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NeoGAF Creative Writing Challenge #37 - "Truth"

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Theme - "Truth"

Word Limit: 1800

Submission Deadline: Wednesday, 9/23 by 11:59 PM Pacific.

Voting begins Thursday, 9/24, and goes until Saturday, 9/26 at 11:59 PM Pacific.

Secondary Objective: Imagery. Try to create strong vivid images that will stay with the reader long after they're done.

Submission Guidelines:

- One entry per poster.
- All submissions must be written during the time of the challenge.
- Using the topic as the title of your piece is discouraged.
- Keep to the word count!

Voting Guidelines:

- Three votes per voter. Please denote in your voting your 1st (3 pts), 2nd (2 pts), and 3rd (1 pt) place votes.
- Please read all submissions before voting.
- You must vote in order to be eligible to win the challenge.
- When voting ends, the winner gets a collective pat on the back, and starts the new challenge.

NeoGAF Creative Writing FAQs


Since I know some will have issue with the theme I wanted to clarify.

The piece could be either about revealing a some truth, or some underlying truth or could even be based on a actual event (like biography or historical fiction), or take an actual event to its logical conclusion (sci-fi based on actual findings). Get creative.
Going to try to have most of my applications ready by the end of September, which may cut into my writing time. That and I'll be in Arizona during the voting period. Still, I'll try to have something ready.

Also, I can't figure out why Scribble is banned.


Sounds fun!

The piece should be either about revealing a some truth, or some underlying truth or could even be based on a actual event (like biography or historical fiction), or take an actual event to its logical conclusion (sci-fi based on actual findings). Get creative.
Hmm. That's very specific. I might... have my own interpretation. ;)


Cyan said:
Sounds fun!

Hmm. That's very specific. I might... have my own interpretation. ;)
do whatever you like.

When I discussed the topic with my wife she was worried people wouldn't be able to think up enough ideas that's why I decided to put in a post that gave some people an idea. But if you got one go forth!


You want the truth? YOU WANT THE TRUTH?!


Non-truth-handler you! I deride your truth-handling abilities!


Tim the Wiz said:
Truth, eh? Well, I like that stuff. Might have to write something about it.


I know this is quick. I have an essay to write so I decided to just sit down and write it in one go. It's the first thing I've written in a while so it's rough.

Philosophies of Truth: 847 words

Every breath felt like someone was standing on his chest. The room was eerily silent and he could feel the coldness radiating from the walls. He tried to open his eyes. One was sealed shut with old blood. The other was swollen but he could see light and shadow in front of him. He felt twisted around the chair that held him. His hands were bound behind him. The clothes he was wearing felt damp and had a rank and metallic smell. He thought it must be blood. A voice spoke from in front of him; it sounded like the person was speaking under water.

“You still don’t want to talk?”
“I’m telling you, I know nothing.”


“Are you sure?”

A rage began to build up within him. His whole body quickly rose in temperature and his muscles became tense. Sweat started to bead and ran down his forehead. The salty liquid hit his mouth and mixed in with the sweet, metallic taste of his own blood.

“Yes!” he yells, “I am completely sure. I know nothing of the movement. I am in no way involved!”

A sharp strike hit the side of his face. Blood sprayed from his mouth. Breathing became increasingly laborious .

“What?! What do you want me to say?!”
“Forgive me Paul. I didn’t tell him to do that. I suppose after a while in this business some people find it hard to control their actions. We see so many liars, you know. People who do know information are always telling us they don’t and you know-“

The voice paused.

“It makes us angry.”

Paul remained still and confident in his chair.

“I believe you Paul, not many people could go through that and keep lying. Can you bring in a bucket of warm water and a cloth please?”

A few quiet minutes passed. He could hear what he thought was the voice breathing steadily. The sound of objects being picked up and placed on a surface broke the silence. He couldn’t tell what it was. Suddenly he felt a warm wet cloth on his face. The watery blood flowed down his chest making his clothing even damper. Slowly his skin felt cleaner and his eye became unstuck from itself. Gradually he opened his eyes a little further and he saw the man standing in front of him. His face was hard yet concentrating on what he was doing. He didn’t see any badges or markings to know who he worked for. Why was he here? He knew nothing. Why didn’t they believe him?

“Is that better Paul?” asked the man in front of him.
“A little.”

The man turned and walked towards what looked like a table. He was occupied for a moment before turning and walking back. In an instant he pulled his arm back and stuck it down into his neck. The pain was sharp but Paul hardly felt it; he was already hurt enough. He felt a pressure under his skin before the pain withdrew.

“Do you know what that was, Paul?”
“That was an injection that contains a few different ingredients. Have you heard of the truth serum, Paul?”
“Well then, the truth serum is a drug that is used to obtain information from unwilling clients.”

He scoffs at the word ‘clients’.

“So very soon you will start to tell me what I want to know.”
“How are you connected to the ‘dove movement’?”
“I don’t know of any ‘dove movement.’”
“Really? So you have nothing to do with the plan to overturn the leader?”
“No, I told you I have nothing to do with this. I love the leader.”
“Then how do you know Scott Davies? We’ve seen you talk together on a number of occasions. He is the apparent leader of the ‘dove movement’, you did not know this?”
“No! Scott and I were at university together. We were friends and I’m still good friends with him. I already told you I have never heard of the ‘dove movement’.”

He saw the man in front of him turn around. He pauses before flicking his hand to the side. Everything goes black.



The voice sounds like it’s coming from under water again. Everything hurts. He raises his hand to his face. Everything is still swollen.

“Scott, he’s awake!”
Footsteps tread quickly before stopping near his head. He must be lying down.

“Paul. Are you ok?”
“Sore.” He mutters.
“At least you’re alive. What did they do to you?”
“It doesn’t matter. Is the plan still in place?”
“Yes. Explosives are placed and the insiders are in their positions.”
“Good. That makes what happened ok.”
“Did they give you the truth drug?”
“Of course.”

Paul coughs and clutches a hand to his chest. He tries to open his eyes but they’re again sealed with dry blood.

“So what do they know?”
“They know that I knew nothing about the movement and that I wasn’t involved.”
“But,” Scott pauses, “you were.”
“The truth is what you believe the truth to be.”

He breathes deeply.


Oh boy here we go. Had an idea for a short story when Deception was going on and it'll fit perfect with this theme, I hope.

Whose Scribbles?


Well, there goes my idea for filtered truth. I was going to include both an edited and an unedited version of a confession. The unedited one showed all kinds of crap that a guy went through to force him to make a false confession for a intelligence screw-up. (that sentence makes no sense)

Oh well, I had a fall-back idea that is slightly overused, but I can also think of something else.


Irish said:
Well, there goes my idea for filtered truth. I was going to include both an edited and an unedited version of a confession. The unedited one showed all kinds of crap that a guy went through to force him to make a false confession for a intelligence screw-up. (that sentence makes no sense)

Oh well, I had a fall-back idea that is slightly overused, but I can also think of something else.



Irish said:
Well, there goes my idea for filtered truth. I was going to include both an edited and an unedited version of a confession. The unedited one showed all kinds of crap that a guy went through to force him to make a false confession for a intelligence screw-up. (that sentence makes no sense)
I don't see any reason why you shouldn't do that. Aside from the interrogation setup, it doesn't sound all that similar to Cheshire's. Anyway, there's no requirement that your story be totally different from everyone else's.

Spirit3 said:
Whose Scribbles?
A Challenge regular whose entries are always a lot of fun... who seems to have been mysteriously banned.


No, it wasn't because of Cheshire's piece. The idea was just ruined in my head. I just got an intense hate for it while I was in the midst of sleeping last night.


good credit (by proxy)
Petite Mort (iPhone abridged edition)
Word Count: 1800

"Do you love me?"

The French call it petite mort, the little death. That zen moment when the brain ceases thought completely. It's a state that yogis and meditation practicioners spend their entire lives trying to achieve. I call it the singularity of human experience. Our lives are peppered with singularities. They are the main thrust behind most any human endeavor. We desire nothingness. We need it.

"I asked you if you love me."


I placed the 357 into her hands as liquid streamed from her eyes and vagina. I cupped my hands around hers and slowly placed the tip against the back of my own throat.

"When you feel me cum. You understand? When you feel me cum. Do you love me?"
crowphoenix said:
How's it going guys? Ideas?

First draft done. It reflects what I'm angry about these days. Sadly, it seems like I can only write now when I'm supposed to be doing something else...
Disease (1471 words)

Turning the corner onto his street, Ali prepared himself for another bitter campaign with his mother to purchase the bright-red bicycle that decorated a local shop window. He began to hear loud voices as his feet took him closer to home. This was surprising, as the blistering heat kept all but the beggars indoors this time of year. Likely, it was yet another argument between the neighbours. Mr Hadi, the lecturer who lived next door, often provoked the wrath of another neighbour, Mr Karim, who worked in a government department. He did this by loudly talking of "needlessly aggressive foreign policy" and "foul justice" whenever he was in the other man's presence. Ali couldn't help but agree with his mother when she complained about Mr Hadi's explosive ranting. It seemed like he never talked of anything else.

Loud voices turned into loud shouts. And then, as his feet drew him further closer, into loud screams. He noticed a black van resting on Mr Hadi's driveway. He had never seen it before. Rubbing sweat off his stinging brow, he took a sip of water from the bottle his mother had packed in his schoolbag during the morning. Puzzlement turned to fright as his eyes took in the darkly uniformed man who sat in the driver's seat of the van, and worse, the gun that sat at his hip. The man was chewing gum, calmly flicking through an old, slightly torn novel.

Suddenly, the front door crashed open, ending the assault of voices coming from inside the house for a brief moment. Out came another darkly uniformed man, stout and bearded, dragging a beaten, quivering, coughing Mr Hadi into the harsh sun that beat down from above. The screams from inside the house rang out anew. The bearded man brought up his gun, shouting at the people inside not to come out.

They had to be police officers. Of what kind, Ali had no idea. What he did know was that it was time to run, but he couldn't help himself. He froze. Directly in view of the front door.

The chubby officer was still dictating terms. "Did you hear me? Come outside here and I kill him!" He licked his sweaty lips. "And if you don't shut up, I might just kill him, too. Understand?"

The voices inside the house whimpered in hasty assent, climbing in octaves of distress as they did so. Ali tried to force himself to move, but it was too late. The chubby officer holstered his gun and turned. His eyes went directly to Ali. Instantly, he kicked Mr Hadi to the ground, and called the driver over. The driver, a taller, willowy man, rushed to obey his stout taskmaster.

"Put him in the back. It's time you did something today, you lazy bastard." The sweat-smeared face of the older man frowned up at his taller accomplice. "And stop chewing bubblegum on the job."

The chubby officer half-walked, half-jogged over to Ali. The man peered at him in badly-hidden consternation that blared distaste for Ali's presence.

The man's harsh voice lashed out. "What are you doing here, boy?"

Ali couldn't look up any longer. Eyes firmly planted on the ground, his mouth opened to string out something - an apology? an excuse? - before faltering and closing shut once more.

"Remember, you must not lie to the police, boy."

"Nothing." Ali risked a glance up into the beady eyes of the officer. Up close, the man's face resembled a swarthy, flustered pig he had once seen at his uncle's farm. "I am returning from school. My house is next-door."

The man's tone became more placid. "Is that so?

"It's true." Ali took a risk; he had never seen the man's uniform on any other policeman. "What are you doing with Mr Hadi? Where are you taking him?"

"You do not ask the questions, child. Mr Hadi is a dangerous criminal who hates our country." The supposed policeman straightened with barely-checked anger. "You would do well to forget him."

"What has he done?"

Opaque pink flashed through Ali's vision as raw stinging pain leaped across his face. Shaken and dizzy, he opened his eyes to find himself lying in a misshapen shape on the ground. Without warning, the chubby officer leaned over and spat into his face.

"Enough! He's done enough." The man was shaking with rage. "We are at war. His kind must be stopped from spreading their disease."

A woman ran out of the house. Ali knew her as Mr Hadi's wife. She must have thought her husband's captors were distracted. And she was right, if only the driver counted. The driver was now dozing in the front seat. He had left Mr Hadi in the back of the van as commanded, but the door was slightly open. Mrs Hadi, tears swiftly drying on her face, fumbled with the door, trying to quickly open it, as she softly cajoled her husband to move fast. The chubby officer had his back to the silent, delicate operation that was occurring behind him. But he knew.

Turning, hands moving with blurred speed, he put several bullets into Mrs Hadi's body. Blood flecked unseen onto the black chrome of the van. Mr Hadi howled in pain like never before, and a high-pitched keening sprang up from inside the house. Ali had almost forgotten that the Hadi's had a daughter. The driver was up now, flinching about unceasingly with his gun raised. He took the scene in with surprise, mouth working at the sight of Mrs Hadi's mangled body.

Ali tried to convince himself the killer in-front of him had heard Mrs Hadi run out of the house or had seen it all with hidden eyes in the back of his head. The truth was difficult to accept, but he couldn't dispute it. The killer had seen it on his face. His shock at Mrs Hadi's brave attempt to rescue her husband. Ali had condemned her to die.

The chubby officer swore and ran inside the house. Clutching a convulsing, now screaming, young girl in his arms, he ran back outside to the van. Kicking the body of Mrs Hadi away from the door, he threw the girl into the back of the van with her father. Immediately, she was hugging her weeping, beaten-down father.

Throwing one last look Ali's way, the sweating, pig-like killer voiced a final admonishment. "Don't breathe a word, boy." He pointed at the mess that had once been Mrs Hadi. "Or this could be your mother next." Jumping into the unoccupied front seat, he picked up a hand-held radio and spoke into it as the driver started the engine.

Ali lay prone, silent and uncomprehending, while the car reversed out of the driveway and tore down the street. Finally, he closed his eyes. He didn't want to accept it. He didn't want it to be real. Tears crept their way down his face into his mouth and past his chin. Snot ran freely out of his nose. Taking off his schoolbag, his shaking hands moved to clamp themselves around his sides. Shutting his eyes, he pretended it had been a dream.

"Ali! Thank the Prophet." A voice called out from beyond the void he had hidden himself in. "Ali! It's your mother. Ali, wake up."

Someone was tussling his ribs, softly rubbing his hair, and kissing his forehead. Hesitantly, he left the void and opened his eyes. It was his mother. Her weathered face was plastered with worry, making her appear more tired and haggard than normal. Covering his astonishment, Ali reached up to meet her hug before he began crying again. Over her shoulder, Ali saw that the body of Mrs Hadi and any sign of her gruesome death were gone from the driveway. Her daughter and any sight of Mr Hadi, his captors or their black van was absent as well. Police, in uniforms he recognized, were crawling around the house like cockroaches. He must have fallen asleep.

Near Ali and his mother, a handsome, elderly police officer was dictating to a bored-looking man in ordinary, drab clothing, who wrote every other word down in a pad the size of a Koran. As his mother carried him homeward, Ali heard the elderly policeman talking as they passed. "We fear this is a kidnapping designed by criminals to extort money from Mr Hadi's wealthy father. We will do our best to find the Hadi family, but sadly, there were no witnesses." The policeman gave Ali a menacing glance as mother and son went by. "No witnesses at all." Ali averted his gaze.

Soon, he realized his mother had been whispering an ongoing refrain of gentle recriminations while she carried him home. He caught her last few words. "My silly boy, never frighten me like that again."


Ok, I think I've got a decent idea, but it doesn't require a whole lot of writing. I just need to do some research to make sure it is accurate/decide who my main will be.
I wrote a short poem about the destruction of natural habitats through the POV of a wolf, but I think I'm gonna go actual short story this time and work on it either Sunday aftenroon during a predicted severe hangover from too much Jerry's, or on Monday during yet another hangover sesh. Either way, I got some ideas swimming around...
I just thought of an idea of a intersecting web of lies (useless and important) that spread through a random group of friends, until one of them finally says "fuck it" and starts telling the truth; chaos insues.

Sort of like that movie The Invention of Lying, only instead of the world not having any lies, everyone just lies to cover up the harsh realities of truth.

Meh, sounds cliche but I'm gonna roll with it.


Aaron said:
You lie!

My only problem is finding time to write mine.
you know I thought I'd be clever thinking "oh last time I did deception, now I'll do truth!!" yeah didn't think it'd bite me in the ass.
I've got nothing so far. I've spent most of the last week selecting and beginning to edit the stories for my portfolio. All have pretty glaring flaws, but I suppose that doesn't really matter. They're my pieces, and I've got everyone's suggestions to help brush them up.
This is some good advice I came across for all of us who write short stories, by Kurt Vonnegut, who has now become my favorite author of all time:

1. Use the time of a total stranger in such a way that he or she will not feel the time was wasted.
2. Give the reader at least one character he or she can root for.
3. Every character should want something, even if it is only a glass of water.
4. Every sentence must do one of two things—reveal character or advance the action.
5. Start as close to the end as possible.
6. Be a Sadist. No matter how sweet and innocent your leading characters, make awful things happen to them—in order that the reader may see what they are made of.
7. Write to please just one person. If you open a window and make love to the world, so to speak, your story will get pneumonia.
8. Give your readers as much information as possible as soon as possible. To hell with suspense. Readers should have such complete understanding of what is going on, where and why, that they could finish the story themselves, should cockroaches eat the last few pages.


A set of dentures.

To think that one could owe one’s life to a set of dentures. If he hadn’t licked and clicked at his teeth habitually as he sang (badly), he would not have made to go back to his bedroom. One hand at the door’s knob, his silhouette was visible through the stained glass of the main entrance when he suddenly stopped, tutting himself expressly. Pivoting on one leg, he turned around. And unwittingly, he fortuitously missed the pointedly pointed bits which smashed very loudly – and rather uninvited, one must say – through his front door, turning it into pieces of glass and fire woods. Tiny pieces. Probably useless even as fire wood.

Fortunately, his kind was typically blessed with the gift of uncanny agility. The vampire scrambled away from harm’s path, all the while striving to maintain as much glamour as he clambered to safety – and failed. The uninvited pointed bits turned out to be a set of gigantic harpoons. Each of its sharp ends was a man-size arrow point, as long and almost as heavy as his ridiculous steel coffin (one could never feel safe when one’s born as a paranoid vampire). Right at the business end of the harpoons, was his good friend and housemate Lamar.

“Good Lord, my dear, what on Earth are you doing there!” the vampire cried, hands flicking bits and pieces of debris off his expensive dinner suit. “I thought you and her, last night-“

Lamar sighed. Last night seemed so long ago. Last night he had made her angry. “My heart turned to jelly when I thought I wasn’t going to be able to save you in time, Quint.”

The harpoons started to make a series of creaking noises; someone was trying to pull them back. The slack connection chains shook a little before tightening under the labor.
Quintus risked a peek around the ravaged entrance to his home and saw a spherical machine thumping about at the end of the pier. Despite its bulk, it was approaching their boathouse with surprising speed. It had six sturdy legs coming out from its base like a demented, bloated, happy, mechanical spider. The thing was grinning at them — literally. Some sick person had decided to paint a big smile across the front of the machine.

Lamar, who had turned to a man of goo, was flailing and having a jolly hard time trying to stand. “A little help?”

“Say, I think it’s your dear old friend, Dr. Bleep,” the vampire remarked with an amicable tone, and Lamar groaned.

He shot one arm up to support himself, a great wobbling limb of transparent apple green jelly, and carefully placed it against a half-destroyed table. Timing himself, he heaved and pulled his whole body weight by his shoulder. Then he steadied himself for a few seconds – tottering and bobbing gently.


Quintus cackled a little. “He’s always so energetic, this fellow, isn’t he. Bless him.”

Lamar grunted and, feeling emboldened by his steadying limbs, made the mistake of standing upright on his massive, gelatinous feet. The vampire jumped a little as splashes of gel plopped onto the floor. The thick gobs looked a bit like a large gingerbread man, though somewhat flattened and face down.

A painful moan came from the apple-green ginger-jelly man, “AaarrghhHGOD.”


And the Doctor meant business. The smiling mouth of the rotund machine spread into a gaping maw, revealing holes for teeth - holes that started blazing redder and redder at their centers. Quintus’ eyes widened. “This looks pretty bad, Lamar. Fire’s never been a friend of my kind, nor of a wooden boat-house.” He cast a look on his immobilized friend. “Nor of the jelly kind, I’m afraid.”

As doom’s probability ratio shot from zero to one in a matter of seconds, Lamar cursed himself. Last night. Yes, last night he was an idiot. He had made her cry. He wished he could say how sorry he was. He wished he could see her face again, if only for one last time. Even if she was just going to yell at him again. He could feel the flames’ heat now, starting to melt the outermost layer of his gelatinous body to oblivion. Suddenly, he picked up Quintus sudden burst of happiness, “Oh, here she comes!”

She tore the ocean’s skin like a stretch of fine white line across the indigo waters, clad in her pale leather suit, riding one of her amphibious motorbikes. A few seconds later, true to her streak, she did something crazy. Putting the auto-drive on maximum speed, she set her vehicle on a collision course with the spherical machine of doom. She timed herself facetiously, balancing her lean body as best she could on the unsteady seat as she made ready to abandon the bike at the opportune moment.

The Doctor was panicking now, punching commands into his handheld console with frantic hands and shouting expletives at her. His dancing fingers pushed a small tubular thing to pop from the top of his fat steel juggernaut.

She leapt! At the last possible second, she twirled and took to the sky. She landed on their boathouse’s bow, not sparing even a foothold’s margin for error. Her scarf flew in the wind wildly as she danced through the air, all adrenaline and grace.

Quintus had clapped appreciatively, then, “Blubbery!”

Lamar’s heart skipped a beat. Boom. One explosion followed by a series of smaller explosions, accompanied by a high-pitched raving of nothing but very bad language from the good doctor. The man-of-goo wanted to stand up. He wanted to look at her, to catch a glimpse of that fine oval face with its twin orbs of amber. He wanted to, but his cursed jelly limbs were hopeless and cumbersome.

He could hear her footsteps, striding and impatient as she came to their side. Then he heard her yelling at Quintus irately, “Blueberry!”

Her name was Blueberry Whisk, and she was the most beautiful woman in Lamar’s world. Quintus often piped an addendum very quickly, with that smart-aleck voice of his, that Lamar’s world population size was miniscule. Lamar never cared. She was his everything. Her travelling boots by his head, she said very sharply, “I really shouldn’t have bothered.”

His heart turned to lead at her curt tone, at the thought of her abandoning him. He was suddenly on his feet, a man of solid lead, and hugged her to him tightly. If it weren't for Quintus pushing his way between them, Lamar very nearly would have crushed her. "Wonderful effort, Dr. Bleep!" the vampire called gleefully.

Blueberry and Lamar turned around to see the tubular unit that had escaped her explosive attack earlier. It was a one-man robotic suit with two chunky legs and one still very functional fire-cannon ... which was now firing its liquid-flame ball of death at the trio.

Lamar’s eyes widened, and instinctively he moved to shield Blueberry. The vampire cackled wildly and, moving nimbly, dissolved into a strange strain of smokes and shadow. The infernal ball hit Lamar squarely in the buttocks as Blueberry clung to his leaden body. The flaming ball thunked to the floor, then rolling away and setting the boathouse on fire. She seemed unusually fragile at that moment and Lamar tightened his hold on her. They stood still for awhile then, a sea of flames licking up everything into crackling destruction and he felt that this was where he belonged. This was where she belonged.

A rising crescendo of laughter tore the moment, “HAHAHAHAHA! GOOD-BYE, LAM-oh, shit.”

The Doctor squealed in protest as Quintus landed on top of his robotic contraption, his short silver blade shining white under the moon, “Hi.”

“Gitoffme! Get off! This is between me and Lamar, curse you!” The doctor shook his mechanic limbs violently, trying to shake off the sticky smoke-like figure from its back.

“Dr. Bleep-“

“Dr. Bleed, you fool!” He flailed around, mounting in his anger.

“Pardon me, Dr. Bleak, but-“ Quintus attempted, whilst his blade danced through the wirings and joints of the rowdy mechanical automaton, rending it asunder with merciless ease.

“BLEED! As in blood and destruction! Death! TERROR! DOOM!” It was at this particular moment that his robotic invention decided to exit stage left. Parts slid off his left and right, gears rained down as cables gave out in a display of hapless flailing. He was left with nothing but two control sticks, which he gripped very tightly in his hands. “CURSES AND PLAGUE!”

He frantically pushed himself out of the incapacitated automaton and glared at Quintus as he whipped out a small, yet incredibly well-crafted, motorized pair of wings out from his backpack, “You’re going on the LIST! UGH!”

The vampire would have pursued the suddenly winged man, but he was flightless himself, and resorted to wave cheerily at the receding figure in the night sky. He turned around and saw the boat was sinking into the sea, “Not good! Oh, no!”

Quintus ran back and saw Blueberry and Lamar in the midst of the flaming structure, “Swim, you fools!”

“He can’t!” Blueberry yelled back, “He’s too heavy!”

Lamar let go of his beloved. “You go. Go. Now.” His leaden body was sinking very swiftly, the waters rising up to his waist and further to his chest in a matter of minutes.

She slapped him, but it hurt her hand more than him. She fought back a wince as she scowled, "Don't be stupid. Not without you."

She mumbled something he couldn’t hear as his head submerged. He grasped for her and then stopped. He was suddenly afraid he might tear her limb off with his weighty metal fingers. She was reaching out to him, fingers outstretched and fear in her eyes. The sea sloshed and whirled around him, a suctioning whirlpool that dragged him downward. He tried to push free of it, but his weight and gravity worked against him.

The foolish girl! She swam after him obstinately, slipping lower into the depths of the dark water. A spark of pain burned through his chest, a mixture of anger and desperation for her safety. She shot out both of her arms and pulled herself close to him. She kissed his leaden lips with hers, deeply, lacing into it all of her wishes and all of her passion. And his heart fluttered, soared – gave him wings.

Quintus stepped back in amazement as Icarus burst out of the water. The maiden in his arms, he ascended heavenwards in a shimmer of diamond glitters, watery beads cascading from his wings as he wheeled upwards at the sky.

He grinned. “Aaah, the truth shall set you free, young loves.”


I haven't paid close attention to the Writing Challenges since the first few (though I'll probably give into the urge to read the many I've missed), but I totally have something to write. Don't want to give much away, all I can say is there won't be any awkward man loving. :lol

totally confident man loving confirmed
USD said:
I haven't paid close attention to the Writing Challenges since the first few (though I'll probably give into the urge to read the many I've missed), but I totally have something to write. Don't want to give much away, all I can say is there won't be any awkward man loving. :lol

totally confident man loving confirmed
If there is no awkward man-loving I will bash it to hell and back. I expect this from you, USD. >:/
crowphoenix said:
I've got nothing so far. I've spent most of the last week selecting and beginning to edit the stories for my portfolio. All have pretty glaring flaws, but I suppose that doesn't really matter. They're my pieces, and I've got everyone's suggestions to help brush them up.

Hey crow, btw, I'm really interested in hearing about what you're doing and where you're applying. My mentor gave me some feedback on the schools I'm looking at that I can share, and maybe we've heard different things about schools, if you want to talk in PM? I'm not applying until next year, but already, the search has consumed me. If you're all set and decided, then never mind, I guess, but all the best of luck. Getting all that stuff together will be hair-raising, I'm sure.
hey_monkey said:
Hey crow, btw, I'm really interested in hearing about what you're doing and where you're applying. My mentor gave me some feedback on the schools I'm looking at that I can share, and maybe we've heard different things about schools, if you want to talk in PM? I'm not applying until next year, but already, the search has consumed me. If you're all set and decided, then never mind, I guess, but all the best of luck. Getting all that stuff together will be hair-raising, I'm sure.
I've got some schools I'm looking at, and one I'm visiting this week, but my list isn't really finalized. There's only three that I'm definitely applying to and one of those is just to say I tried. But this has been about a three year process for various reasons, and no one I talked to really had any good information, so I'm more than willing to share the little I do know.
Cool, I'll PM you what my project mentor told me. He also teaches at Vermont College of Fine Arts, so he's big on pitching that school and other low-res, as you'll see, but he had some interesting stuff to say.


ZephyrFate said:
This is some good advice I came across for all of us who write short stories, by Kurt Vonnegut, who has now become my favorite author of all time:

1. Use the time of a total stranger in such a way that he or she will not feel the time was wasted.
2. Give the reader at least one character he or she can root for.
3. Every character should want something, even if it is only a glass of water.
4. Every sentence must do one of two things—reveal character or advance the action.
5. Start as close to the end as possible.
6. Be a Sadist. No matter how sweet and innocent your leading characters, make awful things happen to them—in order that the reader may see what they are made of.
7. Write to please just one person. If you open a window and make love to the world, so to speak, your story will get pneumonia.
8. Give your readers as much information as possible as soon as possible. To hell with suspense. Readers should have such complete understanding of what is going on, where and why, that they could finish the story themselves, should cockroaches eat the last few pages.
It shouldn't come as a big surprise to the "regulars" but the bolded are some of my most important rules and typically unless it's about pacing, voicing or cliche, chances are my critique will be one of the above.


"Look, Joan, you were the one who wanted to divorce Reggie. I'm the one who tried to advise you against it. In fact, you never even gave me a real reason for leaving. After all, he was supporting you completely. You should have known that you'd have to get a job once he was gone. What did you expect?"

The speaker, Lisa, put down her cup of tea and gazed intently into her friend's eyes.

"I wasn't expecting anything. In all honesty, Lisa, I didn't put any thought into what was going to happen after. I would have finished school or gotten a job if I had known what I was going to do. Oh well, it can't be all that hard to get a job these days."

She waved her hand carelessly in the air as she finished.

"Yes it can. It can be very hard, especially considering you didn't even finish high school."

Those last words were spoken in an obviously irritated voice.

"Hey, I got my GED. Isn't that enough?"

A look of annoyance crossed Joan's face in response to her friend's insistence on guiding her.

"Sure, but only if you plan on working with hot grease all your life."

"Well, what should I do? You seem to know everything after all."

"I'll help you look for a decent paying job. I might be able to pull a few strings and call in a few favors. Something I would only do for you."

"Thank you. When and where should I start?"

"Give me a few days and I'll find something for you."


Nearly a week later:

"Alright, here we are. Now, go on in. I'll be waiting out here for you to finish. Remember though, you don't have to be completely honest when filling out your application. Everyone pads his or her applications a little. You'll look like a fool if you don't. GET!'

Lisa let her tongue hang out of her mouth as she said that last word. Joan made a mocking expression and then began to speak.

"Okay, wish me luck. I'm going to need it."

"Fine! May luck be with you. You're going to be late if you don't hurry up though."

Joan gave a sidelong glance at her longtime friend and then bounded off, a beige blur in her pantsuit.


Ok, I guess I'm supposed to exaggerate a little. I don't really see the need though. Oh well, Lisa usually knows what she is talking about.

First Name:_________________________ --- Last Name:_____________________

Right, this is always the first and easiest question. Er, line or whatever you care to call it.

First Name:_______Joan______________ --- Last Name:____Smeeth___________

There we go. Simple, as per usual. Although, maybe they need a tad more information, like my middle initial.

First Name:_______John______________ --- Last Name:____Smith_____________

Well, when you think about it, the "oh" makes the same sound as the "oa" when alone and Smeeth is pronounced the same way as Smith. Time to move on.

Sex: Male [/] Female [_]

Technically, I am a male. Of course, there is that little "Fe" part in front of it.

Ethnicity: Caucasian [_] Asian [_] Hispanic [_] African-American [/]

My skin may be white, but I am from South Africa.

Primary Phone # (317) 610-8354

Alternate Phone # (317) 867-5309

I may not have an alternate number, but that is no reason to leave a field blank.

Email Address: Hello_There@aol.com

Don't have one of those either.

Address: 8617 Elm Street

City: Indianapolis

State: IN

ZIP: 46219-7801

Honest Answers.

SSN (ex. 123-45-6789): [356]-[65]-[3896]

DOB (mm/dd/yyyy) : 08/12/1980

They probably won't mind me taking a few years off. It's not that big of a deal.

Desired Position: Customer Service Representative

I've always been good with people.

Desired Salary: $75,000 a year

Any more would be asking for far too much.

Availability (please circle): [M] [T] W Th [F] Su

That seems like it would be a nice work week.

Are you currently employed? Y [N]

Education: Associate's Degree from Indiana Business College

  • Former Employers:
    [*]North American Space Association
    [*]Federal Bureau of Investigations

That should throw them for a loop. No, I can't put that there. If I had worked at either place, I wouldn't be applying for a customer service position.

Well, that seems to be the end of the list. Time to turn it in. Actually, I should probably make a few adjustments.


First Name:_______Joan______________ --- Last Name:____Smeeth___________
Sex: Male [_] Female [/]
Ethnicity: Caucasian [/] Asian [_] Hispanic [_] African-American [_]
Primary Phone # (317) 610-8354
Alternate Phone # (___) ___-____
Email Address: N/A
Address: 8617 Elm Street
City: Indianapolis
State: IN
ZIP: 46219-7801
SSN (ex. 123-45-6789): [356]-[65]-[3896]
DOB (mm/dd/yyyy) : 08/12/1970
Desired Position: Customer Service Representative
Desired Salary: $30,000 a year
Availability (please circle): [M] [T] [W] [Th] [F] S Su
Are you currently employed? Y [N]
Education: GED
Former Employers: N/A


Mrs. Smeeth

Unfortunately, we have already filled this position. Normally, you wouldn't receive a letter from us, but I felt the need to thank you for applying as personally as I could. Most people who apply here are not as honest as you were. They tend to use a lot of hyperbole when filling out their application. Your honesty impressed me, but you just didn't meet the required criteria for this particular position. However, you're the type of person I am interested in hiring. I am currently looking into positions for which you would be the right person, but I have yet to find anything. I will send a call your way once I do.

Regina Spektor​


I clearly had no idea as to what to do. Sorry for such a crap/weird entry.
I think that's an interesting start, Irish. Maybe if you played around with it for a few another day or two something more to your liking would come from it.


Yeah. I wanted to come up with a way to add a lot more writing to it, but I've been struggling. I'll let it sit for a day and then come back to it.
I would use that as a good start, and then just add some background/action/conflict for a good few hundred words. You'd have a complete piece at that point.
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