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AVATAR update! Run-time, numbers of effects shots and classic Cameron ego!

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Never known for his humility, director James "King of the World" Cameron describes his upcoming 3-D movie Avatar as "the single most complex piece of filmmaking ever made."

The $200 million project is being produced mainly in New Zealand, with Weta Digital handling the effects. Cameron claims Avatar will out-do, in sheer quantity, the digital character work pioneered by Lord of the Rings director Peter Jackson. "We have 1,600 shots for a two-and-a-half hour movie," Cameron told Microsoft Advance 08 conference attendees. "It's not with a single CGI character, like King Kong or Gollum. We have hundreds of photorealistic CG characters."

Cameron told the crowd Tuesday: "One more layer of the suspension of disbelief will be removed," according to SearchEngineWatch. "Now that we've achieved it, we discovered CG characters in 3-D look more real than in 2-D. Your brain is cued: 'It's a real thing not a picture' –- and discounts the part of [the] image that makes it look fake."

Rumor has it that the syn-thespians in Cameron's movie, set for release in December 2009, play aliens or avatars, not humans. That should help the cause. As the 2001 fizzle Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within proved, moviegoers are unforgiving when it comes to judging the verisimilitude of their own species.

http://blog.wired.com/underwire/2008/05/3-d-champion-ja.html :D

Now before you all rush to rip Cameron a new one about his 'most complex piece of filmmaking' comment, just remember this is the man that had to undergo the production cycle for The Abyss and Titanic.

Frankly I would be concerned if Cameron had removed his ego from the equation.


Scullibundo said:
Now before you all rush to rip Cameron a new one about his 'most complex piece of filmmaking' comment, just remember this is the man that had to undergo the production cycle for The Abyss and Titanic.
Plus, the movie is being done in 3D, which adds another layer to the complexity of the effects.


I no very little about this one and December 2009 is a long way away. Sounds like it could be cool...but what will it be like outside of an IMAX theatre?


Scullibundo said:
http://blog.wired.com/underwire/2008/05/3-d-champion-ja.html :D

Now before you all rush to rip Cameron a new one about his 'most complex piece of filmmaking' comment, just remember this is the man that had to undergo the production cycle for The Abyss and Titanic.

Frankly I would be concerned if Cameron had removed his ego from the equation.
Yeah, that didn't sound like ego to me. It sounds like an observation, coming from someone who's made some of the most complex film productions ever.

<3 Cameron. My most anticipated movie.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Decado said:
I no very little about this one and December 2009 is a long way away. Sounds like it could be cool...but what will it be like outside of an IMAX theatre?

You don't need IMAX for the 3D, just digital projection.
Dolphin said:
I'll believe that it's photorealistic when I see it.

Cameron is a perfectionist, you can bet it will be the best looking CG you've ever seen/not noticed. Shit, when this comes out it will have been 18 years since T2 and the T1000 still looks awesome.


Scullibundo said:
Cameron is a perfectionist, you can bet it will be the best looking CG you've ever seen/not noticed. Shit, when this comes out it will have been 18 years since T2 and the T1000 still looks awesome.
I have no doubts whatsoever that it'll be jaw-droppingly impressive--but I haven't seen photorealistic 3D in a movie yet.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
I just can't get myself excited over this one; it's the prospect of having to watch it in some shitbox theater with a dirty, banged-up screen and lousy sound that kills it. I can appreciate the thought, Cameron, but not everyone gets to see movies in cutting-edge theaters.
I'm just really happy to learn it's going to go for 2 and a half hours. That seems to be Cameron's magic runtime: Terminator 2 and Aliens.


Put your snobby liquids into my mouth!
I've come to the conclusion that it's not possible not to break my suspension of disbelief with CG. It's always so fucking ridiculously obvious... I've no faith in Avatar suddenly fixing this either.
Makeup and animatronics ftw.
DKnight said:
I've come to the conclusion that it's not possible not to break my suspension of disbelief with CG. It's always so fucking ridiculously obvious... I've no faith in Avatar suddenly fixing this either.
Makeup and animatronics ftw.

Cameron will make you believe.
Looking forward to this. Hopefully the story is good as I dont care much for a visually stunning movie unless its got a kick ass story with it.

Cameron downplayed the story in favor of his experimentation with the latest technological leaps: ""I don't know whether it will be a great film from a narrative and critical standpoint. The experience of AVATAR will be an experience unlike any other movie." And he claims that his digital actors (or "syn-thespians") will be mind-blowingly realistic: "One more layer of the suspension of disbelief will be removed. All the syn-thespians are photo-realistic. Now that we've achieved it, we discovered CG characters in 3D look more real than in 2D. Your brain is cued it's a real thing not a picture and discounting part of image that makes it look fake."


Dolphin said:
I have no doubts whatsoever that it'll be jaw-droppingly impressive--but I haven't seen photorealistic 3D in a movie yet.

When you see photorealistic CG, you probably won't realise it's CG.
What is Avatar even about? I have a friend who loves it, but it seems a little absurd to me. I have trouble caring about anime nowadays.


i didn't even know there was cg in zodiac. but fincher uses cg in a way you won't even notice it--basically, the right way.




bud said:
i didn't even know there was cg in zodiac. but fincher uses cg in a way you won't even notice it--basically, the right way.



That's pretty cool. I too would have never imagined that movie used any CG... didn't seem to have much of a need but I suppose it's can be cheaper than trying to recreate sets of certain time periods.

JzeroT1437 said:
Also--what is Avatar even about? I have a friend who loves it, but it seems a little absurd to me. I have trouble caring about anime nowadays.

Your friend loves the Nickelodeon cartoon of the same name, which is not at all related to the movie being talked about here.
Can't wait for this, my most anticipated movie by far.

Far as CG goes, I dunno, I think that I have a wide imagination or something, because I'm never really caught up on the "uncanny valley" thing, I just take it for what it's worth (Unless it's ridiculously fake, like Langoliers or something).


Cameron downplayed the story in favor of his experimentation with the latest technological leaps: ""I don't know whether it will be a great film from a narrative and critical standpoint. The experience of AVATAR will be an experience unlike any other movie." And he claims that his digital actors (or "syn-thespians") will be mind-blowingly realistic: "One more layer of the suspension of disbelief will be removed. All the syn-thespians are photo-realistic. Now that we've achieved it, we discovered CG characters in 3D look more real than in 2D. Your brain is cued it's a real thing not a picture and discounting part of image that makes it look fake."
I can't imagine that a movie that is helmed by someone who believe this can be anything but crap.

bud said:
i didn't even know there was cg in zodiac. but fincher uses cg in a way you won't even notice it--basically, the right way.




Scullibundo said:
Clearly you know more about the tech Cameron's pioneered than Cameron. But yeah, I guess anybody who believes that must only be able to pump out shitty movies...oh wait.
You missed my point completely.
I have little doubt it will be a technically impressive movie, I do however have problem getting excited about a filmmaker who by his own admission care more about technology than narrative.
Chichikov said:
You missed my point completely.
I have little doubt it will be a technically impressive movie, I do however have problem getting excited about a filmmaker who by his own admission care more about technology than narrative.

What he's promoting at the moment isn't the narrative. He wrote the story over 10 years ago and it has since been listed in Variety's Top 10 unproduced scripts of all-time. The rough 60 page treatment for AVATAR was awesome. Apart from a slight treehugger undercurrent, the narrative of the film is great and more importantly - original.
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