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Pakistan - Swat (NWFP) Taliban promote "Love Marrages"

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Now this is something right the taliban is doing... Thank you, I mean ok most of the people that live there are militant Taliban people folks as there were huge celebrations there when the Shari'a law was passed... But this is an actual step in the right direction for young Muslims there. Also I hope this ends the culture of killing their children because of their "status" in Pakistan or because of their own plain ignorance.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

News Desk

LAHORE: The Taliban of Swat have set up a bureau named ‘Shuba-e-Aroosat’ for arranging love marriages of couples who are denied the marriage of choice by their families for one reason or the other, reports BBC Urdu Service.

Taliban spokesman Muslim Khan said the marriage bureau headed by Taliban Commander Abu Ammad arranged 11 ‘love marriages’ in the last nine days while 300 girls and boys are waiting for their turn.

“The love marriage aspirants contact the bureau on a fixed telephone number. The Taliban collect their particulars and then contact their familites to arrange these choice marriages,” he said, adding that Islam allows every adult to get marry according to his/her own choice.
He said, “Most of the girls, or their families, who contacted us wish to marry ‘militant’ Taliban.”

Analysts say the Taliban are paving the way for themselves to marry the girls of their choice. It is really strange that they flog the couples on one hand for moving together while on the other hand allow young couples to marry according to their choice. Also the question arises how is it possible for a boy or girl to propose while they have not seen each other, reports BBC Urdue Service.

Source: http://www.thenews.com.pk/top_story_detail.asp?Id=21607


You forgot to bold this part:
“Most of the girls, or their families, who contacted us wish to marry ‘militant’ Taliban.”

Analysts say the Taliban are paving the way for themselves to marry the girls of their choice.
Looks like this is entirely about hypocrisy.


Cyan said:
You forgot to bold this part:

Looks like this is entirely about hypocrisy.

You do realize most people there are apart of it from the sounds of it from the folks and pictures from the area... Regardless its a good system to end the culture meddling into religion...


Analysts say the Taliban are paving the way for themselves to marry the girls of their choice. It is really strange that they flog the couples on one hand for moving together while on the other hand allow young couples to marry according to their choice. Also the question arises how is it possible for a boy or girl to propose while they have not seen each other, reports BBC Urdue Service.

The guy and girl can meet when the families meet or they are neighbors or they are brothers or sisters friends that come over.... Jeez Western media really likes paint a bad picture when someone tries to do good.

As for the flogging video, there was controversy about it that the girl did not want to get married or refused marriage proposal then it was stated it wasn't even her... So who's true, God only knows...


Gold Member
The Taliban ideology deserves nothing less than extermination, so trying to give a genocidal, infanticidal, mysogynistic, misantropic, theocratic and murderous fringe group like the Taliban credit for anything cries of nothing but utter stupidity.

Whatever benefit you believe they give is nothing compared to the insufferable cultural rot they provide as they infect everything they touch with their primitive agenda.


Atrus said:
The Taliban ideology deserves nothing less than extermination, so trying to give a genocidal, infanticidal, mysogynistic, misantropic, theocratic and murderous fringe group like the Taliban credit for anything cries of nothing but utter stupidity.

Whatever benefit you believe they give is nothing compared to the insufferable cultural rot they provide as they infect everything they touch with their primitive agenda.

Its the people there that wanted the taliban to be there and to have shar'ia... So let them be.

I don't see any other person in Pakistan trying to set this up... Everyone there looks down upon lover marriages, but if they are actually successful in setting up a system that benefit the people then they should be applauded.

Justin Bailey

------ ------
The Taliban should be commended for this amazing policy. I also heard they're considering only beating women with a crowbar instead of a nail board when they are seen within 10 feet of an unrelated male, let's keep our fingers crossed.


Gold Member
Zapages said:
Its the people there that wanted the taliban to be there and to have shar'ia... So let them be.

I don't see any other person in Pakistan trying to set this up... Everyone there looks down upon lover marriages, but if they are actually successful in setting up a system that benefit the people then they should be applauded.

Nonsense. Just because some people decide to enslave themselves to a murderous regime doesn't mean that that regime should be ignored or left alone. Particularly when the consequences of such can have after-effects in an increasingly interconnected world.

Of the myriad of humanistic options that are available and are promoted by NGO's that want to cease both the cultural and religious barbarism in the region, there is no need to turn to or credit something that is nothing but an ideological tumor.

Throughout history, the enslaved support the tyranny that enslaves them because they do not know better, and are afraid of the changes that follow. It's akin to the main character from The Color Purple, who having been beaten badly by her husband, advises her step-son to beat his wife to control her.
Zapages said:
Its the people there that wanted the taliban to be there and to have shar'ia... So let them be.
That is not my understanding. Actually, let's be frank. . . . that is COMPLETE BULLSHIT. The people were getting terrorized by bombs, beheadings, and having girls schools burned down. To get the violence to stop, they accepted the imposition of Sharia.

That is NOT the same as "Its the people there that wanted the Taliban to be there".

If the people vote in a referendum for that, then fine. But this was Sharia law imposed by violence.

Atrus said:
Nonsense. Just because some people decide to enslave themselves to a murderous regime doesn't mean that that regime should be ignored or left alone.

They didn't even decide it . . . Zapages lied (again). They were terrorized into it.



speculawyer said:
That is not my understanding. Actually, let's be frank. . . . that is COMPLETE BULLSHIT. The people were getting terrorized by bombs, beheadings, and having girls schools burned down. To get the violence to stop, they accepted the imposition of Sharia.

That is NOT the same as "Its the people there that wanted the Taliban to be there".

If the people vote in a referendum for that, then fine. But this was Sharia law imposed by violence.

They didn't even decide it . . . Zapages lied (again). They were terrorized into it.


Boohoo the warlords didn't want Shari'a there... As for killing and stuff its because of foreign power's influence in the area... Nuff said about that...


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Don't get me wrong I'm good friends with a number of reasonable, politically moderate Muslims - but god damn the Islamists on this board can freak me out sometimes.

(So can the fundamentalist Christians, but those are a dying breed, thank goodness)


Gold Member
Zapages said:
Boohoo the warlords didn't want Shari'a there... As for killing and stuff its because of foreign power's influence in the area... Nuff said about that...

So... I'll go ahead and ask. Do you want the Taliban's application of Sharia law on your household or community?


Black Canada Mafia
Zapages said:
Boohoo the warlords didn't want Shari'a there... As for killing and stuff its because of foreign power's influence in the area... Nuff said about that...

Yeah I mean, if it has the stink of anything that's foreign, It's reasonable that people were killed. Nuff said about that...
Zapages said:
Boohoo the warlords didn't want Shari'a there...
Nor do the people unless they vote for it.

As for killing and stuff its because of foreign power's influence in the area... Nuff said about that...
What the hell does that mean? There are US troops in the neighboring country, so let's cut off some heads?

Seriously, you are not making much sense. Just law arises from the will of the people through voting. Sharia law imposed by violence is not the will of the people. If the people vote for it then fine. But unless that happens it is just brutal violence-enforced theocratic bullshit from a bunch of fundamentalist nutjobs.

(And if the people vote for it, it is still superstitious nonsense from fundamentalist nutjobs but at least it was voted on. :D )
Atrus said:
So... I'll go ahead and ask. Do you want the Taliban's application of Sharia law on your household or community?
Sadly, I think he does.

Hey Zapage, I'm curious . . . do think if a member of your family left Islam then that family member should be killed? (As is the view of many Islamists.)


Gold Member
speculawyer said:
Sadly, I think he does.

If he did I don't think he'd be on the internet pandering, unless he's a member of the Global Islamic Media Front. A real Taliban would be foaming at the mouth over just about everything, uttering threats every other sentence, and probably already a part of their Jihad against the degenerate Western Imperialist Crusaders and their Jewish-Christian lies.

I'm just interested to see if what isn't good for a clearly religious guy like Zapages is somehow magically good for the people in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Atrus said:
If he did I don't think he'd be on the internet pandering, unless he's a member of the Global Islamic Media Front. A real Taliban would be foaming at the mouth over just about everything, uttering threats every other sentence, and probably already a part of their Jihad against the degenerate Western Imperialist Crusaders and their Jewish-Christian lies.

I'm just interested to see if what isn't good for a clearly religious guy like Zapages is somehow magically good for the people in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
OK . . . you are right, I don't think he would want the Taliban application of Sharia, but I believe he would like Sharia. But that is a big problem any god stuff isn't it . . . it is all up to interpretation. Human interpretation. So I think he would want to the Zapages application of Sharia . . . but that could never be guaranteed unless he is the dictator. If I were Muslim, I think I'd rather not want Sharia because I could never be certain that the government would interpret the same way I would. Thus, better to live within a more liberal law system and then personally live within the tenets of my interpretation of Sharia. That is the logic of liberal multi-culturism . . . have law with broad freedoms and if people want to live under their own self-imposed religious edicts, they are free to do so.

But hopefully he'll chime in with his answer.


speculawyer said:
....have law with broad freedoms and if people want to live under their own self-imposed religious edicts, they are free to do so.
Exfuckingactly. 100% agree

Something I've wondered:
I've never understood, religiously, what benefit it was to have people who didn't agree with said laws living under them. Surely no God is so easily fooled or placated by merely paying lip service by being forced to live a certain way as opposed to choosing that path of your own accord. the two surely can't be equal paths to righteousness.


Halycon said:
Don't get me wrong I'm good friends with a number of reasonable, politically moderate Muslims - but god damn the Islamists on this board can freak me out sometimes.

(So can the fundamentalist Christians, but those are a dying breed, thank goodness)

:lol :lol :lol I am fairly moderate, but lean a bit on the conservative side Muslim wise if you get to meet me in real life... But no where I would say I am a perfect, only God is perfect. Anyway that's a different subject all together. :)

Atrus said:
So... I'll go ahead and ask. Do you want the Taliban's application of Sharia law on your household or community?

Ok Shari'a law is only applied to areas where the area through voting allows this to happen.

speculawyer said:
Nor do the people unless they vote for it.

What the hell does that mean? There are US troops in the neighboring country, so let's cut off some heads?

Seriously, you are not making much sense. Just law arises from the will of the people through voting. Sharia law imposed by violence is not the will of the people. If the people vote for it then fine. But unless that happens it is just brutal violence-enforced theocratic bullshit from a bunch of fundamentalist nutjobs.

(And if the people vote for it, it is still superstitious nonsense from fundamentalist nutjobs but at least it was voted on. :D )

Dude, the Pakistani parliament voted on this and then the President signed the bill to allow shari'a in that area... So nothing is being forced onto the people by the nutjobs as the western media makes seem so. Also the area had shari'a law implemented there for until the late 60s or 70s, I don't exactly remember perfectly man... So let them have it.

As for wanting Shari'a, Iran has their Shari'a and so does Saudi Arabia... You see the huge difference in the Shari'a... Each region has their own interruptation of it... I am not there so I don't know what the shari'a is like... But from the pictures and videos that I am seeing people there were distributing sweets and there were parties going around when the bill was passed.... So interrupt the shari'a they have there is not as constricting as any Saudi's version...

The US time after time has wanted to break the Pakistan into smaller countries through proxies, its being debated on Pakistani news channels that my parents and I watch here in the US... Search for Balcohistan or Pushutonistan etc... Plus the whole mess with MQM/Altaf Hussan/Musharaf/Zardari...

speculawyer said:
Sadly, I think he does.

Hey Zapage, I'm curious . . . do think if a member of your family left Islam then that family member should be killed? (As is the view of many Islamists.)

My 2nd cousin twice separated married a white dude and bunch of my father cousin's and relatives have married outside the Muslim faith... If you want my personal opinion then I'll have to say no... As for religious context here's the answer:

* In spite of the alleged command of Allah to kill all non-believers, millions of non-Muslims continue to live beside their Muslim brothers in the predominantly Muslim countries.

* In the United States of America as well as in other Western countries, Muslims are quite successfully convincing the non-Muslims—instead of trying to kill them—that Islam is more tolerant than Judaism and at any rate the Christian coalition. Of course, one may cite instances of Muslims killing non-Muslims, but at the same time, Christians, too, have been killing non-Christians! Does anyone need a command from God to go and kill?

* The Muslim preachers allowed in the US prisons are more successful than their Christian counterparts in getting converts. Maybe that is one of the reasons for spreading this absurd story! “The second-largest religion in the world after Christianity, Islam, is also the fastest-growing religion. In the United States, for example, nearly 80 percent of the more than 1,200 mosques have been built in the past 12 years. Some scholars see an emerging Islamic renaissance as Islam takes root in many traditionally Christian communities. Islam has drawn converts from all walks of life, most notably African-Americans…” (From a CNN report of April 14, 1997).

* Not even one with the brains of a gnat would believe that a Muslim imam engaged in inviting non-Muslims to Islam would undermine his cause by making an open declaration that the Muslim mission in life is to kill all non-Muslims. Or else he must be insane or hopelessly dim-witted.

* And lastly, if Allah had commanded Muslims to kill all non-Muslims, the Prophet and his companions would not have left alive any non-Muslim tribes in Arabia, when they had got complete authority over them. Speaking of the Christian missionary claim that Islam was spread at the point of the sword, one may ask: Was it because of the fear of the sword that hundreds of thousands of the most warlike Arabs of the time literally followed the Prophet in everything he commanded?

And what is more, isn’t it ridiculous to say that any belief system, not only Islamic, can be pushed down the throat of a human being at the point of the sword? Can’t you see that Islam has withstood the vicissitudes of fourteen centuries and is still outstripping all other faiths at an astonishing rate? Can a religion that preaches the killing of all outside its confines capture the minds and hearts of millions throughout history? Sorry, the Rick Mathes story does not stand to reason.

Source: http://www.readingislam.com/servlet...sh-AAbout_Islam/AskAboutIslamE/AskAboutIslamE

Atrus said:
If he did I don't think he'd be on the internet pandering, unless he's a member of the Global Islamic Media Front. A real Taliban would be foaming at the mouth over just about everything, uttering threats every other sentence, and probably already a part of their Jihad against the degenerate Western Imperialist Crusaders and their Jewish-Christian lies.

I'm just interested to see if what isn't good for a clearly religious guy like Zapages is somehow magically good for the people in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

:lol... That just made me laugh out loud man. I am not a part of any organization at all... I am just your normal Muslim Pakistani guy who is sick and tired of hearing and seeing his leaders and western world looking down on Islam because of actions of few a misguided Muslims aka what happened in 9/11...

Personally, I just fear what Islam has become aka wahabismitic nature and how culture has become so much ingrained into Islam that it is destroying its beautiful nature of it... Actually I am not sure that you might be interested in hearing this, God is energy or a thing so massive and magnificant that we humans can't even imagine...
Technically political Islam is like a social democracy with the Caliph being able to be removed through votes and voted in... Throughout the history after first four Caliphs, which brought the schism in Islam and afterward made the Caliphate and the Sultanate a more of dynastical/monarchical form. Why do I say we need a Caliph its because like Christians that have their Pope, we Muslims need to have Caliph...

All I do this research is on my side as a hobby as a Muslim.... All I tell my fellow Muslim brothers and sisters when I meet them is that as there is hadith(I think) that says that only way to reach God is through knowledge... So learn and learn. This is what we Muslims have forgotten about and are fighting about things that are not important to us...

Clearly to us Muslims living there or here the Western system is not working because all it produces is more corrupt leaders... So going back to Islam in the political sense would end the corruption of the courts with their lawyers... Although it might not work 100% of the time, but it will become corrected over time, which the past 60+ years of pseudo-democracy has not been able to do with a few dictators in between...

PS: Guys check this great article out: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/3a7d0dfc-24b7-11de-8bb2-00144feabdc0.html


Not pure anymore!
Shria law? What is it?

I hate the way women are sometimes forced in some Muslim countries to wear hijab.
Zapages said:
Dude, the Pakistani parliament voted on this and then the President signed the bill to allow shari'a in that area... So nothing is being forced onto the people by the nutjobs as the western media makes seem so. Also the area had shari'a law implemented there for until the late 60s or 70s, I don't exactly remember perfectly man... So let them have it.
They did as a PEACE TREATY. If you are signing something just to get peace, it is being forced. Period.

If they want it, then there needs to be a referendum. The Taliban were cutting the heads off policemen and burning down schools for girls. Under such circumstances, the voting of the Pakistani government are irrelevant. Seriously now, if give someone my wallet because they have a gun to my head, would you say I 'chose' to give the person my money? WTF?

If it is not being forced . . . then why don't they hold a referendum? If the people really want it, then they'll surely win, right?


speculawyer said:
They did as a PEACE TREATY. If you are signing something just to get peace, it is being forced. Period.

If they want it, then there needs to be a referendum. The Taliban were cutting the heads off policemen and burning down schools for girls. Under such circumstances, the voting of the Pakistani government are irrelevant. Seriously now, if give someone my wallet because they have a gun to my head, would you say I 'chose' to give the person my money? WTF?

If it is not being forced . . . then why don't they hold a referendum? If the people really want it, then they'll surely win, right?

No, that was long time ago... You clearly missed the news to what I am referring to. This was signed just a couple weeks ago, yet the western media is not covering the news at all... Jeez man. Also it was passed with no trouble at all minus MQM party that did not back it. But MQM is an evil party that are the big thugs of Karachi and killed a lot of people there. :(

ilanna said:
Shria law? What is it?

I hate the way women are sometimes forced in some Muslim countries to wear hijab.

You mean in Saudi Arabia... According to Islam women is suppose to cover her hair aka scarf/hijab/duputta... What Saudi Arabia has is whole other thing is more cultural and is not related to Islam.

Also its up to the person to wear the hijab....
Zapages said:
My 2nd cousin twice separated married a white dude and bunch of my father cousin's and relatives have married outside the Muslim faith... If you want my personal opinion then I'll have to say no... As for religious context here's the answer:
All that crap had nothing to do with the question I asked. I asked about whether a muslim that leaves the faith should be killed. I did not ask about non muslims.

Nice dodging of the question.


speculawyer said:
All that crap had nothing to do with the question I asked. I asked about whether a muslim that leaves the faith should be killed. I did not ask about non muslims.

Nice dodging of the question.

I am good politician am I not... :lol

Dude a person who is not a believer or converts out of Islam becomes a Kaafir... Just check link man...

PS: I am off to bed... So any more questions will have to be answered tomorrow...
Zapages said:
No, that was long time ago... You clearly missed the news to what I am referring to. This was signed just a couple weeks ago, yet the western media is not covering the news at all... Jeez man. Also it was passed with no trouble at all minus MQM party that did not back it. But MQM is an evil party that are the big thugs of Karachi and killed a lot of people there. .
A long time ago? It was February.

And I don't care if it was signed 2 weeks ago the timing is irrelevant . . . the question is whether something is being done under threat of violence. Once again, you complete avoid the important issue with some irrelevant crap.


speculawyer said:
A long time ago? It was February.

And I don't care if it was signed 2 weeks ago the timing is irrelevant . . . the question is whether something is being done under threat of violence. Once again, you complete avoid the important issue with some irrelevant crap.

No its not being done under a threat.... Why must I repeat myself man. The people of that region want this and are celebrating this. Also independent news channels did tons of interviews with these local people in the whole area and they are happy about this. So what right do we have to criticize them, except for it goes against the policies of having revival of political Islam once again. We are not there and we don't know what type of shari'a they have so we have nothing against them...


more money than God
speculawyer said:
All that crap had nothing to do with the question I asked. I asked about whether a muslim that leaves the faith should be killed. I did not ask about non muslims.

Nice dodging of the question.
Why do the Muslims on this board keep dodging that question? hmmmmmmm?


SoulPlaya said:
Why do the Muslims on this board keep dodging that question? hmmmmmmm?

because we don't want to banned... That's why... Simple as that. Plus I have not done my whole freakin research on it to give a good answer... Plus the answer I gave is sufficient enough to let it by.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Zapages said:
Ok Shari'a law is only applied to areas where the area through voting allows this to happen.
That's not answering the question. Would you want shari'a law or not?

Zapages said:
because we don't want to banned... That's why... Simple as that.
:lol At least you're honest.


more money than God
Zapages said:
because we don't want to banned... That's why... Simple as that. Plus I have not done my whole freakin research on it to give a good answer... Plus the answer I gave is sufficient enough to let it by.
So, you're indirectly admitting that you believe apostates should be killed, huh? OK, gotcha.
Zapages said:
I am good politician am I not... :lol

Dude a person who is not a believer or converts out of Islam becomes a Kaafir... Just check link man...

PS: I am off to bed... So any more questions will have to be answered tomorrow...
No, you are just a jerk avoiding the question. I clicked on the link and it says nothing about converting from Islam.

Here let me help you.
The four major Sunni Madh'hab (schools of Islamic jurisprudence) and the Twelver Shi'a Jafari madhab agree that a sane adult male apostate must be executed.[1]

Quick . . . run away as the human rights abuse of your religion is exposed.


Halycon said:
That's not answering the question. Would you want shari'a law or not?

Depends on how it is interrupted... Also throughout the times in the Islamic Empires parts of the shari'a have been applied and while some parts have not... So its not a simple answer.
Zapages said:
because we don't want to banned... That's why... Simple as that. Plus I have not done my whole freakin research on it to give a good answer... Plus the answer I gave is sufficient enough to let it by.
The first part is a nice admission.

The last part is just bullshit.


Black Canada Mafia
speculawyer said:
All that crap had nothing to do with the question I asked. I asked about whether a muslim that leaves the faith should be killed. I did not ask about non muslims.

Nice dodging of the question.

Ahh, I like to give him and other Muslims on the board the benefit of the doubt. I know a sane apostate, especially a born Muslim apostate, should be killed by Sharia Law. But that's the ugly non-glorified side of Islamic law (and I guess Islam in general) and it's stuff I don't think a lot of Muslims like addressing. On the one hand, a perfectly executed Sharia Law is the word of God being implemented, on the other hand - you're ignoring the big dead elephant in the room.

The fact that there is internal conflict is a step in the right direction. I don't want to think Zapages and other Muslims want to see me dead just because I don't feel right make-believing being Muslim anymore.


Personally, I hope one of these Gods are real so when I die I can meet him just so I can gloat about what a better person than he I am, before he sends me to receive my punishment.
Zapages said:
No its not being done under a threat.... Why must I repeat myself man. The people of that region want this and are celebrating this. Also independent news channels did tons of interviews with these local people in the whole area and they are happy about this. So what right do we have to criticize them, except for it goes against the policies of having revival of political Islam once again. We are not there and we don't know what type of shari'a they have so we have nothing against them...
You need to repeat yourself because you don't give straight answers to simple questions.

Some people are happy whoop-dee-doo! What about all the ones that are terrorized? What about the ones with their heads cut off?

Here is what we do know . . . the people never voted to have Sharia imposed. End of story. Do you not think it would be fair to allow people to vote on it? Really?


Gold Member
Zapages said:
Ok Shari'a law is only applied to areas where the area through voting allows this to happen.

I don't think you've replied appropriately to a yes or no question.

I asked 'Do you want the Taliban's application of Sharia law on your household or community?'.

Note the words which precede Sharia law: 'Taliban's application'. That is the selfsame application you've been advocating in this thread and rudely called those in those regions that did not want it 'warlords'.

Zapages said:
:lol... That just made me laugh out loud man. I am not a part of any organization at all... I am just your normal Muslim Pakistani guy who is sick and tired of hearing and seeing his leaders and western world looking down on Islam because of actions of few a misguided Muslims aka what happened in 9/11...

If you're a normal Muslim guy from Pakistan, then I feel sorry for the future of Pakistan. The problem here, aside from the cognitive dissonance exhibited by your willingness to overlook the inhumanity in Sharia law, is that you would like to advocate it so much, you've rushed to support the Taliban's application of it because it's Sharia. Hence this thread.

Now if it had read Saudi Sharia, a part of you would have probably cringed. Instead you went to support something even more heinous and didn't seem to bat an eyelid. You've also made a comparison that boggles my mind by stating the 'huge' variations in Sharia by ranging from Saudi Arabia to Iran. Usually when people do it, they provide one good and one bad to show that there's a huge range.

You instead chose to show us one in which women are burned as witches, and children are legally married off to strangers and raped, and the other is one in which gays are killed, women are dragged into cars by religious police, and public stonings and lashings have been making a come back.

The greatest tragedy here is that you will never suffer from what you propose. The best you could ever do is move to a Taliban dominated region of Afghanistan, but to be fair, you should be forced to endure 'Sharia' as a woman or any other member of humanity deemed less than human under such atrocious religious law.
Kinitari said:
The fact that there is internal conflict is a step in the right direction. I don't want to think Zapages and other Muslims want to see me dead just because I don't feel right make-believing being Muslim anymore.
Well, if there really is an internal conflict, I agree that it is a nice step in the right direction. But if he is just not saying it to avoid a ban, that doesn't help much.


Black Canada Mafia
speculawyer said:
Well, if there really is an internal conflict, I agree that it is a nice step in the right direction. But if he is just not saying it to avoid a ban, that doesn't help much.

Reading his last two posts make me sad. I dun wanna die.
Zapages said:
because we don't want to banned... That's why... Simple as that. Plus I have not done my whole freakin research on it to give a good answer... Plus the answer I gave is sufficient enough to let it by.
What research is needed? It's an extremely simple answer...
Kinitari said:
Reading his last two posts make me sad. I dun wanna die.
Well . . . I hope you live in a safe country. If not, just continue faking it. That is what I would do . . . actually, that is kinda what I did. Though it is no where near the same, I had to fake it while I lived in my parent's house. :lol
mAcOdIn said:
Something I've wondered:
I've never understood, religiously, what benefit it was to have people who didn't agree with said laws living under them. Surely no God is so easily fooled or placated by merely paying lip service by being forced to live a certain way as opposed to choosing that path of your own accord. the two surely can't be equal paths to righteousness.

Because the presence of happy, free and productive non-believers in a religious culture weakens the plausibility of the religion in the eyes of children and potential converts.

It is not really about appeasing some god, but instead is about keeping up the numbers.
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