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NeoGAF Creative Writing Challenge #49 - "Being Human"

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Theme - "Being Human"

Word Limit: 1800

Submission Deadline: Wednesday, 4/21 by 11:59 PM Pacific.

Voting begins Thursday, 4/22, and goes until Saturday, 4/24 at 11:59 PM Pacific.

Optional Secondary Objective: Villains!
Villains are seemingly hard to come by in these contests... so go ahead and incorporate villain(s)!

Submission Guidelines:

- One entry per poster.
- All submissions must be written during the time of the challenge.
- Using the topic as the title of your piece is discouraged.
- Keep to the word count!

Voting Guidelines:

- Three votes per voter. Please denote in your voting your 1st (3 pts), 2nd (2 pts), and 3rd (1 pt) place votes.
- Please read all submissions before voting.
- YOU MUST VOTE in order to be eligible to win the challenge.
- When voting ends, the winner gets a collective pat on the back, and starts the new challenge.

Writing Challenge FAQ


ZephyrFate- "Hagiography"
Jill Sandwich- "Lucky Night"
ronito- "The Rat"
PolarBearsClub- "Hospital"
Hato-kun- "Prospector"
AnkitT- "A thinking man's amnesia"
ChubbyHuggs- "Untitled Fragment From Love Letters"
John Dunbar- "One Way Trip"
Ward- "In My Mind, It was the Vibra-briefs"
crowphoenix- "Nicely Done"
grumble- "Grandfather and Grandson"
Cyan- "Full Circle"
Tangent- "Source of Strength"
Irish- "Education"
Ashes1396- "A sense of Literary death" (Critique welcome, ineligible for voting)
DumbNameD- "RE: Robot"


I has an idea, probably won't conform to the secondary objective because I'm in the mood for inspirational!


The secondary objective interests me greatly.

I've got tomorrow off, so I'm going to try to get an early start this time.


I'm thinking of a story involving Norse mythology, only the gods are really these cyber dudes, who chastise those they consider too human... nah, that just sounds stupid.
Aaron said:
I'm thinking of a story involving Norse mythology, only the gods are really these cyber dudes, who chastise those they consider too human... nah, that just sounds stupid.
You could probably write it better than Dyack did.
As my last story didn't do as well as I'd hoped, I think I'll continue on with the "no dialogue" challenge for a bit longer.

Now I just need to come up with an idea.


Holy crap Ashes, you blew my mind with this one.

I think I might need to put an e-brake on my other piss poor writing projects and engage with this one. Heaven knows I tried and tried with the last one, but it didn't work out. Funny though, in looking at what I had written for the challenge before there were several pieces that would have worked but I couldn't think anything new up that fit the bill.


ronito said:
I think I might need to put an e-brake on my other piss poor writing projects and engage with this one.
I still need to get back to you on that other thing. I haven't forgotten; I just need to carve out a decent block of time.


I had posted a couple way back when this project was at the 7th? iteration or so... dont remember, but it was fun. Stopped because I switched jobs and rarely GAF'd, let alone wrote. I think I'm gonna give this one a shot again. I'm always partial to villains so I think the 2nd objective could be good.


dojokun said:
Can someone fill me in on what this is, exactly?

It's just as it seems. By April 21st, you write up to 1800 words (strict limit, do not go over) on anything you'd like that you interpret as the subject, aka "Being Human". Then there's a second objective, this one incorporates villains... so you could make a villain in your story.

Submit by the 21st and others will do the same. All who submit vote for their favorites, give critique and a winner is crowned. Winner then picks the topic for the next challenge.

You could also Look at the FAQ for this thread.


Tim the Wiz said:
Ignore the sadly confused poster above. This is a competition to recount our favourite kiwifruit eating escapades in Swahili.

DAMNIT! Wrong thread... my bad. I'll edit that out
Tim the Wiz said:
Ignore the sadly confused poster above. This is a competition to recount our favourite kiwifruit eating escapades in Swahili.

Hii ni mara moja ilikuwa ladha

Ah they joys of online translators.


Tim the Wiz said:
Ignore the sadly confused poster above. This is a competition to recount our favourite kiwifruit eating escapades in Swahili.
If you're just joining us, I should note a common newbie mistake: Swahili is not a click language. If you start clicking around here, you'll be laughed out of the thread by the regulars.

Chairman Yang

if he talks about books, you better damn well listen
Aaron said:
I'm thinking of a story involving Norse mythology, only the gods are really these cyber dudes, who chastise those they consider too human... nah, that just sounds stupid.
I have an idea for something sort of similar, and just as cheesy. I think I'm going to try and pull it off as non-cheesily as possible.
Word Count: 1465

Act IV: A Discourse between a Man and the Devil

SCENE I – Things are Topsy-Turvy

<The stage is dark, absolutely nothing visible. It remains so for a few moments, to instill the audience with some palpable atmosphere. After a time, two spotlights appear from above, illuminating two figures. A MAN named GARRETT lies prone upon a couch, the couch turned to face the audience. The DEVIL sits near him, in a comfy chair, while writing notes on a clipboard. The MAN is dressed very plainly, in a grey suit that suggests he is a businessman. The DEVIL is dressed in a surfer's outfit; blank white shirt and tiedye shorts with flip-flops. There is light new age music playing in the background.>

GARRETT: I've been having nightmares. Deep nightmares that wake me up, but even when my eyes open I'm still in them, ripples fading across the room as if I'd just been submerged, as if I'd just gotten outta water.

DEVIL: I see, well, it appears you are suffering from what I call the 'Saint's Syndrome'. All good people are afflicted with it. It starts with mild dysphoria; day-to-day life becomes a chore, where you feel as if you are constrained by the altruism in your heart. This dysphoria begins to fester, attempting to bridge the surface of your mind. Ultimately, it can begin to gnaw at your psyche, tearing you away from the reality you know. The nightmares you are experiencing are Stage II; if you were to let yourself continue to be a good person, Stage III would kick in and you will go insane.

GARRETT: But, doctor, being a good person is all I've ever known. I grew up going to church and listening to my pastors and preaching the word of G--

<The DEVIL intervenes.>

DEVIL: Do not speak that name! He is the reason you are here, talking to me, instead of him, about your psychological weakness! Do you want my help or not?

<Anger flares in the DEVIL's voice, leaving him seething afterward, glaring at the prone man on the couch as if willing him to be set aflame.>

GARRETT: I apologize, doctor. You see, I don't know how else to be good to another person if all I've ever known is through God. Do you have an answer?

< The MAN sits up, glancing at the DEVIL for pacification.>

DEVIL: It depends on what you want to hear. Your question all rests upon what you decide is worth doing in your human life, what it even means to be human. My answer will be that you are tired of giving, always giving. You never take, you never plunder. History has shown us that man will always need more. He craves whatever he can see in front of him, be it wealth or lust or property, or, even, another person. Or thousands of individuals. You live like a saint without the realization that you are only human, that you have limitations, that taking is just as necessary as giving.

GARRETT: Which do you prefer more, doctor?

<The DEVIL laughs, putting down his clipboard upon the floor.>

DEVIL: Taking, of course.

<The lights disappear for a moment, as the stage shifts. A blazing fire can be heard in the background, but is purposefully kept muted so as to leave the audience questioning. A loud cackle roars across the stage, echoing off the walls. The stage is now fully lit, but fire now rages in the background, and the light that now creates visibility has become blood red.>

GARRETT: Where am I?!

DEVIL: Obviously, you are in Hell.

GARRETT: But I... I have lived my life according to the Bible! I would never come here! You... you're no doctor!

DEVIL: It took you so long to realize it?

<The DEVIL turns to look at the audience, his eyes now glowing red.>

DEVIL: I have taken many forms, but none so... restrictive, as a petty psychologist. Was the outfit not enough of a tip-off, idiot?

GARRETT: I... I figured it was some sort of work-related thing! We do that all the time at the firm...

DEVIL: Idiot. Well, regardless, you're here. The last place you'd expect to be. But that is what life can provide – fortune is fickle. It may favor the bold but in this case, it turned its back on you. Fortune, you see, works not with a two-sided coin but with an infinitely-sided die. Numerous paths and destinations are afforded to every human and he or she never has control. You may say God lead you through life before... but why would he lead you here, if you were so pious? Perhaps a kink in the machine, some sort of humorous cosmic irony? Now, tell me, what do you think being human really means?

GARRETT: Taking... taking. Always taking.

<The DEVIL smirks. The fire rages, and the music which was before new-age becomes death metal.>

DEVIL: Good. You have begun to think for your own. There are no hands guiding you towards your destination anymore. It is all on you.

GARRETT: You didn't let me finish. It's a balance... you stated yourself. We have to do both, 'cuz that's what humans do. We take and take and take, but we can also give. This... dual sense of purpose, that's what makes us who we are.

<The DEVIL grins even more.>

DEVIL: Even better.

<The MAN becomes perplexed.>

GARRETT: What... ? But... didn't you want me to just take? I don't get it.

DEVIL: You have lived too long with your nose in a book whose values are antiquated and dried up. You have listened to two-thousand-year-old men preach to you how to live your life, instead of looking at everything around you and realizing that, maybe, it just doesn't work that way. Yes, I may be the Devil, but I am also a man of reason. I have never been pure evil, no... just freedom of thought. The catalyst that allows you to see the world for what it really is, instead of the sugarcoated path to heaven, whose path is lined with white flowers, whose companions are the sacred angels. No. None of that is true and it's all a fabrication.

GARRETT: But... what do I live by? How do I live? I don't have anything to go off of... I'll lose everything.

DEVIL: My dear Garrett, there is a such thing as believing in human potential. You will always make mistakes, and will continue to do so. But one thing you can believe in is hope. Vain, futile hope, but so long as it keeps you greedy and deranged... it is hope nonetheless.

GARRETT: I've been taught that you live off of how evil we are...

DEVIL: False.

GARRETT: But the Scriptures!

DEVIL: Broken promises.

GARRETT: The Ten Commandments!

DEVIL: Words that steal your soul. Words that put you in a box with no air.

GARRETT: Jesus...

DEVIL: The only man amongst you who could see something worth saving. The rest of you come to me.


DEVIL: An invention.

<The lights disappear, the fire ceases, the death metal fades out and the stage is dark once more.>

SCENE II – Divine Recompense

<Once again two spotlights come from above, highlighting both the MAN and the DEVIL, but this time a soft classical piece plays in the background.>

GARRETT: You've... changed my mind, doctor. I didn't really expect that coming in here. I've never believed in any of this before.

DEVIL: This is what comes from realizing the truth.

<The spotlight disappears from the DEVIL and focuses on the MAN instead. The MAN gets up from the couch to stand up and face the audience.>

GARRETT: Perhaps being human means you mess up, and you learn from it. It doesn't come from a book or going to a church. I guess it comes from experiencing the full spectrum – by being sinful, by doing things that go against the grain of society, and maybe changing what I think to broaden my horizons.

<The spotlight disappears from the MAN and comes back to the DEVIL.>

DEVIL: You humans are so fragile and prone to failure. You latch on to whatever guideline or post-it note that tells you how to live your life despite the fact that being alive means making your own decisions at one point or another. How you revel in limiting the world you see. How you so enjoy putting your hands over your ears, over your eyes, over your mouth, so that no evil could ever get in. The real joy of being human is letting that in... oh, freedom is too good for you fools.

<The curtains come down, just as the DEVIL ends the scene with a prolonged laugh.>


I'm going to be busy with the scriptwriting frenzy this week. The story I'm entering was started outside this contest. I'm still writing and editing it. But if its ineligible, so be it. :) good luck every one.
This will be my first (hopefully of many) submissions for the Writing Challenge. Hoping my slow night at work will spark some ideas.


Only one so far. Either everyone's got really good stories in the works or this is a harder challenge then expected. And there I thought I was going easy; seeing how the last challenge was challenging enough. :D
Ashes1396 said:
Only one so far. Either everyone's got really good stories in the works or this is a harder challenge then expected. And there I thought I was going easy; seeing how the last challenge was challenging enough. :D

I'm a horrible procrastinator. That's why I wasn't in the last challenges.


There's still time... And My one was started before this week so I'm probably out of the running anyhow...


I've had an idea for awhile now, but I just haven't had a chance to write it out. I'll likely write it up Monday night.


man, I fell into the same trap I always fall in. My idea was way too big (drat you Ashes and your great theme). Oh well I sliced off a third. Too bad. Now all I have to do is edit.


Yay! I'm not banned anymore. Damn you, ASOIAF troll.

Oh well, I've learned my lesson and won't wander into threads I shouldn't be going into.

I think I have a pretty decent idea this go around. Of course, I won't be able to type it up until Wednesday night. :( I hope I'll be able to get it done. (If I write it up before I have time to sit down, the actual typing won't take long at all.)


Irish said:
Yay! I'm not banned anymore. Damn you, ASOIAF troll.

Oh well, I've learned my lesson and won't wander into threads I shouldn't be going into.

I think I have a pretty decent idea this go around. Of course, I won't be able to type it up until Wednesday night. :( I hope I'll be able to get it done. (If I write it up before I have time to sit down, the actual typing won't take long at all.)
Welcome back tot he land of the living.


Ashes1396 said:
A day and a half to go and only one entry. Me don't know what to think... :lol
I'm thinking after I'm done editing it's a 50/50 chance of winning. I let them odds.
Ashes1396 said:
A day and a half to go and only one entry. Me don't know what to think... :lol
Well, I've got an entry. I've just got a lot of work to to on the ending before it's worth submitting. Also, I never submit before Wednesday.

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
Lucky Night
Word count: 1792

"Why do you it? Why do you have to kill them?"
"I don't have to."
"But you always do! You bring them home, and play with them, then you..."
"Like a kitten that's caught a bird in its mouth."
"Exactly! Stop smiling! What the hell is so funny about this?"
"You! Your outrage - it's just, like, you care too much! It's silly."
Nix twisted her knuckles inward. Let the anger pass. Breathe out.
"When did you stop caring?"
"I can't remember. Actually I don't think I ever did. Are you going to hit me?"
"Not now Karsha. I have plans tonight."
"Me too. I plan on seeing your Andy, naked!"
"You wouldn't dare!"
Karsha laughed, became an owl, swooped off the roof and into the evening sun.

Andy stepped out of the shower, realized he hadn't rinsed the conditioner out of his hair, and stepped back inside. He was doing that a lot today, forgetting things, putting the milk in the cupboard instead of the fridge, clicking on 'Don't Save' when he meant 'Save' when shutting his computer off. And calling his boss a whore within earshot. That didn't go down well.
A voice came from the other side of the door.
"Hey your phone's going off, shall I get it?"
"Nah, leave it, I'll ring them back."
"What if it's that lovely lady you're seeing tonight?"
"I'll call them back in a minute!"
Ricardo didn't respond.
Andy tilted his head back and let the hot water do its work. He didn't want Ricardo to get his claws into this one, like the other girl he had spent months trying to get to notice him, only to bring her home and lose her within half an hour to Ricardo's Mediterranean charm. This one was way above Andy's league, and when she agreed to meet him again, (this time without the smoke machines, speedcore anthems and strobe lights,) he almost died!
He stepped out of the shower, again and began drying off, when he heard Ricardo on the phone. Oh fuck.
He opened the bathroom door a crack.
"Yes, I will tell him. Yes. Ok, I look forward to meeting you! Bye!"
Andy wrapped himself up and strode up to Ricardo.
"What did I tell you?"
"Hey, you can't leave a girl hanging!"
"That's my phone; I said not to touch it!"
"That's not what you said..."
"I don't care! I've told you before about picking up my calls!"
Andy clumsily marched into his bedroom and rummaged hopefully for some underwear, possibly ones without Marvel characters on.
"She sounded nice, she's very well-spoken..."
"What did she say?"
"She said she's coming over now, and..."
"Now?! I said I'd pick her up! Did you give her our address?"
"Yes, Buckingham Palace, London."
"Funny. Is she getting a taxi?"
"My spy planes say yes!"
"Then you do the Durex Dash while I get ready."
"Oh! We getting lucky tonight?"
"You definitely, me, I can only hope."
"Aww. Well, I need a shower too."
"What for? Are you coming too?"
"Well, I don't want to stay in on a Friday night, and it's Soul Night at the Adelphi!"
"Okay, well, whoever you pick up tonight, take 'em back to their house okay?"
"I got it, I got it!"
Ricardo gave a cheeky grin,
"Now go to shops, and get me some mint Polos too. Take my card."
"Your card? How many johnnys are you going to go through?"
"Thousands! Hurry, she'll be here soon!"
"Adios, senor!"
Ricardo did a silly strut as he left, and saluted before the door closed.
I'll be lucky if I use just one, Andy thought.

The Nix ran fast. If she could save just one, it would make her life mean something. All the years she had lived in this city, all the things she could now do, and yet Karsha always managed to pick her prey and lead them to their end. But tonight she is clearing more rooftops with each footfall than ever. Tonight she'll save one.

Andy checked himself out in Ricardo's full length mirror. He'd realised his own wardrobe was seriously lacking proper clothes. Too many Threadless t-shirts and cheap shapeless jeans. Ricardo had always said he could borrow his stuff, but then Ricardo dressed like a douche. It seemed to work for him though, and his Paul Smith suit fit Andy quite well, however it was a little tight.
He was halfway through his double-Windsor knot when the door knocked.
"No, it's Nicola!"
Oh crap.
"One second!"
The knot wasn't working.
Fuck it.
Andy unlocked the door and with a deep breath, opened it.
"I like your hair!"
"Thanks! Um... may I come in?"
"Oh! Oh yes, sure."
Nicola entered the apartment. It smelled of men. Men and body wash and deodorant and shampoo and toothpaste. Somebody had made an effort. They'd tidied up too, as well as men can tidy.
"This is nice."
"Yeah it's not bad. It's a bit pricey but me and my flatmate share the rent. It's got a nice view."
She went over to the balcony and looked out onto the sun setting behind the marina. Andy was trying to keep calm. Nicola was simply stunning. The last time he saw her at the club she was in black latex, now she looked like summer. She wore a lemon skater dress, and black suede buckled sandals. She had coloured her hair red, which blended into the horizon.
"It's like a postcard!"
"I like it. So what made you decide to come here? I was going to pick you up but Ricardo said you were coming over."
She turned to face him.
"Well, I thought, since you live in the town centre, it'd save you a journey."
"How much was your taxi? I'll give you some money..."
"Don't worry about it."
"Well, I'll sort you out later then."
Nicola's smile burst into a grin. "I'm sure you will!"
Andy blushed.
"I mean for drinks!"
"I gotcha!" She made a gun-finger at him.
For a moment he wished he could reverse time. It's been one of those days. He laughed nervously.
"What's up?"
"Um, I don't do this much, like, at all."
"Yeah, I mean, once I've got a few drinks down me, I'm good, but..."
She marched over to him.
"Hold your arms out sideways."
"Hold your arms out!" She lifted them up. Then embraced him.
"Don't worry about a thing, we're going to have a fun night, you're going to get drunk, I'm going to end up dancing on tables, and during the course of the evening we'll get to know each other better. Hug me and chill out."
He did, feeling awkward and stupid but so happy he was pressing against her. She smelled delicious.

Suddenly the front door opened.
"I got you a box of 12, amigo!’Super fine for even greater feeling!' Oh hi there my name is Ricardo!"
Andy groaned.
Nicola broke the embrace and extended her hand.
"I'm Nicola; it's nice to meet you."
"Ah yes, we spoke on the phone."
"Did we?"
"I'm teasing, there's no mistaking that accent!"
"I'm from Spain, I come live with Andy, he is my lover!"
Nicola glanced at Andy. Andy glared at Ricardo.
"Haha! Now I am teasing you!"
Andy noticed Ricardo always turned his accent up a notch when with strangers, for some reason.
"You had me there for a second, Ricardo!" She rolled the 'r' in his name.
Andy felt like the beta-male again.
"I think we should be off, I want to get a few drinks in before the Friday crush."
"Aww, you will not stay for a little while?"
"I think Andy wants to get me drunk." She winked.
"Ah! So you'll be needing these!" Ricardo tossed the condoms at Andy's face. Nicola snatched them out of the air.
"Not the whole lot!"
Andy's face went hot and he wanted God to make him disappear.
"You're such a douche, Ricardo."
"Thank you, here's your mints and your card. I emptied your account!"
"You're a dead man if you did!"
"Adios my friends! Have fun!"
Nicole waved as she was being dragged out the door.
"Oh, Andy!"
"Yes Ricardo?"
"Don't crap in my pants!"
"Thank you Ricardo."
Andy was glad to close the door.

Ricardo chuckled to himself and raided the fridge for a beer. He wondered if he should tell Andy he liked boys as well as girls; that would certainly change things. He took a big gulp.

Suddenly there was a hammering at the front door. Ricardo almost choked and dropped his beer.
The door shot open. In the frame was a young lady, out of breath, sweating, her sea-green eyes large and fixed on Ricardo.
"Where's Andy?"
"Whoa now!"
"Where is he?"
"He's out!"
She ran over to Ricardo, her long brown hair sticking to her neck.
"You're Ricardo? We spoke on the phone. Is he alone?"
"Who are you?"
"Ni... Nicola. Please, did he say where he was going?"
"Come on, I need to know!"
"The other girl was Nicola!"
Nix's seven hundred year old heart sank.
"Oh god."
"Who are you? What's going on?"
"Did this other girl have red hair?"
Nix was close to tears.
"What are you saying? I do not understand, who is with Andy?"

"I think it's going to be a good night, Andy"
"A good good night?" he started to sing.
"Not that song please! Where are we headed?"
"Somewhere with a beer garden, it's quite warm, and the stars are coming out, it'll be nice"
"Lead the way."

"Ricardo, please, expect the worst."
"What are you saying?"
"I need to go, while I can still feel her"
The Nix ran to the balcony and vaulted over.

"Andy, I need to go."
"But we haven't gone anywhere yet!"
"No, no, I mean I need to GO!" Karsha crossed her legs.
"Oh! Well, the pub is a down the next street, can you hold it?"
She shook her head. He pointed down a side street behind a restaurant.
"Umm, it's dark down there. I suppose it'll be okay for you"
"Come with me. Be my lookout."

Nix was so tired. Her legs burned. The scent of men was thick in the air. Men and honeysuckle, old beer, cigarettes, and demons.

"I thought you needed to go?" Andy asked, looking up at the full moon.
There was no reply.

Something large and black bit into his face.

Nix heard the scream. She burst into tears.
She leapt onto the rooftops to see what looked like a giant panther, with a horrible, contorted face.

Karsha pounced away, Andy's remains flapping in her maw.

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
I've been given some crit already by my friends for this which I was going to apply but I'm away tomorrow. The main things being the tennis-style dialogue and it being part of a larger story rather than self-contained, but I like keeping the supernatural characters ambiguous. With a bit more time I could probably make it flow better, but I haven't written anything for YEARS. What do you think?
Jill Sandwich said:
I've been given some crit already by my friends for this which I was going to apply but I'm away tomorrow. The main things being the tennis-style dialogue and it being part of a larger story rather than self-contained, but I like keeping the supernatural characters ambiguous. With a bit more time I could probably make it flow better, but I haven't written anything for YEARS. What do you think?

This group hates dialogue so good luck =P


I dont think I'm gonna make it. I tried 3 times to write what I wanted and each time it came out like crap. I was going for a long depiction of a woman's anatomy from her hair to her eyes, mouth, body, etc and slowly taper it into the telling of a serial killer (the villain) looking over his prize. I just couldn't get it to come out right and couldn't make it not seem boring and cliche. Alas, here it is Tuesday and I've still got a blank page. We'll see if inspiration strikes again between work, soccer practice, homework and family time.


In a nondescript field there was a collapsed barn. Rusted corrugated metal sheets and burnt wood all piled on top of each other in a mess of ruin. Under the barn a rat with glasses walked up a row of tiny beds. Each bed held an injured animal. Hedgehogs in white coats scurried around checking the patients and occasionally consulted with the rat as it made its rounds. A sense or stress hung in the air. It was several seconds before someone noticed the Hobkin entering with a huge rabbit behind him. The Hobkin was hooded in a thread bare black cloak, only his bumpy large nose, which denoted him as a Hobkin, was visible.

"Sir, unless you're injured you'll have to leave." One of the hedgehogs said turning to the Hobkin and rabbit.

The rat placed a hand on the hedgehog's shoulder and stepped forward eyeing the strangers. A mixture of fear and surprise flashed on the rat's face for a brief second. The rat reached up, removed his glasses and began cleaning them.

"There have been a lot of rainbows lately." The rat said holding up his glasses to inspect their cleanliness.

"I'm trying to stop them, not make them." The Hobkin replied.

The rat slid his glasses up to his nose and surveyed the pair standing in front of him for a few seconds before saying, "Come to my office."

The trio made their way to a small room in a corner. A plank of wood hoisted on two rusted screws served as the rat's desk. Another plank was the examining table. The rat gestured at two thimbles that were used as chairs.

"You know Ryan, taking Lancelot with you undoes the effect of your disguise." The rat said walking towards a shelf with a kettle on it.

The Hobkin reached up and removed his cloak and the fake nose and put it in a pocket. Instead of a Hobkin a leprechaun stood in front of the rat.

"I gotta have some protection Oslo. Who knows what kind of rabble your hospital is treating." The leprechaun said sitting while the rabbit began examining the room.

The rat poured some tea into a cup and asked, "Tea? My secretary's gone today. She makes it much better than I do, but I'm not so bad myself."

"No thanks." The leprechaun replied.

"No. But if you have any of those mushrooms you give to injured animals I'll take some of those." Lancelot said looking at a stack of books his long ears twitching.

"Are you hurt?" Oslo said returning to the desk.

"Will I get more if I say I am?" Lancelot smiled.

"I guess not." Oslo sighed pointing to a shelf on the wall.

Lancelot lumbered over to the shelf. "Much obliged." he said as he stuffed some of the dried mushrooms into his pocket and popped one in his mouth.

"So what do you want Ryan?" Oslo said turning his small eyes to the leprechaun.

"I know you're the raven king's favorite doctor. I know you know where he is. I need to know." Ryan replied.


"He has knowledge I need."

"I can imagine. They say the raven king can tell the future. Everyone wants to see him. Sorry Ryan, we might've grown up together, but you're going to have to do better than that." Oslo said taking a sip of his tea.

"I need him to accomplish what I'm doing." Ryan said leaning forward.

"And what is that Ryan?" Oslo set his teacup down hard on the desk, "There have been a lot of rainbows lately, a lot of leprechauns being killed and reborn. The Elder Gods council is in a frenzy. One of them is missing and they're on the verge of war. And somehow your name keeps coming up in all this. What is it you're trying to accomplish?" Oslo said annoyed.

Ryan sighed and thought for a moment, "I don't suppose you'll help me unless I tell you."


Lancelot came back from the medicine shelf and plopped down on a thimble contented.

"I want to kill the Elder Gods." Ryan replied.

There was a small clink as Oslo nearly dropped his cup.

"You...you wouldn't." The rat said regaining composure.

"I would."

"You can't."

"I have. You know that Elder God that went missing?" Ryan said leaning back in his thimble, "I killed him."

"What? How?" Oslo said setting his teacup down.

Ryan reached into a pocket and drew out a golden dagger. The look on Oslo's face told told Ryan that Oslo knew what the knife was. The golden dagger was a creation of the Elder Gods; it was able to kill any immortal thing. Ryan had been given one. As a rainbow maker it was his job to end the lives of leprechauns so they could be reborn at the behest of the Elder God council. In actuality Ryan had two golden daggers, he had taken one from the rainbow maker that was sent to kill him, but Ryan decided against divulging that information.

Oslo looked up at Ryan as if seeing him for the first time, "Why? Why would you want to do that? Without the Elder council all leprechauns and immortal creatures will become"

"Mortal." Ryan finished.

"Why would you want that?" Oslo asked.

"It is not enough to live and die and be reborn under command of the Elder Council." Ryan said as he slipped the dagger back to its hiding place and continued, "For thousands of years our lives have been dictated by the council. We all deserve to live as you do, free to make our own choices, to live our own lives."

"But it is said that immortal creatures have too much knowledge, too much power to live as they wish. They'd be like the humans and we know how that turned out. For years the council has tried to create religions to bring them under control to no avail." Oslo countered.

Ryan stood and began to pace as he replied. "And that was said by the elder council. They want to control our power. We wouldn't be as the humans, we're smarter than that. All I want is the freedom for all of us to live freely."

"But Ryan, if you kill the Elder council, you'll be mortal. You'll die. All leprechauns will die and not to be reborn."

"This is not living. We are not 'alive'." Ryan said his voice despondent.

Oslo eyed the large rabbit sitting in front of him. Lancelot pulled out another mushroom and tossed it in his mouth.

"And you want to find the Raven King because he knows where the Elder Council is." Oslo looked at Ryan.

"Yes." Ryan replied.

"Why do you think I would help you?"

"You know why as well as I do." Ryan said self assured.

Oslo said nothing. Ryan was right. Ever since Oslo's wife and children had died in a fire set by fairies Oslo had hated immortal creatures. The fairies had set the fire to play with. They were immortal and of course didn't need to fear any negative outcome from the fire, all they could think of was what would burn well. The barn burned well. Oslo had been away at medical school when it had happened. He tried to pursue charges against the fairies but they didn't understand. How could they? They had no notion of death. Oslo hated immortal creatures since then, they had no place existing in nature. They were too dangerous to live amongst the mortals. Oslo had said many times that either the immortals would have to leave or the mortals would. Now Ryan gave him a chance to do that. His eyes narrowed, he could see how careful Ryan had been in selecting him.

"I'm trying to make it right. Make it right not just for you, but for all of us. I don't like the idea of killing them any more than you do. But, think of it Oslo, a world where everyone is equal. It's been your dream as much as mine. Help me make it reality." Ryan said in a practiced tone.

Oslo studied the leprechaun silently for several seconds then spoke to the rabbit.

"And you? What do you want out of all this?" Oslo asked.

"Me?" Lancelot didn't stop popping mushrooms in his mouth as he spoke, "Rabbits don't live very long do they? Most of them's caught up in trying to get as many kids and food as they bloody well can. I want more to life than that. 'Zis no secret. My time is for sale for who can give me the best adventure. Everyone's got to die sometime...well almost everyone, and when I do I want to have lived life to the fullest. That's all."

Lancelot's rough words dripped like honey in Oslo's ears.

"Everyone's got to die sometime." Oslo repeated quietly. He could see the trap Ryan had set for him, but seeing a trap did not mean one could escape it. He thought of his wife and children burned to death just a few feet from where he sat. He had tried converting the ruined barn to a hospital to bring healing to others in honor of his beloved's death. Now Oslo began to realize he had gone about it wrong. All the lives he saved would still eventually end. He would repay death with death.

Oslo drew out a piece of paper and began writing. "Here are the directions to get to the Raven King." He said and handed the paper to Ryan who took it with a smile.

"Thank you." Ryan said with a slight bow. "Lancelot, let's go."

The rabbit got up and turned to leave. Ryan fastened his fake nose back on and lifted his hood as he made for the door.

"Ryan," Oslo called out. "One more question."

Ryan didn't turn but simply stopped.

"I know you too well. You wouldn't have told me all of this, then left me alive to talk about it." Oslo stood, his voice shook with emotion, "How-How long do I have to live?"

"A few hours. Perhaps a day." Ryan replied without turning his voice devoid of emotion. "I killed your secretary last night and poisoned your tea. Death will be as painless as it is certain."

Oslo sighed and sat back on his chair. He watched as a fake Hobkin and a huge rabbit left his office. After a few seconds of silence the rat picked up his teacup.

"Everyone's got to die sometime...Everyone." he muttered with a slight smile and took a drink.
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