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Is the average American dumber than a monkey? (Superbad related)

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Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Now, before most of you respond by asking "How big a monkey?", let me explain.

So I went to watch Superbad yesterday. The thing that really set me off was at the very end after the credits started rolling, when the
notebook with dick pictures
appeared. Now, I don't go to a lot of movies, but seeing an audience clap for a movie they enjoyed is customary, I assumed. However, once those pictures started appearing, it went from satisfied applause to roaring laudation. I'd say for about 30-45 seconds of hooting and hollering, with 'FUCK YEAH, BOYEEEEE' and the like.

Of course, that's not even mentioning the movie's other comedic efforts, such as people being spit on, a nerdy white guy thinking he's ghetto (I've never seen THAT done before), throwing up in other peoples mouths, etc. Maybe next time, the brilliant writers will do a movie where somebody shits inside somebody else's mouth. Mathematically speaking, it should theoretically cause 10 times the laughter. Hell, why stop there? These guys should seek out that goatse guy while they're at it.

The more and more I see people actually supporting this type of 'humor', suddenly, the theory of reverse evolution seems more and more plausible.

In the very least, I would hope that some of you that did find that movie hilarious felt ashamed afterwards. Right? Please?

Oh, well. Let me end this by saying fuck movie's shitty humor, fuck you for enjoying it, and most importantly..


Fuck yo, couch!
I agree with you Oblivion, the movie was extremely average. As for the dumb American part, I think that there is an epidemic of ignorance in the U.S.


Nobody did that when I went to see it. There were a bunch of laughs, but not even that many. Plus it was crowded and in a college town.

My anecdotal evidence > yours.
he wasnt the white-guy-acting-ghetto archetype seen in movies. He was a nerd that was jokingly using the slang. The stereotype youre referring to is when white kids think they are ghetto.

Also, show me one instance of someone throwing up in someone elses mouth in that film.

You seem like a pretentious asshole who's probably lonely. Would that put you on par or below "apes"?
I like the Three Stooges which is basically people hitting each other rapid fire with dangerous objects and I don't consider myself a philistine when it comes to artistic taste in films and comedy. Not everything is meant to be high brow. I love Woody Allen too but I don't expect everybody to have my tastes.

If you don't enjoy that type of humour I've surprised you went to see it. Not going to see it would seemingly have solved the problem.


i remember this one time when i saw 8 mile in theaters with a couple of friends (i know, lol) and every white boy started screaming when eminem owned a guy in one of the rap battles. we were stunned, even moreso because the brothas were looking at them like ''the fuck?''


bud said:
i remember this one time when i saw 8 mile in theaters with a couple of friends (i know, lol) and every white boy started screaming when eminem owned a guy in one of the rap battles. we were stunned, even moreso because the brothas were looking at them like ''the fuck?''

:lol :lol :lol


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Barnolde said:
So you admit you're dumber than a monkey?

EDIT: Did you go and see the movie alone?

No, I went with some friends.

I should clarify one thing, I think. I did enjoy the movie, overall, and there were quite a few scenes that had me rolling, however the reactions from the audience that endorse that sort of shit that I mentioned in the OP is my main problem.


Oblivion said:
No, I went with some friends.

I should clarify one thing, I think. I did enjoy the movie, overall, and there were quite a few scenes that had me rolling, however the reactions from the audience that endorse that sort of shit that I mentioned in the OP is my main problem.

Monkeyflipflopper said:
So I went to watch Superbad yesterday. I didn't like it,but that's not the point


Is this is failed troll on America/Superbad thread or what? I'm just so confused.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Barnolde said:

Is this is failed troll on America/Superbad thread or what? I'm just so confused.

For me, things like toilet humor significantly makes my overall enjoyment of a movie drop. I guess what I should say is, toilet humor aside, I didn't mind the movie so much. Fuck, I better edit that before things get even more confusing.
Oblivion said:
No, I went with some friends.

I should clarify one thing, I think. I did enjoy the movie, overall, and there were quite a few scenes that had me rolling, however the reactions from the audience that endorse that sort of shit that I mentioned in the OP is my main problem.
So you enjoyed it but don't endorse it? I don't endorse kicking puppies but I do enjoy it.


Oblivion said:
For me, things like toilet humor significantly makes my overall enjoyment of a movie drop. I guess what I should say is, toilet humor aside, I didn't mind the movie so much. Fuck, I better edit that before things get even more confusing.

HUUUUUGE Superbad and toilet humor fan

Postediting said:
Now, before most of you respond by asking "How big a monkey?", let me explain.

So I went to watch Superbad yesterday. I thought the movie was okay, but some things really ruined it for me.

So it went from bad to good to ok? :lol

Monkeys put him to shame


Oblivion said:
For me, things like toilet humor significantly makes my overall enjoyment of a movie drop. I guess what I should say is, toilet humor aside, I didn't mind the movie so much. Fuck, I better edit that before things get even more confusing.



Barnolde said:
HUUUUUGE Superbad and toilet humor fan

So it went from bad to good to ok? :lol

Monkeys put him to shame

seriously!!! It looks like someone has a case of the monkeys


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Barnolde said:
So it went from bad to good to ok? :lol

Monkeys put him to shame

Didn't I just say the toilet humor drops the enjoyment? Therefore, an otherwise Good movie + Toilet humor = okay movie.

So you enjoyed it but don't endorse it? I don't endorse kicking puppies but I do enjoy it.

I enjoyed parts of it.
Oblivion said:
Didn't I just say the toilet humor drops the enjoyment? Therefore, an otherwise Good movie + Toilet humor = okay movie.

I enjoyed parts of it.
Okay well then I enjoy the kicking parts of kicking puppies but if you or anyone else enjoys it any more than I do you are a fucking moron.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Now that I think about it, why does it even matter if I liked the movie as a whole or not? The whole crux of this issue is the direction 'comedy' movies are going.
Oblivion said:
Now that I think about it, why does it even matter if I liked the movie as a whole or not? The whole crux of this issue is the direction 'comedy' movies are going.
They're not really going in that direction they're already there. Dick jokes are funny and people enjoy them. Get over yourself.
Oblivion said:
throwing up in other peoples mouths, etc. Maybe next time, the brilliant writers will do a movie where somebody shits inside somebody else's mouth.

Whoa! Where in the movie did this happen? I saw Superbad and do NOT remember any throwing up into other people's mouths!!! What did I miss here?

J2 Cool

I thought the dick drawing scene was pretty funny. The end sequence was just bringing people back to that scene and ending the movie on a whole. If people enjoyed it, that's the time where they clap. The only thing I will say, is that Mclovin's appeal was far wider than I expected. I liked his scenes, but not to the "iconic" level people took them. I thought Jonah stole the first half and Evan the 2nd half. With some very good moments from the cops inbetween. It's rare for a movie to have basically 5 leads all nailing their role though. I think that was something audiences loved. It's not neccessarily the type of humor or the setting of the plot, both of which were seen before, as the writing and the performances were at a high level.

Anyway, I don't see how this movie is a sign of where comedies are going. It's a rare comedy that people widely liked. So was Knocked Up. For each of those movies, there's another handful of dreadful "comedies" that people don't applaud at the end. I don't think it's the type of humor that decides the movie's success on an audience. I didn't hear anybody coming out of Clerks II saying "Wup! They're into beastiality humor. That's where comedy's going!"


who says monkeys like that kind of humour? I would say you are making an assumption.

I know a few monkeys that would be offended by this.

just to let you know.
Dick and fart jokes will always be funny (go read Galapagos by Vonnegut). By the way potty humour is more associated with the British style of humor.

Oblivion said:
Never! It's people like you made Family Guy what it is today!

Are you comparing Family Guy to Superbad, because that doesn't make any sense. SD didn't rely on random sidebits and actually had a heart and intelligence.
Oblivion said:
Never! It's people like you made Family Guy what it is today!

Family Guy has always sorta sucked.

And Superbad was awesome, you shut your dirty fuggin mouth. You want evidence as to how some Americans are dumber than a monkey? Watch Mind of Mencia with a group of frat kids. That'll make Superbad look like fucking Shakespeare.


BrandNew said:
Family Guy has always sorta sucked.

And Superbad was awesome, you shut your dirty fuggin mouth. You want evidence as to how some Americans are dumber than a monkey? Watch Mind of Mencia with a group of frat kids. That'll make Superbad look like fucking Shakespeare.

so true :lol


Quite often I see the rejection of the low-brow as a desperate attempt to gain intellectual ground by folks with only middling smarts. No direct attack on you, Oblivion, but I think the truly wise eventually come to a place where they can appreciate humor, both base and brainy in equal measure.

Shakespeare didn't mind slumming for the peanut gallery and Oscar Wilde more than dabbled in smut. Dick and poo jokes are hard wired into our DNA, trying to deny their value is a fight that can't be won.


Oblivion said:
Now that I think about it, why does it even matter if I liked the movie as a whole or not? The whole crux of this issue is the direction 'comedy' movies are going.
The direction of comedy is IMPROVING. Not just "imo" but in many, many, MANY others. Almost all signified by Judd Apatow.

Judd Apatow has revived the summer blockbuster R-rate comedies with 40 Year Old Virgin, Knocked Up, & Superbad. And they for once with comedies are critically adored something that has been missing in the genre.

Comedy movies are at the height, the highest since the early 80's comedies with bill murarry in his prime.
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