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NeoGAF Creative Writing Challenge #36 - "Bloody Murder"

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Theme - "Bloody Murder"

Word Limit: 1800

Submission Deadline: Wednesday, 9/9 by 11:59 PM Pacific.

Voting begins Thursday, 9/10, and goes until Saturday, 9/12 at 11:59 PM Pacific.

Secondary Objective: Conflicting Emotions. Things are often best measured by their opposite. First, your story should include emotion, and then whatever emotion you display, it must also have its opposite somewhere. So if someone cries, another laughs, if one is enraged, another should be forgiving... or it could be all the same person.

Submission Guidelines:

- One entry per poster.
- All submissions must be written during the time of the challenge.
- Using the topic as the title of your piece is discouraged.
- Keep to the word count!

Voting Guidelines:

- Three votes per voter. Please denote in your voting your 1st (3 pts), 2nd (2 pts), and 3rd (1 pt) place votes.
- Please read all submissions before voting.
- You must vote in order to be eligible to win the challenge.
- When voting ends, the winner gets a collective pat on the back, and starts the new challenge.

NeoGAF Creative Writing Challenge FAQ

12 Entries:
bakemono- CHOCOLATTA
Aaron- The Hounds of Night: Part I
Spirit3- Tomorrow's People
ChinoMike55- Notice Me
ZephyrFate- Quick Whispers of the Day
Ward- Just Existence
Irish- Jitters
evilpigking- Should Have Gone to Hawaii Instead
ronito- For Aaron
crowphoenix- I Believe in Mary Worth
Cyan- A Murder at Cassingham Manor
Botolf- Death and Lifeblood


I have an idea that would work but also would be corny as hell. Hopefully I can actually remember to do this, this time.
Looking forward to working on this one. I imagine there will be a few murder mysteries. Perhaps I shall set one in a tavern.


Belfast said:
Don't know how I feel about the topic. Seems awfully specific.
It's a turn of phrase, so you don't have to commit specifically to murder or even bloody ones.


Aaron said:
It's a turn of phrase, so you don't have to commit specifically to murder or even bloody ones.

True enough, but I suppose at that point it just feels like a line of dialogue instead of a theme. I guess I'm just going to have to get creative (and I suppose that's the idea).


Ok, I'm definitely going to pretend this thread doesn't exist until the 6th. Then I will start thinking of ideas and finally write it up.
Hey, Kimo. Can you provide us some selections of freestyling that you feel are excellent? It'd help us to critique you if we had a solid idea what you're working towards.


If I can find the time, even though the theme is a little out of my norm, I will attempt to input an entry so a number of you can get your sweet revenge for my previous confusing comments. If anyone's struggling with the expression bloody murder then this might help.

Bloody Murder -
To scream loudly in pain, fear etc or
To protest loudly and angrilly. (If you don't give me a raise i'll scream in bloody murder)


I said I wouldn't click until close to the end, but I just can't stop thinking about this thread. I think I am addicted.

Anyway, I'm struggling with this theme. I'm not sure what to write about. I can't really think of anything unique at the moment, which is a big problem considering execution is not my strong point.


Irish said:
I said I wouldn't click until close to the end, but I just can't stop thinking about this thread. I think I am addicted.
Why would you not click? No reason not to start thinking about and writing about the theme right away, if you want. If anything, it gives you more time to refine things. Not sure why you'd want to wait until the last minute.

...which is a big problem considering execution is not my strong point.
That will come with practice, which is, after all, the point of these threads. Execution was definitely not my strong point when I started doing the challenges. Now... well, it's at least a lot better than it was!
Well I've got a tenative idea for the theme so far, I think I can work in the secondary, I guess I'll find out. Chances are I'll end up using an entirely different idea though if the past is an indicator.

Edit: Nevermind, changed it already...sigh.


ZephyrFate said:
You guys know how much I love describing blood.

This will be interesting.
Honestly, I was thinking of one of your stories when I came up with the theme, though it's partly due to Cyan since his last story reminded me of yours.
Aaron said:
Honestly, I was thinking of one of your stories when I came up with the theme, though it's partly due to Cyan since his last story reminded me of yours.
You're probably thinking of Ukelele Woman, which was very much about blood and such.

But yeah, that too. :)


How does one describe blood other than it's red and flows through living organisms veins? Link to the story?

I have an idea. Writing a draft now. Really struggling with the road to the ending though. Everything needs to be picture perfect for the ending to make any sense.
bakemono said:
That's better than what I got atm. I can only think of a drawing.

Crow, your stuffs are great :|
Thanks. But you shouldn't worry. We've all made mistakes. We'll all make them again. Hell, I tend to make the same mistake over and over. Besides, we've got a week and a half. Something will pop up.


crowphoenix said:
Thanks. But you shouldn't worry. We've all made mistakes. We'll all make them again. Hell, I tend to make the same mistake over and over. Besides, we've got a week and a half. Something will pop up.
Ah, how we suffer for our art. :p


crowphoenix said:
I'm trying to be all inspiring here. I can't help that I breathe cliches. :D
Breathe in cliches, breathe out pure gold!

Hmm, now this sounds like one of those "advice dog" things. I can't remember what the version of it that I'm thinking of was called.
i was thinking about this during the last challenge, but forgot to mention it then..

have any of you ever thought about making the authors of the entries hidden and/or having them all get posted at the same time?

we could do this easily through either a PM or email system. i'm curious as to how i would take in someone's story not knowing who it was from.


Might be fun to try that one of these times.

I know I'd just end up trying to figure out who'd written each one, though. :lol I bet I could pick out DND and Aaron pretty easily. Scribble, h_m, and Zephyr, too. Might be hard to sort out who was who between Tim, crow, ronito, and I.

The only downside would be in critiquing, as you couldn't take previous things you'd seen into account.

And I'd hate to lose out on all the votes I get because of my totally sweet Hobbes avatar. :D

Actually, I'd probably try to imitate someone else's style just to fool everybody.


She is nice and sweet, she is made of tasty things, and soft, very soft. She makes me happy, she makes me fat. She’s got short, brown hair, all curls and bounces, which dances with her all the time; when she moves, when she talks, when she sings, when she strains and stretches. Today, she wears her knee-high socks, and her new sport shoes, they are both white: socks and shoes. She plays volley-ball, and she’s very good at it. She knows I'm watching today’s game, and she waves at me, now, smiling bright and blinding. I wave back, shielding my eyes from the sun with my other hand.

Her name is Charlotte. I call her Chocolatta, Coco for short. It amuses her, and it suits her, though I don’t think she knows why. She’s my new girlfriend, and she’s full with goodness. Coco is bending her knees very gracefully now, her upper body leaning backwards ever so slightly, one arm pulled back at the shoulder level, poised to serve and the other throwing the dull, yellow ball upwards. I can watch her doing this over and over again. A slapping sound and the ball is sent forward with a spinning force, and she’s already bouncing lightly on her white shoes, yelling at a team-mate who was not paying attention to the game, hair dancing about in her wake.

The ball is returned, awkwardly, and one of the girls (the tall, mannish one,) receives it deftly, lobbing it back upwards in a narrow curve. Coco sprints forward, her lovely, lean calves a blur of white and sunlight, and she leaps, pushing against ground and gravity. She is suspended in air for a split second, her green eyes fixed on the ball, her hand transfixed in a straight palm, ready and immortal. I forget to breathe as I watch her serving out a punishing smash. The ball makes a sharp smacking sound as it hits the court on the opponent’s side. Coco is grinning, and her friends put their hands up for high-fives. The other team stands no chance.

Lunch time and we sit together, she is having her healthy, sensible, protein-high meal. I chew on my cheap, off-the-shelf sausage roll, listening to her talking about pursuing her sports seriously (the coach was at it again, no doubt), but then she frowns, “Will you go to the same uni with me? How’s your grades?”

I have no plans to go to university. I smile, “I’ll try. My grades aren’t too bad, though might not be good enough for some places.”

“Then, why don’t you come over tonight, we can study together. Exams just around the corner, and I want to be together.”

I make a naughty face at her, wagging my eyebrows suggestively, “So aggressive, Coco.”

She laughs, poking me, pulling her lips in a little (trying to look mean), and says, “I mean together at college, you tease.”

I grin, “I’ll come over, tonight.”

Her room is littered with magazines and books. She’s an over-achiever, and she’s never going to be good enough for her parents. She’s not only good at sports, she is also well-read and popular. She invites me in to her room, a little overtly, covering up her embarrassment and awkwardness. I may be the first boy that she had ever allowed within these private walls of her safest of places.

We put our heads down into our homework; she is impatient with me when I get stuck at a question that she had breezed through. Coco makes a lot of little noises, the kind that speaks volumes with the most basic sounds, her ‘tsk’ is always pregnant with dissatisfaction and lordliness, her ‘ahh’ full of approval and warmth, her ‘mmm’ holds many desires, many dreams. I stop studying. I have come over not to improve my head, but to hold her, to touch her, to kiss her. She pushes me, giggling, we fall into the routine of her initial reluctance, small hands on my chest, pressing me away half-heartedly, turning into curls of little fingers that grasp my shoulders, pulling me close. Her lips are moist and taste like fizzy drinks, her tongue inexperienced, clumsy. She’s wet and warm, young and alive, things that I am not. Things that I want to be. I pull back, smiling at her. She smiles back, happy that I did not turn to be one of those creeps who wanted the whole way too soon too eager. I am patient, and way creepier than those creeps.

“Enough studying for one night, Coco,” I say, rising up to my feet.

We come down from her room, her mother has prepared dinner, and she looks at me approvingly. I am polite and well-spoken. We sit down together, and her mother starts her questions. I proceed to entertain her, and lie, a lot. I make up stories about my parents, what they do, and who they are. I am on auto-pilot, I have prepared these lies; this is not my first time I am playing human. Meanwhile, my eyes are constantly on my lovely Coco, she bends forward slightly whenever she spoons a mouthful, and every time she does so, a little cleavage graces me with its beauty. Her breasts are small, shapely and rosy on their peaks.

I leave after dinner, she promises to come over and help me study at my place next time.

She falls for me hard. I never push her against her wishes, I do not demand things she’s not ready to give, but she comes now, crawling on to my bed with headiness in her beautiful, large, innocent eyes. I pull her to me, kissing and embracing her passionately, making sure she is getting all those little affectionate gestures that are so easily mistaken for intimacy. Her skin was cherry-blossom turned flesh, virginal smoothness of milk and ambrosia, life itself oozes out of her very being, she is my chocolate and honey. I have been holding back, feigning reluctance, lying through my teeth about worrying if she will regret it later. She frowns, delicate eyebrows knotted together, her face serious, “I want it to happen. With you

I undo my pants. She gets a little nervous at the sight, but I kiss her tenderly, and she melts in my arms again. I whisper her name into her ear, where her hair was teasing my nose with the smell of modern shampoo and her mother’s perfume. It is a coarse kind of smell. Her mother’s lower-middleclass upbringing will never wash away.

She slips out of her things, dress and under-wears, and we sit facing each other, breathless and naked. She is sweating a little, her face radiant and glowing with anticipation. I take her hands into mine, kissing her knuckles gently, and when I look up to her eyes, I weave those magic words, “Coco, I love you.”

I have her, then. I have her.

Coco falls very sick. Everyone seems to be taken aback by her sudden illness. She’s supposed to be one of tomorrow’s brightest stars. Her parents keep her at home, telling me that she is too weak to have guests. I leave flowers and chocolate with her mother, making sure that I look confused and sad. She hugs me, telling me that I am a very nice boy. I hug back, placing my hand carefully on her lumps of fat that sit underneath her too-tight bra, around her side.

The truth is: Coco’s dying. She is growing old rapidly, and right now, she is crying her wrinkled face out. The doctors will be baffled by her condition, and the specialists will call it an extraordinary medical case. It is so difficult these days, to get away from these nosy people. But I cannot help myself with Coco. Her life force is too delicious, and I want it badly. I need it.

And now, only one thing left to do.

The moon’s high when I scale the tree outside her bedroom. She’s slumped by the side of her bed, exhausted and abandoned. I push the window in and step inside. She wakes up and tries to shield herself away from me. She starts to cry, “I don’t want you to see me.” I hug her bony frame from behind and say, “Coco. Nothing can make me stop loving you.”

She turns around, and the full force of her advanced-aging face hits me. I pretend to be shocked, and she cries anew. I keep my hands placed lightly on her sobbing shoulders, acting unsure what to do. Finally, I say, carefully, “I can’t bear to see you suffering like this.” This has to be said at the right moment, with the right tone.

She bawls her eyes out, then, a grandmother of six-teen years of age, and she wishes for the nightmare to end. I rub her hair down, soothingly, “They will try to help you. Doctors, and smart people, I’m sure.”

The thought of having to face the world and reality, the mere idea of having to sit and be prodded with questions is the final push that I dropped on her doom. She was not ready for it, and she clutches at my arm, “I don’t want to live anymore, I don’t want to be a freak. Please, help me.” I seem appalled, “You are not a freak, Coco.”

She shrieks at me, “Don’t patronize me! Help me, or go away!” I pretend to be hurt, and she pulls back, crying again. I let a few minutes pass. Then I kneel, “If that’s what you want, Coco. I will help you.”

She smiles, her eyes still shining behind the disgustingly drooping skin, “Thank you. I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

Coco dies two days after that. Her parents say that she died peacefully. They are poor liars; the shock and horror in their faces belie their little story. I know the truth. She died with her face carved off. There's no signs of forced entry to her room, and no screaming. Her parents are too fraught to pursue the macabre mystery, though.

A thought hangs on their mind: She must have wanted it.

I place a white rose on her closed coffin, and looking up, I see her one last time as she gazes down on everyone from her blown-up photograph, a vision of a promise.

I turn and walk away from that silly little place of death. My mind is busy already; this stolen life will probably be good for a few years. I intend to enjoy it to the fullest.

Oh, and I probably need to organise an application to a new high-school. I can’t possibly make college with my grades.

“Good-bye, Chocolatta.”


Cyan said:
Might be fun to try that one of these times.

I know I'd just end up trying to figure out who'd written each one, though. :lol I bet I could pick out DND and Aaron pretty easily. Scribble, h_m, and Zephyr, too. Might be hard to sort out who was who between Tim, crow, ronito, and I.

The only downside would be in critiquing, as you couldn't take previous things you'd seen into account.

And I'd hate to lose out on all the votes I get because of my totally sweet Hobbes avatar. :D

Actually, I'd probably try to imitate someone else's style just to fool everybody.
I still got the old gafconfess email account. We could use that if we wanted and I could post the stories. Believe me if I didn't reveal the name, address and phone # of that guy who slept with that tranny porn star you guys are more than safe.
Cyan said:
Might be fun to try that one of these times.

I know I'd just end up trying to figure out who'd written each one, though. :lol I bet I could pick out DND and Aaron pretty easily. Scribble, h_m, and Zephyr, too. Might be hard to sort out who was who between Tim, crow, ronito, and I.

The only downside would be in critiquing, as you couldn't take previous things you'd seen into account.

And I'd hate to lose out on all the votes I get because of my totally sweet Hobbes avatar. :D

Actually, I'd probably try to imitate someone else's style just to fool everybody.
I'd probably go so far as to name mine "Cyan's Story" just to really muck with people.


Ten (15) more challenges and then I'll consider myself a regular and then people may recognize my rambling style. On the other hand, I could probably guess what stories were written by which of the established members.

Anyway, I think I hate this theme. I'm struggling far more than usual just trying to get a basic idea. Details and stuff usually come out when I sit down to type, but a main idea usually comes to me by now. I've got a poem prepared just in case I can't write a longer piece, but I suck at poetry.


one my stories the main character was called Noche Lobo and no one noticed.

It's spanish for Nitewulf. Actually that whole story was setup like a De La Cruz adventure in my little universe.


ronito said:
one my stories the main character was called Noche Lobo and no one noticed.

It's spanish for Nitewulf. Actually that whole story was setup like a De La Cruz adventure in my little universe.
Haha, that's awesome! Which story was that?

Yeah, I like to sometimes sprinkle random little details like that around my stories, that you'd have to be paying really close attention to notice. Sort of easter eggs that no one but me is ever likely to notice. :)


Cyan said:
Haha, that's awesome! Which story was that?

Yeah, I like to sometimes sprinkle random little details like that around my stories, that you'd have to be paying really close attention to notice. Sort of easter eggs that no one but me is ever likely to notice. :)
It was the story about the police cop tracking down a murderer that used exploding poodles.


Hey bakemono... just to warn you, I've been thinking recently about doing the occasional more in-depth critique, both to hopefully help someone out and for my own edification. So I decided privately that I'd do one for the first story to go up for this challenge.

Watch out! Will probably do it later today or tomorrow.

And if you don't want an extended crit, let me know and I'll save it for the next one. :)
I doubt I'll have one in this one. Too much going on.

That said, I'm not sure I'm particularly in favor of the whole idea of submitting them anonymously. I don't think it will affect the votes much, and even if it did... eh. I don't really care much about the votes. I doubt it will lead to better critiques (people think anonymity will, but it rarely does) and will probably just lead to meaner comments, even if they're not purposefully mean. It's just the way we're built.

I really think, too, as was mentioned, too many of us have pretty distinct styles and it would be pretty clear who is who, so if anyone is voting a name and not a story--which is the only reason I can see for doing anonymity, other than just for fun--I don't think it would really fix that.

If everyone wants to, I won't like, skip the challenges or anything. I just don't think it would add much. We've gotta get used to putting our names (or some identifier) on stuff anyway, and taking the lumps that come with it.


Survives without air, food, or water
Hopefully I get around to participating this time. Love reading these threads, even if I don't always submit something of my own.

I've got a couple ideas brewing...


I don't have any ideas. My creative well has dried up.

Only joking. I just wanted to see how it felt to type that.


Cyan said:
Hey bakemono... just to warn you, I've been thinking recently about doing the occasional more in-depth critique, both to hopefully help someone out and for my own edification. So I decided privately that I'd do one for the first story to go up for this challenge.

Watch out! Will probably do it later today or tomorrow.

And if you don't want an extended crit, let me know and I'll save it for the next one. :)

Cyan (and Hobbes), you're my hero. I need all the help I can get. Tear it up!
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