Nintendo World Cup deserves a religion, never mind public monuments. I don't know if it was superstition, but I recall that Italy seemed unstoppable in that game. The results of games between my brother and I often seemed to hinge on who played as the Italians.
TreIII said:
It's wireless, and supports download play for up to 8 people. But WiFi? Doesn't look like it...or at least, they have yet to announce such a feature.

no Wifi sorry, Famitsu just reports wireless mode in the features section, so neither single-card play available :(


Moor-Angol said:
no Wifi sorry, Famitsu just reports wireless mode in the features section, so neither single-card play available :(

Hmmm...maybe I or some one else read that wrong.

In any case, I suppose that we'll just have to wait and see if there may be any more surprises in store. I would think that at least download play would just make it easier for Wireless games...

sp0rsk said:
*bad-ass picture of Kenshiro*

So, sp0rks, have you tried the game out yet? I just basically went and spent an evening with the game, and I quite honestly say that this is perhaps the best fangame ever made...and probably up there with being one of the best games ever created as well!

The guys behind this game merely took what was already awesome, took away its few faults, and just added on a few heaping layers to make it even better. I'm still trying to figure out some moves, but I'm finding out that a healthy majority are just verbatim to how they were depicted in some of the older, NES Kunio-kun games.

Oh, and I actually did well enough to get to the Surprise Misuzu fight. Unfortunately, she kicked my partner and my own custom char's asses relatively quickly. My dude's Bojutsu Special and Tornado Attack just weren't enough to topple her Shin Gouki/Akuma-like power... :lol

But any way, I'm having a blast. It's just too bad that Technos/Million couldn't have done this themselves by now...but ah well!
TreIII said:
Not only that, the new game is also slated to have an 8 man rumble mode, which stands to be a sort of wild combination of the "Bean Ball Mode" from the old versions of Dodge Ball, plus just random, RCR type fighter madness, mixed with a nice bit of Kakutou Densetsu (NES). Plus, you seemingly can design your own players, teams and probably will have plenty more in the way of customization, if the SNES Dodge Ball game is anything to be based off of (Needs Totem Man Formation ability for great justice!)

This quote has more awesome per square inch than anything I've quoted on GAF before.


I love all the games that have been brought over (River City Ransom and Super Dodgeball especially). What other ones should I track down?


thefro said:
I love all the games that have been brought over (River City Ransom and Super Dodgeball especially). What other ones should I track down?

Well, if you don't already have RCR EX and Super Dodge Ball Advance in your collection, look into 'em. EX should go without saying...even without the true multiplayer, it's still a solid title. Meanwhile, Dodge Advance is a nice title all on its own...even though the lack of Kunio-kun disturbed me greatly initially. And if you happen to stumble across the NES versions of "Crash n the Boyz" or Nintendo World Cup Soccer, well, snap them up too!

After that, unfortunately, the realm of emulation is your own means of getting access to some of these other greats that never got over here. Thankfully, since then, a number of people have gotten together to translate these games, and make them more accessible for the less JP-fluent among us all.

My top 5 picks?

1) Kunio-tachi no Banka (SNES) - Probably amongst the finest of the brawlers in the Kunio line, even though it doesn't have RCR's RPG-lite mechanisms. But that's alright, because the stuff that is there is awesome, with a number of moves amongst the 4 characters that will be available. Oh, and it actually has a decent plot that gives you a reason to kick-ass, plus has some interesting motorcycle levels.

2) Downtown Special/Technos Samurai (NES) - Loved RCR? Then you'll probably love this Fuedal Japan-flavored "sequel" which basically laid a lot of the groundwork that RCR EX used. You get more moves, you can recruit people to join your side, and the overall scope of the world is a lot larger than RCR's (which can be both a good thing and bad, depending on what you're supposed to be doing). The only downside? The nigh-legendary "Technos Flicker" really comes into play here, mostly because there are just so many things that the poor NES hardware was never meant to be put through, but Technos said "SCREW THAT! WE WANT TO MAKE AWESOME STUFF!" and did it any way. :D If you're willing to get past that (and with you saying you loved Super Dodge Ball, I guess it's safe to conclude you can), then you're in for a good time.

3) Kakutou Densetsu/Riki Kunio (NES) - Take RCR, and basically make it even more about fighting than it already was, until it basically becomes an arena fighter. That's KD in a nutshell, and it's all the more awesome for it. Up to 4 people can rumble in this game at once, and this game actually has quite a good deal of depth. For it to be a game that Technos put out a full decade or so before Smash or Power Stone would have a chance to make their claim for the throne, KD was there to show how it was done. And quite honestly, I still think that Smash still could stand to learn a thing or two from this old gal. Again, Technos Flicker, and a slight learning curve are the only things that I think could detract from this baby. Play the original...and then go ahead and download that "Champion Edition" fangame that I talked about earlier in the topic!

4) Kunio-kun no Dodge Ball (SNES version) - If you liked the NES version of Super Dodge Ball, chances are, you'll love this updated version that was released some time later. I would especially get cozy with this version of the game, as, again, it seems to be more or less what Million and ASW are using as a basis for the DS game.

5) Nekketsu! Street Basket: Ganbare Dunk Heroes (NES) - You thought NBA Jam was Basketball taken to an over the top level? You haven't seen anything until you play THIS game. Basically, like Soccer and Dodge Ball before it, the focus is mixing up a sport with Kunio-style action and violence. But there's also another twist: you got 3 baskets that you can aim for, with the highest one stacked up practically to the stratosphere! After you play this game, nothing that EA or Midway could put out will ever seem as "extreme" to you ever, ever again... :D

And those are just my top five games in the series, there's plenty more where they come from. If you want more of a specific overview, go back to my opening post, and check out the links.



Super Dodge Ball is one of the greatest NES games ever made and had some of the absolute best 8-bit music ever.

When I was in 3rd and 4th grade I beat the game every morning before school. I love this game.


Something new regarding Kunio-kun Dodge Ball DS. Found this while browsing about Arc Systems' JP webpage:


Haven't taken the time to try and translate any of the text, but I do notice that there are a few new pics that I haven't seen before.






Awesome. It really seems like Million is going above and beyond with this one...French players are able to summon the Eiffel Tower...Brazil Players seemingly use their legs for their specials...

Needless to say, I need this game in my life. BADLY.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Yeah I had no idea who Technos was at the time, but I played Nintendo World Cup more than any NES game ever: 4 player mode, co-op, the graphics didnt flicker, extra surfaces for VS... OMG


Game Boy version too :)

Im in the mood for some Kunio-kun games to kill time. Over the decades, i've only managed to play Double Dragon (NES)[?], River City Ransom (NES), Super Dodge Ball (NES/ARC), and Super Dodgeball Advance (GBA).

What am i missing out from this guy that needs to be played? Titles, consoles, and a very brief description are all i need :\


Check out the first post, for starters. I think between my brief overview and the links provided, you'll have a good basis for what other good games out there you could stand to pay attention to.


Kakutou Densetsu was an awesome game that, next to Yie-ar Kungfu, was imo the genesis of modern fighting games.

I also loved Technos Samurai (AKA: Downtown Special Kunio Kun no Jidaigeki Dayo Zenin Shuugou), which was fucking technique-driven free-roaming map-based beat'em up period piece that came out a decade and change before this whole dynasty warriors bullshit came along. A seriously essential NES game.

Last but not least, the fact that they didn't take Crash n' the Boys to the next level makes my head hurt. Rooftop Jumping.


I'm very glad the "series" is making a return. IMO it is one of, if not THE most unique and horribly undervalued game series in the entirety of modern video games history. I know it sounds like a lot of overzealous hype, but if you think about it: it brought a unified and stylistic(ally violent) execution to several different genres and was successful in making it all entertaining and fresh during a time as technologically limited as the 8-bit era. You can't say this about most game "icons" nowadays.


Davidion said:
Kakutou Densetsu was an awesome game that, next to Yie-ar Kungfu, was imo the genesis of modern fighting games.

If you love KD, go check out that "KD: Champion Edition" fan game I posted about a couple of posts up. Msg me if you need more help with installation. Thank me once you get see the awesomeness for yourself. :D

Last but not least, the fact that they didn't take Crash n' the Boys to the next level makes my head hurt. Rooftop Jumping.


I will admit, Crash n the Boys/Bikkuri Nekketsu definitely had its moments. Underwater fighting was always fun, and the GB version of the game even had an actual story mode.

Even so, I guess I just didn't like it as much as say, Dunk Heroes. Loved that game...makes NBA Jam its bitch, and it did all on the NES too... :D

I'm very glad the "series" is making a return. IMO it is one of, if not THE most unique and horribly undervalued game series in the entirety of modern video games history. I know it sounds like a lot of overzealous hype, but if you think about it: it brought a unified and stylistic(ally violent) execution to many different genres and was successful in making it all entertaining and fresh during a time as technologically limited as the 8-bit era. You can't say this about most "icons" nowadays.

Agreed, most definitely.

I mean, it goes without saying that lot of the stuff that Technos did with its Kunio-kun line was often way ahead of its time. And yet, they were all very solid ideas too: I mean, the likes of EA's "Extreme Sports" line, Smash Bros, Super Mario Strikers and other Mario-sports, all probably showcase that Technos was so very on point with great idea after great idea. And it pains me that they're still very much the underdog over in the States.

But who knows...now that Million and Kunio-kun seem to be on the rise, Super Dodge Ball DS could be the start of a beautiful revivifying of what made me fall in love with gaming in the first place, plus would allow Million to just keep on going forward to make some great ideas.

For instance...I'd be all for a "Kunio-kun no Kendo(Fencing)" type of game. I mean, just think of all the over the top fighting skills we could see Kunio and pals busting out as elaborate ways of hitting each other over the head with blunt objects! That kinda stuff could eclipse Samurai Shodown and Soul Calibur in awesome, over-the-top sword-play... :D


TreIII said:
If you love KD, go check out that "KD: Champion Edition" fan game I posted about a couple of posts up. Msg me if you need more help with installation. Thank me once you get see the awesomeness for yourself. :D

I will admit, Crash n the Boys/Bikkuri Nekketsu definitely had its moments. Underwater fighting was always fun, and the GB version of the game even had an actual story mode.

Even so, I guess I just didn't like it as much as say, Dunk Heroes. Loved that game...makes NBA Jam its bitch, and it did all on the NES too... :D

Agreed, most definitely.

I mean, it goes without saying that lot of the stuff that Technos did with its Kunio-kun line was often way ahead of its time. And yet, they were all very solid ideas too: I mean, the likes of EA's "Extreme Sports" line, Smash Bros, Super Mario Strikers and other Mario-sports, all probably showcase that Technos was so very on point with great idea after great idea. And it pains me that they're still very much the underdog over in the States.

But who knows...now that Million and Kunio-kun seem to be on the rise, Super Dodge Ball DS could be the start of a beautiful revivifying of what made me fall in love with gaming in the first place, plus would allow Million to just keep on going forward to make some great ideas.

For instance...I'd be all for a "Kunio-kun no Kendo(Fencing)" type of game. I mean, just think of all the over the top fighting skills we could see Kunio and pals busting out as elaborate ways of hitting each other over the head with blunt objects! That kinda stuff could eclipse Samurai Shodown and Soul Calibur in awesome, over-the-top sword-play... :D

Will check out the fan game and Dunk Heroes, thanks!

In a day and age like this, I have to wonder how well a traditionally 2D (and the way it should stay, really) game would translate to the modern consoles. Along the lines of this concern, it's almost a blessing that a console like the DS is around. For our sakes, I guess we've not much to do but to wait and see what this new dodgeball game brings to the table.


Bumping this up, both for posterity reasons....and the hope that SOME BODY has something new to talk about/show off regarding the new Dodge Ball DS game some time soon...
allarise said:

Super Dodge Ball is one of the greatest NES games ever made and had some of the absolute best 8-bit music ever.

When I was in 3rd and 4th grade I beat the game every morning before school. I love this game.

I loved this game back in the day. I hope this makes it to the VC at some point.


I never knew Nintendo World Cup was part of the Kunio-Kun series. Thanks to this thread I ordered it off eBay last week. Great game!!


megashock5 said:
I loved this game back in the day. I hope this makes it to the VC at some point.

Even if that doesn't happen...we do have the new DS game coming out (which probably will be published in the States by Atlus or Aksys). And that stuff is looking quite nice... :D
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